Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 201: to live

The latest website: Along the way, there are many fields on the earth, mostly spiritual fields, from herbs and exotic fruits to the divine grains that demon cultivators like to eat.

The Black Peacock Sacred Mountain is an extraterrestrial civilization. There are actually quite a few types of ethnic groups inhabiting it. There is no doubt that the largest ethnic group is there, and the others are mostly demon tribes. Humans also have them, but they belong to small ethnic groups.

On the way, there are plains and basins located in Chengguo villages and towns, inhabited by monsters who change shape, as well as lakes and lakes and high mountains and cliffs, inhabited by aliens who do not take the original path of transformation.

In addition, there are also big cities with neon lights, showing the fast rhythm of the technological society and the explosion of information. The space flight tools rise and fall from time to time, passing through the night sky like shooting stars.

Black Peacock Sacred Mountain attaches great importance to the diversity of civilizations, blending and progressing together, and the development of various regions is very balanced, mainly because of the heavy losses in the past.

Of course, this civilization started from mythology, and its highest-end combat power is still "extraordinary". At the very least, the old peacock, who has lived for a long time, can pierce through a star field and defeat some famous civilizations.

Wang Deng is silent, this old peacock is a very powerful and ancient alien, such a creature is considered a stubborn stubble in the entire Xinghai.

The words of one of them can determine the fate of a star field. Among the creatures that can be contacted at present, the characters standing at the high end of the clouds have great authority.

The Black Peacock Sacred Mountain is very magnificent and has various terrains. Some of the more famous peaks are used as dojos by true immortals and heaven-level creatures, and the immortals are transpiring all year round.

Some of the main peaks are directly connected to the Immortal Realm and can be traveled quickly.

Wang Deng and the others were taken to a city on the top of the mountain. At night, the lights here are brilliant, the layout of a modern city, but there is also fairy land in the city, there are waterfalls hanging from the gods, islands are hanging in the air, and there are huge sacred trees stretching branches in the city, connecting like water. of starlight.

The scenery of the four wild mountains and rivers is pleasant. You can see the huge Jilong spreading its wings, flying by in the distance, and you can also see the spaceship go away and rush to the outside world.

"Modern cities are livable and convenient, but they are also inseparable from extraordinary attributes. For example, the greening in the city is all elixir, divine grass, etc. The big trees on both sides of the road are all different species, and there are many kinds of spiritual trees." Chen Yu introduced Condition.

Wang Pao and Wolf Cat will spend a period of time in this city for training. They have passed the test of the heart wall and will be passed down some secret stories.

In the evening, the wolf cat took the king lantern and went to hang out in the city. He said that this was out of respect for his hometown. After finally returning, he had to fully understand and experience it.

In fact, the so-called hometown has to be the place of birth, or the place where he has lived for a long time, but he didn't know where the Black Peacock Holy Mountain was before.

"Hey, it's mainly because I have been cultivating in the Meteorite Sea all these years. Since I became a black household, I have almost become a savage. I haven't returned to modern society for a long time. Today, I will revisit the nightlife in the city."

As he spoke, he transformed himself into a human being, and became a young man with black hair, put on modern clothes, and his eyes were bright.

"Brother, let's go." Wu Xingtian greeted Wang Pao, and also did not forget to mention Little Wolf.

In this way, after Wu Xingtian got to know him a little bit, he was familiar with the way, dragged his brother, and brought his wolf son into a very popular nightclub.

"It's not like that." Wang Pao reminded him not to bring children to such a place.

"It's okay, it's just drinking." Fortunately, the wolf cat is still reliable, although it is said that, in the end, it was changed to another family, and it was clear.

But he had some regrets. He originally wanted to go there to enjoy the peacock dance. It is reported that this is a must-see program for outsiders.

In the Qing bar, there is gentle music, like a trickle flowing through people's hearts.

"Brother, we also have a peacock dance here." A messenger brought a silver drink and introduced it with a smile. Wu Xingtian was instantly refreshed, clinking glasses with Wang Pao, and waiting excitedly.

"The peacock dance we have here belongs to the aesthetic type, not the hot dance." The little brother who brought them wine quickly introduced them to avoid misunderstandings.

Sure enough, Wu Xingtian was in despair and waved his hand to let him leave.

The atmosphere here is really good, everyone is extraordinary, whispering in soft music.

There is no light in the Qing Bar, and the moonlight is sprinkled with the use of instruments. It is bright and hazy. There are leaves growing on the edge of the long wooden table, and the seats are woven by spirit vines.

A quiet music sounded, the stars flowed, a faint mist appeared, a woman in a feathered coat appeared, and began to dance in a peaceful atmosphere. This kind of beautiful and refined dance was beautiful under the night moon, and it was especially pleasing to the eye.

Wu Xingtian stopped complaining, looked very engaged, and when he was happy, he poured half a glass of wine for his wolf son. "Does it look good?" Luo Ying came, still wearing a long black dress, and her complexion became fairer. In the moonlight, she seemed to be glowing.

Chen Yu was also there, followed him, and sat at the table of Wang Pao and Wolf Cat.

"It's beautiful, this dance should only be found in the sky." Wu Xingtian nodded quickly, and then said: "It would definitely be more beautiful if the two fairies danced, it would really be a dance that stuns the stars."

"Can you say less about your habitual false words?" Wang Yan teased, and now all the peacocks who know him know the wolf cat's character.

Of course, even if you say that, it's not surprising that many people are polite, and who doesn't like to listen to good words?

Luo Ying said: "Although the peacock dance is beautiful, it is also accompanied by all kinds of sad old things of our family. A long time ago, it should not be this era. Among our ancestors, even those who are amazing in talent and famous all over the world are fairies. It's just a dancer in someone else's garden, who was given away at will. Many clansmen are kept in captivity, and they will lose their lives at any time. It is not easy for former sages to break the shackles of fate and break free."

The bear was moved. Such a powerful black peacock tribe had a dark and unbearable past, and was enslaved? If they had such strength back then, it is estimated that only true saints can regard them as dance girls, and they don't care at all.

The wolf cat was immediately indignant and said, "I can't believe that the former Xianjing of my family has experienced such bitterness and suffering."

Wang Pao said: "What is this, it is not easy to live. My family has experienced many cruel things in the past, and almost wiped out the family back then."

Luo Ying waved her hand and said, "It's useless to say this, who doesn't have a bitter history of all races? Just now I just felt it. Every time when the transcendent ends and the center shifts, all races do not compete, and there are many splendid civilizations burning. It has become ashes, the escape route is crowded, and in order to survive, all races are drenched in blood, and the Xeon civilization that has existed for several centuries may be overturned and die tragically on the road. What allies are backstabbing, what various religions join forces to suppress a family, there are too many It’s not easy for every ethnic group.” Luo Ying drank a glass of wine with silver radiance, with worry about the future on her beautiful face, and said, “We work hard to cultivate, but in fact, it is just to make the race continue and live on. ."

Civilizations ask each other, in order to **** a safe escape route, they may kill each other, which is extremely tragic. No line of Taoism can guarantee eternal prosperity.

Luo Ying whispered: "Transcendent is very beautiful, but it is also poison, attracting countless strong people to dance with it. Those who have succeeded in calamities will naturally be stronger, and the overall strength of the ethnic group can also bless the ancient sages of the clan who take the road of imperialization. On the body, help him transform. But if he fails and is blocked on the road, it is not as simple as killing some people, it may be a cannon to destroy civilization."

There is still a long way to go before the transcendent center truly transfers away, but she already has Yosi first.

This is the first time Xiaoxiong has heard that the power of the ethnic group can bless the way of the aliens, help the creatures in this realm to transform, and carry out a deeper level of imperialization.

Although he hadn't experienced it, he could imagine that at the moment when the various races finally fought to cross, the stars shattered, the immortal world exploded, and the various races rushed forward, and a large amount of extraordinary blood stained the pictures all over the universe.

"Are there any people who practice on their own and don't need the blessing of the ethnic group?" Wang Xuan asked.

Luo Ying, as the first young master of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain, the most beautiful true immortal, knows a lot and belongs to one of the mainstays of the Sacred Mountain in the future, she said: "Of course there are, but there should be fewer, after all, every time A way to effectively help the transformation of aliens will be used. Those who give up are either the ethnic group has been wiped out, or they are small clans with few people, or they have their own ideas, and they really want to go on by themselves. "

Xiao Xiong drank a glass of wine and said: "Actually, everyone is the same. Extraordinary people practice in order to survive, so that the race will not be destroyed. Ordinary people work, but also to live. Talking about ideals is a bit far away for many people, first make sure to stay alive. , look at it again, it is too difficult to change the way."

The wolf cat laughed and said: "Learn from me, forget the eternal sorrow with a glass of wine, after a big sleep, all worries will disappear, a new day, let go of everything, and look up again. Even if I know very well, someone is hurting me, and people can't fight it by using it. The identity of the man wanted me, which made me become a black household, but I can still live happily. The starry sky is so bright and vast, let me wander. Blast them all!"

The four of them and a xenogeneic Sirius young love, drank a lot of wine here, and went away happily.

In the middle of the night, in Fang Wen, Xiao Xiong's alcoholism dissipated, and Wen Wen woke up instantly. The strange thing in the form of a mobile phone that he had sealed in the killing array map, the screen suddenly lit up, giving him a reminder.

"You have a surprise, please check it." On the phone, there was a colorful haze. This was not a screen pattern, but appeared in the real world, forming a small vortex with readable hanging text.

Surprise wool! Little Bear doesn't think it is an auspicious Several beautiful lives recorded in the golden years, the dead are more unsettled than the last!

"What's the situation, this place is isolated from the outside world, can it be like this, can it be connected anywhere?" Little Bear frowned. Mechanical Chen Yu told Xiao Xiong that he had checked and found no strange objects on the mobile phone to exchange information with the outside world, and it should not have been blocked by the killing array.

But the more this is, the more uneasy the little bear is. This thing is a bit out of the ordinary. Can it be entangled with some places through the first array of pictures?

"You have a surprise, please check it." Outside the screen of the mobile phone, the colorful light formed a vortex, reminding the little bear again that a channel was to be constructed.

"Surprise? I think it's scary!" He directly lifted the Yudao flag, very serious and solemn, and said: "If you dare to do anything to me, I will arrest you directly!"

The flagpole is in the form of a spear, and the little bear holds it in his hand and points directly at the strange object of the mobile phone. He wants to give it a shot and pierce the mysterious vortex outside the screen!

"Otherwise, click it first and see what it says about surprises?" Mechanical Bear suggested.

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