Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 359: Dancing with 3 Pile Kings

Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie remained silent, then moved backwards with difficulty, quickly moving away from there for a certain distance.

Old Zhang, it's really shameless to get together, pulling them to back up.

Wang Xuan's spine was broken, his ribcage was concave, his broken bones were poked into his five internal organs, his limbs were fractured, and the nails on both hands fell off cleanly, with blood stains, very miserable.

He had never met such a tyrannical opponent, which was the only one he had ever seen in his life. He seriously doubted whether Lao Zhang could fight? Enough!

Chen Yongjie's mouth was full of blood and foam, his arms were twisted into a twist shape, his chest collapsed, and his arms were attached to a bit of flesh, which was almost completely broken.

"Everyone, dust to dust, dust to dust, it's all gone, what are you doing to pester me? If there is fate, there will always be a reunion period, so let's stop here today."

Zhang Daoling turned around and left, but three piles of fire followed and surrounded him, like a bonfire at night, and like the flames of civilization spanning time and space.

The most frightening thing is that a blurred face appeared in the fire, looking at him blankly, letting the scriptures fall from the void, burning and illuminating the four fields.

Zhang Daoling was blocked, and he couldn't escape, let alone beheaded.

"Zhang Shangxian is in trouble!" Chen Yongjie's voice transmission.

"Don't worry about it, Lao Zhang is a bit of a jerk, let's take care of ourselves first." Wang Xuan healed, but this time it was too bad. He counted fifty-eight bones in total.

Eight big holes were poked out of his five internal organs. He was still in cold sweat from the pain. His hair was wet.


With a little exertion, the bones on his arms were broken into many pieces, unable to hang down to the sides of his body, leaving him pale.

Chen Yongjie was the same. It was difficult to connect his arms. He was sweating for a long time because of the pain. Then he corrected the collapsed chest bones, and the clicking sound was quite harsh.

"Don't give me a chance, it will fall into my hands one day, I have to slowly chop you up with a **** sword!" Old Chen was sullen, this time was too miserable.

"What's the matter with the two of you?" Zhang Daoling asked, trapped there, unable to get out, and began to "care" about the two of them.

"I was subdued and killed by a peerless immortal and demon. The number of paths is similar to yours. When I came up, I grabbed my neck. Could it be you?" Wang Xuan opened his mouth and looked at him suspiciously.

Lao Zhang calmly said, "If it were me, would the two of you still be alive? I've long since photographed them into two pools of blood."

He is confident, and looks like he is pointing at the country, and he doesn't put the world's masters in his eyes at all.

"I don't think you can beat him!" Wang Xuan opened his mouth, then introduced the situation of the man wearing the silver mask in detail, and used mental projection to reveal his body.

"I don't know, it's definitely not what he really looks like, but it looks like he should be more powerful, maybe it's the incarnation of a peerless fairy."

Lao Zhang nodded, showing a strange look, and said, "Okay, you've grown so capable, it's not easy to be able to survive under the hands of such a person."

Then, the three piles of fire shook and moved a few feet towards Wang Xuan, making Zhang Daoling show a strange look. Is this possible? He also moved decisively this way.

Seeing this, Wang Xuan greeted Lao Chen and ran away quickly, it was just a pile of pits, people pits and fire pits, it was really hard to provoke!

Chen Yongjie is also speechless, Lao Zhang, you are a successful senior, are you embarrassed? Take the younger generation to support the back, or hurry up and run!

"Don't run, what I said is true, Sanshengdui has been around since ancient times. Generally speaking, it will not hurt people. It will sleep you a year and a half at most, no, it will arrive in ten days and a half months. It's over!" Lao Zhang shouted from behind.

The two seriously injured people ran to the end of the horizon in one breath. They could only see three fires indistinctly before they stopped. They were tossed and fractured again. They all grinned and coughed up blood in their mouths.

Although they didn't want to talk to Lao Zhang, they didn't dare to go too far, for fear of meeting the strong man with the silver mask again.

"Recover first, Lao Chen, you can improve your realm." Wang Xuan suggested.

"Didn't I just break through to the early stage of the seventh stage? I'm afraid it's too fast, and the foundation is vain." Lao Chen said, he thought about it, he could improve to the seventh stage and be successful, but not enter the eighth stage, increase strength, and deal with dangerous variables. .

Then, he decisively started taking the Celestial Marrow, carefully sucking the bright liquid in the crystal.

Wang Xuan turned his head and didn't want to look at it. There would always be a scene where Qi Chengdao had also licked the same place, which was really awkward.

He mobilized the active factors and began to repair the wounded body. For a while, a silver substance rose up in his life soil, filled with purple rays of light, overflowing to the primordial spirit and returning to the flesh, repairing bones, and connecting tendons.

He brought back a large amount of super-energy substances that are close to the real from the void, and it is still enough for now.

Of course, red substances should not be used to heal wounds, they are life-threatening. However, he still tried to die, drawing a wisp from the silver animal skin scroll, and wanted to try to refine his body in the extreme state, break it and stand up, with the new life.

In the end, he wanted to give himself two big mouths. The ancients really... In Mengren, what is left to die and then reborn, it hurts him to roll all over the floor.

"Well, it works, I have exercised my will!" He comforted himself, reconnected his bones, and used active factors to heal his wounds. The corners of his eyes and brows were silvery, and the top of his head was steaming with purple energy.

He was intent on rushing to pass, but he thought that he had not stopped at the eighth stage, and had not gone further to realize and understand. It was too hasty.

"Hurry up and accumulate time!"

In the near future, it is better to improve. If he encounters the mysterious man wearing a silver mask again, it is estimated that there will be a catastrophe between life and death.

"Well, I want to practice one Buddha pill, one Dao pill, one demon pill, one human pill... I need to get six golden pills to build the cycle of six pills, and I don't have to follow the five-color golden pill route. , you have to have your own extraordinary framework.”

Chen Yongjie muttered to himself there, he had a new idea.

"Okay, Xiao Chen, I'm optimistic about you, come in quickly, and discuss with them, it can enlighten your thinking. Do you know what kind of fire this is? The flame of mythology and civilization, known as the Sanshengdui!" Lao Zhang greeted.

Chen Yongjie...he was really moved. Now he wants to improve his realm, but he feels that his understanding is not enough. If he can train in that kind of fire and settle for a few days, it may really be rewarding. For the sake of cultivation, he really dared to fight.

"What is the Sanshengdui, what I saw is clearly the lingering spirits, piles and groups into pieces, Lao Zhang, you are not kind, this is the Sanlangdui?!" Wang Xuan said.

At this time, near the three piles of fire, shadowy figures appeared, men and women, old and young, all dancing around the three fires.

As for the three piles of flames, each has a pale face, and they are all looking at Zhang Daoling blankly!

And, at this moment, there was a beautiful woman in the lingering who was dressed very anciently, like an innate **** and demon from countless times ago. She was so enthusiastic that she pulled Lao Zhang's arm and invited him to dance.

Wang Xuan's eyes widened immediately, and then he projected his mind to Chen Yongjie to let him watch the truth together.

"Zhang Shangxian is okay, he is very popular wherever he goes, and everyone invites you to dance?" Chen Yongjie endured the pain and grinned in admiration.

Lao Zhang's face was blank and he ignored the woman, but the disastrous face in the fire was staring at him with a bad look.

"Talk about the Tao, just talk about the Tao, whoever is afraid of who, come on, I'll give it up, I'll sit here for a year and a half, and spend it with you!" Lao Zhang patted the ground!

At this moment, there are more female congenital gods and demons around him, with graceful figures, silver bell-like laughter, dancing around him, touching his face and neck from time to time.

"No wonder they all want to be honored as their ancestors, there is no one else for this treatment!" Old Chen sighed with emotion.

Some female innate gods and demons went to pull Lao Zhang's hand, to drag him up, and they had to dance together.

And, at this time, by the three bonfires, a young girl walked towards Wang Xuan and the others. Without touching the ground, she teleported and appeared directly in front of her to pull Wang Xuan.

"Old Zhang, what have you done?!" Wang Xuan shouted, he was also being targeted.

"Huh?!" Old Zhang was quite surprised, and said, "It seems that you really have some great scriptures on you, come over quickly and talk to them about scriptures!"

"Don't go!" Wang Xuan was furious, this girl could actually see him, it should be noted that he was not out of his body.

The girl is slim and graceful, and she looks like she has come from ancient times. She wears a crown and looks very old. Her frown and smile are all charming and charming.

Lao Zhang took a picture with the bronze mirror, stared at the mirror, sucked in the cold air, and said, "I'll go, it's King Lang who is looking for you!"

"I..." Wang Xuan frowned, this young, outrageous woman with a peerless beauty, is the king of three piles of ancient civilizations?

"Who are the three big pale faces that are staring at you?" Wang Xuan asked quickly.

"A collection of the ancestors of the Sanlangdui civilization that passed away." Lao Zhang said bluntly, and the miserable white face got closer and closer, and looked at him.

Not one, but three, all staring at him, Leng Youyou, making his Primordial Spirit a little unstable.

"Boy, there is something about you that attracts them, come here quickly, I will give you something!" Zhang Daoling called to him.

"What's the benefit?" Wang Xuan asked.

"What do you want?" Lao Zhang asked back.

"I want to kill that mysterious man wearing a silver mask!"

Lao Zhang stared, this was really unsatisfactory, and said, "What realm are you, the gap is quite large!"

"But you might be able to beat him!" Wang Xuan said, asking him euphemistically if he had any decrees, talismans, forbidden techniques, etc., just give him a stack, and he went to cut the mysterious man.

"What do you think!" Lao Zhang shook his head.

"Goodbye then!" Wang Xuan was about to run away with Chen Yongjie.

"Come here!" In the end, Lao Zhang agreed and told the two of them that they could send out three kinds of talismans, "Mirror Light", "Yang Ping Yin" and "Dragon Tiger Sword", and then they could type them out directly, each equivalent to his own. hit.

Wang Xuan agreed immediately "happily", followed King Lang happily, and dragged Lao Chen to "enlightenment".

"I have an amazing scripture here, which can be called unparalleled in the world, but the practice is too difficult. It requires a slightly different spirit from ordinary people. It is best to have some diseases to practice." Wang Xuan said.

However, before he finished speaking, Lao Zhang looked bad and said, "Are you monitoring me and using modern technology to control my every move?!"

Wang Xuan was and said, "What's the situation, where does this come from, I haven't been out in outer space, and I've been isolated from the outside world. How can I monitor you?"

Then, Lao Zhang threw him a medical certificate.

Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie got together, looked carefully and looked at each other, they both showed strange expressions, Lao Zhang was shaken to be a first-class mental patient?

The expression on Wang Xuan's face was quite wonderful, and finally he sighed: "This supreme scripture was really born because of you, it was specially prepared for you!"

"Believe it or not, I have blacker hands than that mysterious man wearing a silver mask, and I will kill you directly!" Lao Zhang said with a bad expression, he felt that the boy was scolding him.

"I'll give you a passage of scripture first, you can think about it and try it out." Wang Xuan was very generous, and intercepted a passage of scriptures for him.

After a while, Lao Zhang was in a trance, in a daze, and annoyed, and then plunged into it again. He was actually researching!

Soon, by the bonfire, Wang Xuan and Lao Chen were dragged by the lingering force and went to dance together. Wang Xuan grinned, a little hairy and a little uncomfortable.

In fact, not long after, Lao Zhang also ended up, and was forced to dance a bonfire dance by three big pale faces.

It was only after joining in that Wang Xuan knew that when everyone danced, they were singing scriptures!

At the same time, at the entrance of this strange space, Fang Yuzhu in flawless white arrived, and revisited the old place.

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