Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 486: The 13th stage of Nirvana??

Really caught a living creature? It swayed in the flag, tossed, and fought fiercely. Wang Xuan shook the flag, a golden grid appeared, and he quickly tightened it.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?" Wang Xuan asked, looking at this kind of thing at the same time, it has a vague and pale face, and its whole body is like a cloud of smoke.

It didn't speak, just stared at him like this. After being wrapped by the flag, the red substance would not easily corrode it, which was equivalent to protecting it.

"Speak, you will howl, why don't you pretend to be dumb for me?" Wang Xuan carried the Zhanshen Banner and went all the way up the meteorite passage, continuing to explore.

The surrounding red substances were boiling, and in the health furnace, Wang Xuan was not damaged, and he was quite safe, which made him admire, the treasure is the treasure.

Relatively speaking, the God Slaying Banner is already a rare treasure, but now there are black spots on the flag surface, some of which are unbearable, and the golden grid is more and more dazzling, it is fighting. .

The creature bound in the flag began to roar, it was burned to death, it became more and more blurred, and its face was pale and hazy.

"Don't you want to say something to me? Then I'll burn you to death!" Wang Xuan showed no mercy, and took it all the way up, approaching the real source.

This is a long journey that has never been seen before, driving the treasure, expanding the Taoist pattern, he rushes up all the way so fast, it is difficult for him to estimate how many miles he has traveled.

He felt that he was on the road to heaven. From here, he seemed to be able to enter the world and come to a new world. This was the only feasible meteorite road.

"Grandson, are you addicted to burning your grandfather?" Suddenly, the creature shouted, and the exit made people angry, rebellious and unruly.

This was beyond Wang Xuan's expectations. This thing has intelligence and can communicate.

"It seems that the burn is not enough, the mouth is so twitchy!" After Wang Xuan finished speaking, he ignored it and rushed all the way up again.

"Ah, it hurts your grandfather to death. What are you burning, do you know who I am? Stop!" The flag was battered, charred into pieces, the golden grid undulating, and the monsters in it couldn't stand it.

Wang Xuan ignored it. Since he was not convinced, he would burn it to death. The treasure glowed, and a soft halo enveloped Wang Xuan, isolating him from the terrifying passage.

The passage is getting wider and wider, like walking through the cosmic nebula. The red fog is very thick and vast. At the end, it looks like a vast ocean, with turbulent haze and granular matter everywhere.

He sucked in the cold air, he would definitely not be able to get here by himself, and he would be burned to death.

"Don't burn it, if it goes on like this, I'll be gone. It's your own loss, you are setting yourself on fire!" The creature cried weakly.

The flag surface was completely black, and the original appearance could not be seen. Even the golden grid intertwined was dimmed. It is conceivable that this creature would have died if it had not been wrapped in the flag.

"Tell me, what the **** are you, don't lie to me, otherwise, you will die very miserably!" Wang Xuan paused temporarily.

"Grandpa is the rebellious side of you, the decisive side of you, the strong side of your world, and the side of your true self. But the last time your grandson schizophrenia out of some avatars, that's all, he will also Grandpa's character side was cut out invisibly, thinking that I was the dark side, do you want to be a white lotus, do you want a flawless pseudo-sage? A painting has various colors, and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are still splendid. Compliments, do you want to leave a piece of white land so clean? Isn't the ending so miserable!"

Wang Xuan was in a trance. He thought of all kinds of possibilities, but he really didn't expect that this was not his avatar, but a part of his emotions, pretending to be a ghost to be scary here.

He identified it carefully and found that the pale face was more and more like him. Is this really two sides of the same body, can't they be born together?

When I didn't realize it earlier, I thought he was a ghost, but he was miserable. Now I think the two are close, and it starts to return to normal.

However, he couldn't be so gullible. Although the spiritual eye thought it was fine, he was afraid that the magic flower would make trouble and hide his perception.

"Go!" He carried the God-killing flag and returned along the same path. He went to the real world to see if he dissipated, and prepared to use special means to verify it.

On the way, the Zhanshen Banner slowly recovered, the scorching gradually faded away, and it recovered again. It is worthy of being a mysterious artifact related to the Imperial Dao Banner.

Soon, Wang Xuan returned to the world, opened his eyes, held a treasure, carried a flag, and was fully armed.

He was instantly happy, and Chen Yongjie and Liu Huai'an were nothing more than that. The burnt body turned black and smelled of cooked meat. Even Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin, who were far away in the back, were smoky, with their white faces and black faces. And Ma Chaofan and Xiaohuxian were shouting there, they were getting to know each other.

"My master said that practicing next to you can be beneficial. That kind of red mist can absorb even the slightest bit of it to temper the body and spirit." Aoki spoke from a distance, his whole body was black, revealing a mouth of snow-white teeth.

With his realm, he couldn't touch the red mist at all, but the residual heat of the red substance, the afterglow of thunder, caused his whole body to be abnormal.

Seeing Wang Xuan laughing, Zhao Qinghan became angry, punched him, and pinched his waist again. She looked in the mirror, but she felt that she couldn't look directly. This appearance has nothing to do with beauty.

Wu Yin couldn't stand his gaze either, so she turned around and ran away to wash and change clothes.

"Hey, you're catching something back. There is still prey on the way to practice, and it's packed. Did you keep it roasted and eat it?" Chen Yongjie saw the creature in the banner of the God Slaying at a glance.

"Old Chen, do you want to eat the king's ancestor?!" the creature cried.

Wang Xuan realized that this was not some kind of hallucination, it was not a magic flower, and he looked at it again with his spiritual eyes, and finally motivated the treasure, so that the high veins covered it, refining its spirit, and seeing its essence.

Everyone else was taken aback and stood close to observe, is this also Wang Xuan?

"It's alright, this belongs to my spiritual dross, I'll smelt it for him, and then extract some essence and use it as waste." Wang Xuan said.

"You are the spiritual dross, I am the true temperament, without me, your heart is missing, pale, unsound, and defective." The creature said.

"It means that you are missing a part of your heart." Zhao Qinghan wiped off the burnt blackness on his face and said there.

The creature nodded: "That's right, do you still remember the good times when we hugged each other and crossed the night moon in the secret land? This heartless person probably forgot."

Zhao Qinghan's face, which had just been wiped clean, suddenly turned red, and he quickly calmed himself and said, "Is the one with me in the secret place?"

Wang Xuan said: "Don't listen to his nonsense, he is only part of my emotions, and now I will refine him and selectively absorb it."

"I am the true nature, indispensable!" the creature cried.

"Really, then Wang Xuan, hurry up and absorb him!" Wu Yin came back.

"Da Wu, you are absolutely right, tolerance is great!" The creature nodded vigorously.

Wu Yin wanted to nod her head, but she always felt that it was not right. It was very similar to the scene when she first met Wang Xuan in the early days when she was very angry.

With a bang, she punched the creature on the head and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

"How do you deal with it?" Chen Yongjie asked.

"After refining it, it must be the essence that can be left, absorb all of it!" Wang Xuan said, and then used the health furnace to refine it, as if calcining weapons and refining golden elixir.

This creature screamed, and finally turned into spiritual light, which was absorbed by Wang Xuan. It seemed that there was not much less. It was indeed not the so-called spiritual impurities.

Then, he showed a strange look, and his strength has increased, and the rate is not small!

This is really an unexpected harvest, and it can also increase Taoism!

"Time is running out, I'm going to continue to practice!" After Wang Xuan finished speaking, he turned around and left. This time, the purpose was very clear, and he went straight to the meteorite passage.

He rode on the treasure, faster than the flag of the gods. There was no shortage of super substances here, enough to supply it for recovery, and finally surpassed the position of the magic flower, rushing all the way up.

That plant seemed to know the power of the Incomplete Treasure, so it didn't make any disturbances both times.

In this passage, it seems that he can't feel the passage of time, it is very boring and monotonous. Wang Xuan feels that he has been flying for many years and has been moving upwards. He has already surpassed the original record and came to an unknown place.

In front of the passage, it is more and more open, like a red ocean undulating. If there is no treasure, living creatures will surely die when they come here.

Even when hiding in the health-preserving furnace, Wang Xuan also noticed the abnormality. The furnace body gradually felt a burning sensation, and the outer wall of the furnace was actually turning red!

Inside the health furnace, the rules rippled and the complicated patterns were intertwined, which sheltered him, otherwise, he would have become spiritual ashes.

"Is there no end, I don't believe in evil!" Wang Xuan refused to stop, and continued to charge upward, using his spiritual eyes to confirm the direction and not deviate from the course.

Now what he sees, it may not be a pure meteorite passage, but a sea of ​​red material, accompanied by firelight and red thunder, extremely terrifying, and there is no end in sight.

"Perhaps, I have already rushed out of the meteorite passage, so I only saw this ocean?"

In so many "years", he has not wasted time, and has been running several strange scriptures alternately, trying to make himself completely transformed.

"There are some... real material particles, it's really different!" Wang Xuan saw that in the red haze, there are some particles, and there is a high probability that they are completely real things!

He still didn't stop and continued to move up. Later, he saw some silver particles, very soft, with rich vitality, and some purple particles, noble and peaceful, making people want to get close.

However, in this area, there are more red lumps, which are extremely dangerous. The burning health stove is hot and red, like a red sun rising!

Finally, one day, Wang Xuan felt that he couldn't bear to stay in the treasure. His whole body was about to be torn apart, and the pain was eroded by mysterious energy, which spread in the rules and lines intertwined by the treasure, making him unbearable in pain.

"Ups and downs in some real firelight and thunder light, burning a health care furnace, is this equivalent to alchemy?" Wang Xuan felt that the furnace seemed to come to the right place, but he himself came to the wrong place.

However, if you think about it carefully, if you survive it, this is also a rare journey of cultivation. If others can't get it, who can come here?

"Fighting, I will treat myself as a golden elixir in the furnace. I will refine my spirits, cultivate my health, and run those special scriptures here!"

One year, two years...decades!

Wang Xuan stopped here, and the health furnace rose and fell with the red haze, and did not go up again. He ran several scriptures in the furnace day after day.

Unprecedented, UU reading He has never stayed in the ethereal land for such a long time. Everything is for cultivation and self-improvement. He wants to set foot on a new level.

Finally, there was a cicada chirping, followed by thirteen cicadas, Wang Xuan in the furnace turned into a golden cicada, extremely bright, his back split open, and a hazy new cicada with chaotic ripples broke free.

The cicadas rang through the void, shaking the bottom of the meteorite passage, huge stones rolled down, and the red haze and ocean were even more turbulent.

Until the end, the new cicada turned into himself again!

Wang Xuan woke up and said to himself, "I have practiced the Jin Chan Gong. Is this based on the 13th dan field?" He felt that he was extremely powerful, and he had indeed improved a lot!

"I got used to the furnace temperature in this area, and then go up!" He rode the treasure and started to head towards the end of the sea of ​​mist again.

The treasure was bright red, emitting a dazzling glow, and the internal textures were intertwined. Wang Xuan sat cross-legged, and beside him, there was a layer of spiritual cicada, and he had indeed transformed.

When he felt the pain was unbearable again, and he couldn't take it anymore, he stopped and said, "The next chapter should be the sublimation of the ants and dragons after the great consummation. Let's see how it transforms, what changes will I have! "

The last day of 2021, please ask for the last monthly pass, thank you.

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