Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 485: Catch living creatures close to the real source

Wang Xuan came to the "extraordinary power room" of the spacecraft. If any red substance overflows, it can be isolated, extracted, and used here.

If there are dangers and accidents, this cabin can also be removed to ensure the overall safety of the spacecraft.

"Be careful, don't be schizophrenic!" Chen Yongjie reminded.

Wang Xuan glared at him, but the first few retreats were really dangerous, the mental illness was really tossing people, and he almost lost his practice, and a bunch of incarnation troubles were just resolved.

"Can you still train yourself to solve problems?" Wu Yin asked with a smile.

"Is it a mental exercise? Would you like to put a meditation amulet on your forehead first?" Zhao Qinghan also said with a smile.

"Did you see it when Wang Xuan and the God of Light fought? You don't know what it is. One person can differentiate into many Taoist spirits, both male and female, and how many are bizarre..." Aoki explained. .

"Old Qing!" Wang Xuan was helpless, and finally let it go. He calmed down, entered the land of life, and went straight to the road with a few important pieces of equipment.

With the improvement of his strength and the effect of planting celestial medicine, the time to reach the destination has been greatly shortened, and he arrived near the silver pool in less than "three days".

This time, he did not come to calcine himself in hell, but mainly to steal time and run through the meteorite passage.

Cultivation in a place of nothingness is not as exaggerated as in the interior scenes, but it is far more active in spiritual thinking than sitting in the real world.

The rough red cliffs and the silver fairy liquid were overflowing, and the two mountains of life soil beside them were full of vitality.

On a mountain of earth was planted the vines of the Nine Tribulations of Heaven, like a horned dragon coiling around. Under the white leaves, there were hidden red thorns.

"Do the super substances absorbed by the leaves and thorns correspond to the immortal liquid in Yinchi and the red substance in the distance?" Wang Xuan pondered, even this celestial medicine is gradually adapting. He believes that as time goes by, he will Also completely absorbs red substances.

Another Mingtu Mountain is adjacent to the pond. The immortal tea tree is growing vigorously and lushly. The tea fruits of various colors are swaying, radiant and colorful, with a faint fragrance.

After arriving here, Wang Xuan relaxed and had some time to think about the issue of cultivation. The health furnace was not big, like two fists together.

He burned a pot of immortal tea, and the white mist floated up, smelling the fragrance of the tea, he thought quietly, looking at the road ahead, if he wanted to enter Xiaoyaoyou, he could break in at any time.

It is extremely difficult to break through the thirteenth stage, but he is willing to choose the extremely difficult road, and he can set foot on Xiaoyaoyou anytime.

As for the thirteenth paragraph, if you miss it, you will lose it forever, and you will never be able to go back and make up for it.

"I hope the Golden Cicada Technique and the Ants and Dragons chapters can help me achieve Nirvana, achieve an all-round improvement, and break through that terrifying level."

Next, he took advantage of the active spiritual thoughts here to comprehend several bizarre scriptures, and began a lonely journey of cultivation, completely isolated from the outside world.

He spends most of the time sitting cross-legged under the tea tree, occasionally touching red substances, and experiencing the anomalies and wonderful benefits of practicing with different super substances.

"The close-to-real material touched here is even worse than the interior, but the effect of stealing time is not as good."

About "two years" later, Wang Xuan got up, finished his practice of stealing time, rushed to the meteorite passage, and tried to see if he could pass through it. This was the highlight of the trip.

In just one day, he rushed from the Immortal Tea Tree to the location of the huge meteorite, which seemed to be covered by the sky, boundless.

A luminous passage, red haze, fine granular crystals, and firelight, etc., surging from there with the mist from time to time, the heat is unbearable.

After coming here, Wang Xuan became cautious. He did not forget that when there were many incarnations of schizophrenia, there was a vague and shrill howl coming from here.

"Is that an illusion, or is there really something?" He pondered, this matter is outrageous, how could there be an extra monster in a place that belongs to him alone?

He believes that there are no more than three possibilities. One is the spiritual avatar, which is a fish that slipped through the net. There is still one dormant here, and he has not found it.

If this is the case, it will be a little scary. When Fang Yuzhu, the demon master, Lao Zhang and others consulted together, didn't they notice the avatar?

The second possibility is that the devil flower is making trouble again, deliberately inducing him, not tossing him into mental problems, doubting life, and being unwilling.

If there is a third possibility, it would be a little scary, from the real source, something came from above the meteorite passage.

The last time he came here, he didn't enter the meteorite passage. He just realized that something was wrong and thought it might be dangerous to break in rashly.

Now, he has come to the end of the 12-stage field, and he has really mastered the health furnace, so he has to find out, otherwise he will always let the calamity lie here, and it will be difficult to enter the misty land in the future.

Before leaving, he went to the cave he had dug and took a look at the cactus Tianyao. It was growing very well, and it was about to bloom.

"Oh, boy, you're finally here, take me out, I can't stand it!" There are several pages of the book of years, calling out in pain.

"I tell you, this mental illness is unbearable, and it affects the stability of my Taoist mind. If I stay with it, I'm going to go crazy!" paper.

"I think you're not normal at first, so it's good to be with him." Wang Xuan would not satisfy his wish.

"Don't, take me away, this mental illness is nothing, there are ghosts outside, wandering around from time to time, they will frighten me to death, he will eat books. I surrender, I just ask you to take me away!" It trembled and begged there.

When Wang Xuan heard the news, his scalp tingled immediately. Is there really a living creature here, isn't it an illusion?

"Did you have hallucinations? Actually, there are no real ghosts?"

The Book of Years shouted: "You are hallucinating. I'm not divided, and I'm not mentally ill. How could I sense something wrong? There is definitely a big problem here, which has seriously affected me."

"Then just stay here and meet it for a while." Wang Xuan refused to take it away.

The Book of Years talked about conditions and said, "Then you fill me in, it's just a few pages, I don't have much power if I am missing!"

"Stay here!" How could Wang Xuan complete him? The origin of this thing is doubtful, so it is better to split it up now.

He asked a lot of questions and left this place with doubts.

When Wang Xuan entered the passage, there was an animal skin book and a health care stove, so he calmed down a lot. On this meteorite road surging with red haze and streaks of thunder, his primordial spirit was in severe pain, and every time he came here, it was a torment.

However, now he is much stronger than before, and his endurance has also been greatly improved. He didn't avoid entering the health care furnace, and just carried forward.

Suddenly, right beside his ear, a shrill howl sounded, resounding deep in one's soul, it was clearly the primordial spirit, but he felt like his hair was standing on end, his body was overcharged, and he had goosebumps.

Wang Xuan didn't turn his head back, like a scorpion waving its tail, kicked back.

With a bang, he encountered a block, the soles of his feet were in severe pain, and a creature violently blocked him.

The moment he turned his head, he saw a pale face. With a swipe, he disappeared into the haze, and then went away, hiding in a blurred passage that he couldn't see.

"There's really something!" Wang Xuan was startled, and in the unbearably hot passage, he felt a chill coming from his back, that creature was very dangerous.

He took a deep breath, and as a result, his primordial spirit turned red, and the pain was excruciating. There was all red matter here, but now his endurance was getting stronger and stronger, and he actually resisted it.

"You have to catch it and figure out what kind of creature it is!" He rushed up, chasing him all the way.


Suddenly, like a ghost, that thing jumped down from the rough meteorite wall, vague and powerful, like a cloud of smoke, slaying Wang Xuan.

In an instant, Wang Xuan used all means, and collided with it hundreds of times, his own severe pain, that monster was outrageously powerful, on par with him, and was fighting against him!


Wang Xuan jumped over the God-killing flag and directly used the health-care stove, thinking that he would receive it as a treasure!


The shrill howl actually resounded in the bottom of people's hearts, causing Wang Xuan's spirit to shake for an instant, in a trance.

He activated the health furnace to make it roar, and the monster sank into the stone wall and disappeared again.

The health furnace vibrated, and there were strong ripples expanding, and the indestructible meteorite wall that was cut rustled and fell into powder, cracked continuously, exploded along the way, and many huge stones fell.

This is much less labor-intensive than when he digs the channel with an iron drill. The treasure is the treasure, so that the stone skin is constantly caving in the meteorite channel, and all kinds of rocks are tumbling.

At the same time, he also realized that this meteorite as huge as the sky is really amazing, it is too hard, and the treasure is only cutting off stones in the passage, rather than breaking it down as a whole and disintegrating it.

Wang Xuan was on the road again, holding the treasure, ready to kill at any time, wrapped in a silver animal skin book and a golden animal skin with holes.

Suddenly, there was another shrill howl. This kind of creature like a ghost in the middle of the night can affect people's minds, delay their movements, etc.

Wang Xuan was fully prepared and wanted to use the treasure to kill it, but his actions were affected by the mental howls after another.

The most important thing is that this thing is elusive. When it called out for the first time, it suddenly came to the top of Wang Xuan's head. From the gap in the animal skin, the scalp that was attached to it drilled inward, icy and biting, trying to enter his body!

What kind of monster is this? It moves so fast that even Wang Xuan has a headache and feels extremely troublesome. If anyone else came here, they would have died long ago.

Xeon's avatar, it's not enough to see here!

At a critical moment, his body glowed, and the God Slaying Banner, which was hidden in the primordial spirit, rushed out of his body, slammed on the monster, and smashed it into the air. The monster held a tree branch in its hand, which was broken every inch to replace it. suffered.

Leaving his body is easy. He quickly vibrated the health-preserving furnace and wanted to destroy it. He didn't give it a chance. This thing is really too evil.

That monster turned into a rain of light, and with a swoosh, it evaporated, and when it reappeared, it was already hanging near the magic flower above.

"It's a bit scary, it's not weaker than me, and it didn't die after being hit by the Zhanshenqi?" Wang Xuan realized the seriousness of the problem, and really wanted to let go of his hands and feet to fight, this monster was no worse than him.

At the same time, he noticed that what the monster was holding was a dry branch of the magic flower, which he found near the plant.

"Magic Flower, are you the one who made the mess?" Wang Xuan didn't think so. This time, he was holding the treasure of ten thousand integrity, and he was full of spirit, without splits, and he didn't fall into an illusion.

At the very least, after his spiritual celestial eye and the background of the twelfth stage were combined, he did not feel the threat to his life on the magic flower, and the hidden danger was just that unknown creature.

Without any hesitation, Wang Xuan used the treasure to smash forward. This time, the magic flower was affected, causing it to shudder and shake violently. The snow-white petals were extremely crystal clear, as if they were about to be scattered all over the sky.

The huge meteorite block collapsed, and the channel was collapsing. The eternal flower that never withered was stronger than the meteorite. After being hit, its roots were partially exposed, but it did not collapse in the first place.

As Wang Xuan approached, he urged the treasure again, and the meteorite collapsed more and more severely, and the sacred-looking magic flower seemed to be about to fall.

But it was also at this moment that Wang Xuan's scalp was numb, and he had a feeling that a catastrophe was about to come. He immediately used his spiritual eyes to combine with the background of the 12th stage to capture the maliciousness in the dark.

He was warned and saw the blurry picture. It seemed that if this place collapsed completely, causing the plant to fall off, the void land might be torn apart, and something big was about to happen.

Wang Xuan immediately stopped, feeling terrified, this magic flower is very important, how can it affect the stability of the entire ethereal land?

For a while, his head was as big as a bucket. Could it really be a flower of vision, a dream of eternal life that never fades in his heart? He dared not start with it.

Wang Xuan avoided the flower and went directly to chase the This time, it was afraid, and without looking back, it rushed all the way to the top of the meteorite passage.

Wang Xuan chased after him until he couldn't bear the burning, and when he was about to burn, he entered the health care furnace and rode it to chase and kill the unknown creature.

"Ow..." In fact, the monster couldn't hold on any longer. The burned ones were about to disintegrate. They had gone too far, and had long since been far away from where the magic flower was.

It drilled into the meteorite wall, but it would be forced out in an instant, and a stronger red haze emerged from it, with the light of thunder.

"You can't leave!" Wang Xuan chased and killed it, and he had to catch it. This thing is dangerous and powerful. I don't know where it came from, so I can't let it toss here.

Whoosh whoosh!

However, it still escapes all the way up, does it really come from the real source?

But how does it pass the health care furnace so quickly? This treasure is not known for its speed, but it is also far superior to other treasures. In an instant, it is in front of its eyes.

At this time, it was miserable, its body was blurred, it was about to be burned and disintegrated, and its face was pale and blurred.

Wang Xuan waved the God-killing flag, wrapped it directly, and caught it alive!

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Thank you: Fishermen on the stars, Yan Guiren, thank you for your support!

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