Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1019: :get well

Although the plague was strong, it was vulnerable to Wu Yi's century-old mana. With Wu Yi's cultivation in the sky, his muscles and bones were broken, his limbs were broken, and he could be restored to his original state, not to mention an ordinary plague.

When the mana was unblocked, not only did the epidemic subsided in a short period of time, but at the same time, Wu Yi's previous severe injuries quickly returned to normal.

Of course, at this moment, this body is still Chen Yan's, a mortal body, even after cutting the marrow and washing the muscles, it has not reached the level of a monk.

The mana spontaneously protects the Lord, and it only restores him to his original shape. There is no body with a sea of ​​energy. After the mana wanders around, it fades again and returns to the identity token.

Some feel light and healthy, but the body hasn't changed much in nature.

The light on Wu Yi's body, with the retreat of mana, returned to nothingness, and the duration was extremely short. After all, the plague and fractures were not a big problem.

Gu Qingyue, who was on the side, had already stared at things beyond her comprehension. In the past, she had only heard it among the storytellers. It happened to her for the first time at this moment. How could she not surprise her? I couldn't help but think of monsters and ghosts. Go up.

Before walking in the world with a humane attitude, the transcendents were not seen at all, not that they did not, but under the oppression of the Huanghuang Universiade, the transcendents did not dare to approach Wu Yi.

At this moment, there is no order in Sirius City. As far as humanity is concerned, without order, there is no such thing as humanity, so Wu Yi's brilliant luck is approaching nothing.

The advantage is that Wu Yi can use part of his mana, but he must be careful not to exceed the limits of this body. The disadvantage is as mentioned before. Without the protection of luck, the offensive from the transcendent level will continue to sweep in. .

Not long after the mana dissipated, Wu Yi woke up leisurely, the scars on his body disappeared, no more chills, no more cold sweats, no more...

Opening his eyes again, feeling the long-lost magic power, Wu Yi was almost crying with excitement at this moment. Only when you cannot use your magic power and must rely on others, can you realize how happy it is to have your own magic power.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and Wu Yi quickly adapted to the current situation. Although he didn't know why his mana would be restored "for no reason" at the moment, it was undoubtedly a good thing.

The body recovered as usual. Wu Yi got up from the bed and moved his muscles and bones, making a creaking sound. These days, when he travels in a wheelchair every day, his body seems to be rusty.

Wu Yi got up like a perfect person and frightened Gu Qingyue. Although she witnessed everything, she guessed that Wu Yi was cured, but the guess in her heart came true, Gu Qingyue still couldn't believe it.

It was still dying before, and it looked like it was not long before, but it was only a time for incense, not even, Wu Yi recovered, how scary.

Without intending to explain to Gu Qingyue, Wu Yi said indifferently: "The chaos in the city will get better soon!"

Naturally, Gu Qingyue didn’t believe it, but when Wu Yi was communicating with her, he was already clamoring aura, raining rain, covering the entire Sirius City. Everything is filthy.

Except for the dead that cannot be resurrected, those who are sick and abandoned awaiting death are all healed at this moment. A plague that destroyed a city, just between conversations, was eliminated by Wu Yi. Nuancai Literature Net

The people who healed thought it was God's favor, and bowed down to thank them. Their thought power was extremely pure, and it was the majestic aspiration power that gathered on Wu Yi.

These wishes were of no use to Wu Yi, so they were all transferred to the mind and demon body. After the mana was restored, he could finally communicate with the mind and demon body normally. After all, his foundation is still in the immortal and gods. Inhumane.

The next day, walking on the street, because of the plague, the number of people was sparse and pitiful. Even though many people had recovered, they were still worried about being infected and did not dare to go out.

Wu Yi personally opened the door one by one and told them that the plague has been eliminated. They should rest assured that they can produce and live, and at least pick some weeds for survival temporarily. If this goes on, even if Wu Yi removes the plague, they will live alive. starve.

Finally, counting the number of people in the city, what Wu Yi sighed was that there were only about 3,000 people left, a sharp drop of 70% to 80%.

The original organization system was completely disrupted, and there was no concept of recruits, veterans, soldiers, and people.

In fact, only a thousand people died because of the plague, half of them died of civil strife, and half of them died of failure to break through.

Some of the previous troops were completely swallowed by the plague, and some troops wanted to break through the blockade of the Japanese-Southern army, and the whole army was wiped out.

In addition, the old and the young, the young and the young, with eyes full of women and children, and a little physical, all fled the plague city of Sirius City.

Their choice was not wrong, but they did not expect that Wu Yi would rain rain and save lives, so those who chose to flee actually chose the wrong path.

It's just this kind of thing, who knows in advance?

Looking at the old and weak women and children in front of him, it is difficult for Wu Yi to have confidence in them. Before there were thousands of soldiers on his side, Wu Yi still did not dare to confront the Nichinan army. What's more, now, after pacifying some people, he will face the city defense. The problem made some simple arrangements and let them go.

It was not as expected by some people that Wu Yi would catch the strong, that is, the strong. Among these three thousand people, excluding the old, weak, women and children, there are less than three hundred people who can be used. What's the use?

Humane means is no longer enough to solve the immediate problems, so we have to use extraordinary methods. Moreover, Wu Yi is just using his own way to rule his body!

Yes, with the way of human beings, he was also cured of the human body. When the plague was eliminated last night, Wu Yi discovered that the power of curse was hidden in it, and the heavy rain fell afterwards, it was precisely to eliminate the power of this curse.

Since the opponent didn't play cards according to common sense, Wu Yi didn't have to follow the so-called rules.

On the head of Sirius City, there are only dozens of volunteer guards observing the movements of the Nichinan tribe. Looking from the head of the city, if the sky is good, you can see the scene ten miles away. If the army is mobilized, the sky will be full of smoke. , The sights dozens of miles away can also be noticed.

After Wu Yi comforted the people, he came to the city. Gu Qingyue followed Wu Yi silently. Now she firmly believes that Wu Yi is the only way to live, even if this person is more and more mysterious in her eyes.

Looking down from the top of the city, you can see many corpses. The Jingguan made by the Nichinan ethnic group before is probably the most conspicuous scene. Thousands of heads are completely laid out in the forest. After a few days of wind and sun, some have become Skeletons are extremely scary.

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