Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 499 Necessary Process

Duncan knew that the arrangement he made today was destined to bring turmoil to the entire Boundless Sea—this "warning" was enough to shock everyone, not only because of the content of the warning, but also because of the source of the warning.

The civilized world will face a little "landless shock".

"This is a big deal," Tirian broke the silence. "There is no need to worry about the church. They have always been keen and professional in fighting extraordinary crises, and they will definitely pay enough attention to it. However, the situation in the city-states is complicated. I doubt whether all Everyone can establish an effective early warning mechanism.”

"Before that, let's consider how many people will treat this 'warning' correctly," Lucrezia's voice came from the crystal ball, "In this world, how many people have warned about the 'doomsday'? There are too many to count, and most of them are from those crazy cultists-now the Lost Land has suddenly started to warn the world, and frankly...many people's first reaction is probably the same as when contacting those doomsday cultists Almost, if not worse..."

Shirley on the other side of the table muttered softly: "After all, you have a reputation..."

"That's their business." Duncan glanced at Shirley blankly, shook his head and said, "The 'reputation' of the Lost Homeland is a good thing, even if some people don't believe the content of the warning, they will at least take it seriously' "Warning' itself—even out of fear of the Homeless, they will be cautious, and that's enough."

"I will contact the church as soon as possible," Agatha nodded, and said in a hoarse and soft voice, "I believe that the Deathly Hallows will definitely pay attention to the warning from the Lost Home with the highest level of attitude."

"After the Faculty of Death, Deep Sea, and Truth receives the news, the Fire Spreader will definitely receive it as well," Fan Na also nodded and added, "I will directly confirm this matter with His Majesty the Pope."

"It's been a long time since I've communicated with Ark Academy, and this time I'm just catching up with old friends." Morris took off his monocle and wiped it, "But I need to prepare some extra ointment for the ceremony And herbal powder, it is not easy to contact the Academy Ark from the boundless sea."

Listening to Morris' words, Duncan suddenly thought of another thing.

"Has there been any progress in the matter that I asked you to investigate last time?" He looked at the great scholar, "It is the broken cross mark carried by the final missionary. Have you found the source?"

"Sorry, there is no progress yet," Morris said with a hint of apology on his face, "I have written many letters to my friends in the academic circles, and I have also contacted a few universities with good relations, but I have not found a relationship with that university. At present, we can only confirm that they 'may' have appeared on some architectural relics of the ancient Kingdom of Crete..."

"That's it..." Duncan felt a little regretful, but he knew that investigating a mysterious symbol in the absence of information would be like finding a needle in a haystack, so he didn't get too attached to this issue, and just said casually, "Then you Continue to pay attention to this matter, if there is any progress, just let me know as soon as possible.”

Morris immediately lowered his head: "Yes, Captain."

Duncan hummed, and then thought for a while to see if there was anything he missed. Then he exhaled lightly, stood up from the long table, and glanced at everyone present.

"Then today's meeting ends here. The general direction of the action has been set. If you have any questions in the future, you can confirm with me at any time."

Lawrence at the end of the long table subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

This gathering was not as ghastly as he had imagined, nor was it full of weird and inexplicable rituals or strict and bloody rules, but even so, the fact that he was "watched by Captain Duncan at any time" here made him feel uncomfortable Little pressure, as a "newcomer" here, he has been tense all the time, and now he can finally relax.

But as soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he found that the other people around the table had no intention of getting up and leaving at all. Instead, including the highly respected Morris University scholar, most of them showed that they were looking forward to the next session.

Is there still a process for the meeting?

Just as a ray of doubt appeared in Lawrence's mind, he heard Nina's voice from the opposite side: "Ah, we're finally done chatting. Let's serve dinner. I'm hungry."

"Have a big meal today! Have a big meal!" Shirley also yelled happily, "Today is the day of the gathering, and there are delicious food!"

"The soup is still simmering in the pot, the time is just right," Alice said while getting up, "I'll push the dining car over~"

Lawrence looked at the scene in front of him in a daze, not understanding what was going to happen next. He turned his head and glanced at Agatha who was closest to him, but saw the same dazed look on the other side as himself.

At this moment, Duncan's voice suddenly came from the front of the long table, answering the doubts of Lawrence and Agatha: "It's the rules on the ship that we've finished talking about the business and have a dinner together."

After talking about business... have a dinner?

Lawrence listened in astonishment, thinking that he had heard something wrong, but then he saw that the "living doll" actually pushed a big dining car back to the cabin, and the slightly old dining car creaked as it was being pushed. There was a clang, and there were many containers in the car filled with hot... food.

Lawrence stared dumbfounded. He saw Alice put the food on the dining table, and saw Shirley and Nina running around to help set the plates and knives and forks. He could smell the aroma of the food——there was fresh bread, there was Vegetables and fruits, and meat.

It was normal, he recognized, food that humans could eat.

But of all the aromas, the strongest came from the pot of soup at the end of the long table.

Delicious fish soup, soaked in slightly curly tender meat that can no longer be distinguished, the heat rises in it, and on the slightly shaking soup surface, those curly meat slices seem to still have a little activity, and the steam is still lingering Moderate tremors, spasms.

But when one looked carefully, the tremors and convulsions never happened like hallucinations.

Lawrence stood up unknowingly, and his eyes fell on the fish soup. He couldn't tell what kind of fish it was, and he couldn't detect any difference in this "food". However, a strong intuition still remained His heart was throbbing, it was something accumulated from wandering around the boundless sea for decades, it was the "experience response" that allowed him, an "ordinary person" without spiritual talent, to perceive some extraordinary things— —

This was once an extremely dangerous thing, enough to kill a person, and the horror of drowning an ocean-going ship in the deep sea, is...

"It's a fresh fish," Duncan said with a smile to Lawrence and Agatha, who were attending the rally for the first time. "I just caught it today—I went to a place quite far from Frost Island."

fish? "Fish" caught in waters far away from safe routes and sheltered by islands?

Lawrence was in a trance for a moment, and some horrifying conjectures suddenly appeared in his mind, and Morris, who was not far away, nodded friendly to him: "It's just what you think, Captain Lawrence, but relax, it is necessary to join us." steps, and you needn't worry about it, it's already harmless—it's literally food on this ship."

Lawrence listened in a daze, and by the time he realized it, Alice had already placed a bowl of steaming fish soup on the table in front of him.

But when she came to Agatha, Alice stopped in confusion.

"I can't eat," Agatha said with a little embarrassment on her face. "This body is already an empty shell of death, and I can't enjoy delicious food anymore."

"It doesn't matter," Duncan waved his hand generously when he saw this, "It's the rules on the ship, but in fact it's no different from an ordinary party, you can eat what you can eat, and a few small talk about what you can't eat is also a way to bring the relationship closer. "

While talking, he turned his head and glanced at the crystal ball in front of Tirian: "Lucy, don't forget your dinner."

"I'm eating, I'm eating," Lucrezia quickly replied, "Luni brought me baked apple pie and bacon pie!"

Duncan nodded after listening, then looked at both sides of the long table with a smile, picked up the wine glass at hand, and raised it high as the host:

"Then, for the day we meet here—"


The slight dizziness faded away little by little, and the green fire light at the edge of the field of vision gradually dissipated in the air. The fresh and cold sea breeze blew across the deck, bringing instant clarity to the mind.

The experience of partying aboard the Lost still haunts my mind like a dream, with a touch of unreality.

Lawrence shook his head to regain consciousness further, and then came to the edge of the deck, looking at the sea that was gradually sinking into night.

The faintly glowing silhouette of the Lost Home was still floating in the sea not far from the White Oak.

"...It's really like a dream."

Gather on the mysterious ghost ship, communicate with various "characters" including living dolls, sun fragments, and ghostly demons, and explore the secrets of ancient gods and doomsday in the spirit world. Under the witness, share the flesh and blood of the children of the deep sea together.

When the meeting ended, the wind of the real world blew across his cheeks again, when the tension and numbness in his mind gradually faded, and he was able to think with human rationality again, and when the relaxed and weird impressions during the meeting dissipated, Lawrence finally gradually realized The "essence" of everything that just happened.

A kind of belated "enlightenment" surged up, but he couldn't tell what he was feeling in his heart at this moment.

Normal people should feel terrified and terrified. At the very least, they should feel horrified when recalling the "fish" they ate.

Yet he felt nothing.

Only a strange sense of peace and belonging comforted his restless mood.

Fish, so delicious...

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