Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 274: Paired double show

Wang Xuan sighed secretly, there are really many people with bad hearts, whether they are people or ghosts, "show" a few words unintentionally.

In addition to the candle dragon clan, Yuan Hong and others, other unrelated extraordinary people are also fighting the fire, slamming, and wanting him to beat himself!

But he is now sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, quite calm and unaffected at all. He glanced at Lu Renjia, and then left abruptly.

Then, Kong Xuan took the tyrannical step unique to the two kings of the Five Elements Mountains, with a black mist, raised his head, wild eyes, to see who glared at whom.

As for Lu Renjia, who was very immortal, he went to chat with acquaintances Xuantian and Heihe, and even saw Zhuo Yanran, and took the initiative to say hello and stopped for a long conversation, making a group of people look strange when they looked at Zhuo Fairy.

Because everyone knows that there are a lot of ambiguous rumors between the two, and there were rumors of morning sickness. At this moment, Zhuo Yanran was so angry that she wanted to beat people again.

\"Brother Kong Xuan, did you find me just now?\" Xiong Shan came, covering his face with a look of reluctance.

Wang Xuanxin said that he really looked for you, but in the end, he regarded your living ancestor as a big brother, and slapped him twice, making his heart almost jump out of his throat.

\"What's wrong with you?\" Wang Xuan was surprised, because the black and white bear covered his fat face with one hand and rubbed his round dark circles with the other.

Xiong Shan sighed: \"Kong Xuan, let me tell you, I blocked a knife for you brother!\"

When Wang Xuan heard this, he suddenly became serious, who is this, are you tired of living? Dare to start here, because of him, Xiongshan was affected? A dangerous accident happened.

\"Is someone really going to cut you?\" He asked worriedly.

\"Of course, how can you tell a lie.\" Xiong Shan patted his chest and said with all his might.

Wang Xuan was instantly awe-inspiring, and naturally he wanted to make an explanation for him, and asked him for details.

With a solemn look on his face, Xiong Shan took a deep breath and said, "How did you get the knife? The knife on the top of the color!"

\"!\"Wang Xuan looked at him and stopped talking. This national treasure needs to be cleaned up? Run here to show him.

When Xiong Shan saw his bad expression, he immediately looked aggrieved and resentful, and said: \"It was originally looking for a price, so it was right to cut it on your head. I played for you and got beaten up!\"

He quickly explained again, saying: \"Didn't I contact you before, the goddess of the night was looking for you, but you told me that I didn't have time. No, I think that people are so famous, it's also a good intention, and I can't cool people's hearts, so I replace them Come over and receive it.\"

Wang Xuan felt that this panda should be expelled from the national treasure!

\"At first, we talked very much, but Zuo waited for you and didn't come. She thought I had deceived her, so she gave me two big slaps inexplicably, you see, my dark circles It's thick again!\"1

Listening to such an unreliable explanation, Wang Xuan showed no sympathy at all. Instead, he felt that he had been beaten lightly. He didn't agree to go, okay?

\"Are you molesting people?\" he asked.

\"No, I can swear! I just feel that the goddess of the night is very famous, and I want to chat with her for a while, saying that you promise, and delaying it about eight times in a row, saying that you will be there soon, and finally... ...I was sneak attacked by her and punched me in the eye socket with two punches, but I don't talk about martial arts!",

The national treasure made up nonsense, released the pigeons of the goddess of the night for him many times, and then was beaten? Deserved!

On the other hand, Lu Renjia was approached by many people. Relatively speaking, he was much more popular than Kong Xuan, who was full of black mist and demonic aura.

However, \"communication\" with these people is also a physical effort, you need to persevere, you have to be patient, and you have to be calm. Just keep the fairy spirit out of the dust.

Because, he has mentioned all the things that should be said and what should not be said, and it has even been passed down by word of mouth: I don't like fighting Lu Renjia in my life.

Finally, Candle Dragon Clan, Hedao Sect, Jinque Palace, Weiguang Sect, Gibbon God Ape Clan, etc., each came out of their own way. After private contact and communication, they decided to join hands to buy a kind of Yudao texture to satisfy the gradual change in the turbid atmosphere of the red dust. \"Degenerate\" Lu Renjia's preference.

\"You want to give me a piece of Yudoqi bone? How embarrassing!\" Lu Renjia was really shocked, these opponents must be too generous.

Why are you so embarrassed? You are so embarrassed! The people present were slandering him and didn't want to expose him.

\"It's not a real strange bone, it's a replica of it, but it is guaranteed that all the Yudao textures are correct and all fine and correct!" said the representative of the candle dragon family.

Moreover, he was very frank and told Lu Renjia that Kong Xuan was not pleasing to the eye, and hoped that he would do his best to educate this person, and it would be best if he could kill him!

Soon, Wang Xuan knew what was going on with that bone. In the extraordinary world, any Yu Dao bone was worth a fortune, and it was hard to come by.

However, some bones have been obtained, studied, and circulated successively, and many Taoist traditions have been passed through, so they have been copied by others.

The bone that was traded this time is on this list. Because it is not a unique royal road texture, some great sects have obtained and re-engraved it, so it must be an unbearable sky-high price.

Relatively speaking, it is cheaper in the Royal Dodge Bone series, and the most important thing is that it can be bought.

Of course, in this case, it is relatively cheap. The candle dragon clan and the Hedao Sect did not take the initiative to tell Lu Renjia, but only said that they had re-engraved the royal road texture.

But Wang Xuan can guess some situations.

\"Sternal bone?\" He was surprised, it was a non-mainstream bone, he wanted hand bones and arm bones, etc., but he couldn't be satisfied, and what he got was very different.

This also led him to be good at iron-headed art and leaning against the mountain. Is there a way of hugging and killing in his arms now? 2

Not long after, Wang Xuan got the bone. It was indeed the vertical bone on the center line of the chest, which was responsible for connecting the ribs on both sides.

He found a quiet place, sat down quietly, and silently comprehends this replica bone. This is a one-time thing. Now the rays of the sun are shining, and the texture of the royal road is intertwined. Once the time is up, it will self-destruct.

Time is enough for him!

In particular, he has spiritual eyes, and the body of Primordial Yuan perfectly inherits this powerful element, allowing him to thoroughly see the essence of this kind of imperialism.

The most important thing is that after he grasps all the details, he can easily transfer it to reveal the secret for the body.

Although he remembered everything very early, he still sat in silence for half an hour before getting up. At this time, the replica bone in his hand was exhausted and vanished.

\"Brother Lu, are you ready to take action?\" Yuan Hong came over, extremely enthusiastic. The last time he was in the Meteorite Sea, if he hadn't broken his promise and refused to end the game, he would have been headshot by Kong Xuan.

Wang Xuan nodded, and said: \"Well, according to what I said earlier, I will go all out to launch the strongest blow, and decide the outcome with him, regardless of life or death.\"

\"Is one blow enough?\"The people of the candle dragon family are not satisfied.

Wang Xuan nodded and said: \"My disciple, Lu, can't fight with people, he can win or lose in three ways, and he will live and die. When he comes to me, he will naturally not fight. "1

Soon, this area became restless, and a small number of people knew in private that Lu Renjia was about to challenge the most ferocious demon, Kong Xuan.

The Wolverine immediately found Wang Xuan and told him secretly, "Brother, I just came from there, and I heard that Lu Renjia is going to fight you!"

\"It's no big deal.\"Wang Xuan was very calm, making him feel at ease.

\"Kong Xuan, do you dare to fight with me?\" A soft drink came, and Lu Renjia, who was dressed in white and beat the snow, entered the dojo, and directly named the most popular and fierce demon king recently. 1

This area was quiet all of a sudden, everyone heard it, and soon it became noisy again, many people were shocked and looked forward to it.

Undoubtedly, the biggest thorn in the head, Kong Xuan, will not disappoint people, he responded directly, this is his style, domineering, strong, said: \"Why don't you dare? Come and lead to death!\"1


In an instant, the voices were full of people, even louder than before, like a mountain torrent burst the embankment, and this area was filled with all kinds of discussions and noises.

Moreover, in other places, a large number of extraordinary people rushed over for the first time.

After a while, in the land of Taoism, two figures stood opposite each other, separated by ten miles.

One person's eyes are clear, and his delicate face is extremely peaceful. His white clothes are not stained with dust, and even his shoes and socks are snow-colored, giving people a sense of birth.

The other person, wearing a black and gold armor, roars with demonic energy, like wolf smoke, surging up to the sky. Although his face is handsome, it is very strange, and his eyes are aggressive.

The two finally met, and many people looked eagerly and hoped for a long time, because many people had already had a hunch. Such two people are beyond the category of normal true immortals. Once they meet, how can they not learn from each other, regardless of the way? According to normal laws, there is bound to be a battle.

\"Brother Kong Xuan and Lu Renjia are about to go to war, let Lu Renjia go!\" Six-eyed Jinchan, Chongxiao, Luo Ying and others also came. In this case, there is naturally a very strong bias.

Xuan Tian sighed: \"Sure enough, there is no escape from that law. Above the cusp of the storm, there must be a battle between the strongest true immortals. As the saying goes, the king does not see the king.

\"It is a matter of time before these two go to war!\" Heihe also sighed.

Even their acquaintances felt this way, not to mention other people, which caused a large number of participants to come to watch the battle and discuss it, completely besieging the place.

At this time, Jing Qi and Zhuo Yanran also came, and they were also discussing in a low voice, which is stronger?

Countless extraordinary people crowded this place.

A woman outside the arena was a little dazed. She was Zhou Qinghuang. Looking at Kong Xuan, the mighty demon king who wanted to stab a hole in the sky, she felt a touch of familiarity.

In the past, in the mother universe after the decay of the myth, the heaven and the earth, there was a young man who rose against the sky and rushed to the sky in an era when he could not practice.

That man, who had been bombarded by many warships, was besieged by people holding the ultimate treasure, and carried the Imperial Dao gun by himself, smashed the opponent horizontally, shattered one super warship after another, killed the super peerless in the end of the law era, and obtained the pool of life and freedom. Zhou, his wild appearance at that time was a bit similar to the person in front of him.

Zhou Qinghuang had a strange feeling, because when he looked at Lu Renjia, the man in white, there was a sense of familiarity.

It is still related to the man in my memory. Lu Renjia, who came out of the dust, looks very much like Wang Xuan in the period of heaven and earth when he was quiet. He was very empty and bright when he didn't make a move at that time. , and finally silently sent them away with the past and present.

Once the door in my memory was pushed open, my thoughts couldn't stop. Zhou Qinghuang was fascinated and thought of too many past events.

However, she sighed again in the end, that person should still be alive in the past, because it was too special, but in the cruel environment of the mother universe, it is difficult to rise and rise to the sky.

The two people in the field actually had a trace of the person in their memory, which caused her to lose her mind for a while, and then she shook her head vigorously and recovered.

Because she felt that it was an illusion, and the aura of the primordial spirit was different.

\"Come on, use the strongest blow to decide the outcome, discuss life and death!\" As the loud shouts came out, everyone was shocked and their blood surged, and they couldn't help showing shock. 1

Is this still a true immortal? People's pupils shrank, realizing that there was no water in what Lu couldn't say, and such a true immortal could indeed be a dead-level expert.

Accompanied by the roar, it was as if a great catastrophe was coming. The demon king Kong Xuan's eyes were like lightning, and his skull was glowing. Above his heavenly cover, the texture of the Imperial Dao was densely packed, extremely terrifying, even more terrifying than the sky-level Nie Qing. , It makes people feel scary, and it is like being locked by a prehistoric beast from a long distance.

In the eyes of people's astonishment, above Kong Xuan's head, the texture of the imperial road constructed a mace, heavy and intimidating, accompanied by a surging black demonic energy.

Of course, this is not his trump card, this kind of spectacle is only temporary.

On the other side, Lu Renjia's back glowed, and with the sound of a clatter of a knife, he slowly pulled out a sharp sword from his spine. The light of the Imperial Way was dazzling and sacred.

At this moment, both of them launched \"the strongest blow\".

The pitch-black mace drives the monstrous With a slight shock, the void collapsed. When it flew out, the sky burst into pieces, and that kind of force swept away thousands of troops. With the momentum of dominating the world, many extraordinary people tremble just looking at it.

The sky and the sky were directly traversed by the pitch-black imperial Daohua mace, smashed to pieces, and the void exploded!

On the other side, the bright celestial sword chirped softly, and the sword seemed to cut the road of life and death, as if it cut through eternity.

The texture of the sacred royal road is intertwined, and it is all over the sky. The sky knife pierces the sky, surpassing the limit speed, the time and space are distorted, dim, and slashed out.

In an instant, the two weapons constructed with the texture of Yu Daohua collided fiercely and terrifyingly. In an instant, the world was submerged in light!

Fake fights, you have to be serious, especially if there may be strangers nearby, so the two of them have paid a lot of attention, and it is not easy to eat and drink in this world.

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