Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 256: Use the resources immediately

Li Lin was peaceful and quiet, her gestures were a little ethereal, and she was empty and out of the dust, without the strong sense of oppression from other people.

Although she is based in a place with a strong red dust like the bronze arena, she does not get caught in the fireworks of the world, as if she is distant from the world, and even has a sense of alienation. Perhaps it is because of this, the strange thing on the phone said that she wants to enter the world, and she has to travel through the red dust and fireworks of the great world, from birth to entry into the world.

Wang Xuan was calm and felt that it was no big deal. He was passively fishing Li Lin in Yihai that day, but he didn't bring her up directly. They were far apart from each other across the starry sky.

In the final stage, Li Lin had a vague outline and wanted to settle accounts with the people who were fishing for her. Wang Xuan was able to recognize her at a glance, mainly because the clothes and accessories on her body were all too familiar and had been used before.

\"What's the situation, why did she come here!\" Wang Xuan thought that she was going to leave the bronze giant palace, so why did she come to him? It was protected by Diaotai that day, and there was no trace after the incident. At this moment, he is indeed a bit polite, but he has to pretend to be calm.

In the Bronze Arena, many people did not leave the arena. All of them looked over. A few people were shocked when they learned of Li Lin's identity. Most people don't know her roots, they just look at her rhythm possessed, her temperament is refined, and they are attracted by her demeanor |

\"The two kings of the Five Elements Mountain were conferred gods in the first battle, and they received all the fame and welfare, and now even the peach blossom luck has come up!" Someone sighed, with a sour taste, quite envious. In fact, Wang Xuan didn't want her to come over at all, and he didn't want to have any interaction with her now. At this time, he wanted to say, don't come here!

However, Li Lin walked into the iron cage, obviously coming towards him.

There was a sudden commotion in the VIP seats, and some Chao Peersi knew about his roots, and they were all shocked. The extraordinary person of Yuesheng Lake actually knew Kong Xuan?

\"Look, my brother used to be doomed to be alone for life, and now there are such good women approaching. \" Wolverine is also one of the majority of people, and I don't know Li Lin's identity. He sighed in the distance that in the past, the two kings of the Five Elements Mountains, whether male or female, would swing a mace at every turn, knocking off a person's head, and never approaching strangers. With a bang, he was struck in his head, and Elder Qingkong personally warned, and quickly reminded the Black Peacock Holy Mountain not to talk nonsense.

\"This woman looks sure.\" The black and white bear clan's Xiong Shan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was smashed by a bamboo shoot and staggered, and his mouth was blocked! Wang Xuan stood still, was he found? Is her spiritual intuition so sharp? He reflects, what is wrong? It's not enough to expose it.

The red head rope is in the killing array, and theoretically the outside world cannot perceive it. Now that the other party is here, he can't even pretend he didn't see it. \"Brother Kong, let's talk first.\"The beast girl turned around with a smile, and then said sweetly: \"This sister speaks bluntly.\"

Although she didn't know Li Lin, she was very good at seeing people. She noticed that there was a peerless person watching here, and she realized that most of the people who came here were extremely difficult. \"Didn't I look for you?\" Wang Rong said to the beast girl calmly. The beast girl just smiled, put on her snow-white fox tail, and exited the stage lightly.

Looking at it, his heart is really blue, but he controls the beating of the heart. The mechanism is subdued, and Yiri has a peaceful face. He calmly opened the factory: \"This is for you...\"

On the VIP table, Qingkong stroked her forehead with her hand and said in her heart, didn't you see me winking at you? How dare you call me a girl. It's a pity that the clear sky can't transmit mental fluctuations there, otherwise Li Lin will definitely be intercepted.

\"Kong Xin, I heard that you are rebellious and wild.\" Li Lin came, and came up to give such an evaluation.

After this is suspected, I started to buckle my hat, are you ready to clean him up? Wang Xuan was alert, took two steps back, and said, "Little girl, who are you?" It's outrageous enough for an alien to be a girl, and a small print is added?

Li Lin didn't have any mood swings, she was still calm, and said, "You were in the Black Peacock Saint L, and you injured Jing Qi?"

\"Huh?\"Wang Xuan was astonished, and then, her heart lit up, a misunderstanding had nothing to do with her fishing, is this a good person?

This is easy to say, he calmed down and said: \"It was just an accident, Fairy An was out of the dust and didn't really fight with me. Moreover, we are best friends now, and we are friends on the communicator.\ "Li Lin nodded peacefully and said: \"Okay, even if this article is over, I just want to see how wild you are, and whether you will give me a mace when we meet.\"Wang Xuan thought in his heart, if I didn't know in advance that it was you, if I changed my identity, if I came here to question and put my hat on, who said I wouldn't do it?\"Huh? Looking at your eyes, want to shoot at me?\"Li Lin looked at him.

\"No, girl, you are so ethereal, untouched by the world's fireworks, and indifferent to the world, even if a Dong Dao murderer is standing here, you can't bear to start, let alone me? Actually, I hate fighting and killing the most. Don't Look at me standing in the gladiatorial arena, but I am forced. My ideal is to walk in the starry sky with green lanterns and scrolls, and walk in the stars with bamboo sticks and shoes. .\" Wang Xuan said with a sigh.

\"I believe you a ghost!\" The candle dragon clan really can't stand it anymore, how many kills did you just have? Shimmer. The teacher, the gibbons, etc., a group of people have something to say! Li Lin glanced at him, turned and left.

Someone suggested that she take a look at Kong Xuan, she had been there, and she felt so-so.

After a cold period, Wang Xuan calmly exited the stage, walked out of the iron cage, and suddenly a large group of people gathered around. \"Haha, brother, it's okay, winning consecutive games, so happy, finally got revenge, and let out a bad breath.\" Wolverine laughed.

They were attacked in the city and almost died. Now those extraordinary law enforcers and some people from the candle dragon family have all been resolved, and the matter has ended successfully.

\"Hello brother Kong, I seem to have seen the picture of a generation of demon king Megatron starry sky, destined to rise to become a stranger. Oh, I forgot to introduce, I am Qian Lin of Fortune Casino...\"A middle-aged man came over . What are the ghosts and snakes, what are the people in the casino looking for him? Wang Xuan is puzzled, not to mention that he is inseparable with gambling drugs, but he does not have any good feelings. But he can only deal with it with a smile. People in this kind of place are probably not weaker than the arena.

\"Brother Kong, looking back, we will have a small gathering of the younger generation of the demon clan. You can't miss it. Of course, the members of the Black Peacock Holy Mountain must also be there.\" A man in Tsing Yi said with a smile. Then, he lowered his voice again and said: \"The city of the sky, the first beauty of the demon clan is also present.\"

Kong Xuan smiled and said in his heart, who gave the ranking? I have never heard of the beauty list, only the authoritative fugitive list. For example, there are five-star black households on the list in Meteorite Sea, which are relatively famous. The Interstellar Omen [. Not near, there is a woman who looks like a woman standing in the moon, with a hazy light on her body, looking towards this side, she nodded seriously. Wolverine quickly introduced, in line with the idea of ​​making the Five Elements Mountain people prosperous, and told Wang Xuan that that was Fairy Mingyue, who was very famous in the stars.

Under his arrangement, the two exchanged contact information. Then, Wang Xuan heard a secret voice transmission, and Fairy Mingyue asked him if he was interested in going to the Guangming Sect? Is she poaching? The famous Fairy Mingyue wants to dig black The corner of the Peacock Holy Mountain.

Luo Ying appeared, her intuition was very sharp, she stopped Fairy Mingyue with a smile, and did not give her a chance to continue talking.

Wolverine said: \"Brother, there are some friends who should be contacted. I specially selected them for you. I have left their contact information.\"

\"Please help me ask, what's the situation, what is the matter with me. I'm sorry, I forgot to pay for the appearance with the Bronze Giant Palace.\" Gan Xuan took this to escape, but it was not entirely an excuse. He fought so many times, why didn't Bronze Arena mention this?

\"Spray?\"I just look at the people who have seen the scene in the past. There is a feeling that Daomu Jinggong gave him a sample. He looked at the anti-life, but he and Daobu Hiroshi felt like they knew each other. Seeing the superhuman leave the field, each walked out of the bronze giant palace, the feeling that the person gave him disappeared, and disappeared in the crowd, without any waves. \"Beast girl, have you forgotten something? I'm not fighting here for nothing, right?\"

The beast girl smiled and told: \"It is recorded in the black card in the form of points, you can use it to exchange for strange things, and it can be used anywhere in the city of the sky, and everyone recognizes it.\" After Qian Xuan understood , quite satisfied.

However, since this time he is mainly to settle grievances with people and passively come to the arena to fight, so the proportion of revenue sharing is relatively low. Even so, he also gained a lot of points, because the number of people watching, ticket prices, etc., are very cool.

He nodded and said: \"I see, then I will go back and use my points to buy some strange objects in the strange object area in the city. By the way, you can help me prepare a training room in advance, and I will use it when I come back.\" Brother Kong, you are right. Do you have any requirements for the secret room?" asked the beast girl.

Wang Xuan said: \"You know, Zhuhai sent me the exterior view of the galaxy, I'm going to comprehend this way and find a secret room suitable for practicing this kind of scriptures.\"Pfft! Zhuhai just came out from the back of the bronze giant palace. , just simply healed the wounds and reshaped the flesh and blood, but after hearing these words, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He glanced at Wang Xuan coldly, turned around and left, he knew that if he made random shots in the Sky City and the Bronze Giant Palace, there would be no good end, and he could only restrain himself. Wang Xuan waited for a long time, and the people on the ninth floor of the arena were all scattered, so he left in a hurry, and then went directly to the strange object area.

The balance of the Bronze Giant Palace is a hard currency. He doesn't want to use it without reason. The resources are kept in his hands to see what use. The heart has to learn for a while and transform it into its own Taoism and strength. The grand event will not start until a few days later. , He just took advantage of this opportunity to comprehend the next scriptures in the secret training room, and strive to break the level and go to a higher level. On the way, he made some changes to his appearance, and he had already changed his clothes to avoid being watched and causing unnecessary trouble. Qian Xuan went straight to the ore area, where the conflict occurred earlier.

There were piles of immortal materials, and many of them contained star power. At that time, he was tempted. If he wanted to buy it, he could help him practice "Xinghe Body Washing Sutra". Now he is here again, this area is very radiated, which is the characteristic of various old minerals produced in the Luofu star field.

\"Everyone, don't miss it when you pass by. These are all old materials of the highest quality fairy ore. If it wasn't for an accident in the Luofu Star Region, this kind of thing would not be sent here for sale." The stall owner said, soliciting business. The quality is the highest, that's not necessarily true, but some of his words are true, the overlord of the Luofu star field has fallen, and there has been a lot of chaos there recently. If it was in the past, it was really difficult to ship out high-quality fairy materials.

Wang Xuan sighed that that day, the Luofu Sword, the most precious treasure of Luofu Mountain, was smashed into pieces in the sea of ​​meteorites, and not long after that, Luofu Mountain was attacked, and some strangers came with prohibited items, which destroyed the dojo. \"Everyone, Xiankeng is an old material. If you don't buy it now, you will regret it for the rest of your life in the future.\"The popularity of the neighborhood is actually very high, and there are a lot of people around it. \"\"Boss. How do you sell these stones?\"He picked out a few for the dry marriage, and he looked at it with a big eye. Some of the minerals and materials contained the power of the farm. There was no menstrual blood interview. Quite astonishing.\"Well, these pieces, each piece is an immortal medicine, and there are five immortal medicines in that pile. \"The stall owner calmly informed that it is extremely expensive to look like he is not worried about selling.

The stall owner looked like a middle-aged man, very calm, and said: \"I know that some friends have special means to investigate the internal situation of the fairy material, I know it, and I will ask someone to look carefully before I come here. After all, each piece has a price that matches its identity.\"

Ten sighed. He wanted to use his mental eye to examine his eyes, but he was unsuccessful. Luo Yang's star field layer has strong spoke parts, and the old prices are so famous that they are lost everywhere in the starry sky. Naturally, there are ten blood-level professionals.

Take control there, see various stones and price them in advance. The stall owner said again: \"Everyone stand up. If you want to buy the real thing, then you have been to the Luofu Star Region, but recently, the power is very strong and each family is fighting for no owner.\"

\"Boss. I will buy some more. You can say the lowest price. \"Dan enthalpy doesn't want to help the time, avoid extravagant branches. Prepare for a large number of acquisitions to break the barrier. There are many kinds of strange substances contained in these materials. He only chose strange stones that condense rich star power, and he is not interested in others for the time being.

\"Are you sure you want to buy so much?\" The Lord was surprised, because Wang Xuan secretly plotted an area with him. The piles together were very large, occupying a quarter of the ore he sold. , is about to become a / little I head. Shidao;\"You give me a reasonable price, and if I can get a head start, I will help you with the ten. It also saves you from working hard. I don't know how much I can go here and go.

Long. \"

In the end, the two sides reached an agreement, and Wang Xuan spent almost all the points in the black card he had just received in one go.

He sighed that the mines at home were too rich, and he worked hard to earn it. Today, there were so many people watching the game, the seats were full, and the ticket price was extremely high. As a result, after buying some stones, he returned to before liberation.

\"Little friends, please add friends to each other. In the future, when a good stone arrives, I will notify you directly. Even if you go to Luofu I will take you to block mines.\"The stall owner Hong Fugui is very Happy, he sold a quarter of the ore in one go, he was very satisfied, and he was obviously more enthusiastic. \"Okay!\" After Wang Rong left his contact information, he turned away.

An extraordinary person showed a look of surprise and said: \"Who is this person? It's too arrogant, he bought so many immortal materials in one breath. I feel that the stones he picked are full of star power.\" Probably It is Kong Xuan, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains. \"An old man spoke, and the runes in his eyes shone as he watched Wang Xuan's disappearing back.

Wang Xuan only changed his appearance roughly, but did not deliberately change Shen Yun, etc. He just didn't want to be watched, so after someone watched carefully, they guessed his identity. \"I'll go, I won't. The Bronze Giant Palace has just ended. Kong Xuan was conferred a **** in the first battle. He actually came here to buy stones.\"

\"You can't be wrong. Today, he deprived the super peerless candle sea of ​​the galaxy's exterior scene that he has been working hard for for many years. Now he buys a strange stone containing star power, and you don't have to think about it. This is to practice the exterior scene!\"In an instant, people restored the truth .

Many people showed strange expressions, and then sighed.

On that day, the bronze giant palace was dazzling with dazzling stars. At the top of the giant palace, there was a special magic circle that recovered, leading to the outer star sea, and the white light fell, like extraordinary water coming from the sky. Many people looked up in shock. The giant bronze palace was helping people to attract stars, and some people were cultivating scriptures related to this?

Soon, the people in the city of the sky knew that Kong Xuan was practicing Xinghe's exterior scene, and he actually created such a marvelous scene. Could it be that he had to practice it directly?

\"Pfft!\" On that day, when Zhuhai looked up, he coughed up six mouthfuls of blood.

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