Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 390: Everyone looks stupid

In the fog, after Wang Xuan hit a ripple of light, the light in his own place went out, it was pitch black, and he couldn't reach his fingers.

"Almost died." He whispered softly, calling it the afterlife, the miracle of the four-time limit-breaker, which meant little to him, because the road was still long.

He looked at the soft light source in the deepest part of the fog, mysterious, distant, born and inaccessible.

Suddenly, he looked back, his blood-stained body tightened again, staring at the central giant palace, showing a surprised look, who is stronger?

In that space, the woman stood quietly on the stage, the chaotic fog covered her face, and in the haze, a pair of eyes opened!

She is a **** statue that was erected here, not a real body, but now there are also traces of Dao rhyme recovery, as if she is about to come back to life.

Her eyes are like a deep sea of ​​stars, which is the endless flow of royal road textures, sending out amazing beams and flying into the fog.

"Super Spiritual Eyes, with the blessing of Yu Dao Hua, she can actually see the scene in the depths of the mist?" Wang Xuan was taken aback.

Last time, when he listened to the strange object on the mobile phone to introduce this woman, he felt special. When he talked about her special features in various fields, it seemed like he was introducing his abilities.

Now, it has been verified that she also has spiritual eyes. After the blessing of Yu Dao Hua, now Dao Yun has recovered and found him.

This is not someone who can be compared with 11 city masters. The earlier group of overlords who broke the limit 5 times did not find him.

Now, he was seriously injured, from the body to the spirit, many ruptures, some of the residual laws that those people left in his body have not been erased, and they are not suitable for war at all.

What's more, this woman's strength is more terrifying than that group of people combined!

Fortunately, there was no Dao Yun recovery on her body, just a pair of eyes alive, breaking through the fog, staring here, and then the light slowly extinguished again.

"Don't you want to say something?" Wang Xuan asked the strange object on the phone

It was beside him, suspended quietly, and he heard the words and responded, "She amazed the time, the number one in the Sixth Epoch."

It's really a bit high, Wang Xuan suspects that it may be its descendant. "Why haven't I seen you compliment me so much?"

"Ordinary people know that sons are poor and daughters are rich, especially sons who are disobedient. In some special stages of childhood, even dogs are disgusted." The strange thing on the mobile phone said flatly.

Wang Xuan wants to hit it!


Time, I don't know whether it is praising people or taking the opportunity to scold people. Anyway, it took a lot of advantage.

In the fog, Wang Xuan didn't go out immediately, wanting to see if there was a time limit and whether he would passively escape from here, the place where he stood was getting darker and darker.

There was no light in front of him, and after making that ripple, he seemed to be stuck in an abyss.

He felt it, and said: "Entering the unknown land, and using "no" to eliminate the opponent, these two methods can be called trump cards, and should be interpreted as "yes", what is born here. "

Of course, now is not the time to meditate.

Right now, the most important thing for him is to heal his wounds and realize the unique rhythm of Dao in the city of God.

The wounds in some parts of his body expanded, and blood flowed out again, which was the rule left by the 11 city masters to expel.

However, Wang Xuan did not wipe out immediately, but was comprehending and absorbing them with his heart. These rules belonged to different eras of extraordinary civilization.

It can even be said that these people came from the old transcendent central world that passed away. Relatively today, they are all people from the outer universe, who died in **** and stayed forever.

When Wang Xuan came to hell, he was pursuing the rhythm of the outer universe. Clang!

A long spear appeared on his body, pierced through his chest, the spear was sharp and bloody, and it was transformed by the rules left by the white dragon.

Then, blood flowed from his neck, and a long sharp knife was embedded there, almost beheading him. This is the rhyme left by the mantis people.

Then the two miniature universe star seas crossed and became a cross shape, covering his body, almost splitting his body in a cross.

Then, a robot's eyes, deep, turned into a vortex, hung in front of Wang Xuan's eyebrows, it was the combination of Taoism and spiritual laws in the center of the universe in the old era, and it was about to swallow his primordial spirit.

The 11 city lords have left traces on him, and now they are embodied, understood and absorbed by him, and every strand of Dao rhyme is connected to a dim old transcendent central world.

Some people come from the same place, and the old universes behind them overlap.

Searching and looking into the distance like this, Wang Xuan seemed to see a dim universe in the deep space beyond the endless distance.

One century after another, the supernatural came and went, revived and decayed, time was short, and those places no longer had the grand atmosphere of the supercenter era.

Outside the city, Hell Five Broken Immortals circled the city ten times, scratching their hearts with claws and restless, wishing they could go straight into the city,

He was shocked, but what happened?

Earlier, after he was discovered by Wang Xuan and startled away, he came back after a short wait. In the distance, he saw a group of light piercing through the city of hell, rushing all the way, all kinds of giant beasts, rotten golden crows, and overwhelming flying dragons, etc. The dense falls were all blown up, which really moved him.

But he thinks, that's it, it's not too out of line, and he's not afraid.

Until later, 11 city lords appeared inexplicably and suddenly hunted Kong Xuan, which made him look dumbfounded. What the **** is this place?

In a city, there are more than ten people who have broken the limit five times. It is almost like a fantasy, and they are about to catch up with the Holy Imperial City and the Mechanical Holy Temple.

Then, 5 Poxian was directly shocked.

Kong Xuan was besieged, but he didn't die. Although his body split several times and was almost blasted, he survived with difficulty.

It's like a fairy tale!

It is a miracle that a person is still alive under the attack of 11 true immortal overlords.

However, when he stared carefully, captured the truth with the light of divine light, and determined that when Kong Xuan cast the spell, it was only the superposition of 4 layers of Yudao texture, the whole person was stupid.

"Isn't he a 5-time limit-breaker? He didn't hide it, but, how can a true immortal who has broken the limit 4 times fight against Hell City's main-level creatures?"

"Also, he alone... he hit 11!"

5 Po Xian has a great background, has always been confident, and has a lot of confidence. Otherwise, he would not dare to do this kind of thing, go in and out of Jedi to explore and capture other people's tracks.

But after discovering Kong Xuan's real foundation, he was completely numb.

In the quiet time that followed, he was in a state of doubting life.

"Black hole, giant, there is a big problem! Shouldn't he be the descendant of "No", the number one in the world of the transcendent center?"

5 Po Xian thought of Kong Xuan's unpredictable roots through his own background, and had all kinds of doubts.

At the last moment, one of the 11 city lords at the end of the True Immortal was killed by Kong Xuange, which deeply shocked 5 Po Immortal and made him completely lost.

However, as the remaining 10 city masters faded, broke up, and disappeared, where did Kong Xuan go? It has never appeared. Until now, Kong Xuan has not come out, so 5 Po Immortal can't wait to go to the city to check it out, he wants to know the final result.

At the same time, he was quite regretful. During the war, the battle between Kong Xuan and the 11 city lords started in the central building complex and was blocked by some giant palaces.

Although he captured most of the pictures, he also missed some.

After a long time, Wang Xuan discovered that the fog had faded, and there was a certain time limit. Of course, it was possible that he was distracted and was remote sensing the old universe.

This is very difficult. Through those rhymes, trying to capture the various changes in the outer universe is scary with a high degree of difficulty. But he got something and was satisfied.

Wang Xuan felt that there were more traces of things in his own background.

His armor was tattered, and he still had a spear stuck in his body, and was wrapped in a chain of rules, etc., because the opportunity to capture Dao Yun was not over, but just started.

Now, he has learned from the strange thing on the mobile phone that a giant city represents an extraordinary civilization that once disappeared, and its rhythm is deeper!

Even, in some giant cities, the parent universe it corresponds to in the past can really be remotely sensed!

Wang Xuan was stunned. He saw that in the space with chaotic fog threads in the giant palace, 10 figures appeared vaguely under the statue of the goddess, and they could meet again!

The person who was beheaded by him did not appear.

This time, he observed carefully and saw that the 10 city lords were motionless, and then he walked around, not approaching them, and did not activate them.

"Is that so, if you keep a certain distance and don't touch them, 10 people won't recover?" he said to himself. "It should be like this," said the strange thing on the phone.

Wang Xuan showed a strange expression. This is really a good place. If any True Sacred Dojo outside dares to attack and seize it, it will simply kill people and not pay for their lives.

He released the bull demon, the yin-yang dog, the ten-tailed demon fox, the black swan, and the void rat. The five true immortals of the demon court were all petrified when they knew where this place was.

Such a huge city was knocked down by Kong Xuan alone? Earlier, when they learned that he was going to siege the city alone, they didn't understand it and thought he was crazy, but now to see that he actually achieved it.

"Don't enter the giant palace in the center, or you will die if you touch it. There are 5 people who have broken the limit." Wang Xuan warned several demons.

"Have you fought against a legendary figure like Lu Heng, who has broken the limit five times, and won this city?!" Several demons seemed to be babbling, as if they were in a sleepwalk.

They had seen Kong Xuan take action in Tianran City and attacked the people at the end of the True Immortal. They were shocked at the time, but if they wanted to take down a giant city, they had to fight monsters all over the city. None can do it.

"Appeared, he is not dead, he is more ferocious than the monsters in the giant city!" Outside the city

, 5 Poxian finally saw Kong Xuan's figure.

He began to reflect, and if he broke the news again, he couldn't go to the black hole. It was already like this after 4 times of breaking the limit.

Hell, the dojos of the various religions finally asked for help, because they couldn't conquer a city at all, so they could only let the main force end. "It's an impossible task."

"Fortunately, there are not many negative comments in the current Xinghai, and the extraordinary people in various places are more terrified, thinking that **** is too scary, wanderers in the wilderness at night, and wanderers in the city, it is difficult to defeat and destroy them all."

"What we can't do in the true holy Others are even more useless. The extraordinary people in this world can naturally understand."

This is indeed the case. Although the status quo of **** has caused a great uproar in the current Xinghai, and the whole supernatural world is hotly debated, people are more amazed, and fear and awe of hell.

In the city of hell, Wang Xuan really began to inspect his territory. He found a piece of holy relic, and after contacting the piece on his body, it was directly fused together.

The strange object of the mobile phone said: "It's just a fragment of the sacred object in the area under the jurisdiction of the Holy Emperor City. The city of God flew from other areas, and the rules here must be followed."

Wang Xuan's eyes were bright. He didn't care much about the fragments of the sacred relic. What he valued was the giant city. At this moment, he was on the highest stone tower in the city.

Standing on the top of the tower, he vaguely sensed a vague form of the outer universe, which was a gift from hell.

Looking up at the deep space of hell, he wanted to connect with that distant universe, to capture the rules and rhythms of the transcendent heartland of old times.

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