Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 62 Kaido’s dragon scales, mysterious voice (please subscribe for updates)

Just kidding, Kaido and his transformed dragon can control wind, fire, thunder and lightning, and control wind and rain.

Moreover, after arriving in the world of Azeroth, Rhodes and Kaido have already tested it. The sea water here cannot harm Devil Fruit users. They can soak in the sea without any problems.

Therefore, in the world of Azeroth, the power of the fish fruit green dragon form is a truly perfect replica of the legendary dragon, possessing all the abilities.

"You can manipulate the elemental power of nature, right? Just like those shamans." Sylvanas asked.

If you want to manipulate the power of the elements, mages can do it, warlocks can do it, and shamans can do it. Shamans borrow power by communicating with the spirits of the elements.

Mages use arcane energy to drive the frost and fire in nature, while warlocks rely on evil magic.

Creatures themselves can manipulate the power of nature. Only some elemental creatures and special life forms, such as dragons, wild demigods, or the Loa gods worshiped by trolls.

The giant in the sky in front of her brought Sylvanas a sense of oppression that was not even much smaller than that of Archimonde.

The armor made from his scales will definitely be quite powerful.

"Alright Kaido! Get some scales quickly and let's test it out." Rhodes shouted loudly towards Kaido in the sky.

"It's really troublesome! Wait a minute." Kaido used a dragon claw to cover the armed color Haki, the Overlord color Haki, and the newly learned anger, and lightly scratched his body, a dozen huge blue pieces The dragon scales fell down.

Now that his defense has improved a bit, even if he wants to injure himself, it is a bit difficult. It must be covered by the power of armed Haki, Overlord Haki, and anger.

Each piece of dragon scale is more than half a meter in diameter, extremely huge, after falling to the ground! These dragon scales maintain their original perfection and smoothness, and have not changed much.

Kaido was a little surprised when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that in this world, after his Devil Fruit transformation, the scales of his dragon form would not turn into the original human skin flakes?

"Okay, father-in-law, do you think it's okay? I'll tell you this will work. Okay, now let's transform back into human form!" Rhodes nodded with great satisfaction and said.

Now we have the tools to make armor. These dozen large scales should be enough to make several pieces of armor. Get one for Sylvanas, one for yourself, and one for Yamato.

As for Kaido himself, he doesn’t need this kind of thing, but it’s time to add some magic resistance to Kaido. Kaido’s physical defense is full, but his magic defense still needs to be improved.

The huge dragon in the sky raised its head and looked at the sky at this moment, and then slowly closed its eyes.

Rhodes below is a little confused, what is Kaido doing? Why don't you come down quickly?

At this time, lightning and thunder suddenly began to thunder in the sky, and the lightning struck down crazily. There was a sound of thunder in the entire sky, and huge dark clouds began to appear, covering the entire Tirisfal Woodland.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Thunder and lightning in the sky continued to strike, and Kaido's transformed giant dragon raised his head as if breathing something.

"I feel that there is a very large amount of arcane energy gathering, and it is gathering towards the life similar to the flying dragon in the clouds." The blood elf mage standing next to Sylvanas said.

Time passed slowly, and Kaido was still hovering in the sky. The huge dragon head seemed to frown, as if he was unwilling to do so.

Finally, he sighed helplessly, then returned to the ground, changing into Kaido's appearance again.

"Damn it, just a little bit, just a little bit, I will be able to hear that voice and realize new power." Kaido punched the ground with his fist and said angrily, causing the whole hillside to shake. .

"What happened? Kaido! What did you mean by what you just said?" Rhodes said.

"When I just transformed and flew into the sky, it seemed as if I was about to hear a voice, and then I felt a new energy that seemed to want to enter my body. I tried to absorb it, but the evil spirit in my body The power of energy is very resistant, and this energy cannot enter my body," Kaido said.

It seems like you heard a voice and felt a new energy entering your body, but it was blocked by your evil power?

The special energy should be Olympiad energy. Arcane energy comes from order. Energy and evil energy are opposite to each other, but evil energy is the nemesis of arcane energy. Sargeras used the power of evil energy to destroy the entire Pantheon in one fell swoop.

You must know that under the gang fight of six Titans, even Sargeras, the most powerful warrior in the Pantheon, would not be able to withstand it.

But you can't say that arcane energy is worse than the power of evil. When faced with other forces, it is sometimes better than evil.

As for the voice Kaido heard, it couldn't be some kind of demon!

Kil'jaeden's Burning Legion uses a magical method to capture creatures. These guys aren't targeting Kaido, right?

"Kaido, what did that voice say to you? What did it probably convey to you?" Rhodes asked.

"It seems, it seems to be a woman's voice. I used all my power to capture the sound of her voice. It seemed that the whole world was filled with her voice, but it seemed to be extremely silent." Kaido touched his chin. , said.

"What? Are you sure it's a female voice and not a demon's voice that is bewitching you?" Rhodes asked.

"I'm pretty sure it's not. I know the kind of demonic creature you are talking about. You also told me that with my overlord-colored domineering energy and my knowledge-colored domineering spirit, I can feel that this existence is very strong, very powerful. But I don’t know why, he is right in front of me, but I can’t see or touch him,” Kaido said.

This is strange. In the world of Azeroth, I also transformed into a dragon form when I was in Orgrimmar. Why didn't I hear the sound you mentioned?

As if he guessed what Rhodes was thinking, Kaido spoke.

"Your boy's power of seeing and hearing is still too weak. Let's wait until you can predict the future first! Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to even capture this voice." Kaido said.

Hearing this, Rhodes frowned, wait! A woman's voice is very powerful. Her presence can be clearly felt, but she cannot be seen or touched!

No way, no way, it can’t be this young lady, right? It can't be Ai Jiang, right?

The star soul of Azeroth has not yet been born, the life form that has not yet been born on the planet Azeroth. It is originally designed to be the most powerful Titan. As long as it is born, its strength will far exceed that of Sargeras.

Could it be that the voice Kaido heard was the planet soul of Azeroth? Just now, the soul of the planet was inducing the arcane energy between heaven and earth to enter Kaido's body, but it failed because of the power of evil energy.

"Did she convey any message to you? Kaido?" Rhodes asked.

Still can't be careless, the Burning Legion used some methods to deceive the orcs, making the orc warlock Ner'zhul think that he had received the call of his wife from the ancestor spirit, but in fact it was the whisper of the devil.

However, with Kaido's current combat power, if he wanted to invade Kaido's spirit, Sargeras would have to do it himself.

Although Kaido's magic resistance is very weak, his mental energy is not bad at all.

"How do I know what she said? If I heard it clearly, I wouldn't be confused. Maybe when my knowledge and knowledge reaches a higher level and I can listen to all things, I can hear her clearly. What's wrong?" Kaido said.

After cultivating the power of seeing and hearing to the extreme, you can listen to the sounds of all things, even the sounds of the planet.

"Let's not worry about this for now. I gave you the scales. Do you want anything else?" Kaido asked.

"That's all for now! I'll take these materials and show them to the forging masters. I plan to make three pieces of armor, one for me, one for Yamato, and one for Banshee King Sylvanas. If there are any more Let’s talk about the rest,” Rhodes said.

"It's up to you! If the quality is good, I will give one to each of the senior members of the Beast Pirates!" Kaido said.

After saying that, Kaido stood up, took the transformation potion handed over by Rhodes, turned into a two-meter figure, and went to the Undercity to rest.

After all, with Kaido's original size, there is no place for him to live in the Undercity. If he wants to live there, he can only take the transformation potion.

"I'm still very much looking forward to it. How are you guys coming over to see the texture of these scales?" Sylvanas ordered her subordinates, a group of dwarf Forsaken blacksmiths, and blood elf mages to start inspecting these scales.

A group of people were forgotten. The dwarf took a hammer and hammered the dragon scale materials, and then started various experiments. Afterwards, he looked surprised.

"A very good material. The texture is very hard, far better than some ordinary dragon scales. It can be used to forge both weapons and armor."

"It can write magic lines, and can also be enchanted and carved. It is a top-quality material."

"It would be a pity if we could bring these top-quality dragon scales to Ironforge and get better forgings." A Forgotten dwarf said.

The blacksmith shop in the Undercity is barely usable. It is much worse than the one in Ironforge. Moreover, after becoming the Forsaken, their ability to withstand high temperatures is also much worse, and there is also a problem when forging weapons. Many constraints.

It's a pity that they can never go back. Now they are the forgotten ones.

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