Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 389: an unrepeatable miracle

Wang Xuan was covered in blood. He was sober and never complacent that he could push the realm of immortals by breaking the limit 4 times. According to the statement of the world outside the world, there is a consensus in the real sage dojo, and the person who has broken the limit four times can't beat the person standing at the end of the real immortal.

When the true immortals break the limit to the end, they cannot be broken, and when they reach the end of the ultimate road, that is the taboo field -- 5 times breaking the limit, it will change qualitatively.

This level is regarded as possessing the assets of true saints, and the realm of true immortals has come to an end.

How could Wang Xuan be able to face off against the creatures who have broken the limit 4 times and have reached the end of the road 5 times? All are due to the accumulation in the early stage, and have a profound background.

If he hadn't accumulated those "inheritances" and had not been so "exceptional", what qualifications could he have to stand here alive? He was instantly killed by 5 Limit Breakers!

Each of these Divine City Lords can look down on the Limit Breakers 4 times.

Just like Wang Xuan who dared to go directly to catch those 4-time limit-breakers who were artificially piled up, he was so strong, he shot at will, and then grabbed the opponent's neck first.

In the flash of lightning, there was another violent and terrifying collision. He staggered backwards, and it was a miracle that he could not die and was still fighting.

He sighed, it turned out that his blood could shed so much, and his clothes were tattered. He was in a desperate situation and had been penetrated many times.

His back path was outflanked. These city master-level creatures have a very strong sense of battle. They are obviously transformed by Dao Yun, but they seem to be still alive.

Wang Xuan's evolution of the Imperial Dao Transformation Galaxy, just covered it, was penetrated by a few fists, distorted time and space, and then completely wiped out.

In an instant, Wang Xuan was so shaken that he flew upside down, blood flowed like a stream, and he fell ticking from the void. Some wounds could not heal temporarily and were blocked by the rules.

Behind him, a city lord directly sacrificed a silver rope, with ripples, flying towards his neck.

The rope of rules is like a wild beast. It can only be said that the extraordinary people of this series are fierce and wild, confident and conceited, and even if they become Dao Yun, they can still see the shadow of the past.

The light of black and white bloomed violently on Wang Xuan's body, the extreme yin and extreme yang meridians were running, blocking the rope of this rule, and black and white blended, collided, and transformed into a chaotic light, rushing towards the city lord.

With a bang, there was a dull sound in the void behind, and the city lord shook violently, and in front of the body transformed into Dao Yun, scriptures appeared, manifesting the true holy practice, the texture spread, and the chaotic light was blocked. browser search

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The others did not stop, and Wang Xuan was miserable after a short battle against Wang Xuan, the overlords of the real immortal realm, who cast spells individually.

Puff puff

There were five more blood holes in his body, and once again the front and back were bright, and the injury was very serious. The pattern of the city of God was far beyond his expectations, and it was more terrifying than the giant city.

In an instant, someone took a volley and stepped towards him. This man had loose gray hair, indifferent eyes, and a domineering and powerful posture.

Wang Xuan's body glowed with sword light, avoiding this kick, and propped up a dazzling sword wheel, covering his whole body.

He directly met the man and killed him.

In the void, a violent explosion occurred. This is the sword light and fist light of Yu Dao Hua, which collided many times in an instant.

That person was strangled by the sword wheel, but Wang Xuan himself flew out again, and there was no way to do anything, and there were eight people at the city master level.

When he dealt with one or two, the other people moved in unison, and the heavy blows were fatal. They were all 5-time limit breakers, the overlords of the real immortal realm.

"Your body is about to crack." The strange thing on the phone said.

If Wang Xuan cares about it, he doesn't know if it is a serious reminder or just watching the fun.

His whole body glowed, and some series of scriptures related to resurrection and regeneration, such as the Golden Cicada Chopping Shell Technique and the Undead Silkworm Regeneration Technique, have long been merged into one, and now they are circulating to restore his wounded body. At the same time, he couldn't stop in place. He was flying extremely fast, dodging attacks from all sides. The eight masters joined forces to really restrict his movements and kill him quickly.

Even if he was hunted, Wang Xuan was still a little unconvinced, his parietal bones shone, and the fine lines of the Imperial Daohua quickly spread all over his body.

He wanted to make a "big move", even if he was in a desperate situation, he had to perform the dance of death. After all, he was a little unwilling.

Of course, the main thing is, I really can't break out now. What series of creatures are the many city owners of Hell God City? Just let out one of them, and they can crush one side, and each is a ferocious man who has shocked an era. 5 time limit breakers gathered together, there is really no solution.

In the process of Wang Xuan's rapid movement, there were some terrifying wounds on his body, which could not be stopped or avoided.

A sea of ​​extraordinary light appeared. He was fighting for his life, fighting for his life. He was severely injured and could not avoid it, so he would try his best to interpret that magnificent picture.

This is his retreat for decades, studying various scriptures,

After precipitation, the true meaning of one's own path emerges from feeling.

At this moment, the rhyme of Dao is boundless, deafening, and shocks people's minds.

Wang Xuan's spirit resonated with his physical body, and evolved into an extraordinary scene of birth and death. The sea of ​​light flowed, and the shocking waves slammed into new universes. The waves were magnificent and blocked the attack of the city lord. However, those new universes also dimmed in the sea of ​​transcendent light, and they were finally abandoned and became the universes of the old age.

The extraordinary alternation of birth and death!

Myths are rotten, the universe is dark, and black snowflakes fall, freezing the entire extraordinary era, making the whole world fall into the harsh winter season, everything withered, and darkness enveloped the four fields.

Sure enough, it was only for a moment, all methods were rotten, Dao rhyme did not exist, and the eight city masters were "frozen" for a short time. In the extraordinary cold winter season, the eight figures were frozen.

This is the full emergence of Wang Xuan's hard work and Taoism. He didn't hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity to shoot, and sword lights flew out one after another, slashing at those people.

It is a pity that at the critical moment, the extraordinary cold winter was torn apart, the darkness was illuminated by bright light, and all were dispelled. Any of the eight city masters had the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth in the real immortal realm, and they were all overlords.

Only one person was hacked by Wang Xuan, but the other seven cast their spells individually and gave him a slap in the face. In an instant, he was torn apart, quite miserable, if it wasn't for his profound rhythm, he would have ended here.

Flesh and blood rushed together at high speed, and he fused the undead silkworm regeneration

The technique and the golden cicada shell-cutting art, etc., are displayed again to restore the true body.

On the opposite side, the city lord who was split by him also healed, and the rhythm flowed without dissipating.

"Okay, it's enough to do this step!" The strange thing on the phone said, it looked dignified, the city of God was like a Jedi, only one woman broke through in the past, but she was a higher Taoist at that time.

This is the first time that the mobile phone has recognized Wang Xuanming and asked him to find a way to break through.

"Do you think I don't want to?" Wang Xuan sighed, the surroundings were quiet for a while, and the eight city lords were not in a hurry to attack, they were all looking at him.

Most importantly, three more figures appeared silently from the central giant palace and locked onto Wang Xuan. Now there are eleven city masters who have broken the limit five times, all of them are creatures at the end of the true immortal.

In such a harsh environment, there is no way to fight. Wang Xuan, a four-time limiter, faced the 11 city lords with those outrageous "backgrounds". If he didn't die immediately, it was already a legend that was difficult to replicate.

"I suspect that the city of **** is conscious and forcibly revives the rhythm of these 11 people to deal with me.

cheat! "Wang Xuan is also anxious, and he has said such things.

In the past, where would he say more, just fight, rush over to grab the opponent's neck, pick it up and beat it.

Today, he is going to be beaten up.

"Strive to live." The strange thing on the phone said dully, but when it was worried, it also had another kind of contradictory thoughts.

That is, when it saw that Wang Xuan was suppressed by others, and after being besieged, when he was beaten with translucent blood holes all over his body, he was a little "relaxed". Browsing *browser* search*: @ Essence Book Pavilion...the fastest update...

It once reflected that this kind of thinking was unacceptable, but it also admitted that it really thought so in its heart. It always felt that he was smooth sailing and overconfidence. Especially recently, he has been a little too flamboyant, and it is time to be educated!

"Do I need to break the limit 5 times? But, I'm not ready yet." Wang Xuan whispered, looking up at the sky, then at his hands, and said, "If it's just the grass and the hourglass, that's all. I'm afraid that there will be more things this time, and I can't deal with them. I want to play a killer again and be prepared."

However, if he does not break the limit 5 times now, it will be difficult for him to have any "future".

Is it necessary to use the six-bar rule copper spear? However, as soon as he opened the outer void, and the outer universe opened up the gap, he felt horrified.

"Hell God City wouldn't be really conscious, right?" He was shocked, feeling that he was being "targeted", as if being stared at by death, and he instantly concealed the six bronze spears.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "Shencheng has no consciousness, but it is too special here, and even cheating methods can be detected. It is the ripples of the balance rules that are expanding."

"This is the reverse... cheating, breaking the limit four times, who can stop the overlords at the end of the 11 true immortals?!" Wang Xuan felt helpless and was targeted.

"This is not a giant city prepared for the 4th time limit breaker. You came in on your own initiative and are treated equally." The strange thing on the phone said.

All these words are conveyed in a spiritual way, and before time has passed, they have finished communicating. In fact, the atmosphere at the scene has not eased, and the 11 city lords just scrutinized for a moment, and they are ready to start again.

"Only I am the only one." Wang Xuan's primordial spirit was glowing, six

The rules of the pole and the bronze spear were actually limited, and he lost the most important trump card to turn the situation around. It was too unexpected here, only shopping.

He runs "True One Classic" and wants to disappear from the world. This may be the only way to break the situation.

However, applying this

There is a problem with the meaning of the classics. It needs to sink into the level of enlightenment. If you can't come up, it will lead to a mysterious place, and you can't disappear directly.

In the attack of 11 city master-level powerhouses, this was undoubtedly fatal.

Among them, a robot's eyes were extremely deep, turning into a vortex in the spiritual realm, and began to deprive its primordial spirit and devour his spirit.

A Void Cat was black all over, with a swipe of its claws, and a cross space appeared. Looking closely, it turned out to be two miniature cosmic star seas intersecting and slashing towards Wang Xuan.

It interprets the big universe galaxy as a cross, and this attack technique is used at will, which is enough to prove that no one who breaks the limit 5 times is simple.

A white dragon swooped over, the silver dragon scales dazzling, carrying a long spear, spurting out a dazzling edge.

There is also a mantis man who shot, his arms are natural big knives, in the swishing sound, the blade is extremely sharp, cutting through the time and space of the city of hell.

A total of 11 city lords at the end of the true immortals will attack together, and there will be no suspense. They will have to fight anyone. Among the 5 people who have broken the limit, only one person has ever blocked them.

4 time limit breakers, there is no reason to fight them alone.

At this moment, Wang Xuan's primordial spirit glowed and moved extremely fast. He could only stick to one or two of them, entangled in them.

Otherwise, if the 11 true immortal overlords strike with all their strength, he will be killed immediately.

For a time, black and white light burst out from his left and right hands, collided, and chaotic matter appeared, lasing out a ripple, blocking one person.

There was severe pain behind him. Although he avoided many people, some attacking techniques still hit him. He was almost cut in half, and then he was almost completely bombed.

With a bang, his chaotic ripples penetrated one of them, but unfortunately he couldn't solve his own problems.

"No!" He was running the "True One Classic". Although he had not yet fallen into the level of enlightenment, the true meaning came out.

This undoubtedly saved his life. At this time, several beams of light hit him. If there is another serious injury, he will definitely disintegrate.

At this time, the technique that attacked him was much dimmed. Although it did not directly attribute to nothingness, its power was weakened, and it did not let him explode on the spot.

Wang Xuan blessed with a supernatural sense, and in a short time solidified time and space, he cut out the extremely difficult sword in the sword scripture that he mastered - the heart sword!

At the moment when the time and space solidified, the light of the heart sword flew out and submerged into the souls of those people. Although it was unable to kill them, it successfully blocked their footsteps and the following spells.

This is

He ushered in the most critical first-line life-saving opportunity. The fog is shrouded in mist, there is light in the distance, an unknown place is extremely mysterious, and it emerges that ordinary people cannot see, as if it is detached from the rotten world, where it is real and hazy. Wang Xuan quickly disappeared, and his body temporarily disappeared from the city of God. Browsing *browser* search*: @ Essence Book Pavilion...the fastest update...

He stood in the fog and took a deep breath, and then walked forward. The time here was quiet, and he began to treat the wounded body. Just now, he almost died.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "It turns out that they have a time limit. You are about to pass the customs, and they are about to disappear. But now it is even more dangerous!"

Outside, in front of the giant palace in the center of the city, the figures of the 11 overlords shook. The rhythm of Taoism was indeed blurred, and it was about to dissipate, but on this occasion, after they lost their hunting targets, they seemed to feel it was a shame.

It was clearly transformed by Dao Yun, but they actually showed something emotional. Among the 11 city masters, many people had hazy shadows around them, some were a tree, some were a day of sunshine.

"Hi!" Wang Xuan was surprised, what was that? A sacred object born in the primordial spirit! Not every 5-time limit-breaker will have it, and it needs a certain chance.

Some of these have that kind of relic!

Before they dissipated, they wanted to blast the time domain and space domain near the city of God with sacred objects, and violently bombard the dormant prey out.

"The last blow, you still want to kill me, who's afraid of who? I want to kill one too!" Wang Xuan's expression was solemn, and a light was drawn from the light source in the depths of the fog, which turned into a field, and ripples enveloped him. itself.

Outside, those creatures were blurred, distorted, and about to collapse, but some people took out the holy relics and could strike a blow.

With a buzzing sound, the light around Wang Xuan shone, and then the darkness went down here, and the ripples of light flew out of the fog.

In fact, this is like a signal, a chain reaction, the time for those rhymes has come, and they are all extinguishing and disappearing.

"I killed one!" Wang Xuan stared at the void in front of the giant palace. The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "Yes, you killed one and survived the short siege of 11 5-time limit breakers, which is a miracle that is difficult to replicate."

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