Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1074: : Situation vane

Attracted by the robbery, but didn't get anything, and was almost shocked by the majestic people's expectations. The cheering of the people below is their business, and it has nothing to do with the mind, demon, and body.

The holding of the selection system is actually a half-day event. The real key is the preliminary preparation process and the subsequent supervision process. This half-day is just a formality.

After the ceremony, several princes took their confidants and drove away. It was the new official who took office. Wu Yi's body naturally followed Yong Wang and was able to be taken by Yong Wang, indicating that his body is still a little famous. of.

Every prince walks through a city gate, no one will meet, southeast, northwest, and go forward separately.

As their carriages went away, the fortune of the entire Daji Dynasty was also violently dispersed. Zhongducheng took up half of it, and the other half was occupied by the four princes, one person.

Daji Dynasty has entered its periodic "weakness period". In the past, some alien races wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to invade, but they encountered even more serious failures.

Do you think it must be a bad thing after your luck is dispersed? It is important to know that the ten fingers fighting with each other are far less deterrent than a single finger.

The prince is by the side of the emperor, is the emperor's greatest enemy, there is no one, between them, there is a competitive relationship, needless to say, no matter what you do, you must consider balance.

As the prince dispersed, their subordinates and forces also followed, the emperor had less worries, and only needed to focus on the things in front of him.

Although he could still sense the majestic and gloomy tribulation in the middle capital city, the heart and demon body did not dare to go deep, this is not the place where he can set foot.

Even in the clouds, Wu Yi felt that the Quartet always had eyes looking at him, like a man on his back, which was too scary.

The demon body only has to go away, this is scared away, don't hesitate to say.

After the mind demon body went away, in Zhongdu City, I don't know how many pairs of eyes slowly opened, looking in the direction of the mind demon body, was it the south?

The calamity bred by the Daji Dynasty chose the southern side. Is it not optimistic about the southern side? Or--

Finally, there was no such strong person looking at it, and there was no sense of fearful peeping, and the demon body breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the mind demon body did not realize that he had become an important chess piece in the Daji Dynasty, and it was the most important chess piece, and became a weather vane for chess players to think about the situation.

The most important thing is because no one can replace the status of the heart and demon body. Given time, it can grow into the existence of the golden dragon of luck.

Even though it is so important, the Demon Body cannot really affect the operation of the selection system at all. It just follows the robbery, so it is just a chess piece.

It is not anyone who manipulates the mind and body, but this world. This can also be said to be a great honor for the demon body, so the demon body also has the meaning of "sages are not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog".

The limit of a monk's cultivation is the saint, that is, the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Wuji. The limit in the legend is to incarnate into order and die with the avenue.

Many people think that cultivating monks is extraordinary and unrestrained, but they don’t know if they jump out of a cage, and there is a bigger cage waiting for you. If you think about it, you still feel sad, it is true.

However, this is beyond the reach of Wu Yi.

When I left Zhongdu City, I didn’t choose a direction. It was the same as before. Seeing where I went, the big guys in Zhongdu City wanted to use this to infer the direction of the movement of the demon body, and somewhat overestimated Wu Yi. .

However, with the black lotus heart and demon body, naturally gathering the tribulation of the four directions, which represents the Universiade to a certain extent, is it really an unintentional choice? No one knows, fate, who can make it clear, maybe these big guys really guessed it right!

King Yong went to the east gate, and the direction of the south gate was the direction where the demon body left. Walking here was King Yong’s second brother, King Jin. The name of King Jing was not for nothing.

The heart demon body did not deliberately follow King Jin. In fact, after leaving the central capital, Wu Yifu wandered into the sky again, allowing himself to follow the robbery.

It's just that, as a big candidate, King Jin is burdened with great fortune and is accompanied by disasters. Even if Wu Yi didn't take the initiative to follow him, he naturally approached King Jin's location.

This was an inevitable result. When Wu Yi was awakened by the tribulation from the outside and found that he was King Jin under him, he was also quite helpless. It was too unreliable to let himself drift with the tribulation.

It needs to be known that King Jin is now a quarter of the prince, rounding up is the emperor, where is the little Wu Yi can interfere.

And in the vicinity of King Jin, there are also those objectionable peeping What this shows is self-evident.

Wu Yi could only continue the long journey in a desperate manner. It was really a waste of money. The incarnation of the dignified tribulation Qi had actually landed in such a field.

The tyrannical mind slowly grows up, but before it grows up, it is obliterated in the bud by the demon body, but the demon body is a veteran in this area, how this thought can erode him.

The kind that goes all the way south, without turning back, is just when the north wind is whistling, and the mind and body of the smooth wind will have seen the ocean for thousands of miles and ten days.

In fact, the place where the mind body is now is not the territory of the Daji Dynasty, but a vassal state in the south, but even here, you can feel the ubiquitous influence of the Daji Dynasty.

Daji Dynasty rarely mentioned the ocean, not that they did not use it. They also had offshore navigation, but they did not have ocean navigation.

If the historical records are correct, then the ocean in front of Wu Yi is the West Sea of ​​the Upper Realm, the West Sea that once became a piece of the Dead Sea during the land-sea calamity before the Hundred Calamities.

It was precisely because of the calamity of the land and the sea that the area where the Great Kingdom was located, that is, Xitu, was submerged by the Xihai, and it also became a land of inspiration.

In order to isolate the spread of death, the mighties of the time separated the West Earth Vein from the Mainland Vein, and drove the West Earth into the West Sea.

The reason why Daji Dynasty did not sail across the ocean was because of the obstacles of Daomen. After all, if you go to the far sea, you might be able to see the other side of the world, a different world.

The powerful people at the beginning were eager to shed their burdens, so as not to be stuck with death, but they did not expect that today, Xitu has nurtured another civilization, and it has developed rapidly, endangering Taoist orthodoxy.

The world is really unpredictable. Thirty years in Hedong and Hexi for thirty years. At the beginning you regarded me as a burden, but now I make you unable to climb high.

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