Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 318: Starry sky earthquake

"The true saints of the demon clan have old enemies, so shouldn't they take the initiative to make enemies, right? But it's useless to think too much, just come and solve it." Wang Xuan pondered.

Although the Demon Heaven Palace is supreme, the source of the spiritual power of the demon clan, and the belief of countless great demons, it does have a terrifying rival.

Wang Xuan thought to himself: "It's not a big problem."

The rise of Huaguo Mountain has proved to be a true saint, and no one will easily face it. Moreover, there are various indications that this dojo may still have something to do with the past and present.

Yaotiangong will definitely understand that this Dao lineage comes from outside, because the name can be seen in Zhong Cheng's Yuanshen, and ancient and modern also appeared in that universe.

"I hope that people from the mother universe, especially those who were discovered and searched for their souls, will live in a better environment since then." Wang Xuan said to himself.

His eyes were deep, and he looked at the bright starry sky. In any case, the impact of today's battle was far-reaching.

This is no longer a conflict between young limit breakers, it has risen to the level of true holiness in the world!

"I've done everything I need to do, now it's time to leave." Wang Xuan stepped on Xinghui and went on the road alone.

There are still many big monsters here, but no one stops them.

Wang Xuan was incomparably calm, walking through the army of the various demon clans, the scene was dead silent, and there was no sound, and he walked away in vain.

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In the distance, there are still huge five-color fairy ships, and there are also some super battleships on the other side, all of which are as majestic as the steel continent, but they are all suspended without any reaction.

All the transcendents are watching, watching him leave calmly, his back actually looks dusty, lonely, and detached, which makes everyone feel extremely complicated.

In No Man's Land, a golden vortex appeared, Wang Xuan stepped in and completely left the Liuxia Star Region.

Then, the starry sky behind him gradually began to have human voices, began to make noise, and then fully boiled.

Today's events are indeed extremely sensitive, that is, foreigners are full of haze, their steps are much heavier, and Xitian has come to a place outside the world.

He arrived with unease, apprehension, and guilt, and he hoped that things had not deteriorated to the point of being irreparable.

"Xitian is guilty." He lowered his head when he was still far away from the ethereal place, the real holy dojo, detached from the world.

Liuxia Star Region, Donglin District, the starry sky is still stained with blood, many extraordinary people have not dispersed, and many people have not completely recovered until they were awakened by the heated discussions of others.

The real saint came into the world? The legendary supreme existence is rarely recorded in ancient books, and it is vague and impossible to understand.

That existence has always been thought to live in legends, living in the source of people's beliefs, but it actually appeared today.

Moreover, the one who shot directly, the eyes of the aliens burst open, and the blood flowed like a waterfall of stars. As soon as the true saint pointed out, the foreigner Xitian burst into pieces in an instant, and the scene was too terrifying.

"Am I unfortunate or lucky? I actually witnessed history and saw the rumored true saint. All the demon tribes returned, and I almost died. The demon generals around me exploded in pieces. It was tragic, but fortunately, I survived."

The army of the demon clan was completely numb, everyone was in ups and downs, and there was no way to calm down!

The extraordinary people of other races, who came to watch the fun, also had hairy scalps, dizzy, and now there are some doubts in their dreams.

However, the huge Five Elements Mountain at the scene was smelted from a large number of steel battleship fragments and several planets. It stood there and became the landmark and evidence of this incident.

Some people quickly contact the outside world, and they all know that today is destined to be recorded in the annals of history, with far-reaching influence and an extremely wide range.

At this time, there are also people in the outside world who are actively contacting the extraordinary people here.

For example, Ling Qingxuan's transcendental communicator rang, and what happened today in her "god wandering" state was completely "extraordinary", and even she couldn't believe it.

Until the last time Sun Wukong left, she didn't slow down, let alone stop her.

She was in a complicated mood, this revenge was really hard to repay, and Sun Sigun actually shouted

The Lord of Huaguo Mountain.

"For the first time in this era, the true saint has come to the world and manifested itself in front of everyone's eyes." She muttered to herself, feeling that she might have been beaten in vain.

"No, look for opportunities, I still want revenge!" The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. Why was she beaten four times for no reason? She still doesn't understand.

The source of calamity - the female scholar Xiao Yue, reminded in a low voice, "Qingxuan, your transcendent communicator rang, and the flashing picture should be Jingqi."

Ling Qingxuan subconsciously answered not only the mental fluctuations, but also the picture, the person on the opposite side was on a video call with her.

"Ling San, what's the situation on your side? I heard that you are going to summon the true saint, is there any result?" Jing Qi has been paying attention to this major event.

Then, she suddenly burst out laughing, and she couldn't help it, regardless of her image, she laughed so hard that the flower branches trembled.

"Auntie An, are you sick?!" Ling Qingxuan was dissatisfied.

"Ling Niu, you are really valiant, with an extraordinary temperament and aloofness. Don't say, you look so good-looking in your outfit. Haha, you actually wear a helmet and a silver suit, and you are a white-robed teenager. When did you wear it? The helmet on, shouldn't he be beaten again?!"

Jing Qi couldn't help it. Before she could finish her sentence, she bent down with laughter and started to take screenshots and save the photos in the sound of clack.

"Auntie An, get out of here!" Ling Qingxuan realized what was wrong and became angry. This really touched her sore spot, and she hung up decisively.

However, the other party persevered and harassed her again and again, and kept asking her to continue the call.

"Ling Si, talk to me." After being unable to make a video call, Jing Qi sent a text message, extremely happy.

"I just learned that you were really beaten again on the outer moon of Lingxiu Star!" On the opposite side, Jing Qi was about to laugh madly.

Ling Qingxuan gritted her teeth, she was so angry that she couldn't get it to work.

He counterattacked and said, "Auntie An, don't gloat over the misfortune, there will be retribution sooner or later!"

"Hey, Zhuo Yanran and I are going to share the happiness!"


There is no doubt that the Liuxia Star Region incident spread out immediately, detonated everywhere, and the outside world went crazy, and it was impossible to hide it.

Don't even think about it, that day, the name of Huaguoshan, the true saint outside the world, and Sun Wukong became the hottest news everywhere.

Those keywords, airborne on various hot search lists, directly ignited the emotions of extraordinary people everywhere, and many people were stunned.

The true saint walks in the world, this era is the first time in the sea of ​​​​stars, in front of a large number of extraordinary people? It is impossible not to cause a sensation.

When Jingjing Qi wanted to know the first-hand information on the scene, when she went to talk to Ling Qingxuan again, she was rejected, and when she was harassed again, she was temporarily blocked.

She was very dissatisfied, and said, "Ling Xiaosi is too stingy, I wish you, warm the four seasons, and soon become Ling Xiaowu."

In a place beyond the world, the legendary True Saint Dojo, one of the elusive ancestral palaces of the demon clan, gradually faded away, blurred, and then became invisible.

Yiren Xitian's mind was in a trance and his footsteps were a little fluttering. He was seriously distracted. When he turned around again, the Yaotian Temple disappeared in the distance and disappeared.

The matter has not deteriorated to the point where he is worried, Yao Tiangong will not be held accountable, nor will it manifest itself. This matter needs to be handled in a low-key and cautious manner, it cannot be fermented, and it cannot be provoked by others. After meeting and discussing secretly, I learned about the attitude of the True Holy Dojo.

In fact, the Taoist companion of the true sage of the demon race, the female alien also appeared later, and it was clearly mentioned that since Huaguo Mountain is from the virtual to the real, no matter what it was in the past, it is now considered to be a true sage. One of the horror dojos, don't take it lightly.

Before Xitian left, the Supreme Yiren also comforted him, saying that the matter would not get worse, and that was the end. However, Wang Xuan is really not to be insulted. Wu Dao, a disciple of Xitian, was suppressed for five hundred years.

Wang Xuan's Taoist companion, the powerful female alien, also informed him that Yaotian Temple

The Wang Xuan who is in retreat is in retreat in order to deal with the enemy of life and death. This era is destined to have a break and can no longer be distracted. Even if it is a new saint who has just risen, he cannot make enemies.

The high-level officials of Yaotian Palace appeased Xitian, and the tone was fully settled.

Yiren Xitian was in a simple mood, and he was in a trance all the way. He still didn't understand that names like Huaguoshan and Ling Qingxuan were obviously "story" from the outer universe, how could it be turned into reality and become a minor accident?

After rushing back to his dojo, he immediately ordered to let the senior members of Lingxiu Xing treat Zhu Bajie Zhongcheng better.

While on the road, Xitian was thinking about how to break the ice and how to ease the relationship with Wang Xuan Dojo in Huaguo Mountain.

He felt that he could start with the people in that universe, and maybe Zhong Cheng could be the middleman, acting as the messenger of each other's contacts.

The old guy thought a lot and his thoughts were cloudy. He realized that the root might appear in people in that remote universe.

He even believed that the appearance of Huaguo Mountain was a shock with a clear purpose, right?

Thinking about these things, he went back to his study. When he saw that there was no scratch paper, not even the table and the futon, he groaned again and almost vomited blood.

"That scripture is not only mysterious in words, but the endless textures on animal skins are also extremely important!"

When he saw the nearby medicine garden, his chest was tight again, his heart was bleeding, and he felt that he was going to go crazy. After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, all those rare treasures were dug up, which really made his eyes dark. , I almost couldn't get up in one breath.

This time he suffered heavy losses, from disciples to mysterious scriptures to Yaoyuanzi, etc. As for his face, he didn't even think about it.

His heart was cold and cold. He felt the snowflakes fluttering, the north wind was blowing, and there was a kind of unspeakable loneliness and disappointment. He was just a real fairy. There were minor problems and heavy losses. He felt desolate in his heart.

The outside world was turned upside down, and it was all news about Huaguoshan, Daosheng and Bi Yahong, and the front-page news all over the starry sky were related to this.

But the true saint himself was not affected. Now he came out of the golden vortex, wandering under the quiet starry sky, walking alone.

"Do you want to go to hell?" There was a faint black light from the strange object on the mobile phone.

This is on the way back, a no-man's land, and now everything is silent, it persuades again.

The true saint bathed in starlight, walked alone, his body and mind were at peace, and he got rid of the previous battle mentality.

He raised his head and looked up at the vast deep space. As the top true immortal, he was already very strong, but he was only a little spark in the whole universe.

"How strong is Wang Xuan, and what are the origins of the top prohibited items?"

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