Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 391: The King of Prowlers - Kong Xuan

At night, hell, the dark blue moon rises, the dark and the blue blend, deep and mysterious.

In the entire wilderness, the rotting beasts took heavy steps, shaking the ground, and the ferocious birds in the sky appeared in groups like dark clouds with a hostile aura.

Since the appearance of the blue moon, the night of **** has become bloody, and wanderers have emerged in large numbers, haunting densely in the wild.

Even outside some small and medium-sized cities, a large number of monsters and living creatures gathered, and rotten creatures and living creatures spread to the end of the horizon.

In the darkness of the night, it was a pair of ferocious eyes, flickering with murderous, cold-blooded light, fierce beasts howling, ferocious birds hitting the sky, and angels with divine wings fell in a pool of blood in hell, crying and howling. In the past two or three nights, even the True Saint Dojo has retreated into the safe area, and even, adjacent to the gate of hell, is always ready to return to the world through the vortex of time and space.

They are really scared. The so-called city ruins, the safety zone is not safe. At night, powerful rogues come in, kidnap some real immortals, bite the throats of two heaven-level masters, drag them into the darkness, and leave them on the ground. Down a long bloodstain.

Now everyone is asking, when will the reinforcements arrive? The current **** is not a place where the advance team can "work", don't take the Pathfinder as a must.

The walls of the city of God are as tall as mountains, and there are not many wanderers outside the city. The huge city has a natural deterrent effect on the fierce creatures in the wild.

In the center of the city, the tallest building - the stone tower, seems to be

Submerged into the deep space of hell, broken into the faint clouds, and even the giant blue moon seemed to be within reach.

Wang Xuan stood on the top of the tower, staring into the deep space, motionless, resonating with the old universe where the city of God was located.

Through endless barriers and using the rhythm of Shencheng Dao as a medium, he has experienced the rise and fall and heavyness of the dim universe in remote sensing.

Even, this time, he saw the vague outline of the universe, which was the improvement of supernatural perception, and traced its essence through the overflowing universe rules.

Wang Xuan was immersed in it. There were no joys and sorrows, no glory or shame to cover his eyes. It was infinite depth, vastness, and indifference. The old universe had decayed and revived, and the rules were constantly being interpreted, and it was cold.

He seems to have detached from the real world, left hell, and wandered among the rules and rhythms transmitted by the unknown and vague outer universe.

Even when he captured a slightly more volatile "afterglow", he restored part of the truth that was unknown many epochs ago.

He re-interpreted the starry sky with traces of regular source matter, and then zoomed in to see the past scene.

A starry sky is disintegrating, a huge face is approaching, with bloodstains, and the moment the turbid tears drip, there are stars torn.

What kind of creature is that, is it an absolute alien? The creature watched as the entire family was wiped out, and not one was left behind. He felt a sense of powerlessness.

"The birth and death of a galaxy is just a momentary mottled streamer, what is it for thousands of years? The old era has ended, the transcendent center has changed, races, homes, and the universe are all shattering, one civilization after another is extinguishing. Who is there? Transferring the myth, even the true saints are also migrating with the ethnic group, as if fleeing, everything is for the sake of

What? "

The huge face was shattered, and with a whisper, it dissipated and gradually disappeared in the time and space where the old universe was darkened.

"Who can prove that we have been here, we have existed? Does the Transcendent Center constantly migrate and follow the value of the road?" That was his last voice echoing among the broken galaxies of the old era.

Until the end, everything was gone.

Wang Xuan was unhappy and worry-free, quiet and silent, it was just a piece of Dao rhyme he sensed, the outline of the outer universe was vague, huge and boundless, and there were too many fragments of past wonders.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that he "recovered" and got out of a special state of wandering. "The years are rolling forward, the vast universe is one era after another, and it doesn't stop for anyone. Those extraordinary creatures, the vast galaxy, in history, are just a trivial wave at the fingertips, blooming in an instant, and extinguishing in an instant. ."

In the remote sense of the outer universe Dao Yun, Wang Xuan saw too many joys and sorrows, different people opened the way, and the clan struggled to cross, and it was impossible to escape the last scarlet picture. What kind of historical Gedai genius, in the change of the big universe , Not even the dust, the sons of the true saints, all died tragically in the **** era, he saw numbness.

The withering of the strong, the destruction of the extraordinary race, and the death of the saints are all old scenes that have passed, and it is difficult to resonate with them.

Even, it is far better to have a quick glance, and the tears of the children in the mortals I see are more real.

"Through one extraordinary era after another, I have witnessed too much. Will my heart be numb one day?" he said to himself. In those wonders that passed by, the cry of the supreme alien, why the transcendent moved, and why the myth migrated, were also his questions.

In the middle of the night, Wang Xuan looked at the strange object on the mobile phone and asked about it, but there was a dead silence.

Temporarily withdrawing from the remote sensing state of capturing Dao Yun, he began to comprehend the "True One Classic", and the fog reappeared, covering the tower.

"The third method, yes, creating something out of thin air is too difficult. Maybe I should take it step by step."

He understood the scriptures, combined with the reality, disappeared from the stone tower in an instant, and came to the city in one step. The city of God has a large area of ​​buildings, hiding many monsters, and even more hidden spaces, where giant beasts are dormant.

When Wang Xuan appeared in front of them again, the giant dragon and flying silver ants who had rioted all over the city and slaughtered him together were trembling.

They witnessed the battle in the daytime, and all kinds of monsters shivered. Although their spiritual consciousness was abnormal, some instinct was still there. Out of awe and fear of the strong, when this person appeared again, they dared not be there. attacked. The fragments of the holy relics on Wang Xuan's body are not enough to make them completely identify as the Lord of the Divine City, and now they are only afraid.

Need to make monsters with monsters. "

The streets were paved with black gold stones, flat but with bloodstains, and in the distance there were the corpses of various monsters, all left by Wang Xuan when he pierced through the city of God.

Some Prowlers revived, and some did die permanently.

Wang Xuan found the white sparrow, the 12-star golden ladybug, and the beautiful star demon. These are the three 4-time limit breakers who were beaten half-crippled by him, and now he is carrying them to the stone pagoda.

The three creatures were terrified, and they were indeed afraid of being beaten, but there was still some fierce light in the depths of their eyes.

The living creatures of the City of Hell God.

Wang Xuan studied the three of them, and once the operation was completed, there was "nothing".

Their malice, try to make them "feel good" and increase intimacy.

He originally thought that this was a difficult process that required repeated research and continuous improvement.

But soon he found that some aspects were going very well, and the hostility of the three creatures was wiped out by him, and he successfully eliminated the bad feeling.

However, in some areas, they are stagnant, it is difficult to continue, and it is impossible for them to get close to themselves and increase their favorability. He realized that this was due to the immaturity of the third means.

This is also the reason why he found three 4-time limit-breaking monsters, that is, they need to be verified and tested.

Below the stone pagoda, bull demons, yin-yang dogs, black swans, etc., all stared straight at the eyes. The strongest prowlers and monsters in this city were all caught by Kong Xuan?

"How did he cultivate? He broke the limit 4 times. Why is he stronger than others and can beat city master creatures?" They whispered, feeling that Kong Xuan was in a state of incomprehension.

As for the 5 Po Immortals outside the city, they hurried away before the sun set. He was also afraid of the riots in **** at night. As for entering the city of God, that's fine.

On the stone tower, Wang Xuan repeated experiments, created things out of nothing, and reshaped their perceptions, but there are unpredictable laws in **** that prevent such changes.

Until the end, he had to shake his head and sigh. If he wants to completely use the wanderers of **** for his own use, it will take a certain amount of time to "purify" slowly.

After figuring out the situation, he didn't want to waste time, and backhandedly added the energy of **** monsters to himself, and used "yes" on himself to reflect it.

For a moment, the bull demon, the yin-yang dog, and the black swan were all shocked.

Frightened, he looked up at Kong Xuan on the tower, his scalp was hairy.

Ma, feeling like he was facing a powerful prowler. Because at this moment, Wang Xuan unabashedly released his own rhythm, and his profound strength was fully displayed.

Of course, he avoided the central giant palace area, and did not want to be hunted by a group of city lords again.

The monsters all over the city couldn't help but howl, feeling like they had ushered in an overlord, cheering the arrival of the new city lord.

"The monster is crazy again, the whole city is rioting!" The cow demon turned pale.

"What's going on with Kong Xuan?" Black Swan was surprised.

"Don't worry, I will also change your qi for you, so that you can get close to monsters, and establish a branch of the Demon Court here with peace of mind." Wang Xuan sound transmission.

He can't create things out of thin air, that's the ultimate supernatural power, but now it's possible to change the charm and reshape the Qi machine, such as "there".

For a moment, the bull demon, the ten-tailed demon fox, the void rat, etc., were all stunned, and looked at each other as if they were looking at the living dead, and even had a rotten smell, they seemed to be prowlers.

"I think this is safer. Even if the main force of the demon court comes, it won't ask us to clear the door, right?" said the ten-tailed demon fox.

"So, Hell God City, the Demon Court Prowler Branch, is officially established today?" Yin Yang Dog suggested.

The black swan said: "It is established. We have not betrayed, this is the courage to open up and develop prowlers as

Disciples, in a sense, we are the orthodox of the Hell Demon Court! ""Seconded! "The bull demon nodded immediately.

"That's right!"

They unanimously passed, and the Hell Demon Court was established. Then, the five demons found that they could really get close to the Prowlers.

They were a little unbelievable, Kong Xuan's methods were unfathomable, and he was able to achieve this step.

Wang Xuan was also greatly touched. The "True One Classic" could be dug deeper and could even balance some of the criteria of hell. He became the king of wanderers in the city of God.

Of course, this is temporary. After a period of time, he has to run the scriptures and reversely "purify" himself, and he needs to be contaminated with the rich rhythm of hell.

"Go and order all the wanderers to clean up the city of God and remove the corpses." After Wang Xuan helped the white sparrow, the golden ladybug, and the star demon heal their wounds, he instructed them to do things.

The blue moon was hanging in the air, and in the middle of the night, the city was busy with monsters, dragging away corpses and bringing in clean water to wash the streets.

Of course, this is related to the highest will of the Prowler King, and it is also related to the diligence and scheduling of several people in the Hell Demon Court, mobilizing the monsters in the city to clean up the blood, broken arms and stumps, and rotten beasts.

Some corpses can still be revived, **** contains mysterious power, and some corpses are permanently exhausted and become the rations of other monsters, all of which are dragged into buildings and hidden spaces. In the wild, there are wanderers who come and look out from the city gate from high altitude, but they do not dare to enter the city.

In the early morning, when the sun rose and the morning glow was brilliant, the entire city of God was clean, no longer messy, and not a single corpse lay on the ground.

Of course, some bloodstains on the ground were difficult to clean completely and penetrated into the black gold stone.

The night passed, **** was full of life, all the wanderers disappeared, the roars of gods and demons, and the monsters close to the alien level disappeared.

According to speculation, the wanderers came from the area beyond the true immortals and went back before dawn. Of course, there are many wanderers on this land, but the realm is not so high.

"There are clues. Yesterday, Kong Xuan really went all the way towards the giant city area. According to the trajectories detected by mechanical moths, ants, etc., he passed through seven or eight giant cities, but he did not find his final destination.

The Guixu Dojo received the latest news, the blurry figures captured by those mechanical devices.

Zhuo Tianming's long golden hair was scattered and shone like a scorching sun. He said, "Communicate with other families to see what he is doing. Is it possible that he wants to attack the giant city? There are so many of us. He is defeated, and he is dealing with a medium-sized city. He still wants to fight a giant city alone? Unless he is crazy!"

All religions have eyeliners, ranging from domesticated birds to mechanical insects, etc. Many dojos are paying attention to Wang Xuan. Since seeing him break into the wilderness, they have launched an investigation.

Near noon, after synthesizing the traces captured by the mechanical moths, ants, etc. of various houses, the people from the world outside the world were moved. From the route of Kong Xuan, it was clear that he was planning to attack the giant city.

"Is he crazy?"

"In the other courtyard of Wujie Mountain, after he killed Yuan Tian and defeated Mu Wuya, Jing Zhongyue, and Ran Ran, he really thought he was a character. He was seeking his own death."

None of the true holy dojos thought about it

When he arrived, he dared to commit suicide to explore the giant city.

Some disciples of the dojo sneered, but this saved them a lot of effort, and there was no need to take revenge, and he himself embarked on the road of destruction.

Soon after, as the news gathered, they roughly sorted out Kong Xuan's last whereabouts, and came to the conclusion that they were suspected of entering a new giant city.

"Strange, he can't be so stupid, how can he

Kill, do you have a certain degree of certainty? Now that the specific area is determined, check it out in the vicinity.

At noon, the blazing sun of **** was in the sky, and the latest news came that Kong Xuan suspected that he had entered a giant city and disappeared.

This is the blurry and twisted back of a mechanical cicada captured from a distance. Kong Xuan is too fast, but it can be roughly judged that he really seems to have entered the city.

"Is there any movement in the city?"

"It's quiet there at the moment, and nothing has changed." All the dojos were surprised and wanted to know the exact result.

The time was not very long, a large number of detection devices, including mechanical moths, etc., appeared in that area, and there were bloodstains on the main street of the city.

But the city is surrounded by extraordinary fog, and it is difficult to see the situation in the center.

"Let people who have cultivated various divine eyes take a look. I really don't believe it. An extraordinary person who can defeat the limit-breaker 4 times would be so unwise."

In the afternoon, a news shook the hell.

It was confirmed that Kong Xuan broke into a giant city, died in battle, and was turned into a prowler by the mysterious power of Now he is motionless, standing on the highest stone tower in the center of the city! "He died and became a prowler? Unexpectedly, this is killing him, and it's a hammer."

They repeatedly confirmed that after many observations by the person who had cultivated the divine eye, it was confirmed that he had indeed become a monster, and his state was very consistent with that of a prowler.

Moreover, someone else saw him standing with the beasts in the city. The white sparrow, the golden ladybug, and the star demon are all creatures who have broken the limit four times.

"Unexpectedly, the so-called quality inspector, Kong Xuan, who is notorious for his viciousness, would end up in this situation, and he died a bit useless.

Let's go and see what he looks like at the end. "The people of the True Saint Dojo are in action, some people want to determine his life and death, whether it is really a monster, and some people are going to watch the fun.

Hell 5 Poxian naturally heard about it, but he didn't say a word, thinking quietly: Didn't you put pressure on me to not let me report the big event of the hell? Well, I will watch you silently.

Mainly, Hell 5 Poxian witnessed Kong Xuan's record with his own eyes, and really didn't want to provoke him.

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