Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 316: Calling the Supreme Being

The latest website: The universe is boundless, and there are many true saints!

Wu Dao said that it is a field that the extraordinary people in this world cannot reach.

All parties were shocked, even Wang Xuan's eyes were full of waves, how many real saints were there?

But Wu Dao's words are too ugly, what a special angle, a wild sage,

Saying such things is simply unbearable.

Wang Xuan opened his mouth: "People with bad mouths usually have no good end. Wu Dao, you are just like your name, and the road is gone."

A young woman, Bird Bird Nana, came from the starry sky, her snow-white chin raised slightly, and said, "What do people from the countryside know? You simply don't understand.

She has a slender figure, wears five-color armor and stomach, black hair and a shawl.

Wu Dao said: "It's useless to say more, what is Huaguoshan really holy dojo? What's going on, I know very well, it's just a wild field!

He was indifferent, strong, and although his voice was not high, it knocked on everyone's heart.

This makes many extraordinary people show their strange colors. Wu Dao is so sure. Could it be that Huaguoshan is really fake?

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Wu Dao was dressed in golden armor, extremely resplendent, golden hair fluttering, and his eyes were deep. He walked step by step, confident and aggressive. Now, his expression, and the corresponding emotions, clearly conveyed certain information.

Wang Xuan's face was cold and calm. He realized that the matter of Zhong Cheng's soul search might be known to more people... Wu Dao stared at him and said, "This kind of big lie, I see how you round it. Your dojo... is ridiculous!"

When he mentioned Huaguo Mountain, it was blatant contempt and disdain. He stood in the sea of ​​​​stars and looked down condescendingly.

Before coming here, he was also cautious and consulted foreigners. In fact, Yiren Xitian paid more attention to it, and had contacted Yaotian Temple to get a hint that there should be no true saints in Huaguo Mountain.

After all, the upper echelons of Yaotian Palace, who had personally searched Zhong Cheng's Primordial Spirit, knew what was going on even in a hurry. That place didn't exist.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Xuan wants to set up a banner and create a true holy dojo, not for himself, but to improve the living environment of his deceased.

People who came from the mother universe are scattered all over the starry sky, and some people should have been discovered and searched for their primordial spirits like Zhong Cheng.

In ancient and modern times, it is naturally very shocking. I believe that when it sent the old people, they were all sent to places where there was relatively peace and no major conflicts.

But after all, the old stereotype also has its opponents. Immediately after the return, it will fight with the unknown existence. The true saint of the transcendent central universe should be aware of it.

After all, more than 80 years ago, in the Bronze Arena, some people saw ancient and modern transformations in the black wooden box in the time and space of "sleepwalking", and they fought with people in the outer universe.

In this case, ancient and modern will definitely not care about other things. In the past, it has said that after returning to the central world, life and death are unpredictable, and the enemy is terrifying.

It can be said that the current non-hostile forces will not deliberately target people who have been sent from ancient and modern times, and will even be afraid of it.

But after all, there are many unexpected and uncontrollable factors. For example, Chang Ming has always wanted to search for Zhong Cheng's soul. What about the situation of other people who came from the mother universe?

Everything is unknown, full of variables, and there are many factors that are difficult to control and avoid.

Therefore, Wang Xuan wants to set up a banner. If there is no true holy dojo, he also wants to build one. This is a shock to those who have searched for the soul of the mother universe!

Soul searchers should have guessed that Huaguo Mountain probably does not exist, and there should be no true saints. It belongs to the "story" of the remote universe.

Now, Wang Xuan does this, once it turns the false into reality and proves that there is a true saint in Huaguo Mountain, it will definitely be an earthquake. With this kind of deterrence, who would dare to ignore it?

"Then you can invite the true saint to appear, I'm waiting!" Wu Dao said coldly, he is indeed someone who knows the inside story, he has never searched his soul, but he has learned some things from other channels.

Wang Xuan glanced at the nearby heroes, looked at the people in the Yaotian Palace, and said: The irrelevant people should retreat, the true saints will come, the anger will not be extinguished, and the starry sky may be stained with blood. "

He saw all kinds of big monsters, saw a large number of five-color fairy ships, animal bone monster ships, etc., and also saw steel jungle-like battleships, and there were extraordinary people everywhere.

But no one backed away, the big demon who rushed over was either a fanatic or someone who wanted to join the Demon Heaven Palace, and they wanted to perform well.

At the end of the deep space, the pair of huge eyes became clearer again, huge and boundless, cold and ruthless, and the outline of the head appeared, intertwined like thunder, squeezing the space.

"You're not leaving, are you? If you accompany you to the funeral, you can't blame others." Wang Xuan said.

Then, he began to recite an ancient mantra, and set down an altar, as if calling for the true saint, to invite him to come here.

For a while, the neighborhood was quiet, and everyone felt a tense atmosphere. He was so solemn, wouldn't he really want to invite a supreme being?

"Pretend to be a ghost, don't think I don't know your details, you can guess that the indigenous people in remote places want to fool the world here.

Beside Wu Dao, the seductive woman wearing a five-color armor and a mole at the corner of her eyes scolded lightly, and couldn't help but shoot.

Chi Chi!

A large bow appeared in her hand, corresponding to the stomach, also with five colors, flowing and shining, and now the bows are opened one after another, shooting nine arrows.

Wang Xuan casually looked for an altar temporarily refined from extraordinary materials, and it exploded suddenly, and fragments were everywhere, suspended in this area.

"Are you afraid, worried about the true saint, and so on?!" Wang Xuan turned around and looked at her coldly, there was nothing to be angry about, he didn't understand the way the true saint appeared, and now he just wanted to have a " A sense of ceremony" sets off the atmosphere.

Otherwise, he is a true immortal, and he can call out the true saint casually, and it will not show the high status of the extra-worldly beings.

In fact, Wu Dao's junior sister was indeed a little uncomfortable, and she didn't know what to do, so she interfered like this, because she felt that the other party was too calm and calm, and she said, "The pseudo-sage doesn't exist at all, I just don't want to see you there pretending to be deceived. The world, if there is anything, let him come immediately!

Wang Xuan said: "That is the altar to pray to the true saint, if you dare to destroy it like this, after all, you will wash away your sins at the cost of blood and life.

In the distance, in the outermost area, Ling Qingxuan is in a state of thinking about life. Does the true saint need to call like this? Otherwise, she will try it at her own house some other day, but she has never heard of a true saint born like this.

At the same time, Wang Xuan returned the color, drew his bow, and shot an arrow at the woman with the tear mole, as if he was safeguarding the dignity of the True Saint Dojo.

The starry sky exploded, and the power of the Yixian Bow was enormous.

Wu Dao moved, with the black shield in his hand blocking the front, helping his junior sister to resolve the crisis, the arrow light intertwined with the royal road texture on the shield, shaking the starry sky.

Nearby, countless meteorites and the densely packed remains of the demon race all dissipated in the light and rain, leaving nothing behind.

"Can you please come?" Wu Dao said that the shield in his hand was indeed a treasure made by Yiren, blocking the attack of Yixian Bow.

Wang Xuan said: "Your junior sister was scared and destroyed the altar. The true saint is hanging in the world, how can you and I see it at will, and now we need to pray and use the ritual as a guide to invite him to appear as a saint.

"I'll give you time, sit and watch your jokes, witness the so-called Huaguoshan family, which is shameful here!" Wu Dao said indifferently, he really wanted to see jokes.

"The true saint is coming, is there any prestige?" Wang Xuan asked the strange object of the mobile phone, what precautions should be taken, and how to formulate the "sage".

"Unfathomable, mysterious, unknown, um, for example, now, your chance to perform has come." The strange thing on the phone responded.

In the distance, the huge eyes opened and closed, and there were countless thunders, and the huge head squeezed into the deep space was constantly clear, and the people who were oppressed by the materialization would have to breathe.

Yiren Xitian's primordial spirit manifested, as if his real body was about to come, he said indifferently: "Why give him time? The search for the soul of suppression is all it takes!"

He was dissatisfied with the way his disciple Wu Dao was dealt with. He was an alien, so how could he have so much time to stop in the turbid world of red dust.

While speaking, at the end of the deep space, a huge palm stretched out, with boundless terror and clearly visible palm lines, covering the sea of ​​​​stars, and grabbed it towards Wang Xuan.

He raised his hand to suppress it, and turned his hand to pinch it. What kind of real immortals, what legendary super-spec limit-breaking wizards, are ants in front of foreigners.

He covers the sky with only one hand, all of which are transformed by the spirit and manifested here.

"The true sage is omnipotent and omnipresent. He has heard my thoughts and wants to call me over to understand this incident. If you are disrespectful to Huaguoshan, if it represents the will of Yaotiangong, he doesn't mind coming, even if It doesn't matter if you start a holy war!"

Wang Xuan said solemnly and solemnly, at this moment, he did not avoid the big hand, but stood in the same place.

There is no doubt that he is very good now, and even he himself feels that the atmosphere has arrived.


The big hand slapped over, and Wang Xuan's brows didn't even wrinkle. Then, he disappeared from here under the shocked eyes of many people.

"Is it crushed by the palm of the embodiment of the alien spirit?" Someone asked in shock.

"No, he himself...... disappeared, it feels like he was taken away by the existence in the dark!"

At this moment, many people were stunned.

Wu Dao was also startled, what about people? There will be mishaps.

"Hiding in the cracks of the void, I thought it was safe, can I escape?" Yiren Xitian said, he is a person who knows the inside story, and has asked the supreme Yiren of Yaotian Palace, Huaguoshan is just a "story", it can't be an "accident" ".

Hearing him say this, many people let out a sigh of relief.

"The atmosphere, specifications, and contrast are all in place, right?" Wang Xuan asked


"When you left, the aliens didn't stop you. It smelled like that. Well, hurry up and work." The mobile phone strange thing said.

At this time, they came to Tianwai again and stood on a dark mountain, jumping to look at the "West Heaven Dojo", yes, Wang Xuan is here again.

It was at his request that the strange object on the mobile phone opened a convenient door for him. Taking advantage of the short time difference of being "taken away" by the true saint, he came to Jiang Xitian's wool again.

Xitian repeatedly attacked him, and Wang Xuan swore earlier that he would have to go bald.

"Yao Yuanzi, come out!" He threw the fish hook and entered the state directly. Yuanshen walked along the fishing line and quickly captured the scene and situation in the dojo.

After several trials and errors, he soon found the place. After all, the layout of the dojo is well-documented, and where there are strange things planted, the spiritual energy surges to the sky, "Hey!" Although he was mentally prepared, Wang Xuan still swallowed. He took three mouthfuls of chaotic substances, but they all hit him, and he couldn't refine them.

"Good god, good garden, good man Xitian!" He said three kinds of good things in a row, and was really shocked.

The medicine garden is not big, but all of them are high-quality goods, to be precise, they are all super-standard sacred objects, and the grade is too high.

At first glance, he saw a revival flower. It was bright and splendid. He didn't know how many thousands of years it had been raised by Xitian. It should be a strange thing that was planted around him in the last century.

This kind of big medicine is naturally the longer the age, the stronger the medicinal properties. The aliens use the secret method to raise them, and the flowers can never wither.

"Thank you, Xitian, this thing is related to me, I took over!"

Wang Xuan was overjoyed, this revival flower alone is worth it.

Recently, in the Liuxia Star Region, he lost four petals of the Resurrection Flower, and now he has made up for it in excess.

He is going to plant it behind the life soil and feed it.

With a swoosh, with a large piece of soil, this extremely old revival flower flew out and was taken by Wang Xuan.

"There is also a soul lotus with stalks and roots, and another great medicine related to the primordial spirit. The value is equally high and scary." Wang Xuan was surprised.

The mysterious scriptures that Xitian studied, explained the law in the spiritual realm, so he was inclined to this direction when he cultivated great medicine.

With the soul lotus in hand, it means one more life. Before the soul is obliterated, take it, even if the primordial spirit is scattered and disappeared, it can reproduce an identical soul in the body, as if there are two pairs of souls. soul.

With a swoosh, the snow-white soul lotus started, and was carefully put away by Wang Xuan.

"What kind of strange thing is that?" He found that near the center of the medicine garden, there was a dense patch of grass, three feet square.

"Could it be Peng-Tied Grass?" He thought of the several prescriptions he had obtained from the descendants of the old saint on the floating boat in the chaos of time and space overseas.

The recipe for medicinal wine, with the help of the true saint's backyard, he collected all those strange things.

The second recipe is about Zhuanggu. It is so strong that it is the Yudao bone. At present, there are still some kinds of strange things that are lacking. Now he should have discovered one.

Legend has it that when Dapeng saw this kind of grass, he was afraid of losing it.

"One of the main medicines of the Strong Bone Chapter, it is good fortune, I smiled and accepted it!" Wang Xuan couldn't stop his smile.

He had to sigh that the gardens in the Yiren Dojo were too amazing. They were all priceless treasures. The gardens were small and refined. This was a great medicine prepared by Xitian for himself, not a medicine field open to his disciples.

Last time, the backyard of the true saint was a place that was open to the disciples every so often.

Soon, Wang Xuan discovered that the black and white entwined vines actually grew out of a tap root. He didn't recognize what it was, but he knew that it was absolutely amazing. The strange things planted in the heart of the medicine garden could not be useless.

"Take it!" Wang Xuan swept away, and the small garden was immediately empty!

He didn't delay, and it was time to go back. "Seeing the true saint" couldn't be too long.

In Liuxia Xingyu, Donglin District, and Xinghai, people did not make a sound, because Yiren Xitian failed to find Sun Wukong and did not turn him out of the crack in the void.

The light, rain and wine fell, and the Monkey King reappeared, and his face was full of spring breeze, especially when he looked at the huge head of the primordial spirit squeezing the sea of ​​stars at the end of the deep He actually took the initiative to smile and was very enthusiastic nod.

What's the situation? Many people are puzzled.

The foreigner Xitian is indifferent and unresponsive, is a real immortal worthy of communicating with him? Huaguo Mountain does not exist, it is false, but this young man should have a secret, but he escaped his search. He made up his mind to search for his soul.

Wu Dao said indifferently: "Sun Wukong, what's the use of nodding your head with a smile? Even if you kneel down in front of my master and cry and repent, it's already too late, where is the true saint? Have you come out from Tejiao? He is holy!"

Wang Xuan put away his smile and became formal, his face was extremely serious and serious, looked into the deep space, and said, "Welcome the true saint to the world!"

With a bang, as his voice sounded, between heaven and earth, an indescribable majestic beam of light seemed to run through the universe, extremely sacred, illuminating the world.

In an instant, everyone's thinking was stagnant, the primordial spirit was blank, and some were just divine light illuminating the sea of ​​​​stars, and the bright texture seemed to link the past, the present and the future.

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