Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 275: thorns at the gala

There is light everywhere, and people can't see anything. What they see is the splendor of eternity, witnessing immortality blooming in one dynasty.

A knife pierced the boundary of life and death, a mace shattered the void, and the two weapons disintegrated and melted after smashing each other, only the rune of the Royal Dao burned into light.

In the vast expanse, the holy light is raging in the land of Taoism, all the patterns on the bluestone ground are lit up, and the five-layered law formation is revived, blocking these lights. 1

Fortunately, the guardian formation of the land of Taoism is amazing enough, it is the handwriting of foreigners, otherwise, it will be disastrous if the light of the rune of the road is poured out.

Even so, the people outside the venue also felt a violent atmosphere like the mountains and seas breaking their banks, and they were depressed like a starry sky falling, and their hearts were moved.

In the end, there was still light that flew out. It was the extraordinary factor purified by the five-layered rule formation. Without the texture of the Royal Dao, it was like a turbulent river and sea, and the waves crashed on the shore.

Many people flew out. Although they were not severely injured, they were still impacted. Some people had nosebleeds and fell into the distance.

People think of the sign here, and it is very clear that it is dangerous to talk about Taoism, and you need to be cautious when you look closely.

≈quot;I just wanted to join in the fun, I wanted to see how outrageous the showdown of the strongest true immortal was, but I broke three ribs?≈quot;n

Someone looked dazed, then grinned and got up from the ground. He was a spectator and did not enter the stadium, so he broke a bone.

≈quot;No matter what, I am also an extraordinary person in the field of heaven, and I am called a genius junior by many people. Isn't it just standing close? Now, his right leg is broken!≈quot;

A young human race who is not very old, immediately turned on the golden rooster independent mode after getting up, looked down at his right leg, and felt unbelievable.

Someone comforted: ≈quot;Brother, you are content, didn't you see that? A fellow Taoist had a tragic accident in his life, and he broke an extra leg, so he can go to the real emperor's dojo to serve as a servant. ≈quot;

Of course, this is just a joke. A creature of this series is nothing if its legs and heads are broken, and its limbs can be reborn soon.

In general, the land of Taoism is a land of ≈quot;wars and horses≈quot;everyone who is too close has been overturned.

The light in the field dissipated, and the two true immortals who went beyond the normal category, each of which was a bit miserable, had already flew out and fell on the bluestone ground, covered in blood.

Lu Renjia's white clothes that were otherwise Xianchen turned into rags and turned into a deep red. He was seriously injured and his seven orifices were bleeding.

On the other side, Kong Xuan's black-gold armor was also shattered. He was covered in blood and struggled to raise his head, but his wildness remained undiminished. In his **** eyes, the fighting spirit was high, and the beam was terrifying.

Obviously, at the last moment, Wang Xuan's instinct sensed that there was a grand will coming, there were high-level creatures watching the battle, and top-level aliens appeared, more than one.

Therefore, he can only be ruthless, and he has to sell some strength to beat himself, whether it is the real body or the body of the Primordial Primordial body, all of which are exposed to the bone.

There were even cracks in some of the bones.

Such fake fights are more dangerous than real fights. After all, if one is not well controlled and one side is slightly stronger, it will become unbalanced, and the other side may become incomplete because of this.

It was a real fight with such a tragic situation, and there were strangers looking down, so Wang Xuan couldn't do it perfunctorily, so he had to show a bit of ferocity.

≈quot;Kong Xuan and Lu Renjia were both injured and tied. ≈quot;An old man announced in public that the two were judged to be of similar strength and were evenly divided.

Everyone from the Candle Dragon Clan, Yuan Hong from the Hedao Sect, and Yuan Sheng from the Divine Ape Clan all stared at the arena, and they were greatly touched when they saw Kong Xuan's phalanx exposed and there were many blood holes in his body.

This fierce monster also has today? He was severely injured. In the past, this overbearing demon king, although arrogant, was really too strong, and no one at the same level could surrender.

Now someone has severely injured him, but unfortunately, he failed to kill him, which makes them somewhat regretful.

However, I finally saw the presence of someone who could check and balance him. If there is no limit and keep fighting, maybe Lu Renjia will be able to kill him.

The Candle Dragon Clan, Yuan Sheng, and others were all thinking about whether Lu Renjia would be stronger after a while after obtaining the Royal Dao Rune on the sternum... It was worth further wooing.

The people from the Bronze Arena and Fortune Casino watched the strongest collision on the spot, and their eyes lit up. mouth

This kind of peerless true fairy battle can only be regarded as a warm-up right now. In the future, if the two can be matched to one point, the iron cage will definitely explode, and it will attract countless eyeballs. , bet who wins and who loses.

"It's too strong, such a battle of true immortals is really rare. If any of these two people stand up, they can kill some heaven-level creatures with just one hand."

People were talking, and there was a lot of noise here.

"Lu Renjia, do you still dare to fight again? The outcome is determined by life and death." This is in line with the domineering character of the two kings of the Five Elements Mountains.

He shook his body and stood up, his demonic energy was soaring to the sky,

With his head raised, he looks like the boss of the sky and the ground can't rank as the second child. Only he is stepping on the ground, only under the high sky, rampant in the world.

"Let's talk about it later, today I'm fighting for my entry into the central giant palace, and I want to taste the longevity fruit banquet." Lu Renjia also got up, although the white clothes were tattered and stained with blood, the cloud was still light.

The two are completely different in appearance and temperament.

"Have a door" Kong Xuan's group of opponents, see the light in their eyes, and their hearts are hot. These two people will not fight in the short term, and they may become enemies in the future. It is worth their efforts to help fuel the flames.

"Training Lu Renjia will consume Kong Xuan!" Some people wondered and hoped that such a situation would occur.

"In view of the amazing performance of Kong Xuan and Lu Renjia, you can enjoy the fruit of longevity and drink the wine of the Royal Dao." In the central giant palace, a voice came out and officially invited them.

The people who were still immersed in the battle of the strongest real immortals suddenly came back to their senses, and they all showed envy. This kind of honor and real benefits, who doesn't want it after so many years, this is all talk. In the past, I once Sitting with strangers, tasting the fruit of longevity, and drinking a jar of divine wine together, many people's minds are alive.

"Does it have to be a decisive battle?" someone asked.

"No, as long as someone has something unique in a certain field, or finds a way out, he will be invited." An old man responded immediately at the scene.

"I have something unique." Someone immediately shouted in the distance, causing Wang Xuan to look sideways, because he heard the voice of an acquaintance.

"My specialty is longevity. Even if the myth ends, in the decaying universe, I am also a longevity species that can live for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years!"

When this remark came out, all parties were shocked.

Then, people immediately turned their heads to look, and saw a big silver tortoise at a glance, standing upright and speaking, it was Xuan Tian. □

Everyone is dizzy, are you embarrassed? The thousand-year-old bastard, the ten-thousand-year turtle, this is due to the upper limit of the race.

"Retire." Sure enough, someone in the palace scolded him and didn't recognize this specialty at all.

"I found a sacred texture naturally nurtured in the mountains and rivers..." Someone spoke again.

"You come forward and show it." Someone in the central giant palace responded.

Although the special texture provided by this person is not very useful, it has made many people see hope and become more courageous. If they feel that they have something different, they want to try it.

After Kong Xuan and Lu Renjia changed out of their blood-stained battle uniforms, they walked into the giant palace together. As soon as they entered, they couldn't help being stunned that the place was too big.

It is said that it is a palace, and the inside is like a great plain of a flat river. It is incomparably empty, forming a world of its own.

The white mist did not cross the feet, the jade paved the ground, and on both sides of the road, there was the Seven Treasures Lingchi, which contained corals, planted divine lotuses, and yin and yang divine fish swimming.

Said to be with aliens, those figures are very ethereal, and they are not even visible. They are all sitting in the deepest part of the giant palace, and they are all covered by chaotic mist, and the lake is invisible.

Kong Xuan and Lu Renjia were respectively led by the young and beautiful female fairy to an area in front of them, where there were table gums and futons, on both sides of Jade Road, and next to the pillars that seemed to support the sky.

Regarding the giant pillar, there are many textures engraved on it, as well as anecdotes from the old times, and there are pictures of bloodshed during the war at the end of the era, but it is difficult for outsiders to understand, it should be for other people to see, it can evoke memories of the past, and those who passed away That era.

Nie Qing and Lu Wubu came in early, and sat alone behind a jade table with fruit and wine on the table.

Lu couldn't get up to meet Lu Renjia. As for Nie Qing, sitting quietly and drinking silently without raising his eyelids, he was in a bad mood.

Kong Xuan and Lu Renjia also had a jade table each and sat down.

As the thorn-headed Demon King Kong Xuan, he suddenly grinned and was a little dissatisfied. Several fruit plates had glowing pulp, but they were all cut into pieces, and there was no complete one. To be precise, it was called a fruit plate. 1

Zifu Peach, known as a top-notch fruit that can prolong life by 10,000 years, has only three pieces. Wang Xuan estimated that it accounted for a quarter of a peach.

Although the peach flesh is radiant and purple, the amount is too small.

≈quot;Do three slices of peach flesh represent three things?≈quot;Kong Xuan sat there, said that directly, picked up a piece and threw it into his mouth.

The female fairy who was in charge of guiding him was startled, Lu Wuxi also showed a strange expression, and Nie Qing was even more surprised. Did this demon king really eat the heart of a black and white bear and swallow the gall of a light and dark leopard? 1

≈quot;Is this the legendary fruit of the years, the whole body is golden, and the power of the years flows, but it is a pity that there are only two small pieces, one of which is still stuck with a small piece of fruit core, does this represent two births three?≈ quot; Kong Xuan said, and ate it all in one bite.

Then, he picked up another jug, which was quite pocket-sized, but the slap was high, and he poured it directly into his mouth. This is the wine of Huanyang, known as the wine of the Royal Dao, and it can help others to practice. 1

It was indeed effective, and it instantly made him feel hot, and the texture of the Royal Dao was full of vitality, but the liquor inside was so small that it was enough to drink it in just two sips. Does this mean two lives in a lifetime? ≈quot;Wang Xuan spoke again.

Nie Qing was convinced, this one really dared to speak, even he was very disturbed when he heard it, and he was about to sweat.

Wang Xuan is not taking risks. The old alien from the Black Peacock Clan is above, and Chen Gu, the alien from the Bronze Giant Palace, should also sit in the mist and know his ≈quot;details≈quot;, Should ≈quot;contain≈quot;.

≈quot;There are so many strange words, as expected of a thorn. ≈quot;Some people commented with a smile, as an alien, naturally not so careful, the vicissitudes of life, the changes in the world, what kind of creatures have not seen?

They have lived for too long. With the transfer of the transcendent center, they have experienced more than one big universe. At this level, many people are happy to become living fossils. There are no waves in the ancient wells all the year round, and they will feel some alternative and abnormal people and things. some interest.

≈quot;Senior, although the longevity fruit is good and the divine wine is wonderful, it is too few. ≈quot;Wang Xuan said. 1

A foreigner said: ≈quot;Do you think this kind of thing produces a lot? Some varieties take thousands of years to mature once, and they have to be sent... Keep some, how much do you think there is left?≈quot;

A female alien smiled and said: ≈quot;It's interesting, you want to eat more longevity fruit and drink more wine, it's not impossible, go four times to break the limit and hit the strongest blow, you can consider it .

≈quot;It's hard for me. ≈quot;Kong Xuan returned to a low profile.

≈quot;If you can really do it, you will have great fortune. ≈quot;The Invix smiles. Based on the feeling, Wang Xuan felt that this was like the one who lost the cat.

Next to him, Nie Qing had a complicated expression. He was such a thorn. He was fortunate enough to be able to talk to a foreigner, which many people would not dare to think about.

The aliens are high above, overlooking the sea of ​​​​stars, inaccessible, and they are the ancestors of all races.

≈quot;Let's announce, let the extraordinary people who have walked out of the road of imperialization in the real immortal realm enter. ≈quot;In the depths of the giant palace, an alien spoke.

There is no doubt that there are not many people who can step out of this path in the real immortal realm. They have been initially recognized by foreigners and feel that the future is promising.

Wang Xuan sat quietly, without speaking this time, he knew very well that there were very few people who could walk this way, and he was controlled by the top-level great teachers.

Ordinary people don't even have that kind of scriptures, so how can they go out on such a path?

Wang Xuan shook his head, it was impossible to be absolutely fair no matter where he was.

Sure enough, it was sparse and there were only a few people who came in, including Luo Ying.

Xuan Tian also came in. He is a heavenly creature, but he did step out of that path when he was a true immortal, and was mainly cultivated by the clan, like Heihe.

≈quot; Those who have left their names in the golden book and jade book can naturally enter, and the specifications are higher. ≈quot;Another stranger spoke up.

Indeed, that kind of extraordinary person is often an undefeated genius in several star fields, with super potential and actual combat ability!

In fact, this kind of character, some of whom have been notified long ago, will invite them in, so they are very calm and have been unmoved.

There are not many people, but only a few. There is Ye Ge, an undefeated master of the Six Domains who has heard his name for a long time and only appeared today. Now he is heaven-level, including Jing Jing Qi, Zhuo Yanran, and three others. people.

Nie Qing sighed secretly, he was too agitated too early, he should have come here because of his status, but in the end, he fought with Lu Wuhen first and achieved the other side.

≈quot;Loose cultivators, completely relying on their own strength, with the momentum of "barbaric" collision, those who have broken the limit twice and above, can enter. ≈quot;Someone spoke. {

Then, someone added: ≈quot;As long as those who rely on the heaven and earth spirits, or the elders of the division to help, are not included in this list. We will check carefully, pretending to be useless.

A lot of people were moved, and this was also giving a chance to a loose cultivator. In fact, without the resources of a top teacher, those who could break the limit twice would be very insane.

This man has great potential.

In the future, when they step into the super-peerless world and try to work hard for the aliens, they may be able to mature late, perhaps stronger than those who have only broken the limit three times with the help of the power of the teacher.

A few people walked in, with similar characteristics to Kong Xuan, a little wild, not very stage fright, it is really not easy for a loose cultivator to reach this step and go above the limit.

The outside is chaotic, and the geniuses from all walks of life are very self-confident, otherwise they would not be brought to the meeting, even if some people are less than 09 blue crows, but they are not bad in their own family.

Many people are restless and want to try and break through from a special field.

≈quot;My six eyes are open, I can break through falsehood, and my eight eyes are open, I can see the road of yin and yang life and death!≈quot; Jin Ming came, and then, in the shock of people's eyes, he opened eight eyes After opening, it really passed! 1

≈quot;This brother is poisonous, just went in like this, I'm going to try it!≈quot;

Soon, there was an uproar at the entrance, and there was a noise.

After a while, the entrance of the giant palace became even more sensational, because there was a ruthless man there, which was quite against the sky. Wolverine successfully passed the level, but he was still chatting with people, asking if he could bring him in.

≈quot;This brother is too ruthless, he cut his own soul with a knife and committed suicide in public, but nothing happened, only a feather on his head was slightly darkened, and he survived like this. ≈quot;

Obviously, the feather on the wolverine's head mutated again, and it was even more mysterious than before. This kind of feather, which represents the immortality of the real life, made the old man at the door a little dazed and let him go.

≈quot;Can't afford to provoke him, he will slash himself with a knife at every turn. Shouldn't the organizer be afraid of his death, so he can pass the test?≈quot;

≈quot;So cruel, he killed his soul and body, but he is alive again, his real life is really hard to destroy, he has real ability!≈quot;

Wolverine successfully brought its son and entered the central giant palace.

Inside the palace hall, there are more young faces, at least it is more lively than before, and everyone who comes in has something special, and can enjoy the longevity fruit banquet.

The two kings of the Five Elements Mountains ate up the fruit plates early, and drank the only pot of fine wine. He stood up and went to chat with acquaintances. Inadvertently, he picked up a piece of Jingqi's fruit flesh. It was really mixed eating and drinking. , instantly aroused scorn!

≈quot;In the side hall, there is also a small banquet, and there may be a masked sorority, where there are complete Zifu peaches and fruit of the years, should you go and see if you can pass the level?≈quot;2

A female fairy quietly walked to the side of the second king of the Five Elements Mountain, so she whispered to him with the primordial spirit and told him secretly.

≈quot;Huh?≈quot;Wang Xuan's heart moved, what came to his mind, he naturally wanted to see if someone from outside the world really appeared, how amazing and powerful he was?

When Wang Xuan came to the side hall, Lu Renjia and Ye Ge also came in, and two other young men followed. training

A layer of hazy gauze blocked the front, and it was vaguely visible. Several tables were placed in front of them, some with Zifu Tao and Huanyang wine, and some with scriptures.

There are also glowing bones on the table eucalyptus!

A female fairy quietly came to Kong Xuan's side again, whispered to him, and used Yuanshen's voice transmission to tell him that as long as he could pass through the heavy veil, he could take whatever he touched.

Wang Xuan looked and looked, and finally found that behind Qing Sha, there was a woman sitting in the white mist. At this time, she was holding a page of golden scriptures and looked down.

Shouldn't she be among the items that can be taken away?

However, the golden paper in her hand is actually flowing with a trace of chaos, with amazing visions and wonders, which is really tempting. -

≈quot;What can I really and what can I take away?≈quot;Wang Xuan opened his mouth, this is not only asking the fairy beside him who whispered to him, but also asking The woman in the white mist behind the veil.

Wang Xuan stared at the golden paper she was bowing her head.

≈quot;Yes. ≈quot;There is a voice after the veil. Kong Xuan is walking around, do you want to try?

Moreover, the woman nodded slightly, even chuckled slightly, and raised the golden paper in her hand, clearly seeing his intentions.

Naturally, Wang Xuan intentionally made her understand that she had taken a fancy to that page of the scriptures, otherwise it would be bad if the other party picked on the reason and refused to admit it.

Now, if the woman makes such a statement, then he really wants to try it.

Wang Xuan took a few steps and frowned again. The veil contains strange textures, which is very tricky. Do you want to give it a try? He touched his head.

Really long chapter. This Saturday, it is time for another chapter to rest, absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and ensure the immortality of staying up late. The update is over, don't wait. w, please keep in mind: free and fastest update without anti-theft no anti-theft

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