Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 370: myth's end

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The strange thing on the mobile phone shone with a faint black light, very deep, and said, "I haven't seen the opportunity to break the limit five times. You started to think so far, and your heart is too big?" "Is there any?" Wang Xuan asked, because it had never been mentioned before. This makes him feel strange. He thinks that although he is under pressure to break the limit six times, the problem is not extremely serious.

should solve it. After all, in the mother universe, in other great realms,

For example, in the human world, leisure travel, and health care master, he has done it before. "No!" The strange thing on the phone responded negatively.

Wang Xuan was in a daze, but he didn't? He felt there was something wrong with it earlier because it had never been mentioned. "Why not?"

I am dissatisfied with the strange objects of mobile phones. What is it when the limit is violated?

The quality inspector is gone!

It said solemnly: "Breaking the limit is to open up an unknown new field after a realm has come to an end. Once the limit is broken, it is a pioneer. When it comes to the fourth time, in theory, it belongs to the most cutting-edge no-man's land. field."

As for the fifth time, it is difficult to achieve, triggered by various internal and external factors, as well as unexpected factors, beyond the scope of the orthodox extraordinary theory. "Break the limit 5 times, some of them are idealistic, they can do it,

But there is no system support. "The mobile phone wonders sighed.

Wang Xuan was speechless, the myth was very idealistic,

When it comes to the realm of the primordial spirit, intervening in reality with the spirit, do you still want to talk about materialism? ! "I'm talking about idealism, which is absurd even for extraordinary people, and belongs to an incomprehensible field."

Mobile phone wonders explained.

"So, breaking the limit five times is a forbidden place, and it is the end of the myth!" The strange thing on the mobile phone repeatedly emphasized, clearly telling him the answer, there is no such thing as breaking the limit six times.

"Is there no one to try hard to break the end of the myth?" Wang Xuan persevered and asked the truth.

"Am I stunned, or are you on the cusp of a bull's horn?" The mobile phone thinks that he is about to become a gangster. What else can I ask?

Wang Xuan said: "I just want to know clearly, if I break the limit six times, will it happen? Is there a similar legend in history?"

The mobile phone strange thing can be understood, he is really confident!

He didn't even have it, and he was thinking about the various effects of breaking the limit six times. "You've swollen to a certain extent, it's like hearing the name of a female fairy, but you don't know it, you just think about how your two children will be in a few years!" Even it couldn't help sneering. "You will see it later." Wang Xuan said.

"Someone has worked hard." The mobile phone told him that there was indeed such a special person who broke the limit 5 times and received the full support of the dojo. "What happened in the end?"

The strange object of the mobile phone said: "It took 30,000 years to switch from the old universe to the new universe. I saw that I was an old friend, a friend who cherished each other in the past, and a person who broke the limit 4 times. , many years later, he still chose to break through and enter the heaven-level realm in the new universe."

Wang Xuan sighed: "This is a ruthless man, a real immortal of Gaidai, who has broken through the realm of 5 years, and has been practicing hard for 30,000 years.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "He has the support of the true saint behind him, and wants to see if he can really break the limit six times in the end. Unfortunately, it has taken 30,000 years to prove that after the end of the myth, it is indeed a dead silence and an empty space." What happened to the real immortal?" Wang Xuan asked, the foundation of more than 30,000 years is too unusual, and it has accumulated to the level of perversion.

"A late bloomer, standing in the realm of aliens." The strange thing on the mobile phone told me flatly.

Breaking the limit 5 times, the money of the true saint, and finally becoming a stranger, it is a bit ironic to comment on the late bloomer. After so long, it has not become a true saint?

The strange thing on the mobile phone said calmly: "True saints only have the hope of becoming the supreme creature, it does not mean that they can reach that height."

Most of the true saints are accomplished by those who walk the ordinary path. Wang Xuan nodded and didn't say much. After the end of the myth, there will be no 6 breakers. This is the consensus of the transcendent central world, and the true saint has sorted it out and approved it.

He was a little curious, so that the strange thing on the mobile phone has not been forgotten yet, and what is so special about the woman who is still brooding about it, and then he was polite and asked if he didn't understand.

"She is very good, she broke the limit 5 times very early,

It is stronger than other people with true sage, and it is quite powerful. "

The strange object on the mobile phone emits a hazy light, and a blurred black and white photo of a girl appears on the screen. "When she became an immortal, her physical body was not destroyed, and it was hard to be broken by lightning, and she achieved the original immortal body."

Wang Xuan was moved. This was the encounter with a similar person. It was indeed extremely extraordinary and rare in the world. Such people were rarely mentioned in various extraordinary records.

The strange object of the mobile phone said: "She has spiritual eyes and evolved into the realm of Dacheng. She took the road of imperialization ahead of time, and in the period of true immortals, she gave birth to her own core imperial imprint."

Wang Xuan was stunned, why did it feel like he was describing him?

"She coexisted with the light of the beginning, and baptized the aisle with rare and wonderful objects. She traveled through the two universes and obtained the fusion of the original materials of all things. When she broke the limit, there were rare wonders and sacred objects in the primordial spirit, more than one kind"

Wang Xuan was moved, this woman is indeed very special, except that she has not broken the limit six times, she has almost everything, the road he has traveled, the achievements he has achieved, she has all, and even more! "Such a person is also dead?" He frowned, feeling that **** is a big pit that devours everything, and even such a person has no way to survive?

He finally understood why it was difficult to let go of the mobile phone wonders, and that was probably one of the most talented people it had encountered.

Wang Xuan said: "My condolences, I'll help you find out if there are any bones left, and bury her in the burial."

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "It can't be said to be sad, I'm used to it. The years are silent, and the vast history is one era after another, and I won't stop for anyone. I have sent too many people away, and you may soon be included among them. ."

"You better shut up!" Wang Xuan regretted comforting it. He hoarded enough "materials", but he still bought a "Guide to Life in Hell", only to find that he was charged an IQ tax.

There is nothing novel in it, just a suggestion: buy,

Buy, buy more, prepare elixir and exotic treasures, and also specifically point out which one to buy is the best.

Wang Xuan looked and looked, wasn't the cover marked with a new one by Yiren? Even aliens are tricking people!

He went directly to crack down on counterfeiting, but the person from the extraordinary bookstore told him that the publisher's pseudonym was: Yirenxin. Moreover, Yirenxin did go to hell, and is still in it now, and it has been confirmed, this is all his personal experience and experience. Wang Xuan has reason to suspect that Yiren is going to hell.

Just to sell books, as well as those special materials specially designated by him. "See you in hell, don't let me meet you!" It's really careless, there is such a book in a regular extraordinary bookstore, and he will be deceived one day.

It can only be said that the footsteps of **** are getting closer and closer, and now many extraordinary people have heard it, and some people are doing it as a business. He soon discovered that someone was selling a palm-sized black "Hellcat", a very rare pet, which was ridiculously expensive.

There are also people who sell "Hell Birds", and they ask for ten elixir. It is white and flawless, and it is about a foot long. It is reported that after taming it, it can lead the way in hell.

"Do you want to form a group to go to hell? The mythology organization has reopened. If you want to join, come and sign up!"

"The Galaxy Organization has expanded. If you want to join, hurry up. Our goal is to pierce through **** and pick up all kinds of fetishes and sacred objects!" There are actually many organizations, large and small, with regular troops, led by some great teachers. , united, established some powerful teams, and some were composed of loose cultivators.

Organize a team to explore hell, this is a recent hot event.

Because, there have been rumors recently that there are many mythical Dao fruits in hell, waiting for people to pick, there are legendary strange medicines, and lost secret books, which often involve the realm of aliens and true saints.


There is an extremely different person who clearly stated that there are holy things in hell.

Moreover, there are some big organizations, and even people from the real holy dojo outside the world, showing up, buying all kinds of special items produced in **** at high prices.

These are all recent events. How can we not let the extraordinary world talk about it? Hell has gradually attracted the attention of all parties, and it is a focus topic that cannot be avoided in the future.

"Everyone, on a trip to hell, you can bring nothing with you,

However, the extraordinary secret network must join, and this business must be handled in time to ensure that you do not lose contact. Even if there is a problem, you can also say goodbye to your family, your teacher, and your teacher at the last moment. On weekdays, you can learn about the latest consultation and avoid the crisis of hell. "

I have to say that the major organizations that build the extraordinary network have strong strength. They have built a base station in a safe area in **** for the first time. They can transfer through the extraordinary secret network and get in touch with the mother universe. Of course, the extraordinary signal delay is terrible. Wang Xuan looked at the strange things on the mobile phone, those messy apps, it would not allow them to be installed, but this secret network, it should be able to forcibly steal it, right? The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "Now, all you need is a pot. Some strange things in **** are not easy to cook, such as the legs of aliens. Go to the Tianting canteen to borrow one."

"I don't eat people!" Wang Xuan emphasized.

"Who made you eat people? I'm talking about aged zombie meat."

"I don't even eat it!" Wang Xuan refused.

"The great medicine under the frozen soil can't be boiled in a normal pot." Finally, Wang Xuan went to the edge of the extraordinary sea of ​​​​light.

When I meet the cook again, I borrow a pitch-black pot. The cook looked at him, sighed a little, and said take care. According to what he said, this pot didn't know how many young and promising wizards were sent away, and he couldn't remember.

When Wang Xuan heard it, he almost put the pot on the strange object of the mobile phone.

In the end, the strange object of the mobile phone led the way and took Wang Xuan to hell. Most of the roads leading to **** are in places other than the world, and the major true holy dojos have their own secret roads. In addition, there are two in the sea of ​​origin.

In the depths of the universe, there are also several barren areas. Although they are extremely remote and remote, if you want to go there, there must be a way to go.

This is an extremely dark area, the starlight is sparse, and it belongs to the faint light from the deep space far away.

It seems that there are no stars here, it is absolutely quiet and dead, and as we move forward, it is even thicker and thicker, and I can't see my fingers.

On the road to hell, the atmosphere was really not bad, Wang Xuan was on guard and proceeded cautiously.

This time, he didn't use Kong Xuan's face and Sun Wukong's identity for the time being, because he was afraid that he would become a public enemy in hell.

At this time, his face was somewhat similar to his real appearance. "It's coming, are you ready?" The mobile phone asked him.

"So soon, **** is in the barren land of the universe?" Wang Xuan was surprised.

"What are you thinking, if you fly over, you won't be able to catch it in your life, it's so far away that it makes you numb, it probably won't catch up, it's so far that it makes you numb, it probably leaves the transcendent center, and there is a passage here. , belongs to the shortcut." said the strange object of the mobile phone.

In the depths of the fog, a hazy silver light emerged, swirling there.

"This is the eye of the deep space vortex." The strange thing on the mobile phone informed that this place, like the two sea eyes of the Sea of ​​Origin, is connected to hell.

Wang Xuan was stunned. The two roads that originated in the sea were actually two sea eyes?

"Let's go, it's time to go to hell." The strange thing on the mobile phone told him, don't delay, there will occasionally be unknown creatures lingering near the eye of the deep space vortex, so don't be targeted.

Wang Xuan nodded, took the strange object on his mobile phone, and jumped into the silver vortex, a sacred ripple rippled in the fog, and disappeared in an instant. What I saw along the way, strange and strange, the silver channel is like a river, rushing forward, traveling at a high speed.

He seems to have seen all parts of the transcendent center of the "shore",

It's like seeing the outer universe where myths are decaying, and the neighboring universe where the extraordinary fire is flickering.

Some creatures are fighting to cross, dying on the way, some creatures are close to the transcendent central universe, but they are exhausted, and the fire of the primordial spirit is about to be permanently extinguished. The light is about to go out permanently. Even in a trance, he seemed to see a place very far away, a bit like a dead mother universe, passing by in a flash. This kind of experience is a bit strange, Wang Xuan sighed lightly, the path to transcendence is not easy for all beings, especially those from the outer universe.

The strange object of the mobile phone said: "What you is not necessarily true. The eye of the deep space vortex can sometimes present some wonders according to the fluctuation of your thoughts, some of which are believable.

Some just ignore it. "

Wang Xuan was surprised and nodded, no matter whether it was true or not, it had no essential effect on him.

Like hundreds of years have passed, like at the click of a finger,

The passage of time here is so chaotic that it is hard to tell.

Wang Xuan relied on his instinct and thought that not long after, the road ahead came to an end, and the silver vortex was not turning.

The snow-white river came to an end.

With a swipe, he rushed out and officially entered hell.

"Hi!" He was stunned, this is hell? It was completely different from what he imagined, and he never expected it to be like this anyway.

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