Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1018: : Mana Protector

Five days have passed since the Nichinan army projected the corpses. Those corpses were already buried, and those that could not be buried were burned on the spot. Wu Yi had done everything that could be done to avoid the outbreak of the plague.

However, those who should have come will still come. Walking on the street, the coughing became more and more. At first, Wu Yi didn't care much.

However, coughing was only the first step. In the next short day, many people in the city shivered and passed out, short of breath, and often lost their lives in their sleep.

This kind of situation is not many, more often, not only the symptoms mentioned above appear, but the whole body is covered with ecchymosis, the body tissues begin to ulcerate and become unsightly, and then in great pain, life dies.

After hearing the news from his subordinates, Wu Yi understood that this plague was the plague! The lethality rate of plague is extremely high!

Why is the plague? Wu Yi also understands that there is a shortage of food in the city. To save food, many people go to catch rats for food when nothing is wrong. People have nothing to eat. Rats are naturally even more so. Hungry rats will eat them. Everything they saw, even if it was flesh and blood of unknown origin.

Rats ate the unclean flesh and blood, and people ate rat meat again, and the disease spread like this. Wu Yi had previously anticipated the plague and ordered it to go down. Remember not to eat rat meat.

It’s just that it’s easy to issue orders, it’s difficult to make people obey, and they get hungry. Even their hands want to roast and eat. Even if they drink poison to quench their thirst, many people think they can stick to the past.

It can be said that the filth carried in the corpses thrown by the Nichinan army is nothing but the inducement of the plague, and the lack of food is the real cause of the epidemic.

Without the plague, there will be other epidemics.

The plague was fierce. Within the sixth day, hundreds of people lost their lives in just one day. Wu Yi hurriedly arranged to isolate the patients and have their bodies burned to prevent the plague from spreading.

On the second day when the order was passed down, three hundred people died, and the number of people who were sick in the city was as high as a thousand people, and this number did not slow down at all, increasing exponentially.

The people in the city were panicked and hid in their homes. The plague was extremely dangerous. Many people died in the homes, and the neighbors were only able to deal with them after they noticed the decay of the corpse.

The black smoke that burns corpses every day is endless. In the first few days, there was still manpower to maintain order and move the corpses. After that, no one dared to approach the patients anymore.

Lack of doctors, lack of medicine, lack of drinking water where food has been cleaned, and even firewood for boiling water are rare.

Under such circumstances, how can we fight the epidemic?

Wu Yi hadn't closed his eyes for several nights. However, nothing changed. The number of residents in the city, including those who died alone, had exceeded a thousand, and Sirius City had added those hidden invisible at this moment. People are just worth more than ten thousand people. One in ten deaths and half of them are sick.

At this moment, the order of Sirius City collapsed! Robbery, rape, arson, massacre, all kinds of atrocities, are endless, like the end of the world. 31

The Dynasty could not save the people under her rule. Everyone could only be forced to save themselves. They tried to escape from Sirius City. However, everyone was forced back by the ruthless arrow rain of the Nichinan tribe, almost like leeks. Looking at the wheel of the land for harvesting, Wu Yi's heart felt like a knife from afar.

However, at this moment, what right does Wu Yi have to sympathize with others? He also suffered from a high fever, and now, it can be said that half of his foot has entered the ghost gate!

It was day and night, Wu Yi's condition worsened, everyone stayed away from him, partly stayed away automatically, and partly was scolded by Wu Yi.

It’s ridiculous that he was going to die in such a stubborn way, even if he didn’t look at the fortune chart, Wu Yi could feel that his own qi was falling rapidly, and his spirit was also disappearing. The whole person’s consciousness, All became a little groggy.

When she was confused, she vaguely saw a figure, like Gu Qingyue, but she should have been scolded away by herself. Why did she come? This was Wu Yi's last thought before she fell into a coma.

Suffering from the plague, Wu Yi was obviously hot, but he felt as if he had fallen into an endless ice heart. The body convulsed unconsciously, and bright red and dazzling bruises emerged. At first, they were bright red but turned black.

In a coma, he felt extremely difficult to breathe, almost suffocating to death, just like a person falling into the water, Wu Yi breathed in big mouths, but not only did not work, but it seemed like inhaling a foreign body, and even his throat was also blocked. When Wu Yi was in a coma, he coughed loudly, coughing out countless blood, and his whole body was nearly collapsed.

The last person Wu Yi saw before she fell into a coma was indeed Gu Qingyue. She knew that she could only rely on Wu Yi to solve the predicament, so when others chose to flee the city, she chose to go retrograde. Wu Yi was right before. She said that the siege of the northern captives lasted for three months and short for more than a month. She still didn't understand the reason for it? How could Wu Yi die so easily.

At first, Gu Qingyue wiped Wu Yi's cold sweat with a towel, but later, Wu Yi coughed up blood, even involving the previous wounds cracking, Gu Qingyue couldn't do anything except cry.

Does the place where she lives, her wish for revival, just disappear forever? In the future, Sirius City will become synonymous with death in people's eyes!

Gu Qingyue felt extremely sad about this!

However, just when Gu Qingyue's thoughts were lost, she felt in a daze, she felt that Wu Yi's body was born with golden light. At first, she thought it was dazzling and rubbed her eyes, but she was enveloped in Wu Yi's body. Not only did the light fade away, but it became more dazzling.

Gu Qingyue covered her lips in disbelief. What happened? Is it possible that there are gods who secretly protect the people in front of you?

Of course not, this change is actually Wu Yi's own mana protecting the Lord! Remove the virus automatically.

Many people may ask, isn’t Wu Yi’s magic power limited by his humanity and luck, so it’s difficult to use it? Why does it appear at this moment.

In fact, there is no contradiction between the two. Humane air luck does suppress the extraordinary, but at this moment, the humane air luck that suppresses Wu Yi is close to nothing.

In fact, when the order of the Wolf City collapsed, Wu Yi could use his power, but he didn't try it. At this moment, the body spontaneously protects the Lord, and it is considered Wu Yi's fate.

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