Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 469: A New Vision

Bishop Valentine's words made Fan Na stunned for a moment, and then she didn't know how to continue.

Noticing that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit weird, Valentine was also a little embarrassed, and then looked at Fanna helplessly: "The main reason is...the people who came out of vision 004 had various reactions, some were dizzy, some were Short-term mental disorders, even cognitive shifts, I can understand all of these—but you were the first one to come out with a full belch."

Fan Na noticed that the surrounding atmosphere was getting weirder and weirder, and she was also a little at a loss: "I don't know how to answer... hiccup!"

She swallowed quickly, controlling the urge to hiccup, and at the same time, she was very confused thinking about what happened after she entered the vision 004, but at this moment, the saint projections gathered around suddenly became slightly agitated , and then scattered to both sides.

Pope Helena walked through the crowd and came to Fan Na.

The appearance of Her Majesty the Pope made Fan Na straighten her body immediately, and subconsciously raised her head to pay her respects—but she didn't hold back for a while, and hiccupped again.

Helena frowned.

This graceful and elegant lady first looked at Fanna suspiciously for a while, then raised her head and looked at the open space where the "Tomb of the Unknown King" had just sunk. After a long time, she put her eyes on Fanna again: " ate the mausoleum guard?"

Fanna: "...?"

After being stunned for a few seconds, she said helplessly, "You might as well suspect that I'm eating rocks inside..."

Helena didn't show any abnormality on her face, as if in her opinion, Fanna, a judge who had exploded in the entire history of the Deep Sea Church, was really capable of being born and swallowing the guards of the tomb—but soon, she Then he shook his head again, and said calmly: "It's true, even for you, this kind of thing is a bit extreme. So... what happened?"

"I don't remember, I..." Fan Na shook her head, but the moment she spoke, she felt that some vague impression appeared in her mind—as if the blocked memory was about to surface Ordinary, but the impression disappeared in the blink of an eye. She was puzzled for a while, and finally could only continue to shake her head, "Sorry, I really don't remember."

"Really... It seems that even if you enter Vision 004 three times in a row, you can't resist the effects of this kind of amnesiac." Helena's expression did not change, but she just looked at Fan Na's hand, "Then confirm the parchment. , Let’s see what news you bring out from inside.”

As soon as the Pope reminded her, Fan Na suddenly remembered the business. She hurriedly put aside all the messy thoughts and embarrassment just now, and took out the parchment she was holding tightly in her hand.

As before, more than half of the parchment has been torn off, and those messages that should not be taken out of the tomb are once again left inside Vision 004, and on the remaining half of the parchment, there are a few lines of scrawled text .

Fan Na's eyes fell on those words, and she suddenly froze.


"Vision - Lost Country...

"Vision - The Lost Fleet..."

In three lines of scribbled text, the names of the three visions were written—without numbers.

Helena's eyes became a little dignified.

Bishop Valentine also saw the records on the parchment and fell into great astonishment.

Once again, Fanna brought out strange information from the tomb of the unknown king——a peculiar code name of a phenomenon that is completely different from the normal "list of abnormalities and phenomena"!

"Once again..." Fanna herself was also astonished. She stared fixedly at the words on the parchment. After a long time, she raised her head and looked at the Pope in confusion. "A vision without a number."

"The appearance of the vision-Frost didn't surprise me. I already had a premonition of this after Prand turned into a vision, but the Lost Country..." Helena's tone was serious, her eyes were as deep as water, "The Lost Home, which was originally on the vision list, has now lost its number."

"Not only that, but now even the Lost Homeland Fleet has appeared," Valentine said beside him, "It's also an unnumbered phenomenon—and it's independent from the Lost Homeland, occupying a separate position!"

Helena didn't speak, but raised her head, her gaze swept over the soul projections around her.

The saints reacted in an instant. Those who were familiar with the "secrecy guidelines" and "pollution risk" didn't need additional orders, and they all bowed to the Pope to pay tribute, and then left the meeting place one by one.

In the large and simple square, only three figures of Fanna, Valentine and Helena remained.

"What happened to the Lost Home recently?" After the rest of the saints had left, Helena asked, "Why did the name of the Lost Home fleet suddenly appear on the list? Captain Duncan is calling his fleet again? "

The Lost Fleet existed, but that was a century ago, and that fleet was not a dangerous "vision"—

With the most advanced expedition ship Lost Home at that time as the general flagship, with the two powerful warships Sea Fog and Bright Star as supporting ships, supplemented by more than ten various support ships, large and small, the Lost Home fleet of that year It is the most powerful and greatest expedition fleet on the boundless sea. Before the terrible upheaval, this great fleet discovered countless islands, opened up more than ten important shipping routes, and even determined the boundaries of the civilized world. part of the border.

In that era, Captain Duncan and the Lost Fleet were not scary, but synonymous with glory and greatness, and a symbol of courage for civilization to open up to the frontier.

However, all this came to an abrupt end when the Lost Lands fell into the warp.

After that, the lost fleet fell apart, the flagship returned to the world as "Vision 005", and its fleet members were disintegrated and separated in the ensuing century. Today, the only two remaining warships are "Sea Fog" And the "Bright Star" no longer act in the name of the Lost Fleet.

Therefore, it can be said that throughout this period of history, the "Lost Fleet" has never been listed as a vision.

Now, however, there is a new vision called "The Lost Fleet".

"...there is a ship named 'White Oak'," Fanna collected her thoughts, and began to tell Helena about the incident that happened in the Cold Sea not long ago. She knew that the Pope must have an intelligence channel, and now She should already have a general understanding of Frost's situation, but the details are obviously only known to her, the person at the center of the incident, "That ship is now a member of the Lost Fleet..."

Helena's expression was serious, and she listened carefully to Vanna's report on the "Mirror Mirror Frost Incident" and the process of the White Oak being transformed and absorbed into a member of the Lost Fleet.

It wasn't until Fan Na's narration came to an end that the female pope broke her silence: "That is to say, a new lost fleet is taking shape. When that cutting-edge expedition ship was transformed into a fleet member, a new The 'Vision' entered the list of the Tomb of the Unknown King."

"It seems so," Fan Na nodded lightly, "Birth is a vision... And it's a vision without a number, this kind of thing..."

"This kind of thing is not unprecedented in history, but every new vision is born, often accompanied by a huge disaster or a huge change in the environment of the entire region or even the entire sea." Helena shook her head, "The Lost Fleet What did the birth bring?"

Fan Na opened her mouth, feeling a little blank in her mind for a moment.

"It seems... nothing happened?" She hesitated for a long time before she seemed to be talking to herself, "At least for now, no one has been injured, and no place has become a restricted area. In fact... the White Oak The transformation process is accompanied by the recovery of the Frost situation, and the whole thing seems to be developing in a good direction..."

Helena looked into Fan Na's eyes quietly: "More than that, this new 'vision' can't sum up 'rules' or 'taboos'."

A thoughtful expression appeared on Fan Na's face.

"Normal 'anomalies' have corresponding rules and taboos, just like normal 'abnormalities' have corresponding dangers and containment and sealing conditions," Bishop Valentine couldn't help but said, "But according to Vanna, what you just described, the Lost Fleet currently does not show this kind of taboo tendency at all - although the White Oak has its own weird features, but these 'weird' are limited to that ship itself, not the entire 'fleet' '."

"It may also be because this vision has just been born, and we haven't been able to summarize its laws," Helena said after thinking, "but the greater possibility is like the current Prand."

"Prand today?" Fan Na subconsciously repeated these words, her gaze fell on Bishop Valentine, "Prand now..."

"As I described when I contacted you last time, it's safe, peaceful, the night is no longer scary, and the darkness is no longer changing," Valentine said with a serious expression, "I haven't received any reports about the extraordinary erosion in the city for a long time. Reported - and I'm sure Frost will follow."

Helena nodded lightly: "The calm night and darkness, the environment suitable for living - the weirdest thing in this world is that there is no weirdness in a place, and today's Prand is such a place."

Fan Na didn't speak for a while, but fell into quiet thinking.

Bishop Valentine on the side said after a moment of silence: "Perhaps, these 'unnumbered visions' will be like this? The only weirdness shown by repelling all extraordinary erosion except itself is-there is no weirdness within the scope. "

"We can't jump to conclusions right now, at least we need to observe the new 'Vision-Frost' for a period of time," Helena said in a deep voice, and then she frowned again, looking at Fan Na, "Then as this The master of everything, does that Captain Duncan have any... special moves? Does he have any plans? Will he continue to expand his fleet, or reorganize the Seafog and Bright Star? Has he revealed anything to you? "

Fan Na thought for a while, and suddenly hesitated: "This...he gave me a task."

"A task for you?" Helena's expression was serious instantly, "What task?"

"...He asked me to find a way to get a pass for the White Oak, so as to take advantage of...the loopholes in the church's review."

Helena: "...?"

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