Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 255: fame and benefits

"Wonderful, it's a worthwhile trip. Today's ticket is worth it. I actually saw a true immortal blow up a super peerless person. It's beyond expectations, and it's enjoyable."

All the staff stood up, and there was a lot of heated discussion. This result excited many people. It is the so-called rebellion against authority and blowing up the recognized bigwigs. This kind of thing is particularly eye-catching.

In itself, this competition is based on this. The true immortals are extremely peerless. In the end, Kong Xuan really gave them a big surprise, and he quickly turned the candle sea cleanly and disintegrated on the spot.

"Where is the demon king who came out of here, from the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain, a black household from the Meteorite Sea? It's too fierce, and he overthrew a big man, bullshit!"

"The demon star is so powerful that I seem to have seen the rise of an unparalleled monster, rushing all the way to the sky, becoming an aloof alien, overlooking the cosmic starry sky."

This battle made the people on the scene very satisfied, mainly because Kong Xuan's combat power soared, breaking the original record on the 9th floor of the Bronze Giant Palace, so that they also had a wonderful experience, "Sleepwalking\" Real Time and Space , It usually takes sky-high prices to experience it.

"The demon star was born and was conferred a **** in the first battle. It is indeed a powerful evil. Calling me the true immortal of the human race to stand up, can there be a talent and beauty that is comparable to Kong Xuan recently?"

In the bronze arena, there are extraordinary people of all races, and the number of human races is not small. Some people say that it is not a big deal to watch the fun.

In fact, the humanoid creature who spoke was not a human race at all, and was deliberately stirring up the situation.

"Of course, Lu Renjia can play!" "Who is Lu Renjia?"

"You haven't heard of it? The fierce man who appeared in Yihai half a year ago, conservatively estimated, its combat power index has the power of 15 blue crows, or even more than 20."2

The entire ninth floor of the Bronze Giant Palace was full of noise, and many people did not leave immediately and were still hotly debated.

Everyone agrees that Kong Xuan was conferred a **** in the first battle. In the realm of real immortals, he really has the temperament of a peerless demon king. His rebelliousness and wildness are all based on his own strong strength.

Some people sighed: "No wonder, he stared at Zhuhai before the war, and after the end he was like an eagle swooping at a chick, swooping with a high attitude, he really has domineering capital, and he really pressed Zhuhai to the ground and rubbed it. Packed up." 1

There is no doubt that these remarks, these compliments, in the ears of the candle dragon clan, it is like a thousand arrows piercing the heart, and it is like a dull knife cutting flesh, the pain continues, it is too uncomfortable.

When they entered the city earlier, how confident and proud they were, and how frustrated and lost they are now, it's just a matter of defeating the heaven-level masters in the clan. When the elder came to the end, Chao Pei Shi personally attacked, and the curtain was still bloody. This blow was a big blow to them.

However, the wolverine leaned over its big head, the only feather left on its head, looked at them and looked at them. Although he didn't say anything, he grinned and made a group of people furious. Light, can't wait to kill him immediately. 1

Wolverine said: "What are you staring at? The two real lives and two feathers on my head were destroyed by you, and the evil deeds will never be done. Now that you have suffered the bitter fruit, you are still not angry? , My Second King of the Five Elements Mountains is still in the field!"

In an instant, the suffocation of the candle dragon clan subsided. If they really want to keep fighting, it will be even worse. Today, when the demon king Kong Xuan ends up alone, he is simply "destroyed" with their clan, and all the clan members are defeated.

"It's really amazing, especially the style of slamming the head with the head. I think it's very wild and belongs to his highlight moment." Zhuo Yanran opened her mouth, wondering if she wanted to hide it, but explained it very seriously, saying: "Jing Qi, I I'm not irritating you, but I really appreciate it, this demon king is very strong and extraordinary."

Jing Jingqi was not angry, she nodded and said, "Of course, I understand you very well. People who love to cry are demon kings who like domineering characters, masters of alien races, etc. I'll introduce you to him when I come back?"

Candle Sea's defeat was just an instant. The news came out of the Bronze Giant Palace, which caused a sensation in the entire Sky City. No matter what, he was a peerless family.

Everyone was shocked.

"The current junior is the real murderer, Zhuhai has a splendid reputation, this time not only a big defeat, but also makes people guess bald. He has been working hard for many years for the exterior scene of the galaxy, how amazing, and he was directly deprived of it by Kong Xuan, according to own."

"Hey, the Xinghe exterior scene is very difficult to practice. It actually fell into the hands of the candle dragon clan. This is part of the scriptures left by the true saint. The smoke demon king Kong Xuan got a great fortune today, and even I want to end the game. Find him. Go grab it. However, think about it and forget it. I reckon that if I fight him fairly in the bronze giant palace, I will also be fleeced and robbed."

After this battle, all parties in Sky City agreed that in the realm of real immortals, the demon king Kong Xuan belongs to the invincible real immortal, and there is no point in the end of the super peerless.

In the bronze giant palace, Xuan Tian, ​​Hei He, and Jin Yu were very puzzled by their faces. Many people contacted them and wanted to get to know Lu Renjia.

Kong Xuan was conferred a **** in the first battle, why did Lu Renjia also get so much attention and attention? They were a little speechless, and they all depended on them.

However, there are traces to follow. Among these extraordinary people, those with the bronze giant palace obviously tasted the sweetness. After Kong Xuan became very popular, they set their sights on Lu Renjia again.

Before this battle, Lu Renjia was even more famous than Kong Xuan.

In addition to the arena, there are also people from the big casino. Are you planning to save a game and let Lu Renjia and Kong Xuan fight? Take advantage of the huge momentum to attract attention and make a big bet.

"There are actually people from the Torch Dragon Clan, Yuan Sheng and other people who want to get to know Lu Renjia. Wouldn't this be thinking about borrowing Lu Yakong?" Xuan Tian, ​​Hei He and others guessed.

At this time, Wolverine was also quite busy, and couldn't take care of the candle dragon clan. The communicator would ring from time to time, and most of them didn't recognize it.

Obviously, these people all wanted to know Kong Xuan, and they first found the Great King of the Five Elements Mountain.

"Who is Mingyue?" Wolverine asked Chongxiao and Six-Eyed Jinchan. He was not so familiar with some of the disciples of the great sect and didn't know it at all.

"Hey, Fairy Mingyue is very famous, so she actually took the initiative to talk to you?" Even Chongxiao, the core of the Black Peacock Clan, was taken aback.

Wolverine said: "Look at what this means, I'm looking for the second king of the Five Elements Mountains and want to get to know me."

"Yarin, who is this?" Wolverine looked at the communicator. The message on it had a name on it, but his eyes darkened, and the people behind him didn't know him.

Six-eyed Jinchan also showed a startled expression, and said, "Tianxian Yalin, haven't you heard of it? The core disciple of the top sect. By the way, why are they all women?"

"There are also men's names. I think women's names are eye-catching, so I asked the sellers for advice. Another message came. This name is a bit strange, it's called Hei Ye."

"Hey!" Xiong Shan from the Black and White Bear Clan leaned over his big head when he heard the sound, and said, "Heiye, some people call her a goddess, and some people regard her as a witch, she is very powerful and extremely charming, let Brother Kong Xuan be careful, don't She was swallowed by her. It's really not good, when the fairy of the night is on the stage, call me to come with me, if he doesn't have time, I will risk my life to go to the meeting for him!" 1

Chen Yu was contemptuous.

Six-eyed Jinchan and Chongxiao laughed directly.

Wolverine sighed: "I can rest assured now, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains will not be lonely for life. Recently, there are quite a few women, so I should be able to leave a few descendants?"

He looked like he was worried about his eldest brother, and felt that the Five Elements Mountain people were too weak and needed to grow.

Wang Xuan hadn't left the iron cage yet, and was greeted by the most popular commentator in the Bronze Giant Palace, the Beast Girl, and talked to him about some matters.

For example, he wants to invite him to participate in some celebrity battles, to attend some events, etc. Of course, these all depend on his own wishes, and it is okay not to participate.

In addition, she also introduced some benefits that come with the black card.

"Can you read the classics recorded in the Bronze Giant Palace?" Wang Xuan asked. He had heard before that there are a lot of secret books, even the manuscripts about the true saints, and the supreme scriptures.

The beast girl has a graceful figure and a beautiful face. She explained with a sweet smile and said, "You need to accumulate points in the arena. With Brother Kong's record, it's not a problem to win in a row.

A chance to read those supreme chapters. "

"I guess, when I'm still a few minutes away, the Bronze Giant Palace will choose an invincible opponent for me?" Wang Xuan said.

The beast girl shook her head in denial and said, "How is it possible, we won't deliberately target, especially Brother Kong, who rushed forward with real records, the Bronze Giant Palace hopes to cooperate for a long time. The above has already spoken, and regards you as a partner, a VIP among VIPs. ."

"Besides, I think Brother Kong has no rivals at the same level in any field." The beast girl was very optimistic about him, and then told the black card that he could come to the special secret room of the Bronze Giant Palace to practice with less effort.

This moved Wang Xuan's face. For him, it was quite attractive, but he also had to be vigilant.

"What other benefits?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Me." The furry ears of the beast girl were raised, her face was extremely beautiful, her smile was bright, and the ten snow-white tails behind her were very eye-catching.

"Huh?" Wang Xuan was surprised.

The beast girl swayed and said with a smile: "Brother Kong, every time you come to the bronze giant palace, I will personally receive you, explain for you, help you find the best practice room, and take you to the 'sleepwalking' reality Time and space, accompany you all the way.”

He was surprised, this was considered to be given special treatment, and he became the Red Champion that the Bronze Giant Palace attached great importance to?

Wang Xuan pondered, and wanted to find a room to go to the secret room of cultivation to have a look. He newly obtained the exterior scene of the Galaxy, which was very consistent with the Xinghe Body Washing Sutra. After some enlightenment, he should be able to gain a lot, and even break the level directly.

The beast girl secretly transmitted her voice and said, "Brother Kong, I'll tell you in private that in the giant bronze earlier, some high-level officials were researching and wanting to find Lu Renjia, please have a showdown with him. ."

Wang Xuan's thoughts were interrupted and he regained his senses. He felt that the earlier ideas had to be put on the agenda, and he thought about how to put them into action and how to evolve a Lu Renjia safely and securely.

Various scriptures appeared in his mind, and then he looked at the wolverine on the bronze platform, and stared at his feather that was standing alone.

"Brother, are you done? There are some new friends here who want to get to know you." Wolverine, the king of the Five Elements Mountains, waved his hand and transmitted his voice to him.

Because of Wang Xuan, his "business" is very busy, and many people find him.

At this moment, at the VIP seat, one of the boxes shone brightly, and then someone walked out, causing some people to exclaim and change their expressions.

"That one seems to be... an alien!" There was a peerless whisper.

"What, who is it?" This made the other Super Peerage startled. He didn't expect that there would be a real person in the room, which was really unexpected.

"It seems to be from the Moon Holy Lake—Li Lin!\" Someone secretly transmitted a voice and dared not speak directly. For them, aliens traverse the sea of ​​​​stars, and they are high above.

Wang Xuan turned his head and noticed the movement on the VIP seat. His face was as usual, without joy and worry, but deep inside he was restless, unable to calm down.

That is a peerless alien. He once saw her figure from a distance. When fishing in the alien sea, he once fished all her accessories and clothes, and there is still a red head rope. stay with him.

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