Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1090: : The power opposing the robbery

Hei Lian was torn apart by that weird black light, and then, the thunder that was entangled around Hei Lian did not give Hei Lian the slightest chance to recover, like a vulture that eats food.

For a while, the black lotus couldn't even maintain the form of the lotus, and turned into a cloud of calamity, a burning cloud of calamity.

Rao is so, Lei Ting still refuses to let go, because Hei Lian wants to return to the beginning, this is a violation of order.

Wu Yi who was on the side deliberately intervened, but was helpless, unable to intervene in this level of struggle. This has involved the fundamentals of heaven and earth. If you want to catch the black lotus ride, where is it so simple, it’s true, isn’t it everyone? You can use this to overcome the difficulty of cultivation.

However, Wu Yi, who was on the sidelines, had already noticed the weird black glow. He said it was a black glow, rather than a dark purple thunder.

This thunder is very different from the scarlet golden thunder, but in fact they are of the same origin, more destructive, and more difficult to detect.

This dark purple thunder invaded the black lotus and eventually led to the disintegration of the black lotus. At this moment, it was entangled with a dry calamity and became the biggest obstacle to the restoration of the black lotus.

If the root of catastrophe is change, then this weird dark purple thunder is the chain that restrains change, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the nemesis of catastrophe.

So what is the source of this dark purple thunder? In the mind of Wanmin begging for peace, in the mind of Wanmin for children and grandchildren, in...

If you want to realize these ideas, then the most taboo is change, which is the so-called robbery. Children and grandchildren, ha ha, a serious plague war, anything, can easily destroy your thoughts.

Although after the severe plague, you can have a stronger resistance and a longer life span; although war can be the best channel for you to cross your own class and become a master; even though...

But loss is always more disgusting, and the bad emotions of loss need to be obtained several times to make up for it. Moreover, after the changes, there are only a few who can survive the changes. One general will succeed in the end, and most of them are the dead bones rather than the last generals.

Most people hate change, and even if they have to change, it will drag most people into the water.

The inland canal capacity is exhausted, but because it involves the interests of thousands of river workers, it must be maintained, instead of choosing more convenient and efficient shipping;

Even if the salt drying method can save countless expenses, even if the quality is better, burn wood and boil the salt, it also protects the environment, but because it infringes on the interests of salt merchants and salt households dependent on the salt farm, it cannot be promoted;

State-owned enterprises are not doing well. Employees would rather co-exist and die with state-owned enterprises, rather than lay off staff to save costs and purchase advanced machines and improve efficiency, thinking that they can live a day. Millions of state-owned enterprise employees have been laid off, and the abusers are still in the wild;

There are many benefits of artificial intelligence. Construction workers, drivers, toll collectors, doctors, teachers, and media, once artificial intelligence is promoted, most of the above people will lose their jobs. Some professions are not irreplaceable, some basic content, most people can be eliminated.

It's just that these people who are unemployed, what should they do? Whether the development of science and technology does not allow the promotion of artificial intelligence, or the policy does not allow it, this is a question worth pondering.

A citizen who cannot bring positive benefits to the country, why should the country support you?

Similar examples can be cited by thousands. Science and technology are the primary productive forces, but for most people, it is not so friendly.

Science and technology is a double-edged sword. Just like the qi, it doesn't change due to your own will. It can bring about good changes or bad changes. It all depends on how you think about good or bad.

The changes that should come can only be said one after the other, and there will be no question of whether there is or not. It's just that most people are willing to wait until the crisis comes before thinking about change, or reform.

This is the root of the so-called crisis promoting reform.

Whether you admit it or not, the direction of the world is never determined by the masses, but only a few people. This group of people is called the elite. The masses are blind, and the more people who make decisions, the less able to do things.

But can the masses be blamed? For ordinary people who worry about three meals a day, what do you tell him about the country's century-old plan, the millennium grand cause, it would be nice not to slap you.

If you want to stay in the history, it's your own business. Don't force others to think like you. Not everyone wants to be your foil. No matter how good it sounds, it's not as good as a salary increase to save trouble.

However, it is worth mentioning that when pushing the world forward, only the public must be able to push for real change. The elite points out the direction, and the public completes the last step.

This dark purple thunderbolt represents the thoughts of these groups. This color appears in the form of thunderbolt. It does not need to be delved into. Just like the black fire of extinguishing the world, the calamity has many manifestations.

Like tribulation qi, this force is also a constituent element of the order of heaven and earth, except that tribulation qi drives the world to change, and this dark purple thunder is keeping the world unchanged.

This force suppresses the evil spirit, then the world will remain in a relatively peaceful state, there will be less disputes, and everything will be in order.

On the contrary, if the calamity is better, the conflicts between people will intensify, and wars will occur between countries.

What is particularly ridiculous is that people hate change, but they call it Jie for the force of change. On the contrary, the force that maintains stability has no exclusive name.

Alas, this point still shows something. Only when facing danger, people will think about the reason and find a solution. When they are stable, they ignore the power to protect themselves.

Speaking of the changes in the black lotus, the tribulation qi's nature jumps and lively, but after the dark purple thunder is entangled, the tribulation qi becomes cold, and gradually loses its vitality. After the tribulation qi loses the ability to promote changes, can it still be regarded as tribulation qi?

This dark purple thunder is deconstructing the robbery! Not long after, Wu Yi realized this. Under the obstacle of this thunder, Black Lotus not only became more and more difficult to recover, but it became more scattered, and Wu Yi's connection with Black Lotus became weaker and weaker.

This change made Wu Yi reluctant to continue watching the black lotus crossing the catastrophe. If he continued to watch, the demon body was about to be beaten back to its original form. After experiencing the ability to manipulate the qi, how could he give up.

Wu Yi can't touch the scarlet golden thunder on the periphery, otherwise it will be hurt, but Wu Yi feels that the dark purple thunder that enters the black lotus, he might be able to decipher it.

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