Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 254: 1 Battle of the Gods

Like the sea of ​​​​stars bursting the embankment, it is boundless, coming from the sky, covering the sea of ​​candles below. 2

The place where Zhuhai stands is extremely dazzling, and his fist is grand and terrifying. 3

The iron cages were roaring, being swept away by the fist intent, endless runes erupted, and the huge boundless bronze arena was shaking violently, which was very rare.

However, Zhu Hai's hands were covered in blood, and in the vast starlight, he was covered with divine brilliance, and his aura was so powerful that it seemed like he was about to burst the iron cage. As a result, a crack appeared in his right fist, the ring finger and index finger exploded one after another, and were smashed by Wang Xuan's palm.

Then, Zhuhai's right fist, which carried Xinghe, was densely cracked and shattered with a puff.

Wang Xuan stood in the starlight, and the parietal bones spread out the texture of the Royal Dao, which manifested in his hands, intertwined, sacred and bright, and the moment he slapped it out, it was destroyed.

By now, both of them have naturally gone all out, and the texture of Yu Dao Hua has been used on the blade. Obviously, although Zhu Hai's fist is amazing, it can't stop Wang Xuan's palm.

Zhuhai's forearms also burst open. After being slapped by Wang Xuan's hands, they disintegrated, blood and broken bones flying everywhere.

It's not that he's not strong enough, but that the opponent's hands seem to have demonic nature and are invincible, beyond common sense. That is the royal road texture that is exclusive to Wang Xuan himself, and it was brought into the palm of his hand and fully activated. Bag


Half of Zhuhai's body was shattered, he disappeared from the spot, came to the edge of the bronze arena, pulled away, gasped, and the endless galaxy fell, watering his body.

Outside, many people were stunned. It wasn't because Zhuhai wasn't strong enough. If this kind of fist hit an extraordinary person of the same level, it would be unbearable.

It can only be said that his opponent is too fierce.

The vast galaxy passed through the bronze giant palace, like the water in the sky, falling in an endless stream, submerging the sea of ​​​​candles again.

His body recovered quickly, his fist marks were extremely bright, and the entire iron cage was roaring and shaking violently, one could imagine his strength at this time.

Even, on the edge of the iron cage, some people fainted on the spot, and the fist marks could not hurt anyone, and were blocked by the iron cage, but the rhythm made some extraordinary people in a trance, falling into an inexplicable spiritual mood, and resonating with them.

People realize that super peerless is super peerless, even if it is suppressed to the real fairy field, it will shock the world, far beyond the imagination of many people.

Even so, Zhuhai actually fell behind, and although his body recovered, the bloodstains were enough to explain his tragic battle in this battle.

"It's really comfortable! This is the most real feeling in Wang Xuan's heart. It's like being temporarily full, starlight is endless, rushing into the flesh and blood, flowing in every cell, like billions of stars being activated and ignited.

Xinghe Body Washing Sutra, the body refining method left by the true sage, is very special and difficult to practice. For him in this environment, it is not a crisis, but full of supplements.

He couldn't show any strangeness, but outwardly, he frowned deeply, was bombarded by starlight, and his body shook, as if he was under unimaginable pressure. 1

The candle sea rushed over and fought **** again.

Wang Xuan's whole body glowed with runes all over his body, as if he was fighting against the sea of ​​stars in the universe, carrying boundless pressure, splashing one after another of galaxy waves.

"It's about to exceed his limit, explode your body, be crushed by the fist of the universe galaxy!" Outside the venue, the people of the candle dragon clan couldn't help but stand up, hoping that Wang Xuan could not bear the limit of the fist, and exploded the body and die.

"It's almost there. Wang Xuan thought to himself, after all, he was in battle, and it was easy for him to use the strength of his opponent to practice "Xinghe Body Washing Sutra". Bao

In the iron cage, the scene is terrifying, the sea of ​​​​candles and the starry sky are united, and the spirit and spirit climbed to the critical point of their own, as if a mutation was about to occur.

"Back then, the exterior scene of the galaxy was obtained by the ancestor of the candle dragon. Someone whispered in the VIP box.

"It's useless to have an extra picture, the scriptures left by the true saint still can't be filled, there are too many missing. Someone said. 2

At this time, the sea of ​​candles and the starry sky were one, like a cosmic picture scroll, carrying the inexplicable verve of the Dao, and the texture of his imperial road was arranged in an orderly manner, and the divisions were in the starry sky, which looked very beautiful.

Wang Xuan stared at the deep star sea map, and he felt splendid and magnificent for a while, which made his mind resonate. Of course, if the candle sea was shot out and left the universe map, it would be even more magnificent.

"Death!" Zhu Hai coldly said, he seemed to have broken the shackles, his body changed, and his combat power increased to a new level.

This is also where his confidence lies. The perfect combination of imperialization and his own cultivation path, resonance, resonance, and sublimation in the strongest state, he exploded with a powerful blow.

Wang Xuan did not despise it. Inside the parietal bone, the texture of the royal road that was unique to him was activated, but it did not show it. Instead, it stretched, expanded, and intertwined in the flesh and blood, as if a layer of active inner armor was born, flowing to the limbs. skeleton. 1


The two collided, surpassing the speed limit. This time, even Wang Xuan's body shook violently, and the opponent's infinite fist light was more terrifying than hundreds of thousands of heavenly knives, and they fell.

However, Wang Xuan's eyes became more and more profound, staring at the cosmic star sea map condensed with the other party, which attracted his mind so much.

Dozens, hundreds of times, the two fought fiercely, the iron cages were roaring, the bronze arena was shaking, and the terrifying aftermath could be felt in the stands.

Wang Xuan roared, his primordial spirit and blood energy condensed into one, his Taoism climbed to the extreme, and then he stepped into the cosmic star sea map and wanted to replace it with a sea of ​​candles.

People saw that he suffered a fierce counterattack from the candle sea, and his fist was shining like a light, drowning Wang Xuan, and wanting to blow him up.

"What is he doing, taking the initiative to enter the opponent's home court, and enter the outer scene of Candle Sea's galaxy?" Even in the VIP seats, some people were stunned.

As for the bronze stand, many extraordinary people couldn't understand it, and they were extremely shocked. Is this a life-threatening situation? I slammed into the other party's condensed picture scroll and trapped myself in the Jedi.

Wang Xuan was indeed injured, but he still didn't stop, his feet were pinned to the cosmos scroll, and he was absorbed in it, feeling that it was indeed the Xinghai Daoyun here that attracted him.

At this moment, his whole body glowed, especially his right hand sticking out, actually grabbed some of the main lines in this starry sky map, and then began to deprive it.

"Huh?!" Zhuhai was shocked, and then his face was extremely cold, and the killing intent in his pupils shot out like a substantial light.

The other party is too bold, and dares to directly deprive him of his rules and rhythm. This is the exterior scene map of the Galaxy that he condensed after the unity of spirit, energy and spirit, and is engraved in his flesh and blood soul. The other party wants to extract it?

The galaxy is like a rainbow, the fist is boundless, the candle sea slams to Wang Xuan, the texture of the royal road is sacred, and the breath is even more terrifying. Since the other party is so crazy, then he will do it all. In his home field of the Xinghe exterior scene, he will blow up this demon king alive, and the other party is purely courting death.

Blood appeared at the corner of Wang Xuan's mouth, and he was injured in the endless starlight, and he vomited blood, but he did not stop, fighting against Zhuhai with one hand.

Although very risky, he felt he had a chance to do something big.

He took out some of the main meridians in this star chart.

The red blood dripped down from his nose and mouth, his right hand pumped out with all his strength, and his left hand suppressed the candle sea. It was very laborious, and he was extremely passive.

Zhuhai sneered, ignoring the opponent's action of extracting the "main meridian", and even, he wanted to seduce him and used it as an incense bait to attract the opponent, hoping that Kong Xuan would continue to take risks.

In an instant, he came to the front, the opponent could not block all his fist marks with one hand, and the parry became more and more unsystematic, he wanted to kill him directly.

Some of his fist marks landed directly on the opponent's body, terrifying cracks appeared on his body, and there were even sunken punch holes.

However, Zhuhai was also stunned. Is this demon king really unparalleled in the real immortal realm? Why is his body so tenacious, and the so-called genius came here, and he was directly blown up by him.

He punched Wang Xuan's head with a punch, betting that he would still not give up halfway, and would fully extract the Xinghai Meridian. Sure enough, the other party did not move out of the body, but just shook his head as much as possible, trying to avoid it. Bag

"Can you avoid it? Zhuhai sneered, feeling that this demon king is crazy, and in order to deprive him of his exterior view, he really didn't care about anything, and Li Lingzhi fainted.


Zhuhai was stunned, and then, feeling unbearable pain, his fist slammed on the opponent's head, but his own hand was full of cracks, and then shattered.

In fact, this was just an introduction. Wang Xuan's head glowed, and a more ferocious move followed, and the most ferocious collision with Zhuhai's forehead.

With a puff, Zhuhai's forehead shattered and collapsed, the entire primordial spirit was damaged by the impact, dim, and the whole person was slightly confused and dazed.

In the bronze stand, many people were in a daze, their mouths were stunned, and then they felt incredible, how hard is the head of the demon king Kong Xuan?

"Tietou Gong!" In the VIP box, while Zhuo Yanran was startled, she supported Jing Jingqi's slender waist, and laughed until she leaned back and forth.

Others were also whispering: "There are rumors that Jing Qi's waist was almost broken by Kong Xuan's head-hitting on the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain. It seems to be true."

"Okay!" Wolverine, Six-eyed Jinchan, Chongxiao and others called out, and they were quite worried just now.

In the field, Wang Xuan let out a low roar and went all out, his entire body was covered in runes, as if it was burning. At this moment, he violently pulled out the "meridians" in the sea of ​​stars.

More than that, he caught this rare opportunity. Zhu Hai's momentary trance, whether he wanted to stop it or exploded the universe map, it was too late.

After Wang Xuan took the meridian map, with a bang, he simply took away the entire map, and then teleported directly to the edge of the iron cage.

Everyone was shocked. It was something at the level of spirit, energy, and spirit. It was exclusively the galaxy map that Zhuhai cultivated. It was the product of his rhythm and rules. Can this be taken away?

Zhuhai's broken head was blurred with blood and flesh, his bones were broken and collapsed, he roared, his primordial spirit glowed, and his anger and indignation were incomparable. A true immortal wants to deprive him of what belongs to him?

Generally speaking, it is only the high-level powerhouses who have the opportunity to do this to the low-level people, depriving them of the rules they master, and grabbing the Dao rhyme that has settled in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

A true immortal actually did such a thing to Chao Peerless, which made Zhuhai indignant and flustered at the same time. That was one of his important cultivation achievements.

His primordial spirit roared, resonating with the cosmic star chart, and if he wanted to summon it back, the worst result would be to let it explode and destroy it.

"Here it is!" Wang Xuan said calmly, and he was also doing his own work, eliminating his spiritual energy, shaking the blood energy belonging to the candle sea in the picture, and erasing those marks.

He simply extracted a rule map, the runes were flickering, and the stars and rivers were intertwined to construct a picture of the exterior. He wiped out all the breath that belonged to the sea of ​​candles.

He got a pure and true picture, a supreme scripture.

But for Zhuhai, the problem is too serious. Although some of his blood energy, spiritual energy, and those imprints have returned, they have not brought back the fundamental rules and gods.

He was frightened and flustered. The exterior scene map of the galaxy completely disappeared from his primordial spirit, and he had no impression. It seemed that he had never practiced this huge scripture.

The other party abolished his incomparably important kind of transcendent dao fruit, and cut off one of his right paths.

Wang Xuan was sure that all the impurities had been refined and cleaned up. He pasted the exterior scene of the bright galaxy on his head, and baptized it again with the imperial texture in the parietal bone, and thoroughly sorted out the picture.

This is not a physical map, it is a rule, it is a rhyme, it is a top-notch method, and it is invaluable.

Before Zhuhai went crazy and rushed over, he directly absorbed it, turned it into his own, and immediately revealed itself. All the secrets of the exterior scene were blended with him. long time.

In an instant, the "Xinghe Body Washing Sutra" that he had practiced earlier recovered independently, and had to be fully activated and run.

Sure enough, these two methods are closely related, and it is precisely because of this that his mind was once strongly attracted by the outer scene of the galaxy, and he did not hesitate to take risks to deprive him.

"Haha...he couldn't help laughing.

Now he has forcibly suppressed the operation of "Xinghe Body Washing Sutra", and he will study it when he goes back. He knows that this picture fits him too well, which makes him feel very comfortable from spirit to flesh and blood. blend.

Zhuhai killed him, but it was useless, it was too late, he was angry and terrified, a true immortal cut off one of his extraordinary fruits and took his way.

In his mind, there is only the name of the exterior scene, and there is not even a single specific impression or trace.

In the next battle, there is no suspense, Zhuhai's mind is confused and extremely passive, it was already suppressed, and now it is even worse.

He is also difficult to ride a tiger. Earlier, he was really unwilling and resentful. The ancestor actually intervened in the fight, thinking that he would be defeated, and made him admit defeat and buy his life. Therefore, he was aroused by ferocity and blood, and he had to fight a decisive battle.

In fact, after walking out of that mysterious space, he calmed down, realizing that he was going to have an accident, and his vision was definitely not as good as that of the ancestor of Zhulong.

A large amount of blood splashed, Zhuhai's chest collapsed, half of his body disappeared, and part of his body was beaten.

"I've said it for a long time, I'm going to beat your heart and lungs, big and small intestines, and I will do what I Wang Xuan said, I don't have a good impression of this person.

When Yiren ended and intervened in the fight, he asked this person for his opinion. Zhuhai suggested that killing Kong Xuan directly was a party that was destined to lose, and he wanted that kind of result. He was very dark-hearted and quite vicious.

Zhuhai's body was completely shattered, and the heart and lung lobes were all exposed.

"A super peerless person, the corpse has been beaten out!" Wolverine shouted, and the voice was quite loud, which made many people look complicated and extremely shocked.

Wang Xuan fulfilled his "promise" and exploded Candle Sea.

With a swipe, a ray of divine light led Zhuhai's broken flesh and torn Yuanshen away. According to the agreement, his life would be saved.

At this point, the war ended.

Everyone got up, and there was a lot of people in the bronze giant palace.

"The demon king Kong Xuan, a true immortal, actually defeated the peerless Zhuhai. It was beyond expectations. God of war!"

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