Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 357: Time changes

The six copper spears sent out ripples, which seemed soft, but when the ripples expanded, the meteorite area in the distance was annihilated and disappeared!

Wang Xuan was covered in blood, let out a painful groan, and slowly pulled out the copper spear.

His limbs and chest, with the wound as the center, were covered with cracks, spreading to the whole body, and his body was about to burst.

But he finally succeeded, and the bronze spear, with a red bloodstain, broke away from his body, no longer in contact with him, and came into space. Wang Xuan didn't stop, he was still comprehending the law and running the scriptures, because there was still one last step to strip away the root of the bronze spear, that is, the blood of the rules.

"I'm the only one, what is the blood of rules? It's just a foreign matter and an external cause, just give it up, and the transcendent domain can be destroyed after a few metabolisms."

The blood of the rules and the bronze spear and the bronze spear are gradually connected, like a root, which is gradually pulled out.

His exercises alternated, constantly changing, urging him with all his strength.

"The world is full of things, and there are countless wonders. With the spirit as a bridge, I will pull the power of the whole world and wash my body."

Wang Xuan forgot the time, and he continued to perform various primordial spirit methods, comprehending all day, and plucked out the traces of blood that had been entangled with him and blended together.

This is really not easy, you have me, I have you, the blood of the rules took root in his body and became a part of himself, but now it has really been cleaned up.

The blood of rules turned into tangible textures, all submerged in the steel spear outside, and he was completely stripped from Wang Xuan's body. , the shadow of a true saint rests upon him!

At this moment, he still didn't stop, the primordial spirit exercise and the physical exercise worked together, and some scriptures were not fractal and gods.

The mechanical bear opened his eyes wide, his face full of shock and joy. He succeeded, and Wang Xuan really pulled out the copper spear and the blood of rules.

The strange thing on the mobile phone signaled, don't make a sound, don't disturb him, let him immerse himself in the state of being chased and chased by a lone wolf, running faster than a dog.

Wang Xuan really did not get out of that vicious circle. He ate a few big mouths of chaotic golden lotus, his whole body glowed, and he continued to comprehend the scriptures as much as possible and combed himself.

His limbs and the broken blood holes on his chest gradually healed. Dao rhyme flowed throughout his body, baptized flesh and blood, and filled with vitality.

He still had the sense of urgency that he would die at any time, and the huge shadow of the old zombie outside the world seemed to cover the entire sea of ​​​​stars.

Wang Xuan continued to comprehend the Dharma, ran the sacred scriptures, began to carry the bronze spear, changed its trajectory, and repeated its existence.

This is much easier than drawing a copper spear, after all, it is already detached from its body.

The bronze spear above his head, corrected in position, rose up, three feet above him, and pointed forward horizontally. The bronze spears on the limbs and chest have also changed their trajectory, hanging on the sides of the body and pointing forward.

However, he then changed his trajectory. The one above his head was three feet above the parietal bone, and the bronze spear pointed to the sky. There are copper spears on the front and back of the body and on both sides, pointing to the four directions, and a copper spear at the foot points to the ground.

Up and down in the four directions is the universe, from ancient times to today's universe. The six bronze spears were each three feet away from him, pointing up and down in all directions.

Later, Wang Xuan arranged again and again, and the six copper spears moved around him. It doesn't matter which direction they are aimed at. The key is to be able to use them and shoot them out in an instant.

The strange things on the mobile phone are speechless. He is really eyeing the regular copper spear. He wants to use the wool of the old zombie for his own use? Keep it, want to evolve into a big killer.

After all, this is the embodiment of the bronze spear of the true holy rules, where can ordinary people come into contact with it.

He wants to use spears to kill the enemy, but on the one hand, he wants to study six copper spears. If he can extract the imprint, it will be even more worthwhile!

However, this is as hard as it gets.

He also just carried on it with the attitude of trying it out, and he will analyze it slowly in the future.

The most important thing is to try to use the six-bar rule copper spear as a set of big killing weapons.

However, hanging them up and down in all directions, or wrapping them around the body, would be too conspicuous. In particular, if it is seen by the people of Silent Hill, it will be in big trouble.

Wang Xuan took a few bites of the chaotic golden lotus, tirelessly, caught in this vicious circle, still studying various methods with all his strength, and running one sacred scripture after another.

Obviously, some of the scriptures of the mother universe should have been created by strange people. It is difficult to say whether there is a real holy practice, but the intentions are very high, and the early stage is not weaker than the real bible.

Therefore, he now studies and comprehends these scriptures and the true holy practice of the transcendent central world, and the effect is surprisingly good.

The golden bamboo slips are all-encompassing, including the construction of the origin of the spell, and the analysis of the interior. Now, after Wang Xuan comprehends the scriptures, he has some feelings.

For many years, the interior scene was of great significance to him, as if he was stealing time and raising his spiritual sense to the limit.

But now, even the new interior scene, there is no such obvious effect, mainly because his own great realm has improved.

His current spiritual thoughts were already elevated above the clouds.

For him, the interior scene today can add to his supernatural sense. Generally speaking, the interior scene is not a material space, but a space in the spiritual realm.

Today, Wang Xuan is gradually able to integrate the Dharma. After reading all the sutras, he will naturally have some different insights and ideas of his own. He hides the golden bamboo slips inside

After Jing Pian researched it, I felt that this road could be dug deeper in the future, and there was still a way forward.

But right now, he just wanted to combine the interior scene scriptures and the Xinghe washing body scriptures to solve the problem that the six-bar rule bronze spear was too conspicuous.

He didn't want to put the bronze spear in the interior scene, because he was worried, after all, it was constructed by the ripples of the rules of the old zombie outside the world.

After the Xinghe Washing Body Sutra was re-enlightened by him, he understood the relationship between the outer universe and himself. It not only circulated in the body, but also in the outer world, within the range of the whole body, and it also became the circulation path for this scripture to draw the secret power.

"The inner scene, and the outer universe, resonate with each other, and blend together, outside the body, in that circular path, deduce birth and death, and open up a void."

Then, he ran the Dafa of mental illness one by one.

He turns the virtual into the real, uses the fake to become the real, deduces the circulation path outside the body, and explores the virtual and real space.

In the end, outside Wang Xuan, the six-bar regular bronze spear disappeared, not hidden in the interior, but blended into the void of the universe.

There is no danger in doing so, and it can still carry on the rhythm of the old zombie outside the world, so that the copper spear will exist for a long time and will not dissipate.

"It's kind of interesting, the spiritual void, and the outer universe, interpret the virtual and real space together." The strange thing on the mobile phone whispered, saying, is this planning to take advantage of the old zombies outside the world for a long time?"

Around Wang Xuan, when the spirit resonated with the outer universe, six copper spears appeared silently, then disappeared suddenly, and merged into the big universe. After many experiments, he felt that there was no problem.

King End, he felt very tired, after eating a bitter and astringent chaotic golden lotus again, he let out a sigh of relief, and he gradually became sober.

He broke free from that vicious circle and returned to the real world.

At this moment, he actually had a sense of time change and starry sky change, as if many years had passed, but he couldn't tell how many years he had been in retreat.

"Decades, or hundreds of years?" he asked.

Now that the threat of life and death is lifted, and he has obtained a set of big killers, his tense heartstrings are gradually loosened. He stood under the stars, looking at the deep sea of ​​stars, everything seemed like a dream.

His spirit is indeed very tired. Over the years, he has been awake day and night, and has been practicing asceticism, comprehending scriptures, and has not stopped for a moment.

"It's been a long time, a long time..." said the strange object on the phone, scaring him there.

"It's a few more months in 12 years." The mechanical bear was very considerate and quickly told him the real years.

Wang Xuan was stunned. In his perception, at least decades have passed, and even a hundred years have passed, but the real situation is that it has only been more than 12 years?

He frowned, everything was because he was too invested, and he kept using his supernatural sense, and every time the cooling period ended, he immediately invested again.

Therefore, he has this sense of time and space dislocation.

The strange object of the mobile phone said: "You have gained a lot in these years. It is like being chased and bitten by a mechanical tengu, and you have comprehended various scriptures. The efficiency is extremely high, and the speed is faster than that of a dog."

This is really unpleasant.

But Wang Xuan ignored it. When he heard the word scriptures after knowing that he was out of the crisis, he felt a little nauseous. He really had enough enlightenment.

His mind was almost exhausted to the point of drying up. This was the period in which he had comprehended the most scriptures and meanings in his life, and he had comprehended all the classics many times.

"Why don't you continue? Read more books and read all the scriptures, there are indeed great benefits." The mobile phone wonders with emotion.

"Ouch!" Wang Xuan really had a stress He quickly waved his hand and said, "I have abstained from menstruation for a few years, I have to take it easy.

"Eat the chaotic golden lotus and make up for it." The mechanical bear said with concern, generally happy, because Wang Xuan got out of the dead end.

"Ouch!" Wang Xuan reacted again. After so many years, he didn't know how many pieces he ate. At that time, he comprehended the law with all his heart. Although it was bitter in his mouth, he temporarily forgot it.

But now that he remembered it all, those feelings were like turbulent tides, which made his mouth full of coptis, bitter and greasy when he heard the chaotic golden lotus.

This "also quit first." He waved his hand again to stop it from going on.

"This time, you are indeed extraordinary. Once a true immortal or a heavenly extraordinary person is recruited, no one can get rid of the curse of the old zombie outside the world, and he will surely die unless he goes to the Silent Hill to find him."

The strange thing on the mobile phone opened, and a rare initiative praised him, saying that he broke the legend, not only survived, but also wanted to take the copper spear as his own.

"Forget about the old man outside the world, I don't care about him now." Wang Xuan shook his head, unable to think about it at all.

That kind of supreme creature, just seeing a photo, separated by two generations, makes people palpitate, and the copper spear pierced through the mobile phone screen almost disintegrates.

It's useless to say anything cruel now, he should move forward step by step.

Wang Xuan calculated the time. First, he spent 17 years on that remote planet, then two and a half years in space, and then another 12 years and a few months of life and death.

In total, 32 years have passed, and the years have passed in such a hurry, making him dazed.

However, this is the world of the transcendent. A strong person standing at a higher place, once practicing, once in seclusion, may already be Sanghai Sangtian.

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