Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 369: Super God Quality Inspector and Sun Wukong

The whole city is brightly lit, the night view is beautiful, and the buildings are made of extraordinary composite materials, which can resist various natural disasters.


Glowing petals fall from the sky garden, the divine waterfall falls from the extraordinary floating island, combined with the fountain landscape on the ground, it is a bit dreamy.


This kind of layout is more common in the city.


In this modern giant city, technology and transcendence blend in harmony, and together they promote the development of civilization.


For Wang Xuan, this is an unfamiliar planet, an unfamiliar city, the name of which is only now known.


After he parted with Lu Renjia, he was in the starry sky and came here nearby.


Cloud Sea Star Region, Qinglin Star, Thunder City.


This city once went out to a demon fairy who later became a celestial demon. The city got its name because of his calamity outside the city.


The neon flashes, the skyscrapers are very modern, and it seems difficult to associate with the big monster, but it is very common in the new universe.


"It's different from the mother universe, big demons, immortals, ordinary people, there is no conflict." Wang Xuan said to himself.


Standing on the square, he saw both ordinary people and extraordinary people. It is normal for the three-dimensional projection on the big screen in the square.


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All of these have become part of people's daily work life.


After the myth has decayed, the center will be shifted and a new universe will be replaced. The civilization that survived and followed the migration is very experienced and can handle the relationship between the extraordinary and ordinary people.


In the transcendent central world, there are also vicious events such as massacres and star exterminations, but they rarely happen, because once they occur, they will be tracked down to the end.


Of course, when the era comes to an end, when the old and new universes change, when various races compete to cross, and all civilizations are fighting for survival, it will be extremely cruel.


Wang Xuan entered the "underground city" of Thunder City, which is the extraordinary black market.


He had to prepare a stack of one-off attack talismans, but he also had to prepare some immortal medicines for Dao Xing, because he didn't know what extreme situation he would encounter.


In case the exotic treasures on his body are shattered, and the heavenly medicine, chaotic golden lotus, etc. are exhausted, perhaps at a critical moment, a piece of talisman paper and an immortal medicine can save his life.


There is also a small safe cave that is required for retreat in the wild. If there is a difficult moment in **** when you are seriously injured and dying, even a wild dog can't deal with it. This may temporarily save your life.


As for the strange objects of mobile phones, he did not count them in the "life-saving objects".


It once said that **** is even more unsuitable for it. In the past, even the death of that exceptional woman would not change anything.


"When you get to hell, you will understand everything after a little touch." It said calmly.


There has been a death incident in hell, and more than once, the scripture that Wang Xuan was going to fetch was the one left after the death of the true saint.


Although the underground black market is huge, and there are good things, but after all, there are too few types and too monotonous.


Wang Xuan secretly tore open the void and smuggled into the transcendent fairyland corresponding to Qinglin Star.


The supernatural world is like the other side of the real world.


Of course, the Transcendent Immortal Realm is wider and deeper. Only when the myth decays and the supernatural is extinguished will it disappear.


After entering the immortal world, Wang Xuan went directly to the largest immortal city corresponding to this starry sky, and it was indeed much more convenient to buy supplies.


Yunhai Xingyu, the first city in the immortal world - Yunmeng City, is huge, magnificent, and full of extraordinary people.


It can’t be said to be an ancient giant city or a modern city. It is a composite type, emphasizing practicality and comfort, and has various layouts.


There are air medicine gardens, immortal towers standing in the clouds, huge alloy fortresses, giant cave buildings and so on.


Soon, Wang Xuan will buy almost all the things he needs.


He noticed that there are more extraordinary people talking about **** in Yunmeng City, and people have heard that even the ethereal real holy dojo is about to be born, ready to explore hell.


Wang Xuan was not in a hurry to get on the road. He had already been to the Immortal Realm and Tianwaitian corresponding to the Xinghai in the present world, hoarding supplies and understanding the situation.


Tianwaitian, also known as Tianjie in general, theoretically lives in heaven-level extraordinary people, but, Tianwaitian is connected with the fairy world, and the communication between the heaven-level and the real immortals is not so troublesome, and a mixed area gradually appears.


As for the super peerless, it is relatively free and can be chosen at will.


On the other hand, in the Chaos area, some people have opened up dojos, mainly inhabited by foreigners.


At a higher distance, it is a place outside the world, where there are true holy dojos.


The starry sky in the real world is the "bright side", which corresponds to the layers of the "dark side".


In the days that followed, Wang Xuan went in and out of different starry sky, went to the corresponding fairyland, Tianwaitian, etc., and appeared in various prosperous extraordinary cities.


"Liuxia Xingyu Tianwaitian, Rainbow Channel, dedicated to exploring the latest news of **** for you. At present, the advance team of each dojo is still smooth, exploring all the way, and have some strongholds"


Even Tianwaitian has an extraordinary channel, with extraordinary programs, which are even more developed and timely than the information in the fairyland and the world.


Wang Xuan discovered that since he entered the new universe, he had neglected a certain field—the transcendent network.


On that day, he did some research and downloaded several of the most famous apps on the extraordinary communicator.


The extraordinary information platform, extraordinary video platform, and extraordinary shopping platform are all installed with one click.


I have to say that some platforms are very anti-sky, covering all kinds of information such as the real world, the fairy world, and the outer world, and there are also some news about aliens.


Of course, unless it is made public, no one can take the initiative to explore and excavate it.


The so-called public, such as a word that is very popular now: the power of a ruin.


Wang Xuan was astonished, is a word he coined so famous?


Because there are 4 limit breakers involved, and it was revealed by the true saint disciples, it is impossible not to cause a heated discussion and a sensation.


"It's amazing, the 4th time limit-breaker was finally born. It has always been a legend, and now it's really reflected in reality. But why are the few people mentioned a bit miserable? I met a lively 'quality inspector'."


Obviously, the whistleblower came from a place outside the world, so he was merciful. He didn't mention his real name, just briefly clicked on the incident without specific details.


Even so, it was an uproar.


"Who said that there is no one who has broken the limit four times in this world, Sun Wukong is, and on the banks of the Lingxiu Star Liuhua River, he defeated Jinyang, a disciple of the traditional and famous Jinwu tribe."


However, someone quickly picked up the skin and said that Jin Yang was a person from the Yaotian Temple of the True Sacred Dojo. Moreover, Sun Wukong came from Huaguo Mountain, and he is not considered a 4-time limit-breaker in this world.


"No, Sun Wukong has been walking in the sea of ​​stars in the current world, and a new saint has just appeared in Huaguo Mountain. Strictly speaking, this department was achieved in this world."


"But now, they are people from outside the world after all."


Because of this, some people quarreled and became a hot topic. The title was: Is Sun Wukong the 4th time limit-breaker who has entered the world according to legend?


"Obviously, Jin Yang only has the power of a ruin, and he is a man who has broken the limit four times." People commented this way.


Wang Xuan is amazed. Now, on major platforms, many extraordinary people actually use the coined words as a unit of measurement. The popularity is really fast.


Two days later, when he read the news, a piece of news was very attractive, and the popularity ranking rose rapidly.


"The power of a ruin actually came from the world outside the dojo and returned to the ruins"


This time, someone broke the name of the return to the ruins dojo and the dead Yuan Tian.


The news also mentioned Ran Ran in Time Sky, Muwuya in Silent Hill, and Moon in Jingzhong in the Paper Temple.


"It's really astonishing. It actually involves four true saint dojos, with names and surnames. It's much more news than the Mohu news that I mentioned earlier!"


"I can't believe it. The power of a ruin was actually tested by one death and three injuries. They are all 4 time limiters. It's terrifying."

No one came forward to deny and refute the rumors, and the news was gradually confirmed to be true, which immediately made the super network fry.


"I want to know, who is the great quality inspector, why didn't he elaborate?"


"Yes, who is the quality inspector, I know very well, who is so stubborn to beat the 4th Ruins!"


This kind of hot topic, when someone asks a question, naturally many people will analyze it, and soon there is a saying that the person who broke the news with a high probability does not like to see the quality inspector.


In this era, the extraordinary online consultation is so developed that the source of such information cannot be concealed, and it has been exposed.


Someone restored the truth, the quality inspector is the second king of the Five Elements Mountain, Yi Kong Xuan.


"I went, it turned out to be him! Although many people are saying,


Kong Xuan broke the limit more than three times, and it is very likely that he will break the limit four times in the future. But I didn't expect that he actually did it, and dared to do something to the disciples of the true holy dojo in the world, Niu Niu! "


"The Demon King Kong Xuan is the only one who has broken the limit four times in the real world. This is the true God!"


Everyone knows that there must be 4 time-breakers in the ethereal and invisible real sage dojo. Because the background is there, and the true sage is in charge, how could it not be possible to cultivate such a person?


The reality is different in Xinghai. Once the legendary 4-time limit-breaker appears in the grassroots, it will naturally be a huge wave.


"The only one in this world, the super-sacred quality inspector - Kong Xuan!"


However, someone soon poured cold water and revealed the truth. When Kong Xuan was "wild" outside alone, his cultivation was too vigorous. When he broke the limit four times, he mistakenly destroyed the sacred object that appeared in the primordial spirit.


He has the strength to break the limit 4 times, because of the residual material of the holy relic, but it is not really "breaking the four", and there is no 4 layers of royal road texture in the subtle field.


After people heard it, they exclaimed and regretted, and they all felt it was a pity.


But no matter what, people think that quality inspectors are still super-skilled, and at least those who are able to fight a market have no pressure.


"It turns out that there are still no native-born 4-time limit-breakers in the current Xinghai, and the legend is difficult to follow in reality." A group of people sighed, it was really difficult.


"What's the matter? Do you think Kong Xuan is weaker than the true 4th time limit breaker? Although he missed the gift of fate, he has come into contact with the 'sacred artifact' after all, so there is nothing to say about his combat power!"


Then someone broke the news, referring to Sun Wukong, who once defeated Zhanfeng, who broke the limit four times by himself, and was by no means a ruin.


"Which is weaker or stronger between quality inspector Kong Xuan and Huaguoshan's Sun Wukong?"


"These two people mainly walk in the world, and both can kill the four-time limit-breaker of the true holy dojo outside the world. They are extremely tyrannical. I don't know if they will go to hell."


Wang Xuan's complexion changed slightly after reading the latest hot news.


On, many people highly praise the quality inspector, and they often say that he can kill the true disciples. They also mention Sun Wukong, and probably can do it too.


For him, this is really, people sit outside the court, and the pot comes from the sky.


Don't even think about it, in the world outside the world, in those true holy dojos, the core disciples from all walks of life regard the quality inspectors as their opponents. If they do not overturn the quality inspectors, they will not be able to justify themselves.


How transcendent are the true disciples? Everyone is arrogant and arrogant, how could it be possible to allow the loose cultivators who practiced in the mortal world to overwhelm them.


Invisibly, the quality inspector Kong Xuan, and Sun Wukong, who was carrying a black iron rod around, seemed to have become their imaginary enemies.


The key point is that whether it is Kong Xuan or Sun Wukong, it is his identity as Wang Xuan walking in the world, and all of a sudden, double firepower is gathered.


That's all for Kong Xuan. Because of his acquaintances and his relationship with friends, he was ready to give up this identity because of his acquaintances and his relationship with friends. As a result, Sun Wukong has also become a person in the hot vortex.


In fact, in some real holy places outside the world, there are people who are really gearing up, holding back their anger, and preparing to kill the quality inspector.


For example, in Guixu, Time Sky, Paper Temple and other dojos that were once in the vortex of events, there were really 4 time limit breakers, showing killing intent.


In other dojos, there are also people with indifferent expressions. In the world of the world, a so-called quality inspector dares to be carried out and used to crush them?




There are also some people who don't say anything and don't care at all. The quality inspectors in this world have not been taken seriously by them. If they encounter a trip to hell, they will just turn it over.


Any words are pale. In the true holy dojo, what we believe in is actual actions and results, which are more convincing than anything else.


In fact, even some non-core disciples are talking about it in other places. It is conceivable that the impact of this incident is not small.


For example, Ling Qingxuan's book boy, Xiao Yue is dissatisfied: "Who said that there are no four-time limit-breakers in this world? The gentle and mellow Young Master Wei Yun is a good fighter, not famous, just low-key."


Wang Xuan has traveled in the Xinghai, Xianjie, and Tianwaitian in the present world for more than two months, collecting all kinds of the latest and most detailed news.


He also asked about the strange things on the mobile phone, but it told him that it would be better for him to experience it himself.


Wang Xuan was making the final preparations and wanted to completely break the limit 5 times, but the mysterious feeling never came. He could try to forcibly break the level, but he wanted to hunt for some indescribable Taoist wonders.


"You can break through the limit five times, but what do you want to catch?" asked the strange thing on the phone.


"Yes!" Wang Xuan nodded.


The strange thing on the phone said: "If you are so sure, then you can go to **** to break the limit, as long as you are not afraid of danger, or there are certain benefits."


"How?" Wang Xuan asked.


The strange thing on the phone said: "You should have heard that it is difficult for aliens to be born in the first era. Most of them migrate with the transcendent center and can only be achieved after entering the new universe."


Wang Xuan frowned and said, "It's like this in the transcendent central world, but not necessarily in the outer universe."


The mobile phone strange thing said: "The old and new universes change, and you will get certain benefits if you successfully live across borders. In addition, after entering the new universe, the rules are adjusted, and the rhythm is also somewhat different, which further stimulates extraordinary activity, etc. In short, the new universe is somewhat different. The rules nourish the newcomers, so under normal circumstances, only after living in the second era can you achieve the status of an alien."


After a moment of ecstasy, Wang Xuan asked: "Today's visitors from the outer universe have difficulty entering the transcendent central world. Is it considered to have experienced two epochs?"


"Coming from a remote place, it's probably said the mobile phone strange thing.


Then it continued: "Hell is somewhat special, and the rules are a little different. If you go there, you will probably be able to experience more Dao rhyme.


Wang Xuan nodded: "Well, then there is no need to delay. I originally thought that it would be almost a few months later, and it was time to hunt them."


After hearing the strange thing on the mobile phone, he was silent for a while, and then he said, "If you break 5, can you estimate and set the time yourself?"


"Almost." Wang Xuan nodded and said again, "It's nothing, I can definitely feel it."


The mobile phone wonders pondered, it remembered the last time, it had told him that 5 times breaking the limit is a true treasure, and there is only one chance in a lifetime, and it is impossible to determine when the opportunity will come. Once it occurs, it must be cleared immediately.


Even if you are facing the enemy, if you are distracted and go to the pass, you may die, and those who experience it will never give up, because if you don't grasp it, you will miss it forever.


And right now, what is this quality inspector saying? He is estimating and weighing when to break the limit.


"Okay, if you are confident, you have the final say." said the strange thing on the phone.


Since he was going to **** soon, Wang Xuan also wanted to understand some things clearly. Because he looked at the strange objects on the mobile phone and mentioned 5 times of breaking the limit so solemnly, and he warned him several times, and he seemed to take it seriously.


"Are there any 6 breakers?" Wang Xuan asked.


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