Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 670: Spiritual Assembly

Wang Xuan dragged a dead body with his left hand, and a long leg on his right shoulder. This kind of return was really eye-catching, and made the eyes of several giant beasts straighten.

"Brother Zai Dao hasn't fully awakened yet. His origin should be extremely ancient. For future generations, the time he lives in should be faulted." Lu Po told.

This also means that the dao rhyme of some universes in later generations is a tonic for zai dao, which can be comprehended and absorbed.

Last time, after Wang Xuan killed an opponent, he manifested the corresponding cosmic dao rhyme. When he was there, Hongxiu, who had the most sensitive perception, noticed it and found that his dao was growing silently. He was shocked.

Yu Teng, Lu Po, and Wei Luo were also aware of Wang Xuan's change because of her reaction at that time, and their hearts beat wildly.

Silver-haired Vero was amazed at the time: "Brother Zai Dao's roots are very solid. I'm afraid it can be traced back to an extremely ancient age. A considerable part of the cosmic Dao rhyme in later generations is still useful to him."

Wang Xuan is happy to see their misunderstanding deepen, which can save a lot of trouble.

The light of his soul is mottled with time, like a faded old photo, "old" without flaws.

It never occurred to them that the direction of guessing was completely reversed.

The main reason is that, as the supreme beings, they all have extremely strong confidence. They don't think that the young boys in this world can reorganize them who have taken the holy road after only a few years in the super peerless field.

That's unrealistic at all, their physical bodies and souls have been polished to perfection.

Niu Wang and Xiong Wang must be awe-inspiring, the root of the leading brother is really unpredictable, if you go back to the past, it must be ancient.

Soon, that corpse was abandoned by Wang Xuan, and the corresponding dao rhyme behind it didn't mean much to him, as he had absorbed and comprehended similar ones before.

On the contrary, Xuan Zhi's thigh provided Wang Xuan with some new Dao rhyme, which was of great benefit

After another four years, Wang Xuan has spent more than 70 years of penance, but he realized that this method is unsustainable.

Because most of those opponents came from the same universe, and many of the Dao Yuns overlapped.

However, he is already very satisfied, his Taoism has steadily improved, and his efficiency is terrifyingly high. In about thirty years, he will be able to enter the 5-break field.

The Giant Beast Bull King and Bear King bid farewell with respect and respect.

"Next time if you have something to do, just call me over." Wang Xuan said, there is a deeper friendship between coming and going.

Another 6 years have passed, and it has been the tenth year since Wang Xuan and the others entered the source of mythology. Hongxiu and Lu Po have a premonition that more than half of the time has passed.

They have paid a total of three unique extraordinary factors, and they can stay for another 5 years at most, so they have to think about it.

However, they all gained a lot. They collected some rare and strange things from the source of mythology. After taking them, they merged with the superhuman center more deeply.

They believe that even if they leave now and spend a period of hard work in this world, they can fully integrate into this central world

Wang Xuan also had a "big harvest". In the past 10 years, he has been cultivating hard for more than a hundred years. This kind of improvement shocked him, and then he was very excited, and the sense of harvest was too strong.

He could clearly feel it, and his physical strength had grown tremendously. If he is willing, he can already cross the catastrophe and officially set foot in the field of super peerless 5 breaks.

This speed is really shocking to him.

However, he has restrained himself. If he breaks the limit here, if his companion finds out that it is not a robbery, then many problems will be exposed at once.

In the eyes of others, he is a peerless peer in the realm of consummation at this time.

Now, Wang Xuan has confidence in his heart. Even if those creatures who have returned to the path of true sages are integrating into the supernatural center, their trump cards and protracted combat power are changing, he is not afraid.

With 4 breakthroughs of super peers and his previous 6 breakthroughs in all domains, he can face this small group of super peers calmly.

Of course, some people may be extremely out of line like his father Wang Zesheng, who may be trying to expand the way forward, reshape a dark bridge, and cross the natural moat.

For example, it is rumored that the Beast Emperor, whose life and death are unknown, is very likely to be a single

A 6-break creature, if it appears here, it will be quite terrifying. A single 6-break creature, according to the records of the old holy experiment, will cause problems if there are too many in the later stage, and the Jingdao fruit will easily collapse. This is 34 levels. The root cause of the final abandonment of various laboratories is at the interface.

"Brother Zaidao, we are in trouble here, but it is also an opportunity." Six years after we parted last time, the Giant Beast Bull King finally contacted and found Wang Xuan.

They smelled the fragrance of medicine in a sea area, but they could not find the source. They felt that a great holy medicine was about to be born from the mythical source.

Wang Xuan was stunned at the time. He had never seen the true sage medicine. It is not a herb that is sacrificed in general. Of course, that meant giving it to a superhuman being, and other extraordinary people would explode and die if they took a small bite.

The so-called true holy medicine contains not only the medicinal effect, but also the endless texture of the order of heaven and earth. Otherwise, it would be possible to make the most extraordinary people realize the Tao and pass the most difficult threshold.

There are also people who say that the so-called holy medicine is exaggerated, and that a stranger who can become a true saint does not need it at all.

And the stranger who needs and misses it, after taking it, will not be able to become a true saint in the end.

Therefore, the claims about the holy medicine are full of controversy.

The Giant Beast Bear King said: "This holy medicine may be very different, except that it is filled with medicinal fragrance, intertwined with some lines of Dao, and accompanied by the sound of turning pages of the scriptures, it is very miraculous.

Even with these clues, none of them found the medicine, which is the most strange thing.

Hongxiu is flat, peerless and independent, and came out of the dust, but now his face has changed slightly, saying, "Probably not a holy medicine, it may be a trace of the Dao revealed by the source of the myth, and there may be Dao flowers blooming one by one."

Lu Po moved his face and said: "In the era of the royal court of giant beasts, some people happened to meet and participated in it personally. Is that the sacred secret of the origin of the myth?"

Hongxiu nodded and said, "This kind of legend has also appeared in the age of gods. It is called the Gods Festival, or the grand gathering of gods."

The silver-haired Vero suddenly recovered, and said, "Well, I've also heard that participants can get certain benefits more or less."

The giant beast bull king suddenly said in a daze, "It is said that the beast king also participated in it himself."

Wang Xuan said: "Brother Niu, what kind of help is Brother Xiong doing? How can you be so kind? It's clearly a great opportunity."

The Giant Beast Bull King was very magnanimous, and said, "It's okay, this kind of attack is very miraculous, it's safe to have more people on your own, you may see afterimages of gods, etc. Besides, it's not just us who found it, there will probably be enemies Appear."

A group of people and gods rushed over immediately, guarding this mysterious sea area and never leaving.

The sea of ​​gods was shimmering, the texture of the imperial way was intertwined, and the fragrance of the medicine was tangy, but they couldn't find the holy medicine. They had a spectrum, and 90% of them were the holy medicine of the rumor center.

Sure enough, not only they came, but also several teams appeared, with a total of more than 30 people in total.

The number of people is not large, but if you think about their identities carefully, it will be terrifying. They are all ancient beings who have retaken the path of true sages. They have been revived and returned in this era, and their origins are frightening.

Apparently, Wang Xuan and the others' rivals, the Wanfa Spider King in a black robe, have become stronger and surpassed the past six years.

There is also the inscription of the sword fairy, which is becoming more and more empty and clear. When he is carrying the divine sword, when the gray hair rises, the afterimage of the mysterious sword scriptures flows all over his body.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.]

Wang Xuan realized that it was more difficult to deal with the group of people integrated into the Chaofan Center at this time, but he was not the same as before. His Taoism has greatly improved, and he has a 5-broken background, and he can overcome the catastrophe at any time.

Those people had already noticed him, especially Xuan Zhi, who was wearing a black gauze dress, had the most intense eyes. Her beautiful eyes were burning. This is not an exaggeration. There really were sacred runes bursting out of her twins.

The moment she saw Wang Xuan, she felt severe pain in the root of her right leg, and the scene of being cut off by him and resisting a leg back then seemed to still be there.

"I can't stay at the source of mythology for a few years, and I'm going out soon!" She looked at Wang Xuan and said, obviously threatening.

The head Wang Xuan didn't care, he was very lazy, and said: "What can I do if I go out, what are your plans? Just rely on your

With long legs, it would be a pity not to go to Hei Jinhan to work. "

Xuan Zhi suddenly changed color, no matter what, she has also entered the extraordinary center to walk and experience in the world for a decade or two, how could she not know what he meant by teasing? .

What is her identity? It is really reasonable for the supreme being to temporarily fall into the world of mortals, but to be squeezed like this by others!

Jianxian Wenming opened his mouth, no longer detached, he said coldly, "Zai Dao, don't be arrogant, we already know who you are, and have deduced where your real body is. Although that Jedi is extremely ancient, but it has been there for many years. It's gradually becoming lifeless, I guess you have a problem with your transformation, you are going to be unable to hold on? After we go out, we will kill your real body immediately!"

Wang Xuan remained calm, he didn't even know who "Zai Dao True Body" was, and his group locked him? Really powerful.

But he really didn't care, on the contrary, he was a little happy, and really hoped that this group of people would poke the honeycomb. Stab a dormant old monster.

"Idiot, my real body hangs high outside and is immortal. Is it possible for those who jump on the bridge to spy on and offend me? If you dare to show up in my prison, they will all be crushed." Wang Xuan said flatly, the real thing is up. .

Lu Po sighed, this is the demeanor of a big boss, since then he will not allow others to call himself Boss Lu.

"Brother Zaidao, you are indeed the one who makes me willing to call him brother." Silver-haired Vero sighed. Over the years, he has gradually revealed his extraordinary roots, and he can't hide it anymore. It is obvious that he is extremely powerful.

In this good team, he was also afraid of the red sleeves, and he was not sure about Wang Xuan's background.

The giant bull king and bear king looked extremely admirable. They admired this leading brother so much. He was provoking a small group of supreme beings, and he was not afraid of others digging out his lair. He was really too strong and domineering!

Hongxiu, who has a supernatural temperament and charm, is also looking sideways. She is beautiful and energetic. Looking at Wang Xuan, she has been guessing the identity of the leading brother for so many years. Such as a certain peerless god, as well as a fierce man who fell silent and disappeared in order to transform... They all participated in the real battle.

"Okay, let's see you in real life!" Jianxian Wenming sneered.

"This king will definitely come in person." The Wanfa Spider King also said in a deep voice.

"I'll also go and see your real body and peerless demeanor!" Xuan Zhi said with emphasis on reading the words.

Obviously the people on the opposite side were aroused by Zaidao's words, and all of them were furious.

"I advise you not to seek your own death." Wang Xuan said calmly.

There is no doubt that this is tantamount to lighting a fire! However, the people on the opposite side didn't talk to him further because of their identity, but the cold light in their eyes explained everything.

Wang Xuan found that there were many people standing beside the sea, obviously guessing his identity, and what amazing roots he had in the library.

He's calm and doesn't matter.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were hazy, and then quickly dimmed. A round of bright moon hung high, and the water-like night covered the sea.

This can be called a spectacle, because the land of the source of the myth is not always bright with dark night at all, but today there is night.

Then, on the surface of the sea, a huge plant appeared out of thin air, brilliant and strange, rooted down to the sea, with green leaves.

Then, many flower buds appeared, accompanied by each leaf, with different colors, all emitting Taoist rhymes and mysterious textures.

"A flower that only God can see, will it bloom now?" Someone asked aphasically, obviously its origin is extremely ancient.

"The Beast Emperor used to sit cross-legged among the flowers and bathe here!" Someone whispered a giant beast.

This plant is sacred and huge, each leaf is like a bridge, connecting the night, it seems to be able to penetrate the unpredictable sky, I really want to send the gods to the other side.

There are no more or no less mysterious leaves, just over thirty pieces, and everyone at the scene corresponds to one piece.

"Climb on the spitting piece." Red God secretly reminded Wang Xuan that she was already doing it, so she rose up and landed lightly on a huge crystal leaf.

Wang Xuan did so and stood next to her. Then, he narrowed his eyes slightly, wouldn't he touch the gods? The vicinity of each leaf corresponds to a closed flower bud, on which there are floating patches of God's figure.

Now, what is being performed.

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