Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 669: Zaidao's real body is confirmed

Chapter 669 of the new chapter of the main text volume on the other side of the deep space states that the real body of the Tao is determined as a whole. Ninety percent of the source of the myth is the sea.

Wang Xuan felt very fulfilled, just now in the super peerless field, not only consolidated, but also greatly improved in Taoism, there is a sense of joy of harvest.

He looked at the 15-color rare bamboo in his hand, which was approaching the late stage of maturity.

Among them, 14 sections are crystal clear, and the 15th section has just emerged and is slightly dim. It does not look like a tree trunk at all, and is hard and indestructible.

It is more precious than those super banned main materials!

Wang Xuan weighed it quite heavy.

He felt that swinging this bamboo stick could directly explode the sky, and a little refinement would be a great weapon.

At the end of the strange bamboo, there is still a small section of bamboo root, which has not decayed, and has a 15-color halo.

He was surprised that the bamboo had been pulled out ahead of time, and it had not yet "end of life", but its vitality was obviously declining with the passage of time.

With a heartbeat, he took the 15-color strange bamboos into the world behind Mingtu, and cut them to the mountain he had piled up by the silver spring pool.

There is more than one kind of plant in this place, there is a mutated thorny vine, and an ancient tea tree full of tea fruits of various colors, all from his mother universe.

Wang Xuan's 6 breakthrough domains were fully opened, and he triggered the supernatural senses. He was extremely sensitive, and observed changes in this strange bamboo with extremely deep roots.

Its vitality stopped losing, and, after actively attracting the mythical substance here, the bamboo body in the 15th section was slightly blocked and brightened, and it was no longer dim.

Wang Xuan stared at this heaven-defying strange thing.

Before his own strength is not enough to overlook the extraordinary center, he doesn't want to revive a 6-broken holy object. He doesn't dare to take risks, worried that it won't be able to check and balance.

However, after studying it for a long time, he found that he was worrying too much. The 15-color strange bamboo veins are only psychic, and there is no real consciousness at all, otherwise, he would have passed the catastrophe and become a saint.

It has no primordial spirit, and is just a material that has just stepped into the field of 6 breaking.

He also felt relieved that the world behind Mingtu was very special. Unless they were supreme beings, other people would be gradually assimilated by him and become his spiritual nourishment when they came here.

old days. At the time of Muyu's trial, thick myths were rotten, and all supernatural beings were looking for a way out. He also tried his best to take Lao Zhang, Fang Yuzhu, and the demon master to visit the world behind his life.

Those people all said frankly that they couldn't stand here for a long time, otherwise they would be assimilated. The 15-color strange bamboo was planted here. Since there is no mountain of supreme consciousness, he doesn't need to sacrifice it deliberately, and it can gradually become his exclusive weapon.

Wang Xuan pre-ordered a future handy weapon, even if he didn't use it himself, it would be a supreme gift if he gave it away, enough to shake the entire Transcendence Center.

On the magnificent sea, Wang Xuan stepped on the waves, steaming, the sacred veins in his eyes tore the sky, he scanned the four directions, and patrolled the sea angrily.

Lu Po appeared, frowning deeply.

With a sullen face, Wang Xuan said:

Lu Po stepped on the void, stepped on the regular divine light, and disappeared at the end of the sky in an instant...

Half an hour later, he met a woman in a black gauze dress, and chased her decisively, deceiving her to be rejected by the source of the myth, so she dared not use her trump card.

The woman was furious, and the other party was chasing her like a lunatic and would not let go.

Wang Xuan

Stepping into the sea to catch up, anyway, all parties have a consensus that he has a long-lasting combat power and surpasses others, so there is no need to deliberately avoid it.

Xuanzhi, a girl in a black dress, used to be aloof, transformed into a peerless being by the supreme being, how could she ever be hunted down like this? Now she is very aggrieved, the source of the myth is burning her head, and she is in severe pain both mentally and physically, and she can't bear it a little bit.

She spread her legs and swished all the way to escape

However, the beast-like man at the back didn't care about these things at all, he was merciless, and used all kinds of means to beat her to the point where her skirt was torn.

She is now naked, her arms and legs are half exposed and stained with blood.

She finally met a companion who helped her block the lunatic from behind, she had time to catch her breath, and quickly drank royal wine and monster liquid.

Yu Teng appeared in these two sea areas.

Wang Xuan shook his head and said:

Yu Teng has long been chased and lost, and now he is following Wang Xuan to kill that person

Xuanzhi airway

Fortunately, another one of her companions appeared. Moreover, Wang Xuan didn't dare to be too eye-catching, so he slowed down his attacking rhythm and began to drink Yudao Wine.

Afterwards, the silver-haired Willow appeared, with a gloomy complexion and a completely different temperament from usual, murderous, said:

The Sword Immortal Wenming walked over the waves, with gray hair loose, empty and clear, carrying a divine sword on their backs, with a peerless demeanor.

If he didn't know that he was a terrifying big mosquito, Wang Xuan still felt that he was quite immortal, and he was more outstanding than many real sword immortals.

Wen Ming came to stop the fight, very elegant, mainly because in his heart, he split out the sword spirit **** seed and put it on the dead insects of the Dao line. Bamboo, so he is quite detached now, willing to cease fighting.

Suddenly, in the distance, the sky was full of waves, and the sea was evaporated, and an even more shocking battle took place there.

Wang Moxuan looked back and said: The Red God at the end of the sky met a strange team, and was besieged with one enemy five five. Her performance was astonishing, boiling the mythical ocean, evaporating, revealing the extraordinary source of fear. seabed.

Silver-haired Wei Luo and Yu Teng hesitated a little, but followed suit.

After a long distance, Wang Xuan released dense and numb sword energy, which pierced through the entire void, and the dazzling divine light merged into thousands of paths, interspersed and intertwined there.

Wang Xuan was shocked inwardly, this Japanese man was indeed victorious, with one against five, nothing happened.

Red God shook her head and expressed her gratitude to him. She saw that Wang Xuan had discovered the situation here, and immediately killed him.

Soon, Lu Po also appeared. Their team gathered together to confront the five people on the opposite side.

Jianxian Wenming was amazed, and killed them together with Xuan Zhi and others.

Now that he has the opportunity to keep his opponent, he naturally no longer maintains a detached and peaceful state of mind.

Among the five people who fought against Hongxiu, the leader was a man in black robe. The surrounding order formed a sacred net, and Peng Han was quite powerful.

Lu Po opened his mouth.

The person involved, Hong Xiu, nodded, and then, a group of five people quickly fled away without going shopping with them.

The main reason is that they did lose the nematodes, and lost the sense of the 15-color strange bamboo, which was obviously not on the other people. , It is meaningless to fight again.

Wang Xuan could see that although there were not many people in the team, there were no simple people, and they were all quite mysterious. At critical moments, one was more powerful than the other.

The team stopped, and they became more and more afraid of each other.

Silver-haired Vero said.

For the next few months,

Wang Xuan and the others were wandering in this sea area, and had encountered several fierce battles with Xuan Zhi, Wen Ming, and Wanfa Spider King.

They confirmed that the iron nematodes that did not get 15 colors did not return to the team.

Of course, Vero and the others are also suspicious of each other. Could it be that someone in the team killed the bug and got the 6-breaking strange object?

The mysterious Zaidao and the powerful Hongxiu were naturally the targets of suspicion, but this matter was finally settled.

Because there is no evidence, there is nothing between each other, and we can't just squabble now.

Four years later, Hong Xiu, Lu Po and others fused some of the unique products of the source of mythology, which were some very sacred and strange things, some of which were born on the bottom of the sea, and some were rooted in magma.

Wang Xuan obviously felt that the aura of the few people had become a lot more dangerous. They gradually merged with this world, and they were able to use part of their trump cards, and the fighting time was changing.

Several people also had the same impression about him, feeling that he had awakened some of his powers again, and everyone had a good impression of him.

Because after encountering a problem, he really dared to go up, and they went directly to smash their opponents, for example, three years ago. Wen Ming went crazy for no reason, so he asked Wanfa Spider King and others to gather a group of people to surround them.

Zaidao went shopping and fought to the death without retreating. At the end, he dragged away a member of the opponent and killed him in no man's land.

Wang Xuan knew why Li Jianxian went crazy. Not wanting the sixth child, he cut off 15 colorful bamboos, thinking that everything was as he expected, but in the end... the sword species lost contact.

In fact, the madness of Jianxian Wenming has not yet passed, and I always feel that Zaidao and the group of five with red sleeves have taken away the 15-color strange bamboo.

Afterwards, Wen Ming, Xuan Zhi, and Wanfa Spider King blocked Wang Xuan, Hongxiu and others again.

However, this time they didn't take advantage, and they were targeted again and again. Lu Po, Wei Luo and others were naturally angry, and they had already contacted the giant beast bull king and bear king in advance.

The five giant beast kings were very kind to the leading brother, Zai Daoyin, and he readily agreed when he saw him come to invite him in person, so this was a god-stopping battle. In the end, the two sides hunted and counter-hunted at sea, and fought fiercely for more than a day. For a long time, he did not stop until he was once again rejected by the source of mythology.

But at the last moment, people were all awe-inspiring, Zaidao went crazy, relentless, and chased each other relentlessly.

The giant beast bull king and bear king screamed, and they chased after them.

Hongxiu, Lu Po and others naturally had to go, and as teammates, they had no choice but to pursue again.

People from the opposite camp roared.

Wang Xuan stubbornly returned to his seat.

At the end of the war, many people were exhausted at the last moment and couldn't move anymore. Even though 4 years had passed and they had gradually integrated into the Extraordinary Center, they couldn't hold on to this shopping spree.

The time is too long. Wang Xuan was the last one to return to the team, carrying a white thigh and the pierced corpse, which made everyone look different.

In the Xuan Zhi wearing a black gauze dress turned pale, she lost that long leg, and now half of her body is still bloody, and the top of her head is glowing, as if it is burning, it really makes her angry have to die.

.Of course, look at the corpse, she's fine again. It is much better than the companion who was killed.

Wanfa Spider King said helplessly.

The giant bull king spoke highly of the leading brother in private.

Because, after seeing that he was blocked, Zaidao suffered a loss there, so he rushed over to do some shopping, and finally brought back a big dog.

At the end of the sky, the Sword Immortal Wenming, whose face was icy cold, said:

The Wanfa Spider King moved, saying

Even if Lai Xuanzhi used the secret method to break her leg and resume, she still felt a sharp pain in her right leg, and the lunatic that still appeared in front of her eyes

The scene where she takes her leg away.

Sword Immortal Wenming said.

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