Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 531: holy, holy, vicious

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Immortal Dao is decaying and extraordinary is dying. In this period, there are still such powerful creatures, truly surpassing the earth immortals, the dazzling primordial spirit illuminates the void, and the blood is churning like a tsunami!

Wang Xuan's heart sank completely, he knew that today's situation is worrying, and from the perspective of absolute strength, he is really not an opponent.

After his spiritual eyes opened, he never left this person. He kept staring at him, trying to see through his essence, but the bright light of the primordial spirit could block his vision.

This is something that has never happened before, the brilliance of the Primordial Spirit is just outside, and this step can be achieved!

His spiritual eyes were blocked, but he was not without gain. He vaguely felt the same kind of qualities, and this person made him feel familiar.

Jiang Qingyao's little face was tense and very serious, holding the Zixiao Hedao Sword in both hands, standing side by side with Wang Xuan to deal with the unprecedented enemy together, Yingying Zixia illuminated the two of them.

"Is that the special background that the evil spirit in Qi Tian's body longs for? I'm disappointed, should I give up, or should I analyze and study it carefully." The man said to himself.

He is tall, but not a big man. He is tall, tall, and imposing. He looks about thirty years old on the outside, handsome and indifferent, and when his eyes are opened and closed, lightning is blooming.

After the feathered flag fell into his hands, it spontaneously scatters the celestial clouds and scatters the celestial mist, and it was born to be one with him, turning the place where he stood into the celestial soil. .

Wang Xuan opened his mouth: "I have no grievances or enmity with you, we are both transcendent and degenerate people, and we are all ascetic practitioners who can no longer see a way out. There is no need to accompany blood and fights. If you are interested in special interior locations , we can sit down and talk, I know everything."

"I always get what I want by myself, where I need to talk to someone." The man looked at him with a domineering, indifferent face, and said, "Although I feel your flesh and blood, soul, and interior scene. The rotten breath is in line with this big era, but I still feel that there seems to be some secrets in your body, and my intuition tells me that I can dig it out."

He stared at Wang Xuan, believing his own intuition, and said, "You can try the means of the evil spirit in Qi Tian's body."

Wang Xuan heard him call Ling Ling an evil spirit, and felt that he should really not be a fallen Ling Ling.

"Are you..." He stared at the man, and felt more and more that there were some similarities between them, and that the other party also had a special interior scene?

If you speculate like this, the identity of the man is too amazing, which makes Wang Xuan's heart shake!

In this age of mythology, there are only three people who have opened a special interior scene in the mortal period before Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan's mood was agitated, and it was difficult to calm down at all. The identity of this man was about to be revealed, which made him feel incredible. Thousands of years have passed since ancient times, and that person can still reappear? !

"The first person in the Immortal Dao?" Jiang Qingyao also widened her eyes in shock. Today, she first saw the flesh and blood body of Qi Tian, ​​the True Monarch of Immortal Dao, and now she sees another person with a more terrifying origin?

Both of them couldn't believe it, this is not a terrifying spirit, its blood is as majestic as the sea, and the light of the primordial spirit seems to be able to shoot down the stars and moon, giving people the feeling of the most divine and holy, is it the first person in the immortal realm? !

He is not dead, has he been dormant in the dark from ancient times to today? This is shocking, even creepy.

However, Wang Xuan also had doubts. The first person to see his own kind Qi Tian being swallowed and possessed by a terrifying spirit, he still ignored it, didn't he feel any kind of hurt?

This person does not have any sadness, moreover, he has to follow the example of Langling, want to study and analyze Wang Xuan's special background, he has to start with him.

The man came with a flag and took one step, the sun and the moon paled, the starry sky trembled, and many black cracks spread under his feet.

Wang Xuan and Jian Xianzi were shocked and staggered backwards at the same time, which is terrifying!

Wang Xuan sighed, he was in a very bad state. After the **** battle with the black spirits, his muscles and bones were broken a lot. Now that he met a more powerful first person, he who never gave up is a little bitter and has a sense of powerlessness.

But could he have other options?

"Let her leave, it's a matter between me and you, no matter what the final result is for you and I, I'll accept it." Wang Xuan opened his mouth, looking at the unfathomable enemy opposite, and wanted him to agree to let Jiang Qingyao leave.

"I'll join forces with you!" Fairy Jian spoke directly, asking her to run for her life alone, but she wouldn't agree.

"Let me first try to see if you have any value!" The man said flatly, still strong, taking one step forward, the starry sky shook again, he held the feathered flag in one hand and slashed straight forward.

This simple blow is actually unavoidable. One is too fast, and the other is the roar of the law. There are billions of sword lights trapping the world, binding this universe, and the vast immortal aura is overwhelming!

Wang Xuan and Jian Xianzi shot at the same time, each urging the health care stove and Zixiao Hedao Sword, and they had no choice but to attack them.

The terrifying sound of the collision of the treasure, the earth-shattering explosion, even if the two of them went all out, they still couldn't stop it. The feathering flag fell down, and at the same time struck the Health Stove and Zixiao He Dao Sword, both of their arms were broken, their flesh was blurred, and they all vomited blood and flew out.

This is a huge difference!

"It's okay, I didn't keep my hand, you have never been smashed, and there are very few people who can resist this level in the real world." The man said calmly.

Wang Xuan and Jiang Qingyao both stared at his gesture of holding a feathered flag. Is this using the flag as a sword?


In the distance, in the spaceship, Fang Yuzhu, the shadow couple, the two originators of Chaojue Palace and Gouchen Emperor Palace, the strong men of Buddhism and Taoism, the two men and one woman who came out of the pool of life, all hold the treasures to block the madman merchants. Yi, did not let him leave.

"The five treasures have joined forces, and it is possible to construct a mirror light and reveal the source of the turbulent aftertaste of the other two treasures." The Buddhist monk said.

With a buzzing sound, the five treasures glowed, creating a space-time mirror light of Yu Dao level.

Sure enough, in the case of so many super peerless cooperation, the five treasures also succeeded, but the picture is slightly blurred.

"What?" Someone's pupils contracted on the spot, staring at the figure holding the feathered flag under the cosmic starry sky, unbelievable what they saw.

"How could it be him? It's been so many years, he has been dead for at least five or six thousand years, right?" Even the demon master's mother was shocked.

Except for Shang Yi, none of them have experienced that ancient era, but there is a vague portrait of this "first person" passed down.

The people present were all extraordinary. Whether it was Fang Yuzhu, the ascetic monk, or the parents of the demon master, they had all seen those broken portraits.

Therefore, someone recognized it at first sight.

Everyone looked at Shang Yi and observed his reaction. The lunatic he once suppressed had no temper. He would definitely be able to confirm whether it was the first person to reproduce.

"It's him, I didn't expect that he's still alive in the world. No wonder, I have felt many times, as if someone had watched me from afar, but it was him!" Shang Yi's expression was extremely serious and solemn.

The super peerless people who were present heard the words, and their hearts were shocked. The first person never died? He is at least an ancient man from six or seven thousand years ago. How strong is his practice now? But he has been dormant, confusing and uneasy.

"You didn't tell the truth!" Fang Yuzhu said, staring at the man in the mirror, then looking at Shang Yi, and saying, "That man is actually you!"

"Yes, looking at his posture of holding the feathered flag, it clearly looks like he is holding the sword of the world. That kind of supreme swordsmanship is unquestionable." The demon master's mother said.

"No wonder you want to leave, for fear that things will be exposed. You here did not expect that the gathering of treasures could reveal the truth there."

"Mad, if you dare to hurt Wang Xuan, you and I will never die!" The demon master's father said coldly, staring at Shang Yi.


In the depths of the universe, Wang Xuan wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, staring at the so-called first person, that kind of swordsmanship, that invisible domineering posture and charm, etc., too similar to the sword madman.

Both Wang Xuan and Jiang Qingyao have read his sword scriptures, and they have also seen the sword madman fighting in the Land of Immortality.

"The first person in ancient times, is he the same person?"

"No, it should be that he got the body of the first person and practiced a flesh-and-blood incarnation that is no weaker than his real body!"

In an instant, Wang Xuan and Jiang Qingyao had a lot of associations in an instant. Many **** events in ancient times did not match the records, and there was doubt!

Then, Wang Xuan's scalp went numb. No matter whether this man was the first person or Shang Yi, he was the supreme powerhouse six or seven thousand years ago. In this world, except Fang Yuzhu, no one could check and balance.

At the moment, Wang Xuan is in a very bad state, with broken bones and five internal organs, even if he forces three light spots out, he can't stop this person.

For the first time, he felt so powerless, and even a little desperate, not because he had no fighting spirit, but because his way of doing things was really incomparable to the other party.

It is no wonder that the feathering flag can shake the lid of the furnace and rush out of the health furnace. This flag has obviously been sacrificed for many years and completely collected for its own use.

This is in line with some guesses. In addition to the sword of the world, the madman Shang Yi has also refined other treasures with a high probability, and now it has been confirmed!

Whether it is Hengjun, or someone earlier, or the originator of Chaojue Palace, and "Qi Tian", they are all just passers-by of Yuhua Fan, and its real owner is Shang Yi!

Many people didn't believe it before, because human energy is limited, no matter how strong a person is, he can refine a treasure to the edge.

However, Shang Yi obtained the flesh and blood of the first person, which is tantamount to remodeling himself, and is definitely no weaker than his own real body.

Therefore, he has enough strength and a lot of time. He is a person from the land of immortality six or seven thousand years ago, and he has cultivated the Tao for a long time, so he can do it.

Wang Xuan and Jiang Qingyao were up and down, and they figured out a lot of things, but they both chose to remain silent for the time being and did not stimulate this terrible lunatic.

Back then, the lunatic Shang Yi constantly challenged the first person. There is a clear record that he never won, at most it was a draw, but the first person never killed him.

It's been a long time, and it's hard to know the details of the first person, but he is definitely not a murderous person, and his character has passed the test. Otherwise, he will be challenged many times, and he has won so many times. If you change to a cold-blooded person, you will kill the lunatic long ago. .

But now, Shang Yi has turned the first person's flesh and blood into his strongest body. Comparing the two makes people feel the ruthlessness of the sword madman.

If it was Wang Xuan, he felt that he would bury the first person.

"Let her go, this matter really has nothing to do with her." Wang Xuan said, not because he had no fighting spirit, but after calming down, he thought that he was really powerless to stop this big murderer, and it was useless to have blood.

Just as Jiang Qingyao was about to speak, Wang Xuan stopped him. He secretly transmitted his voice and said, "Don't argue with me, life is the most important thing, what can you change by staying? , calm down first!"

Who doesn't understand the truth? The difficulty is that the hurdle in my heart cannot be overcome, Jiang Qingyao said: "How do you know if you don't try?!"

No matter how you look at the state of the man in front, it is not weaker than Shang Yi's real body, and he is indeed the real Shang Yi. He glanced at Fairy Sword and said, "You are in my retreat place - Qixia Plateau, Have you read my Sword Sutra? Stand aside first."

Then he looked down at Wang Xuan, walked step by step, and said, "As for you, I'd better absorb the background and see how it turns out. After all, my body is of the same kind as you, and I should be able to deal with it. I have something to add."

"Boom!" He held the feathered flag with one hand, and it really was used as a long sword, and it fell directly, and the supreme sword light poured out, tearing the void of the universe!

With a bang, the health furnace made a terrifying roar, the dazzling fairy light soared, and the fragments of the rules splashed down in the sky, igniting the starry sky, but it still couldn't stop Shang Yi.

The bones of Wang Xuan's arms were broken inch by inch, and the flesh and blood were torn apart. He couldn't grasp the furnace body, and the treasure was shaken and flew out. His whole body was cracked, and the starry sky was stained with blood.

It's not that he's not strong enough, but that he has encountered such a god, holy, and murderous person, far beyond common sense. Six or seven thousand years of Taoism have not been suppressed in this world.

This is the body of the first person who opened up a special interior scene. It is extremely powerful and unparalleled. Coupled with Shang Yi's primordial spirit, it is almost invincible in the world.

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