Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 468 The Secret Revealed by the Guards

The tomb guards were more polite than last time—almost deferential, even.

Fan Na could clearly feel the changes in the atmosphere around her, as well as the suspicious gazes from her colleagues, but she herself didn't know how to explain this strange change—even if there were some vague guesses in her heart, she couldn't help it. speak out.

She could only lower her head and look at the parchment handed over by the guardian giant, hesitated for two seconds before reaching out to take it, and took a light breath.

"I'll go back as soon as I go." She turned her head and said quickly to Bishop Valentine, then followed the giant guarding the tomb and walked towards the pale building not far away.

The heavy stone gate slowly closed behind him, and the ancient and mysterious tomb was closed again. The giant guarding the tomb did not disappear, but followed Fanna like a qualified guide, leading the latter to the deep tomb. , in the deep and long corridor, the monotonous footsteps set off the surrounding silence.

Fan Na was silently thinking about the various taboos that need to be paid attention to after entering Vision 004, and at the same time carefully followed the actions of the guards in the tomb. She recalled the behavior of the guards before she entered the tomb last time, and the thoughts in her mind couldn't stop surging .

Due to the restriction of vision 004, she can't remember what happened after she entered the tomb last time, but she still remembers that before she entered the tomb last time, the guard's attitude had undergone a subtle change—at that time She hasn't thought about it too much, but this time, all kinds of associations spread in her mind uncontrollably.

And just as Fanna's thoughts were fluctuating, a deep and hoarse voice suddenly reached her ears—the giant guard broke the silence.

"What do you want to ask?"

Fan Na was shocked—this silent and terrifying guard was actively talking to the "listener" who entered the mausoleum? !

She quickly filtered the information about Vision 004 again in her mind, and confirmed how to deal with the current situation amidst various taboos, and then tried to calm down, before she spoke while choosing her words: "You are very friendly to me ,Why?"

"Because you are the messenger," the guard of the tomb actually replied immediately, "The messenger is a person who has transcended transformation and should be treated with courtesy."

"An envoy?" Fan Na was taken aback, as if she didn't understand, "What does this sentence mean? Does it mean that I am the saint of the storm goddess Gamona? But the people in the square outside are all..."

"Queen Leviathan has no messengers, and her messengers all died before the first long night," the tomb guard interrupted Fanna, his voice could hardly hear any emotional fluctuations, even when talking about gods. Jing Wuwei, "You are the messenger of the usurper of fire."

Her heart tightened suddenly, her head roared loudly, and her breathing subconsciously stopped—Fan Na stopped in astonishment, and the answers she got from a casual question were far beyond her imagination, and she felt as if a storm swept through her heart In the mind, where the storm passes by, what emerges in the consciousness is a stormy sea of ​​conjecture, realization, and cognition overlapping!

Queen Leviathan, she remembered this name—not long ago, Captain Duncan mentioned this name in front of her and Maurice!

Long night—she also remembered this saying. After reading the "Book of Blasphemy", Mr. Morris mentioned that "long night" was used several times in it to describe the attempts of the "kings" in ancient times to create the world. She still remembered that there were three times in the Long Night in those descriptions of heresy, and three times in Genesis!

As for the usurper...

"The usurper of fire...does he refer to Captain Duncan?" Fan Na's heart moved, and she subconsciously asked.

Inside Vision 004, one cannot casually talk about the owner of the tomb and the secrets inside the tomb, but the taboo does not mention whether it is possible to talk about the outside world——Fan Na mustered up her courage at this moment, and asked the guards of the tomb in front of her. Another intuition reminded her that even if she asked the guard in front of her some more questions, there would be no danger.

However, the guard didn't answer immediately this time. After several seconds of silence, he slowly turned his head and looked into Fan Na's eyes.

"After you leave, you will still forget the secrets you learned here, and there is no point in asking too much."

Fan Na was taken aback, as if the burning curiosity in her heart had been poured with cold water.

Yes, most of the information in Vision 004 cannot be taken outside, no matter how much I know here, I will still forget it after I go out.

Even if it is written on parchment, things that should not be revealed will still be torn up in due course.

She didn't dare to ask the guard what the "forgetting mechanism" of Anomaly 004 was, because this was already a question pointing to the mausoleum itself, and if it was asked, something would happen.

She could only sigh, stepped forward in regret, and continued to walk towards the deepest tomb.

But at this moment, she heard the guard's voice coming into her ears again——

"The tamperer's name was not Duncan."

Fanna opened her eyes slightly. She didn't care to wonder why the tomb guards were suddenly willing to answer her question just now, but subconsciously said, "What about Queen Leviathan? According to you, it's a storm..."

But the mausoleum guard stopped suddenly and interrupted Fan Na's question in a deep voice: "We're here."

Fanna raised her head, and found that the long and deep corridor had come to an end at some point, and the door leading to the central tomb stood abruptly in front of her eyes. The pale flame flickered in the tomb, as if urging her to go in quickly.

In the next second, she realized that she could no longer ask questions.

Even with the strange and inexplicable blessing of the "messenger", the "courtesy" that the tomb guards can give themselves is limited—or in other words, the questions that the guards themselves can answer are also limited.

I just don’t know whether this “restriction” is the limited number of questions or the limited scope of answering questions—it’s a pity that after I leave Vision 004, all memories will be cleared, and I probably won’t have the opportunity to verify it through repeated tests in the future That's the problem.

A few messy thoughts flashed through Fan Na's mind, and finally she exhaled lightly, and thanked the guard in a low voice: "Thank you for your patience."

"Come in, and I'll see you out later—though you won't remember."

Fanna nodded, and walked into the tomb, and at the same time as she stepped through the door of the tomb, the guard who was wrapped in bandages and who was between life and death disappeared silently into the corridor.

On the simple and majestic throne, the headless and nameless king sat silently as in eternity, the pale brazier burned peacefully in the corner of the tomb chamber, and the air was filled with a silent and solemn atmosphere.

Fanna came to the throne, and saw a comfortable-looking armchair in the place reserved for the "listener", and there was a table in front of the chair.

On the table were fruit bowls and pastries, and even a cup of black tea—steaming.

Fanna: "..."

She controlled the changes in her expression and tried to sit calmly on that chair.

Although the listener couldn't bring the memories inside the tomb outside, she was sure that people who entered this tomb under normal circumstances would definitely not have this kind of treatment!

Because among the messages that occasionally come out with the parchment describe the process of "listening", none of them mention fruit bowls and refreshments!

However, after a short period of daze and desire to complain, Fan Na quickly calmed down, and her eyes became serious.

She looked around.

There are only pale and cold stones inside Vision 004. In theory, there is no place to store food, and there is no kitchen or other facilities. The guard of the mausoleum may know how to make tea, but she really can't imagine the giant when he baked pastries. Scenes.

She observes the things on the table.

The fruit is fresh, the tea is steaming, and the plate for dessert is an exquisite silver-inlaid wooden plate with patterns... It vaguely has the style of the southern city-state, much like the specialty of the elf city-state like Qingfeng Harbor or Nangang.

Fan Na picked up a biscuit, feeling its residual heat.

Perhaps an hour ago, this thing was sitting in the oven of some pastry shop in some city-state.

So...these things were "brought" by the tomb guards directly from a certain southern city-state? Can he directly enter the real world as an entity? Or...there are hidden worshipers in the real world, who accept the orders of the tomb guards to "sacrifice" to Vision 004?

The fruit and the plate containing the snacks seem to be special products in the south. Over there is the territory of the elves. The elves... This mysterious and long-lived race does retain many unique belief habits, some of which are completely different from the current Church of the Four Gods. , even self-contained system...

Is there an explanation for Vision 004 in the ancient tomes of the elves?

Thoughts in Fan Na's mind fluctuated, and her professional habits made her start to get to the bottom of the "unusual" things she saw.

But her thinking didn't last long.

A slight sound of rubbing suddenly sounded in the tomb, interrupting Fan Na's thoughts.

She followed the prestige and saw that the headless king was slowly raising his arms, as if he was about to stand up from the throne——

Vanna opened her eyes.

The simple and solemn pillars of the assembly hall came into view, and the chaotic and dim stream of light passed over the square. The projections of the souls of the saints were gathering from a distance, and in the corner of the eye, the pale mysterious building was accompanied by bursts of The roar slowly sank into the ground.

Have you completed the task yourself?

Fan Na was a little dazed, she shook her head, and felt that her memory was still stuck at the moment when she followed the polite tomb guard into the gate—this kind of memory interruption is not unfamiliar, after all, this is not the first time she has said " She entered vision 004 as a "listener", but for some reason... This time she always felt that her memory was a little weird, as if...

Certain inconsistent impressions still left shallow traces in her emptied memory.

But soon, she couldn't care less about studying the sense of disobedience in her mind.

The compatriots have gathered, and the projection of Bishop Valentine is in it, and not far away, you can also see the belated Pope Helena standing on the edge of the square, as if watching the scene quietly. side.

"Fanna," Valentine said first, "how do you feel? This is the third time you have entered the mausoleum, have you been affected?"

"I..." Fan Na frowned, as if she wanted to confirm her mental state, but before she could feel anything in detail, she couldn't help hiccupping, "Hic—"

In the assembly hall, the saints who were gathering with concern suddenly fell into silence.

Even Bishop Valentine was stunned for a while. The old priest who watched Fan Na grow up was stunned for a long time, and finally said: "Are you eating rocks inside?"

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