Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 356: unprecedented

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In the dim universe, all things wither and have no life.

Suddenly, a beam of light that was going to tear people's hearts and souls appeared. It was extremely huge, cutting through the entire universe, shattering the darkness, opening Yin and Yang, and descending with Chaos Qi.

In an instant, Wang Xuan felt that his whole body was about to explode!

The mechanical bear screamed, the active metal body was out of control, and the small body trembled slightly. However, out of instinct, it resolutely stood in front of Wang Xuan and sacrificed a bracelet refined from a battleship.

In the cold and dead deep space, a giant copper spear was thicker than a pillar supporting the sky.

Along the way, the swarms of planets shattered silently, the galaxy was broken, and the sea of ​​​​stars quickly extinguished because of it.

All the dazzling light was emitted by a bronze spear, piercing the boundless universe and occupying every inch of space.

Wang Xuantong's hole shrunk, and the copper spear became the only one in the world. It smashed the entire sea of ​​​​stars, and it was directly reflected in his heart, and it was necessary to pierce the primordial spirit.

The mechanical bear couldn't move, and without the bracelet that could transform the battleship into activation, its mind was blank, and the whole person froze in front of Wang Xuan.

"I'm on the scene, like I'm going through that kind of desperate apocalypse, there's nowhere to escape." Wang Xuan said solemnly.

The strange object of the mobile phone became larger, like a tall mountain, lying across the space, and on the screen was the picture of the copper spear shattering the universe.

The most terrifying thing is that the bronze spear seems to be bound beyond time and space, stabbing out of the screen!

The dark star sea is full of star corpses, and the eyes are desolate. Blood is bleeding in the distance. After Tong Yu flew, it almost filled the entire screen.

The strange thing said that he wanted to show Wang Xuan the photos of the old zombie and the six-armed bronze spear.

This is not only realistic, but even the killing intent and Dao Yun of the year were captured.

This is the terrifying scene when the transcendent center is transferred and the era comes to an end.

The withered universe can be seen between the lakes. There is a figure in the infinite distance. It is impossible to see it. Standing at the end of the deep space, he is the true saint of Silent Hill.

Although it is very vague and the filming is very unclear, the kind of aura, the terrifying charm that one person will destroy the entire universe, still makes people's hearts move after two eras.

Beside the True Sage of Silent Hill, there is a 5-shot Bronze Yu, pointing in another direction, where there is his true Saint-level opponent.

Near that deep space, there are still groups of faint light, broken, and that is one civilization after another disappearing.

After the new transcendent central world is determined, different civilizations will fight to cross it together. It is impossible for all transcendent groups to enter the new universe, and the safe arrival node is very limited.

Some civilizations got lost, couldn't find the right way, died in the **** turmoil when the old and new universes changed, and some died under the hands of true saints.

It was a shattered picture of the cosmos, stained with blood, a hundred gallops vying for each other, and ten thousand races vying for each other.

Even, some true saints will die, and they will be blocked on the way to the new universe by their opponents, and they will be killed!

Wang Xuan triggered a super-spiritual sense, and his primordial consciousness was raised to the extreme. He stared at the huge copper spear that stabbed in front of him, and his spiritual eyes were bleeding.

His spirit was highly concentrated, he visualized the bronze spear, stared at the light of the Imperial Way, and compared with the six sticks inserted into him.

It wasn't until the end that he groaned, feeling that his primordial spirit was about to explode, so he closed his eyes, and two lines of blood flowed from his eyes.

The phone shrinks, the screen goes out, and it returns to normal.

After a long time, Wang Xuan opened his eyes. He felt very shocked. He didn't look at the true saint, but only looked at a bronze spear, and he was about to disintegrate.

The most terrifying thing is that this is just a photo taken by the strange object of the mobile phone. Of course, the pictures taken by mobile phone wonders are different.

With a loud cry, the mechanical bear finally came to his senses. After figuring out what was going on, it was a little frustrated and said, "The bear is still too weak."

"Not weak, take your time, you are doing well." Wang Xuan comforted it.

"Many centuries ago, the mechanical tengu was not as strong as you. As long as there is a dream in your heart, everything is possible." The rare thing on the mobile phone encouraged the mechanical bear.

"I'm going to be a bear with dreams!" It nodded earnestly.

It's time to come. It's about the same time as the mobile phone wonders. Wang Xuan feels agitated. Obviously, the blood of rules is about to revive.

This time, he didn't stay on the planet, for fear that the movement would be too big, he had been waiting in outer space, away from the town of Wind and Snow.

Wang Xuan stood on a meteorite, waiting for him. What he lacked was time, but the old zombies outside the world would not give it to him.

The true sage of Quiet Mountain has recovered, perfected his own primordial spirit technique, and sacrificed six bronze spears.

In the real world, Wang Xuan groaned, and on his body, the copper spear that had been hidden earlier was revived from the rune state, and a few blood splashed.

Except for the one on the head, the other five pierced the limbs and the chest respectively, dripping with blood, pinning him in the void, and the "Blood of Rules" boiled!

Wang Xuan's body was bleeding, and the long-awaited severe pain seemed to make him disintegrate. The five copper drills seemed to be resurrected, shaking violently and buzzing.

Outside his body, light and mist shrouded, and then turned into a dazzling sword energy, splitting the starry sky. He used the sword scriptures to fight against this terrible upheaval.

In the snow time, the sword light from the starry sky entered the body, flowing with the "Blood of Rules", walking through the flesh and blood, suppressing the power of a curse.

Half a year later, the stars resonated in the heavens, and the white light descended. He ran the "Xinghe Body Washing Sutra", a veritable baptism of the whole body.

From the skin to the viscera, to the bones, over and over again, the blood of the rules was suppressed at first, but in the end it was still violent again.

Unprecedented, this time the six bronze spears continued to vibrate violently and could not be stopped at all, resulting in a significant increase in the activity of the blood of rules, far better than before.

I don't know how long it took, the stars around him were dimmed, and then the nearby stars seemed to go out.

The next moment, the light of black and white flowed out of Wang Xuan's body, the yin and yang complemented each other, blended together, turned the world upside down, and turned the restlessness of the blood of rules into calm.

It was very effective at first, but after more than half a year, the yin and yang qi began to subside.

Wang Xuan was not reconciled, the light of black and white blended and collided, and a ray of chaotic light was successfully born, which impacted all over the body, but unfortunately it could not last.

Then, the chaotic light subsided, and the blood of rules boiled again.

It was a kind of purgatory-like torture. Six copper spears roared, and his wounds expanded, shattering his limbs and chest, and his body was red with blood.

Wang Xuan resisted the pressure. He didn't know how long he had persisted. Maybe four years, maybe five years, it was many times more difficult than before.

He remained silent, but his body was changing. The sixth true figure in the slate scriptures evolved. It was his own image, born from the void, carrying the rhythm of heaven and earth, accompanied by the sound of thunder, Then he fell into flesh and blood and merged with him.

The true form is connected with the rhythm of heaven and earth, and against the blood of the rules, he has a hazy mist all over his body, and his body is stabilized, and the copper spears are locked to prevent them from shaking.

Maybe only half a year has passed, maybe another year has passed, and he was forced to change a different scripture again. The golden bamboo slips are embodied and arranged in pieces, revolving around him, suppressing the copper spear, and finally the golden bamboo slips are even more integrated into flesh and blood. middle.

In this way, he changed scriptures one after another and continued to fight against the blood of rules.

"Four years." The strange thing on the phone reminded.

"Persevere, you will definitely be able to get through it." The mechanical bear was uneasy and very nervous.

"Only years?" Wang Xuan felt as if more than ten years had passed, but his senses deceived him, mainly because of the severe pain and suffering this time, which was equivalent to the superposition of the last ten years of ordeal.

The six bronze spears were still glowing, and the tremors continued.

After he mobilized more than a dozen kinds of super-substances, like thunder and fire, they rushed out of his body, submerged this area, and impacted the meteorite group to disappear.

Then, he ran the "Ran Dao Jing", which belongs to the ultimate scripture of the civilization of the parent universe Ran Dao Lamp.

Thunder fire calcined the blood of the rules, lightning flashed across the five internal organs, and there was a dazzling thunder in the blood marrow.

Then, the rhythm in the void was brought in, turned into firelight, merged into his body, burned the Tao, burned the copper spear!

What Wang Xuan has learned in his life, all kinds of body refining scriptures are used one by one, just to survive this death catastrophe, give him enough time, and finally break the limit, he will open up the sky and solve the problem completely.

In a place other than the world, the true saint of Silent Hill mobilized the six bronze spears, opening and closing in the chaos.

"The old zombie forced me to practice hard!" Wang Xuan said with difficulty, fighting desperately, day and night, without stopping for a moment to practice various methods.

Obviously, in such a harsh environment of extreme pressure and sudden death at any time, the understanding and practice of peace are still somewhat different.

His spirit is highly concentrated, triggering supernatural senses from time to time,

Squeezing all potential, some scriptures were interpreted by him in the middle of life and death, and he saw a new world.

In the desperate situation of life and death, running the scriptures like crazy, examining and reading the scriptures from a different perspective, his Taoism is slowly improving.

"The extreme yin and extreme yang chapters have a new interpretation. Earlier, I thought I understood them, but I actually practiced the yin and yang chapters and did not get involved in the true meaning of the word extreme. The extreme yin chapters are sublimated, and they are the extreme yang chapters. .

The sublimation of the extreme yang chapter is the extreme yin chapter! "

In the torment of life and death, Wang Xuan really realized something different.

In an instant, the light of black and white that rose from his body was about to split the universe of stars into two worlds, black and white, and then blended, collided, and a ray of chaos appeared, interpreting the secret of the beginning of heaven and earth.

Sure enough, after the sublimation of the scriptures, after he had a new understanding, his poor health had improved somewhat, and he could suppress the blood of rules for a while.

Half a year later, he ran the "Xinghe Body Washing Sutra", and he had completed the so-called 14th floor earlier, and he was only able to run the scriptures completely.

Over the years, he has continuously practiced various scriptures alternately. He has been running this true holy practice for a long time. He realized the law in the torture, and he moved forward in the shadow of death, and he has a new understanding.

"I am obsessed with smelting starlight in my body, and I think that washing the body is to borrow the light of foreign stars to baptize flesh and blood. It should be a bit biased, and it should also include the outer universe. The void outside the body is also the path of this scripture cycle. In fact, the emphasis should be on the relationship between the outer universe and itself.”

Wang Xuan's field of vision became wider, and in an instant, the starlight was endless, not only surging inside his body, but also outside his body, rapidly circulating around him, forming complex textures, with the light of Yu Daoguang appearing, and the outside Also looping.

"Sure enough, the true holy practice is not that simple, and there are new worlds waiting to be discovered!"

Wang Xuan felt that he was going crazy. Against the terrible background of dying at any time, he made breakthroughs from time to time and realized different scriptures.

His super-spiritual sense is also constantly triggered, improving his own spirituality and allowing him to realize more things.

The strange thing on the mobile phone was quiet for a while, and he was a little lost. Under the circumstances that he might be killed at any time, he had a new understanding, and his efficiency increased sharply.

"A lone wolf is chasing after, allowing the fugitive to squeeze unprecedented potential and run faster than a dog," it whispered there.

Fortunately, Wang Xuan devoted himself to the fight against the death catastrophe. He kept running the scriptures, and was fully enlightened. He didn't hear it.

Year after year, Wang Xuan was still bleeding and suffering, but it could be seen that the bronze spears inserted in his limbs and chest were pulled out every year.

Every time he comprehends a different meaning of the scriptures, his vision becomes wider, and the bronze spear will be pulled out.

As he had guessed earlier, it is feasible to use the true Bible to defeat the true saints, and to find the answer in the supreme scriptures, and it is possible to comprehend a different new world.

In this way, time flies, with the passage of time, the copper spears are constantly being pulled out, and it may be completely solved by him.

There has never been a period of time, like now, Wang Xuan's efficiency in comprehending many scriptures and meanings has been so high.

Actually, it's not rude

, its state is similar to what the mobile phone wonders say. The terrifying shadow of the old zombie outside the world seems to occupy the entire extraordinary universe, bringing endless pressure on Wang Xuan, forcing him to fight, comprehend the law, practice the true sacred art, and squeeze himself to run.

During this process, he occasionally took a few mouthfuls of Chaos Golden Lotus to avoid depletion of the source, because now that his Dao rhythm is flowing and his body is hot, he has never stopped practicing.

The mechanical bear was shocked. Those bronze spears were about to be pulled out? It is indeed possible!

At the end, Wang Xuan practiced various scriptures repeatedly and alternately many times, but for the time being, he could no longer understand anything new.

After all, it was still a little short, and he did not pull out all the copper spears.

At this time, it seems that the True Saints' martial arts in Kakuji Hill have reached a critical period, which has brought the blood of rules to the extreme.

"If it goes on like this, my body will be smashed by a few copper spears, and I will completely lose my original body!"

But those scriptures can't really comprehend the new profound meaning. After all, he is a human being. He is in the realm of immortals breaking the limit. s things.

"Have I fallen into a misunderstanding and my body is nailed by a bronze spear, can't I resolve it with the Primordial Spirit Cultivation Technique?"

The next moment, Wang Xuan changed his mind and started from the mental illness Dafa of the mother universe, which is the "True One Classic" he was named, and started from here.

He visualized himself, pulling the bronze spear. Then, he visualized even more outrageous.

"In the world, I am the only one who is true, and now all this is false, how can the bronze spear hurt me, and what is the blood of rules?

"How can there be a true saint of Silent Hill, that's just my dry grandson. Under the stubbornness, he stabbed me with a toy copper spear. It doesn't hurt or itches. Pull it out!"

Is he crazy? The strange object on the mobile phone was suspended, and he felt that his mental state was very wrong. Could it be the end of the road? Perhaps, it's time to consider taking a photo in advance.

"The copper spear has moved again and is about to be pulled out!" The Mechanical Bear was pleasantly surprised.

At this time, Wang Xuan started to use various Yuanshen exercises, such as the Dream Dao Dafa confiscated from the enemy, and even obtained the animal skin scriptures from Xitian.

In particular, the scriptures obtained from Yiren Xitian are unfathomable, Wang Xuan's spiritual realm shines, and he interprets all kinds of things in the world and all kinds of wonders in the world.

Those Yuanshen exercises were constantly evolved by him, intervening in the world with spirituality, and shaking the bronze spear against the blood of the rules.

"Pull it out?!" Even the strange object of the mobile phone was taken aback. He did this by himself, in a harsh environment that could be destroyed at any time? !


The six bronze spears resonated, with a total of foreheads, making the sound of metal vibrations, and accompanied by the sound of Dao rhythm.

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