Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 200: holy mountain

The latest website: Montenegro, majestic and majestic, this place is very quiet, and it is covered with a layer of gauze in the cold and deep sky.

Nearby, there are some immortal mountains, all of them have owners, all of them are black households in the Meteorite Sea.

"Well, the old man hasn't come back yet, either to buy goods or in the black market." Wu Xingtian, a wolf-headed badger-brained, had an extraordinary spiritual sense, and he knew it at a glance.

They hid behind a meteorite in front of Montenegro, used a pattern to cover it up, took away all their breath, and waited for the target to appear.

"Come on!" Finally, the black-hearted old man didn't know where to go to the banquet, and he rode the rolling yellow demon cloud.

And back, all kinds of meteorite fragments were swept up along the way, all over the sky.

"This guy is very powerful. This time, because he drank too much, he got carried away and showed his true skills." Wolverine whispered.

Behind the black-hearted old man, there is a thick black tail, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a pig's tail. Under normal circumstances, he will not show his original shape.

Wang Er didn't say a word, and when the old man passed by, he rushed over from behind, holding the heavy copper knife in his hand, and swung it down directly.

Wolverine's heart instantly came to his throat. This knife had cut off the soles of the feet of the second senior brother of Jinque Palace, Gu Cheng, and even cut Yu Jin's neck. This was to kill the old man.


The black-hearted old man is very alert, and he can detect the difference

Chang, in the middle of not allowing hair to move out, and then wanting to escape, he saw the vicious Second King of the Five Elements Mountain at a glance.

The monstrous black cloud covered him and scattered his yellow demon cloud. He shouted, and he fought back fiercely without being able to escape.

"Heavenly level, hey, hidden enough, if I didn't advance, I wouldn't be as good as him in realm?" Wolverine was surprised.

Not only that, the black-hearted old eight is obviously a limit-breaking creature, not a regular heaven-level creature.

However, after several collisions, he still screamed and was hit on the head with the back of the heavy knife by the king, and then received four more punches, and decisively passed out.

Had to faint, the skull was cracked, and then

If he doesn't cooperate, he estimates that he will be beaten out of his head, and the other party will give up. The second king of the Five Elements Mountains is too fierce.

Wang Xuan didn't talk nonsense, he searched his soul directly, but couldn't trust him at all, so he simply searched for the answer he wanted.

This is a wild boar on a wild planet, whose real name is Heo Chuan Mana, and who escaped to this place after committing crimes, he was very cunning. 1

According to Sou Yuanshen, Hei Chuan Mane did not tell a lie, and the tea fruit was indeed found in an abandoned cave in a certain immortal mountain in the Meteorite Sea.

As for the strange object in the form of a mobile phone, it was floating in the cold cosmic starry sky, and he accidentally picked it up. He did not see anything unusual.

In that area, apart from cosmic dust, only

There was this weird looking thing, he couldn't recognize what it was, so he threw it into the junk pile.

Wang Xuan frowned, Kurokawa Mana has nothing to do with this matter? Disconnected immediately.

However, he found that the black-hearted old man was very keen, and felt that he was generous and interested in all kinds of strange objects. In the near future, he was going to invent some "strange things" and sell him a series of games at a high price.

With a bang, Wang Xuan couldn't hold back and gave him a slap, and Hei Chuan Mane's parietal bone suddenly jumped up and was "lifted off".

"Ah..." He woke up in pain, screamed in agony, and said, "Second King Kong Xuan, did we have any misunderstanding? Don't kill me!"

Wang Yan has a lot of thoughts on his mind. It's not this person. Where did the strange object on the phone come from? What's the point?

Where do you want to send the photo?

He was absent-minded and pressed the skull back on Kurokawa Hyena's hot head. This is also in outer space, otherwise Kurokawa Mana must be steaming hot after being uncovered.

Wang Xuan turned to leave, and the Wolverine quickly followed.

The quiet black-hearted old man was left here. He put away the pig's tail and walked towards the Black Mountain Dojo.

Wang Pao temporarily put away the strange object on his mobile phone. He didn't want to study it recently. He deeply felt that the water of this object was a bit deep, and it could influence the fate of people, and it was very likely to be connected to unpredictable places.

Wait a second, when his Taoism has improved, see if he can identify himself and find out.

The day of departure is approaching, and the elders of the clear sky informed the king

Yan and Wolverine set off in a few days, sending them to the holy mountain of the Black Peacock Clan in the first battle.

The Book of One Calamity is very profound, but Wang Yan has almost practiced the foundational chapters and can be called proficient. The wolverine's aptitude is also really good, and it is well practiced, just need to understand it.

I am going to "study", and this time I will go to the Black Peacock Holy Mountain first, and then I may enter the Immortal Realm. It is estimated that I will come into contact with an incredible event later. Whether it is Wang Yan or Wolverine, they are very concerned and looking forward to it.

In the past few days, Wang Xuan has raised the spiritual coffin to the highest level in the cave mansion, and has also practiced the physical chapter of the magic womb to the end.

He started from both the primordial spirit and the physical body to ensure that he would not reveal flaws, making people convinced that he was a limit-breaking wizard of the True Immortal Nine Heavens, with a little demon blood.

He asked Yu Dao Qi to wake up, let it test, check for deficiencies, and make sure that there was no major problem, even if he saw a foreigner who took Yu Dao Hua, it was nothing.

Of course, it's best not to get too close to that kind of person. If an extreme situation really occurs, then he can only slaughter into the depths of the cosmos star sea.

In the vast universe, a planet is not even a dust, a vast galaxy, if you zoom out a little, it is just a ray of light.

As for individual creatures, in the face of the vast universe, they can be ignored. Even if they are super peerless, they can physically cross the sea of ​​​​stars and run through the starry sky, but it is difficult to break through the end of the universe.

All things have spirits and are transcendent and reach the sky. However, except for the extremely distant creatures that have gone out in the field of imperial Taoism, who can overlook all the blurred landscapes in the mottled universe?

At first, the clear sky elders traveled far in the flesh, carrying Luo Ying, Wang Rong and the others across the galaxy, but later, he had to use the super teleportation array in the city where the co-owners are located along the way.

The journey was extremely long, and after crossing more than a dozen galaxies, they finally arrived at the Black Peacock Holy Mountain.

This mountain, not on a planet, is located in the universe. It is really huge, far more majestic than many life planets superimposed together.

"What a big mountain, I've only seen it in my life!" Wolverine was shocked. Relatively speaking, his Five Elements Mountains were only five small mounds. If they were placed here, they would be five mounds, which were insignificant.

There is also an alternation of day and night here, and it is now in the evening, when the fire is burning and the clouds are red, and half of the sky is dreary.

Wang Xuan opened his eyes and observed carefully. The so-called bright red "Tian Ri" was actually a super-giant beast, extremely ferocious, with twelve different heads. It was an alien creature that had never been seen before.

Some are like the head of a big snake, some are like the head of a giant sparrow, some are six-eyed black cicada heads, some are ant heads... Twelve heads, dozens of pairs of eyes, and lightning intertwined between opening and closing.

This fierce beast is huge and boundless, and its body is covered with firelight, which is equivalent to the scorching sun hanging in the air. At this time, it gradually sank under the horizon, and the sunset also dimmed.

"This is Senior 'Twelve', one of the guardian beasts of our clan." Luo Ying introduced that the one who is extraordinary, passes by every day, besides being the sun, he is also monitoring various places and guarding the holy mountain.

Then, a huge silver tree appeared, like a moon, replacing "Twelve" hanging in the air.

Zhu Gushu is also a peerless, a powerful tree demon, who cultivates in the air and guards the holy mountain.

Wolverine was shocked. The background of the Five Elements Mountains is too thick. "Twelve Days of the Sun" and "Moon Silver Tree", if they are placed in the outside world, they are all big figures.

It can be seen that the status of a beast and a tree is also very high here in the holy mountain, and the returning disciples, including the clear sky, have saluted them.

Clear Sky is not weaker than them, and she does so out of respect. She grew up in the light of these two creatures, and eventually became the elder of the clan, the true mainstay.

"Ow..." The little wolf lamb stood up from the shoulder of the wolverine, no longer lying on his stomach, raised his head and howled at the moon, this is really the wolf howling the moon.

"How could I have a hunch that it might be

A holy egg left by a true saint of the demon race! ' the clear sky whispered.

In fact, this time, she also brought back an egg, with a few strands of pale gold markings in the whole body, which contains extremely strong vitality.

After Wang Xuan came here, he was also very surprised. Counting the elders of the clear sky, there are already three super peers in this Dao lineage?

However, he was relieved soon, this is an extraterrestrial civilization packaged as a sect, and it has been through more than a century!

Moreover, the first ancestor of the tribe, the oldest black peacock, had also been to the more mysterious Wujie Mountain for many years to "learn".

The mountain gate is magnificent, the immortal energy is transpiring, the ancient trees on both sides are thousands of meters high, and the giant vine is far thicker than the water tank.

Everyone can't hug.

As soon as he stepped into the mountain gate, a relatively flat boulder lay in front of it. It was several hundred meters high and nearly a thousand meters long. It was like a shadow wall blocking it.

When a few people approached, the huge shadow wall glowed, with a hazy flowing halo, sacred and majestic, making people feel insignificant in front of it, as if locked by a giant beast.

Chen Yu said, "This is the 'heart-viewing wall'. After someone with hostility comes here, they will show their true form no matter if you are a mortal or a peerless person."

The Black Peacock Clan did not hide it, and entering the Holy Mountain naturally had to pass this level, not just anyone could come to this important place.

"The grace of dripping water from the black peacock tribe should be repaid by the fountain." Wang stood in front of the shadow wall, his body shining brightly,

The primordial spirit in the forehead glows, frank and natural.

If the other party has no malice towards him, but instead is kind, he should treat each other sincerely and give important rewards.

"Black Peacock Clan, give me a bowl of water, and I will still be in the ocean in the future!" Wolverine was even more excited and very excited. In his words, he recognized his ancestors and returned to his hometown.

"Ow!" Little Wolf Lamb also called out.

"They are all sincere. According to the heart wall, they all have good intentions and no malice." Next to the boulder, an old peacock spoke, and they passed it smoothly.

As for if it can't pass, it will definitely be wiped out. Even though the elders of the clear sky have cared and valued Wang Yan and Wolverine very much in the past, it involves fundamental principles and cannot be discussed.

It is a mountain here, but it is comparable to many life stars

The **** are piled up and connected together, and the area is extremely vast.

"Clear sky, where is the fastest update on the other side of the deep sky - love! You are back, what good seedlings have you found this time?" In the mountain, a middle-aged woman appeared, her whole body glowing, as if standing in a big sun, Divine and transcendent.

Impressively, he is also a peerless person with top-notch strength. He is very strong in this world and can be on an equal footing with many co-owners.

Wang Deng sighed secretly in his heart, what a strong black peacock clan, he reminded himself again that this is an extraterrestrial civilization, and it has accumulated more than one era!

"It's them." Qing Sky looked calm and pointed to Wang Xuan.

At the same time, Luo Ying and Chen Yu had already saluted the woman in the air, and said in unison, "I have seen the second elder."

The middle-aged woman who was the second elder nodded.

She glanced at Wang Xuan and the Wolverines and his son, and said, "Clear Sky, can you find someone? This time it's a big Those who are not talented enough, and those who are not amazing enough, will only lose face if they go there."

"I think it's okay." Clear Sky nodded.

The second elder didn't care and said, "Really? This time I found a good seedling, whose ancestors died,

He was a very powerful alien. This young man is very powerful and self-motivated. His bloodline is returning to his ancestors. He may be able to suppress the seedlings that you and the first elder found, but he can lead the younger generation of our Black Peacock tribe to the grand event. "

She turned to mention Luo Ying again, and said, "You have to practice hard recently, and strive to go further. My own descendants also need to be strong enough."

After saying this, she flew away.

Wang Xuan showed a strange expression, after this "study",

The event to attend seems extremely high-profile? let top

The black peacocks of the people all attach great importance to and care about it!

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