Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 498 Brewing Storm

The final missionary, among the many cultists that Duncan has come into contact with so far, these guys named "Preachers" are undoubtedly the most mysterious and strange group of them——

Their number is far less than that of the Sun Believers and the Annihilation Cultists, but their ability to do things is unparalleled. Number of people and hiding methods.

And compared to the weirdness and evilness of their acting styles, Duncan cares more about their own "characteristics"-the suspected non-linear existence on the timeline, and this is the case per capita.

The Church of the Four Gods and the authorities of the city-states in this world collectively refer to the Last Yan Missionaries, the Sun Sect, and the Annihilation Sect as the three major cults, but in Duncan’s view, the degree of evil and the painting style of those “preachers” are so weird, It should have been taken out by itself.

"Based on the information we have so far, the final missionaries should be divided into two categories, one is the extreme cultists who are completely crazy, and the other is the 'rational scholars' who have reason and look polite," Long Table 1 On the side, Morris slowly cleaned his pipe, while thinking, "The latter will take the initiative to contact people, and try to...'guide' the people they choose, and judging from the frequency of appearance, these 'sensible The number of 'pie' seems to be far less than that of 'crazy pie'."

"According to the reports of contact with heresies that I know, all the recorded final missionaries are crazy," Fan Na nodded, "This shows that the gang of lunatics accounted for the vast majority of these 'preachers' , the sane are the exception."

"After all, they are a group of people who have been entangled with the subspace all day long - it is normal to be mentally abnormal," Agou on the side said casually, and then quickly looked up at Duncan, "Ah, Captain, I didn't mention you. ..."

Duncan ignored Agou's nagging, he just thought quietly, and suddenly said after a while: "Whether they are crazy or rational, these two kinds of final missionaries actually have one thing in common—they are both trying to correct 'History' shot."

On both sides of the long table, everyone fell into short thoughts, and Agatha, who hadn't said much, raised her head: "You mean, the last missionary who came into contact with the Frost Queen at the beginning was also for a certain purpose." future'……"

"Maybe we should try to look at history from the 'perspective' of the final missionaries," Duncan said unhurriedly, "We assume that they are really a group of 'time stowaways' who exist in a non-linear way, then in our eyes What does 'history' look like to them?"

The cabin fell silent, and after a moment of silence, Morris' voice suddenly sounded: "...everything has happened, but nothing can happen, the direction of the world can be customized, you just need to find a suitable 'correction point' '..."

"That's right, the three missionaries who came to the Lost Homeland a hundred years ago, and the 'mysterious scholar' who came into contact with the Frost Queen more than 50 years ago, their actions have greatly affected the follow-up to a certain extent. From the point of view of 'intervening in history', the way of crazy and rational final missionaries is actually the same," Duncan nodded, "and the difference between them is that those crazy missionaries seem to be Want to completely destroy history, and those who are rational, they seem to want to 'correct' history to some direction they expect..."

"Correction of history..." Fan Na frowned tightly, "This is a dangerous term, the firemen are committed to protecting our history from external forces, and they are the righteous gods who have dealt with the final missionaries the most The church, and according to the teachings of the 'Eternal Burning Fire Tower Ruijin', history has its own rigor and purity, it cannot be touched, it cannot be reshaped - for 'history', 'revision' is also a kind of destruction... ..."

"Then what if it is to 'restore' the destroyed history?" Duncan asked, and then added, "Of course, I am not referring to the actions of the missionaries at the end of the day. curious."

"...Sorry, this involves the deeper and more complicated teachings of the Church of the Fire Bearers," Fanna thought for a while, and lowered her head with a trace of apology, "They are the most mysterious in action and the most teaching in the Church of the Four Gods." A difficult one, and my knowledge of them is limited."

"Is that so..." Duncan nodded slowly while thinking, and his gaze slowly swept over the edge of the long table—the figures of Agatha, Vanna and Morris came into his sight.

"...There are still few experts in fire transmitters." He couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The expressions on the faces of Fan Na and Morris became subtle in an instant.

Agatha didn't change much—because she had just arrived, she didn't realize it for a while.

Duncan himself didn't realize that there was something strange about his words at all—he just sighed casually as he thought about it, and changed the subject in the next second: "Fanna, do you think the fire spreaders know that 'the end of reason' Preacher' exists?"

Fan Na quickly put aside the slightly disrespectful thoughts in her mind, and after thinking for a while, she answered frankly: "I'm not sure, but logically... I think they know, at least they should be aware of it."

"The followers of 'Tarijin' have been dealing with heretics and evil spirits who try to destroy history for thousands of years," Morris also nodded, "The fire spreaders are professional and keen in this regard, and from the existing See, those sane missionaries of the end have been active at least a hundred years ago, unless they really only showed up those two times in this long Eyeliner, otherwise the Church of the Flame Spreaders must have noticed them, but I don’t know why...the Fire Spreaders don’t seem to have taken any major actions.”

"I will try to contact the Cathedral of Storms to see if His Majesty the Pope can find out anything from the flame spreader," Fanna said immediately, "In any case, rational cultists are more damaging than simple lunatics in many cases." Bigger, although they seem to be friendly at present, and even seem to have good intentions, but I really can't believe that a group of guys who deal with subspace all day long will have real reason and good intentions..."

After Fan Na finished speaking, she suddenly felt that something was wrong, she was taken aback for a moment, then quickly turned her head to look at Duncan and added: "Ah, Captain, I didn't mention you..."

Duncan was expressionless.

He always felt as if he had heard this sentence just now.

Then he waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care, then he thought for a while, and finally said slowly: "We don't just want to contact the Cathedral of Storms, and the news we want to convey is not just about those dying missionaries. .”

Everyone at the scene looked at each other immediately, and Fan Na was the first to react: "You want to 'warn' outside—just like before?"

Duncan nodded gravely.

"Perhaps, this is more dangerous than the previous situation. The 'Awakening of the Ancient God' event that occurred in Frost may reappear in a short period of time. Even at this moment, just below a certain city-state, there may have been There is only one false copy of the ancient god who has awakened—the Frost Queen, but there are many city-states in the boundless sea. In order to avoid being caught off guard, at least let the upper echelons of the various churches and city-states know of the existence of this crisis.”

As he spoke, he looked up at the figures on both sides of the long table.

"Vanna, you go to the Cathedral of the Storm, Morris, you find a way to contact the Academy of Truth, Agatha, you should also have a channel to directly talk to the top of the Church of Death - you should try to complete what we are discussing here today Communicate to your church everything that happened in the past, including the real structure under the city-state, the situation related to the Youshen Lord, and the intelligence of the final missionary.

"In addition, there is the Explorers' Association, Lawrence, and Lucy. Think about a safer way to warn the Explorers' Association without causing panic—a warning about the awakening of the ancient gods.

"The captains of the Boundless Sea are a group of keen and experienced people, and they are well-informed. They are the best at discovering whether there are strange signs in any corner of the world.

"Tirion, you should straighten out the matter of Frost as soon as possible, and then find a way to contact other city-states as a consul. Also, on the premise of not causing panic, find a way for other cities to establish a strong response to the 'Awakening of the Ancient Gods'." An early warning of a phenomenon."

He finished speaking in one breath, then organized his thoughts, and further explained and emphasized: "Remember, tell the church as complete information as possible. After all, in the extraordinary field, they are more or less 'professional', and they have Many hands.

"As for the city-state and the Explorers' Association, you must be careful, because this involves too many ordinary people-you go back and think about how to convey this 'warning' without revealing too much hidden knowledge, remember, The goal is not for them to uncover the secrets in the deep sea, but for them to pay careful attention to the strange omens that may appear on the city-states and routes.

"I'm done, do you have anything else to add?"

Duncan raised his eyes and looked at both sides of the long table quietly.

And at this moment, everyone in the cabin—even including Shirley and Alice—suddenly felt an atmosphere...that a huge wave was brewing.

A storm capable of shocking the entire world is gradually taking shape along with a series of decisions and arrangements made by the captain. In this gloomy cabin illuminated by dark green fire, in this secret gathering with only a dozen participants, It seems that the direction of the world has been vaguely doomed.

A feeling that he is participating in history, and even shaping history, gradually surged in Lawrence's heart. He subconsciously felt a little short of breath and his heart was pounding.

"This is really going to set off a storm..."

The old captain who had just become a member of the Lost Fleet couldn't help muttering to himself.

"It's not about setting off a storm, but it's already approaching," Agatha, who was sitting next to him, shook her head and said softly, "It's just that no one has noticed all this—and now, we're going to open the window."

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