Deep Space Beyond

Chapter 532: The end of the old days

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In a sense, Shang Yi in front of him has all the advantages of Wang Xuan, a special interior scene, a keen intuition of the primordial spirit, etc., and has accumulated more than six or seven thousand years, it is indeed incomprehensible.

Wang Xuan staggered, coughing up blood one step at a time, covered with cracks, striding hard, leaving one **** footprint after another.

What else could he do? Even the Supreme Treasure Health Stove was knocked out and landed in the distance. In front of this strongest man, he was more than enough but not enough.

In an unprecedented desperate situation, he has no means to fight back. If this can be turned over, he will doubt himself and have a private date with the Goddess of Destiny.

On the other side, Sword Fairy's Zixiao Hedao Sword also let go and was shaken out. She couldn't pass the hurdle in her heart, and she didn't want to see the people around her die in despair, so she couldn't help but take action.

Thousands of years ago, she experienced an extremely desolate and sad scene. When she returned to the teacher's gate, the mountain peaks were broken, and there were dead bodies everywhere. She did not want to see such a **** sad song again.

Her mouth was full of blood and foam, and her injuries were extremely serious, how could she not do anything? I can't help it. .

"You won. Since the target is me, let her go. Whatever you want, you can come and get it." Wang Xuan said.

If it's just himself, there's no need to say more, it's all about the battle. Since the outcome cannot be changed, he will fight to the end, but now he wants to try to save Jiang Qingyao.

"Take a sword from me, if she doesn't die, she can leave it at will." Shang Yi raised the feathered flag in his hand and motioned Jiang Qingyao to retrieve the Zixiao Hedao Sword.

Seeing this, Wang Xuan also took the health care stove in his hand again.

"Hey!" A beam of sword light illuminating the cosmic starry sky fell, first splitting Wang Xuan and the health-care stove, making his whole body red, his mouth, nose and ears blocked with blood, and his bones and internal organs were torn apart. .

After Shang Yi slashed him, he slashed Jiang Qingyao with a sword. It didn't seem to use any force, but that kind of sword light was unparalleled. Fairy Ren Jian changed dozens of kendo skills one after another. Turned into a sea, turned into a mountain, turned into a regular star bucket, arranged into a killing formation, but still can't stop Shang Yi!


Jiang Qingyao was smashed by a sword qi across a long distance, smashing all the profound meanings of kendo, and smashed the power of order that emerged from various scriptures. She was penetrated by the sword light.

The Zixiao Hedao Sword in her hand was dimmed because of the blow of the sword light, from recovery to silence.

"Qingyao!" Wang Xuan's eyes were about to split, the unparalleled sword light, after passing through the sword fairy, destroyed the vitality in her body, tore open the five internal organs, and the primordial spirit was also chopped to pieces. everywhere.

The peerless immortals will die if they are hit by a sword like Shang Yi, and there will be no suspense. That is the supreme rule of kendo. Looking at the world and the fairy world, few people can stop it.

Wang Xuan was about to rush over, but was stopped by Shang Yi.

Wang Xuan's body was trembling slightly, his eyes were red, he tried his best to urge the health care stove, attacking like crazy, trying to get close to Jiang Qingyao.

However, Shang Yi is like a magic mountain, suppressed between heaven and earth, unable to cross.

"Shang Yi, you said it yourself, after she blocked your sword, let her go." Wang Xuan coughed up blood and said.

Strictly speaking, Shang Yi really didn't attack Jiang Qingyao anymore, but she was doomed to die if he blocked him in the past.

Seeing that he was still blocking the way, Wang Xuan stopped talking.

He shook his body. Although he was full of anger, murderous intent, and full of blood, he seemed pale and powerless in front of Shang Yi's transcendence of the Earth Immortal.

At this time, he finally triggered the divine sense with difficulty!

He tried his best to mobilize the power in the three light spots, shaking the treasure, dragging the broken body, and attacking desperately, trying to kill it.

However, it was still useless, Shang Yi showed a strange look, blocked his offensive, and was observing his path, and then as time passed, when he exited that special state, Shang Yi waved the feathered flag again to split him.

Wang Xuan shed a pool of blood. When he looked at Jiang Qingyao again, his face turned pale. The terrifying sword light tore apart her flesh and blood, split her primordial spirit, and was about to burst out of her body.

"You want my special heritage? Although I'm not your opponent, I can still destroy these things!" Wang Xuan said calmly.

This time, Shang Yi didn't stop it any more and gave way.

Wang Xuan coughed up blood, stumbled while carrying the health care stove, and rushed over with his body trembling.

Bang bang bang!

After some sword lights flew out, they exploded in front of him, leaving him **** and bloody. He put Jiang Qingyao into the health care furnace and couldn't bear to see it again.

Because, her body and her primordial spirit were strangled by the sword light!

"If you survive, the health furnace will definitely keep you alive. The meaning of its existence is to save people's lives. You still have life, and everything will be fine!"

Wang Xuan whispered, closed the furnace lid, and clenched his fists hard. He didn't want enemies like Shang Yi to see his vulnerable side, but he couldn't help trembling because he didn't know whether Jiang Qingyao could recover. It is already the end of the myth, and the extraordinary is about to collapse.

There is still a glimmer of life in her body, and that is also because of the fact that she had taken the heavenly medicine in advance, and the medicinal power was constantly exerting its effect at this time.

After the collapse of the extraordinary world, does the health furnace still have the divine power to preserve people's immortality? he does not know.

Besides, will this lunatic give up the chance to take away the health stove?

Wang Xuan put down the health-preserving furnace and wanted it to float away in the void of the universe, but he knew that with Shang Yi here, everything would be in vain.

He didn't get angry or roar. Although he had endless killing intent and full of resentment, in the end, all he was left was silence and looked at Shang Yi silently.

Even if there is anger, and endless sadness, what can he do, he is indeed not Shang Yi's opponent now, with six or seven thousand years of accumulation of terror, this person is almost the number one in the world.

Thinking about it carefully, he had no grudges or conflicts with these people. He had escaped to the depths of the universe, but he was still found and encountered such a **** crisis.

Wang Xuan looked at the health care stove, and then looked at the deep space of the universe. He was powerless to fight any more. Almost all the bones in his body were broken. He was shaking and was about to fall here.

However, he didn't want the enemy to see such a weak side of him, and finally sat down with difficulty, looking at the opponent coldly and silently.

"It's really not bad. When I was the same age as you, I was probably not your opponent." Shang Yi said, "Although you are good, I still don't want to stop and analyze you."

He walked forward, the feathered flag in his hand sprinkled the fairy glow, filled with white mist, making him look like he was walking in the fairyland.

"I have no grudges with you, and I have no interest in reaping the lives of you and that female sword fairy. What I do is to follow my heart and study the transcendent new path, in order to survive the coming night of silence, it is a very long time. A tough winter."

He came to Wang Xuan's approach, at this time, his interior scene opened silently, and also opened Wang Xuan's special interior scene, the characteristics of the two are very similar!

In this era, many people's interiors have cracked or even collapsed, but their interiors still have vitality and rich super-materials, but they know that the future is still destined to perish, and they can feel it. The wisps of decay.

"I won't kill you, I will only absorb your special background, and even, I hope you can survive. After all, the lives of people with special interior locations are very hard. I want to see if you can see if the era of exhaustion comes. For example, after a wildfire, the grass and trees will regenerate in the next year under the ashes."

He said coldly, this kind of hope is not kind or good, he is indifferent to it, and wants to verify something.

"This time, I'm very disappointed to see that your body, soul, and interior scene are the same as mine, all with the same decadent aura that fits the era of the demise of mythology."

He knew that his own primordial spirit was not born from this body after all, and it was understandable that there was a bit of decay, but this young man did the same, which made him sigh, he did not get his ideal origin.

"Fight to live, I will probably come to you in the future, I hope you can surprise me then!" He grinned, looking brilliant, but ruthless.

Even in the future, he will not give up, placing "high hopes" on Wang Xuan as a special prey, and he wants to harvest it again!

"Do you think I'm a leek? When I recover, I'll harvest again." Wang Xuan said, no resentment, no irritability, but incomparably calm, because all the fierce words and anger are useless and can't change anything.

Then, he was silent again, watching the blood and tragedy about himself without joy and worry.

Shang Yi opened the interior scene, docked with Wang Xuan's interior scene, and began to devour frantically. Then, his primordial spirit shone brightly, as if he could shoot down the moon and stars to invade Wang Xuan's body.

"I'm here to help you. At the end of the myth, when the extraordinary winter comes, I will squeeze your potential and create opportunities for you." Shang Yi said indifferently, although he was laughing, it seemed a little bloody.

At this time, Wang Xuan's body contained the luminous blood essence, which turned into bright red silk threads, and flew out continuously, submerging into Shang Yi's body.

"Shang Yi!" Suddenly, a loud roar came from the void of the universe, shaking the place.

Several treasures resonated, glowed, and formed a mirror surface, revealing the real scene here, making the people on the distant spaceship anxious but helpless.

Finally, they researched that the mirror can also be reversed to reflect the scene in the spacecraft.

This is the father of the demon master. He was enduring the boundless anger and killing intent. He was talking to Shang Yi. He tried his best to keep his voice calm and said, "Let Wang Xuan go, I owe you a favor!"

As long as he can save Wang Xuan, he is willing to bow his head at this time, even though he wants to kill the Jian Lunatic immediately!

"Let Wang Xuan go, I also owe you a favor!" Fang Yuzhu said, she is the only person who can threaten Shang Yi in a solo duel.

When she spoke like this, it really made the sword madman think seriously.

"Haha..." But, in the end, Shang Yi in the depths of the universe raised his head, laughed, and said, "I can't think of it, I set up a great fog formation, and people in the outside world can see that the treasures together have this ability. , unexpectedly."

He didn't care at all and said, "What can I do if I don't stop, or else, kill my body in the spaceship."

In the spaceship, the five treasures were separated, and everything that should be said was said, and now, they really can't make it in a short time.

Fang Yuzhu, the demon master and his wife want to kill Shang Yi's body, so they will kill one first.

Shang Yi held the sword of the world and said, "Everyone, he and I were originally one with two sides, but now it's different, he wants to go out independently, and he has long been at odds with me, and even wants to harvest my real body, but I want to borrow you. hand over him."

"Down to your aunt!" The demon master's father couldn't bear it anymore, and smashed the immortal umbrella. If he didn't believe him, this person had a big problem.

The spacecraft disintegrated immediately and exploded in the starry sky, unable to stop the vast energy of the treasure!

Fang Yuzhu said: "In the past, the first person's body fell into your hands and became your flesh and blood incarnation. In the ancient times, only you survived. Your problem is very big. Take him first!"

The two originators of Chaojue Palace and Gouchen Emperor Palace wanted to sit on the sidelines and did not want to end the game. However, Fang Yuzhu's words made them unable to sit still.

"It is Shang Yi refines more than one treasure, and you have also seen who the real owner of the feathered flag is, so you are not afraid that there will be problems with Xiaoyaozhou, will it change owners?"

The two became active in an instant, and the originator of Gouchen Emperor Palace even directly echoed: "Suppressing this lunatic, I suspect that the various tragedies in the ancient land of the Immortal Dao, as well as the problems of the emperors, may have something to do with him!"

When the war broke out, no matter how tyrannical Shang Yi was, he chose to retreat.

On this day, all the treasures are shaking and roaring, the fairy world is extinguishing, the land of immortality, the land of gods, and the great enchantment corresponding to the extraordinary pure land of the whole universe are collapsing.

On that day, all the supernatural beings were horrified, their faces lost their blood, and they were extremely pale. Everyone raised their heads suddenly, they knew that the extraordinary was about to collapse, and the old era came to an end!

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