Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1091: : Thoughts of ease

Inside the small cave, the thunder flickered and made violent noises, and the rocks on the left and right tremble endlessly. If Wu Yi had arranged a magic circle to isolate the inside and outside, I don't know how much attention it attracted.

The glutton from the outside should have noticed the change, but when Wu Yi didn't call it, he still guarded it dutifully and didn't overstep it.

If there is something to worry about Wu Yi, and will come in, Wu Yi will change his opinion of gluttonous heart.

In the course of cultivation, it is normal for some changes to occur. On the contrary, if you are too curious, you have to beware of your original mind.

Under the shackles of the dark purple thunder, Hei Lian's spirituality is getting weaker and weaker, like a beast that is strangling its throat, and the extent of struggle is getting weaker and weaker.

If this continues, Heilian said that he must not completely fall apart. If the result is worse, it may disappear completely. For Wu Yi in the past, it may be good news, but now, absolutely not, absolutely not!

Carefully divided into a avatar, trying to break through the red golden thunder surrounded by black lotus, but after less than a breath, he was crushed and crushed into powder, which was extremely cruel, and made Wu Yi willing to help black lotus but powerless. .

"Without the black lotus, this body is in the upper realm, and it is of little use. Today is the sword and the sea, and there is only one way!" Wu Yi said to himself in his heart, resisting the fear of thunder instinctively. Slowly approached towards the red golden thunder.

"Hiss——" Just when he touched the scarlet golden thunder, there was a cold air on the head of the mind demon body, which almost turned into a prototype, clearly the mind and ghost body, there is no pain, but the pain that the mind demon body feels at this moment is more than just The pain was so painful that I could describe it, it was the pain of facing death.

"Zizizizi—" As the red golden thunder gradually penetrated, the lightning continued to wander away. After ten breaths of time, the mind demon body turned into a cloud of diffuse black mist, and the range of the black mist The speed visible to the naked eye was fading, and after waiting for a while, the body of the mind demon body was completely abolished.

There was no shielding of the five senses at all. Facing the pain of death is not something ordinary people can tolerate. In the thunder that falls from time to time, Wu Yi struggled to open up a path of life. In the end, his cultivation level was less than 10%, and he barely passed. The scarlet golden thunder encircled the circle and entered the calamity that the black lotus turned into.

Hesitate a little more, I'm afraid that there will be no bones left.

Entering the Black Lotus Tribulation Qi does not mean that Wu Yi no longer has to worry about it. In fact, the real test has only just begun. What will happen to the dark purple thunder, which is even more weird and dangerous than the red golden thunder. Changes are simply unpredictable.

However, even no matter how dangerous it is, he must go deep into the tiger's den and have the qi to resist the red-gold thunder outside. Wu Yi was able to deal with the dark purple thunder with all his heart.

As mentioned before, the dark purple thunder is the opposite force of the tribulation qi, and the power to maintain the stability of the world. In essence, it is similar to the tribulation qi, and it is indispensable.

Speaking of it, this power, like the robbery, lingers in the heavens and the earth all the time, but if it weren't for the promotion of Black Lotus this time, Wu Yi would never have noticed the importance of this power.

It is like since you were born, you have been bathed in sunlight and breathing air. Because it exists all the time, it is impossible to imagine what changes will happen if you lose the sun and the air.

This power has stayed inside Black Lotus for a long time, if there was no such power, Black Lotus would have been able to recover from the beginning.

This force and robbery are each other's natural enemies, like Yin and Yang, coexisting but not in harmony, it is impossible for Black Lotus to expel this force by itself.

Wu Yi tried to get in touch with this force and was prepared for the worst, but at first, there was no sense of rejection as imagined. On the contrary, there was a sense of pliability, which calmed down his heart.

This force is the existence that maintains the stability of the heaven and the earth. It is as common as sunshine and rain. It is often accompanied by peace and stability. But after a long period of peace, the society is solidified, contradictions are spontaneous, and disasters are spontaneous, and they enter a cycle of turmoil. After adjustment, Enter a state of peace again.

In essence, this power does not do much harm to ordinary people, but it is because of mutual restraint with the tribulation qi that this kind of change has occurred.

After the mind demon body comes into contact with this power, the sense of satisfaction and happiness can't be suppressed in his heart. This life experience flashes in his mind, consciously or unconsciously ignoring the difficulties in it, and rejoicing in his own achievements.

It cannot be said that this emotion is arrogant and complacent, but if you have this emotion all the time, it will make people lose their motivation to move up.

You don’t need statistics, you can clearly notice that the more wars and turmoils are, the more rapid progress is made in science and technology. When facing crises, people will actively look for ways to solve them, and they will always be in a state of ease. Most of them are satisfied now do not want to make progress.

The four-character "being prepared for danger in times of peace" is simple to say. Throughout the ages, there have been a few people who have been able to do it.

This power comes from the origin of heaven and earth and is one of the important orders. Wu Yi cannot and cannot break it with force. He can only get out of it after going deep into it and looking for the flaws in it.

Before the contact, Wu Yi had told himself in his heart that peace and chaos should not last for long. As long as you find this flaw, you can get rid of this power.

The ideal is beautiful, but it is extremely difficult to actually manipulate it. When you feel the peace and peace sincerely, even if you know that you are a frog in a pot, you will surely die when the warm water is boiled, but you still don't want to jump out of the pot.

Except for the legendary saints, no one will live forever. Those mythological figures have gradually fallen into the ruins with the rotation of one after another. It is just that some people were unknown before they died, but some people burst out with incomparable sparkle. Light.

Since you must die, why not choose a happy path? If Wu Yi was not due to family changes in his childhood, why bother to travel to other countries and find a way to survive under the help of a pack of wolves. Wouldn’t it be okay to enjoy the shade of your father and grandfather with peace of mind?

Who was born to choose to suffer? It is not because of being forced to helpless, who wants to stimulate their potential.

This force really penetrates people's hearts to the extreme. The saint is illusory and difficult to figure out. It is estimated that this life has nothing to do with him. In that case, why should he spend his youthful talents for a illusory purpose?

If Wu Yi now chooses to return to the boundless realm and to be his wife and believer, he can live extremely happily in the boundless realm. There are countless crises in this upper realm. If there is a slight difference, it is the calamity of death, which is too difficult.

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