Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1073: : When the selection system is in progress

The heart demon body holds the most precious treasure of tribulation qi-black lotus, unconscious, wandering around, originally still in the north, but afterwards Wu Yi didn’t know where he had gone and who it had affected. , He also looked down on it, letting the black lotus consume the qi by himself.

Allowing the black lotus to swallow it on its own, the efficiency is much higher. Before the world-killing black fire grows into the black lotus, it has its own weak intelligence. After being controlled by the evil demon and promoted to grow into the black lotus, this weak intelligence Has disappeared.

And the demon’s demise, it is already the eighth-rank black lotus, and the last petal has already condensed in half. The more powerful the treasure, the more difficult it is to obtain wisdom. I have to say that Wu Yi's luck is really enough to make everyone envy. .

The black lotus has already been linked with the calamity phase of the Daji Dynasty, and the Qi mechanism is related to it. In addition to swallowing the calamity, it will also feed back the heart and demon body. This is also the reason why the so-called black lotus is allowed to swallow by itself, and the efficiency is much higher.

All in all, the demons lie down and win.

I don’t know the past few days, or how many miles have passed. On this day, the slutty heart and demon body was suddenly awakened by the huge calamity. It turned out that it was the capital of the Great Dynasty Dynasty— —Central Capital is now.

At this moment, in the huge Zhongdu City, almost everyone is gathered in one corner, and the alley is empty, and that place is the Temple of Heaven.

The Temple of Heaven, in almost all human dynasties, there will be similar existence, which is a legacy left by primitive tribal society.

The Temple of Heaven in the Daji Dynasty, because there are five capitals, there are also five Temples of Heaven, and the remaining four are not abandoned. If there is a major event in the country, military ministers will be scattered around and pray together.

The Temple of Heaven in Zhongdu City, in Dongcheng District, was a place where emperors worshipped the heavens, prayed for rain, and prayed for valleys. In the Daji Dynasty, because of its own system, there is another important content, which is to announce the formal implementation of the selection system here.

The specific process is to remove the cumbersome etiquette in the front, and several candidate princes draw lots to choose the county where they are about to go, which is commonly known as the place of election.

These selected counties in the land of Kyushu were naturally selected through thousands of choices. In the central place, the officials and the people, the various regions were finally established after a game.

For example, before the draw, King Yong knew that he would go to the eastern or southern county towns, and it was impossible to govern in the north, because the north was the fundamental place for the Queen and Zhang Tianwen and other members of the Yongwang party. Let the Yongwang rule here. There will only be separatism.

Basically a prince, governing one party. Often that party is not where they are fundamentally located, and it takes time to cultivate power to be able to implement government orders and to examine their ability to coordinate the contradictions of all parties.

In addition, what should be the gap between the rich and the poor within the county? How about real estate and aquatic products? How is the folkway? Is banditry rampant or not? Both are extremely important assessment factors.

The reason why the selection system is one of the most important things in the Daji dynasty is that the system, like the imperial examination system, is a national event and is by no means a single place, or that the emperor’s small team can make a decision. The game is not clear in a thousand words.

It is no exaggeration to say that through the selection system, even the most remote places can participate in the center of power. After all, these places may also become the places of selection.

This grand event can be visited regardless of officials and people. Even the emperor has no right to prevent the people from entering the house at this moment. After the princes draw lots, they will be spread out loudly by the Huangmenguan, and there is no time for people to do tricks.

The selected place was released, and the people cheered and shook their voices. The majestic hope contained in this almost defeated the demon body, but fortunately, the black lotus blocked it.

Facts have proved that it is not the demon body that brought the disaster, but the disaster when it should happen. There are always people who regard the fuse as the main contradiction, and turning the cart before the horse is not considered.

The selection system, the game between the parties, and the contradictions between them are not unimportant. The world's calamity is gathered here, and it is majestic and majestic, so it can wake up the mind and body.

But what about it? When the place of election was confirmed, the centripetal force brought by the rise of hope was several times that of the robbery. At this time, it was Wu Yi who took the initiative to cause trouble, and it was just seeking his own death.

This so-called potential! Take advantage of the trend, it is irreversible.

Finally, the new emperor also announced his enthronement at the Temple of Heaven in the future, and then he came to the ancestral temple to worship, to show that he was ordained to the sky instead of inheriting the legacy of his ancestors (despite the fact that this is the case). In fact, it is ordered by the people.

This is very important. Don't underestimate this step. Although the elections are still in the royal house, the openness is not thorough, or the hereditary system, the people are already enough to participate in the establishment of the new emperor.

To put it bluntly, this is democracy!

In the past, the emperor said that water can carry and overturn the boat, but there are few who really understand this point and put the interests of the people in front of them. They lack sufficient so the humane dynasty often Can't get rid of the cycle of a hundred years of change.

The emergence of the election system of the Daji Dynasty has become an important way to shape the people's sense of identity. In the form of national law, the people are truly placed before the emperor, and the theory that the ruler takes priority over the people has become a reality.

Among the countless crowds, the demon body saw the human body. A few years later, it was the first time that the two were so close together. It was just that it was impossible to make the demon body manifest outside at this moment.

Wu Yi felt that it was the Supreme Immortal Taiyi who was here at this moment, and he would also be suppressed by qi luck, and it would be impossible for him to exert much skill.

To say that the current strength of the heart and demon body, with the protection of the **** black lotus, is absolutely beyond the existence of the immortal in the early days of the defensive ability. Of course, the heart demon body cannot fully use the power of the black lotus, so if it actively attacks, it may be equal to the average Taichu immortal.

Even the demon body didn't dare to show up, Taiyi went to the immortal, stronger, but not stronger than the sky.

After the lottery is finished, the emperor himself read the sacrificial texts, or kneeled, kneeling on the face of the sky, but actually kneeling under the people, to the effect that he will supervise the princes to ensure that there are no problems and maintain the fairness of the selection system. If there is selfishness, give up to future generations and so on.

The emperor knelt and read, it was just a prince chanting. The content was slightly different, indicating that he would definitely work for the welfare of the people and the happiness of the common people. If it is violated, he will lose his position and other words.

It's hard to say how effective this process is. In history, princes have been intrigue and infringed upon each other a lot, but they dare not act aggressively. If they are found out, they will be disqualified. That is the meaning of this oath process.

You may not care about the shackles, but you have to understand that one day, he will tighten! This is the meaning of the oath.

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