Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 63: Study the Holy Light, the Scarlet Crusade, or Lafayette? (Please subscribe for updates)

"How many protective gears can be made?" Sylvanas asked.

"With a dozen dragon scales, four pieces of armor can be made." The dwarf blacksmith stepped forward and counted the materials and said.

"Then forge two women's and one men's. One is about the same size as me, and one is about the same size as that little white-haired girl over there. For men, just refer to Rhodes. There is also a piece of armor. What do you want to design? Style?" Sylvanas looked at Rhodes and said.

"Similarly follow my style. I'll keep a spare set." Rhodes touched his chin and said.

If there is one more thing, I will use it as a spare!

"I know! You heard that the other one will be made according to Rhodes's style. After you complete the forging, hand it over to these blood elf mages and let them do the enchanting carvings and inlaying of gems." Hill Vanas spoke.

Several dwarf blacksmiths nodded and immediately planned to carry the dragon scales back and start working on the furnace.

"Please wait a moment, Ranger General." At this moment, a blood elf mage suddenly spoke.

"Call me Queen. I am the Banshee King now, not a ranger general. What do you want?" Sylvanas frowned and said.

"If possible, can you give us a piece of armor as a blood elf clan? We will use the best materials to enchant and carve these armors, and the inlaid gems will also be from the collection of Quel'Thalas." The elf mage spoke.

This time the materials are really perfect. If done properly, you can make legendary level armor. If you bring one back to the Regent, the Regent will definitely be very happy.

So he had some thoughts and wanted to get some armor.

"Oh! It's a pity that this thing is not mine. You also heard it, Rhodes. What are your plans?" Sylvanas looked at Rhodes, smiled slightly and asked.

"It's not impossible to give you one, but if I find good materials in the future, I will need your blood elves' help." Rhodes touched his chin and said.

It is also beneficial to make friends with the blood elves. In the future, you can follow them to promote Kaizi, and then ask the blood elves to sell you a favor.

The magic craftsmanship of the elves is very good, and they have even produced some high-tech magic gadgets such as arcane puppets.

It will still be of great help to me in the future. Anyway, Kaido will have as many dragon scales as possible in the future. Even after he becomes stronger, he can pick off some dragon scales at any time.

This thing is nothing more than skin flakes, and is worthless to Kaido and Rhodes.

"That's no problem. I can personally agree to your request. I am one of the top enchantment carvers in the entire Silvermoon City of Quel'Thalas." The male blood elf mage smiled and said.

This matter was not difficult for him.

"Then let's deal with Mr. Mage. I don't know your surname!" Rhodes asked.

"Lucis Starlight, you can just call me Lucis." Lucis said.

"Then I will trouble you in the next period of time. I will enchant and engrave these pieces of armor, as well as inlay the jewelry. When your work is completed, the other piece of armor will be given to you as reward." Rhodes said. said.

"I am very happy to serve you, sir!" Lucis said.

It was also his honor to be able to enchant and carve superior magic armor so that he could improve his skills.

Rhodes nodded and returned to the Undercity with Sylvanas. The rest of the time was waiting.

Kaido and his daughter had already gone for daily sparring, while Runti stayed and looked at Rhodes.

"Rod! Did you say before that Xiaorun came here with a special mission? Why is Xiaorun still following you now? Nothing happened." Runti said.

I clearly promised that I would come here on a special mission, but in the end I just wandered around with the eldest lady, and I had to watch out for you, a bastard, every night.

But there are benefits. Xiaorun has also learned the energy called anger, and his strength has increased a lot. After returning, he will give it to little Peggy Wan.

"How could I forget you? When you arrive in the Undercity, it's time for you to show your talents. Next, I will arrange an identity for you. You have to go to a place called the Scarlet Cathedral, join the Scarlet Crusade organization there, and then become A paladin, this is your next mission," Rhodes said.

Among the Lingkong Six, Rhodes did not plan to let all of them accept the transformation of evil energy, but planned to let them learn other powers. Runti, Rhodes planned to send them to the Scarlet Crusade.

"Scarlet Crusaders! Do you want her to learn how to use the Holy Light?" Sylvanas glanced at Runti and asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Yes, I want her to learn Holy Light Energy to see if he can accept it. Runti's physical fitness is very strong and should be accepted by these Scarlet Crusaders." Rhodes said.

In fact, sending Run to go undercover in advance was a helpless move. Among the Lingkong Six, only the brother and sister Pei Jiwan and Runti were of the same size. They were not considered monsters in the world of Azeroth.

The Red Flag Drake who will join in the future is also about the same size, but that guy is a big undercover, as for the others.

The eight-meter-tall beauty Black Maria couldn't do it. The figures of the others would be monster-level in the world of Azeroth, so they probably wouldn't be liked by the Scarlet Crusaders.

As for why Peggy Wan was not chosen, it is because Runti is stronger, and in the form of Pachycephalosaurus, it can also be hidden as a big killer.

With Runti's current combat power, they would not refuse to take the initiative to join the Scarlet Crusade.

"Rod, what kind of holy light energy do you want Xiaorun to learn?" Runti said.

"That's right, if you want to learn how to use Holy Light energy, it's best to become a Paladin. It would be even better if you can achieve a higher status in the Scarlet Crusade." Rhodes said.

With Runti's strength, if he can control the power of the Holy Light, he will undoubtedly be the most powerful one among the Scarlet Crusade. Who will control him anyway? If not, you can be controlled by me!

Runti is not a reckless girl. On the contrary, she is very smart. Otherwise, she would not have had the courage to eat Kaido's Devil Fruit at a very young age.

There are no weaklings who can grow up in an environment like the Beasts Pirates.

"Being an undercover agent is time-consuming, right? Why don't you go by yourself, you bastard? Damn it!" Runti said with great dissatisfaction.

"Be obedient, if you are willing to go, the next time I come over, I will bring your brother Peggy Wan over. After you achieve a high status there, I will send Peggy Wan over and let you train him well. , This is what Boss Kaido means," Rhodes said.

As soon as this move came out, Runti was immediately hit at the critical point, and he was immediately subdued.

"Then we have agreed that you must not lie to Xiaorun, otherwise Xiaorun will definitely let you know how powerful he is." Runti clenched her fists and said.

Forget it, it's better to stay away from this guy, otherwise you have to worry about him taking action against you every night.

"Don't worry! I won't lie to you when I lie to anyone. Sylvanas, please help collect some materials about the Scarlet Crusade and the specific location of the Scarlet Crusade. I plan to let Runti go there." Rhodes said.

"Speaking of the Scarlet Crusade, we, the Forsaken, are old rivals. The former Grand Prosecutor Whitemane died in our hands, but are you sure you want her to go to the Scarlet Crusade?

If you want to become a Paladin, I actually have a better recommendation. The Scarlet Crusaders are a bunch of fanatics, and those guys are very bad. Your friends look weird and will not be accepted. "Sylvanas said.

The Scarlet Crusaders reject all races except humans. This girl has two horns on her head and can transform into a dinosaur.

She would not be accepted by the Scarlet Crusade, Sylvanas was sure of this.

"Oh! Who is the other candidate you mentioned?" Rhodes asked.

"This person is Tirion Fordring. He has recently resurfaced and taken over Hearthglen. He is also recruiting aspiring people to train as Paladins in preparation for the future counterattack against the Lich King.

He even accepts orcs.

Tirion Fordring's strength is not inferior to that of the former great lord Mograine, or Uther the Lightbringer. They are both the first generation of human paladins. "Sylvanas said.

Rhodes was also surprised when he heard this, but he had forgotten about this person.

Depend on! Lafayette, this Lao Deng is famous among the player community!

The leader of Icecrown Citadel's golden group, he paddled through the ice the whole time, and finally the group was wiped out when he came out, and he also defeated the player's invincible Lao Deng.

Needless to say, he is very capable, and he is very willing to recruit all kinds of apprentices.

As long as you are willing to fight against the Scourge, he will accept you even if you are an orc.

If it weren't for the fact that Lafayette hadn't left the mountain yet, Rhodes would have planned to become his disciple.

By worshiping Lafayette as my teacher, I can indeed learn a more powerful way of Holy Light, but I want to conquer the Scarlet Crusade.

"The Scarlet Crusade is a group of fanatics, and it's not as easy to conquer as you think, even if you become their top brass, these guys have no brains.

Moreover, they are now gathered under the command of General Abidis, and their combat effectiveness is not very good! Give up this idea as soon as possible! Queen Xi said.

My forgotten people are better than these gangs of gangsters. It’s not good to fall in love with anyone. If I fall in love with them, I’ll be embarrassed.

They are my mortal enemies! And you, a person who plays with evil energy, want to be their boss, are you making a mistake?

Therefore, Sylvanas will do her best to prevent this matter.

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