Deer Demon Race

Chapter 102: Pre-trial

The flying little demon all retreated to the mountain again, and the black bull, general pig demon, big horn, Abiao, etc. also realized that the three on the ground were monks. They were all surprised and inexplicable. Seeing that all they should be there, the three demon kings whispered. After a few times, Filling B said: "You are all three confidants who can use them, and each has a bit of insight. They are all called today to discuss this strange thing together!"

   The three demon kings chose to discuss on the top of the mountain, and the common demon little demon of the King of Wind Chaser were isolated. Watching the battle is a major event. Later, the demon king said the next thing.

"A few years ago, all three of our monsters were secretly spreading rumors that those who fled to the Star King Mountain Field would not be put on the table and did not have to participate in the Lingtao Peak battle. I believed the rumors. The demon didn't escape, but some little demon ran away from Brother Fengxian's house!"

  Pangolin Demon King Speaking of this, the Jingping Mountain monsters all remember the full deer banquet four years ago. Lu Bao still remembered the deer deer named He Yao.

  Recalling the old thing, only eating the tiger king's family has almost no loss in this matter, and the images of the pig demon general and the demon Ding Abiao are not deep.

"The demon kings around Lingtao Peak contended for this spirit peach. When it had been seven or eight hundred years ago, most of our six companies hadn't achieved demon king miles at the earliest! Demon class has always been straight, even the ones I heard in the early years, This is the first time that the rumor of the enemy’s family has caused trouble. How can the king of star picking have such calculations? The three brothers of my brothers were suspicious. The Starcatcher King’s family snooped the news."

"A few confidant little monsters passed, and finally some clues came back. A new jackal general in the family of the star-picking king was promoted. For some reason, the star-picking king actually obeyed the new jackal general, and the favor is still in the three old demons. Above the general, the rumor is that he said that the king of the stars was picked up!"

   Black Bull, Pig Demon General, Big Horn, and Abiao gradually opened their mouths.

Lu Bao was also very surprised. The monsters may be cunning when fighting life and death, but usually, as the Demon King said, there are very few twists and turns. I never imagined that there were such twists and turns four years ago. The three demon kings secretly secretly. Conspiring to deal with it again, thinking that all three of them are stupid!

   But the monsters usually only act in their own mountain farms. The three rumors are shared. When did the star picker cultivate so many spies? Really have this ability, the three kings of filling water can still fight with him for so many years?

   Look at the huge jackal next to him. Wouldn't this be the jackal that the Demon King said? Jackal is not considered a big body among wild beasts. It makes sense that the body of the monster is bigger than its own giant deer. Nowadays, even the bull monster and the bear monster are not necessarily better than their own!

"The little demon sent a letter back. The three brothers of the king naturally paid attention to the jackal general. Those little demons visited for two more years, and passed back that the jackal general was greedy, relying on the star picker to spoil him. They have to hunt wild food in the land of no master to the west. Yesterday, they were quasi-trusted. He chased the virtuous brother to the land of no owner of the human race in the west. He personally shot the jackal. !"

Speaking of this, Fill Shui B pointed his hand at the monk with a sharp chin and a beautiful beard: "Seeing that he couldn't escape, the foundation building monk started a thought curse and executed the Jackal General on the spot, and the wise chasing brother only captured him. The four monks returned to the mountain to build a foundation and three qi! The newly promoted favorite demon general of the star-catching king was actually cursed by a thought. The virtuous brother of the wind chaser sent the little demon to invite me to come. I originally wanted the three to try these four together. Monk, the king and the virtuous brother of the tiger eat one step today. First, I will interrogate a gas refiner. I don't want to be a monk. This human body has to be like paper. The demon only peeled off his skin when the case was settled. Brother Wang didn't have the means to catch the soul, and his soul disappeared, so he had to pause and wait for you to discuss how to interrogate!"

   Jackal will be cursed by a monk planting a mind? Is there a human monk involved in the battle of the Six Demon Kings?

   Ling Tao Peak was still under the dead water. It turned out that there was an undercurrent surging. Lu Bao suddenly felt a chill rising from his tail vertebrae!

  The local ancestors have been known to be hot since the day when the demons were transformed. After Yuan Ying was shot to death more than 600 years ago, the human monks were so scared that they did not dare to commit any more crimes.

   What is the human monk secretly planning?

   Will it spread to my home and cause my old deer to lose his life inexplicably?

   Qi Refining monk was skinned and hurt to death? Of course, it is also possible to be scared to death!

   No wonder the old monsters who know things say that human souls have strong spirits, and monsters have strong physical powers!

   It's just your three demon kings interrogating, they are skin cramps at every turn, thinking that all the creatures in the world are like monsters like monsters? Wouldn't you use more sophisticated methods?

Deer deer glared at the three living monks, wishing to pry open their mouths immediately, and ask the monks' plots. When he saw the black cow and others, he was still digesting the information he heard. He first reminded: "Major, separate trial. Prevent these three living monks from colluding!"

  Filling Water Yi shook his head: "The king of the wind banned him personally. He can't hear, see, or speak when he waits for the moment, so don't worry!"

   No wonder the three living monks looked blank.

Lu Bao closed his mouth and was interrupted by him. The other monsters who had only heard the news also responded. The Tiger King’s Pig Demon General said: "My lord, if this is the case, use some light tricks and ask each other again. Yes!"

  Filling Water B nodded, and the King of Wind Chaser said behind him: "Three brothers, we haven't cooked the little demon for a long time, and some hands are born. Who are you waiting for to ask?"

   Hearing this question, the demon generals and demon men looked at each other, only to realize that they were a little embarrassed.

   Monsters have always been rough and heavy. They are familiar with skinning cramps and swallowing monsters. The rest are whips, crushing hands and toes, and they must be considered as the fine work of torture.

   That is due to the tyrannical body of the monster, how can humans compare?

   I said earlier that the cultivator’s body was paper-sticky, and he was only skinned for the deadly underground. No matter how light and heavy the three were tossed to death, who else would you ask after such a big event?

   No wonder you have to take the criminal case demon out, this kind of thing naturally depends on the criminal case demon method!

   The two monsters, Tiger Food King and King Water Filling, looked at their home crime demon. The one who died **** the ground was the one who killed the wind chasing king's crime demon, but his family didn't say anything anymore.

   The two crime verdicts were about to go out, Lu Bao gritted his teeth and interjected: "My lord, let me try!"

   What exactly are human monks going to do, will they endanger their lives? The important information makes the rough monsters really uneasy to ask, it is better to take it over and figure it out from home!

   Seeing him rush out, Fill Shuiyi frowned: "Where can you find out if you haven't gone through anything? Or the old one!"

   This trip to take the deer demon out was originally thinking that Zijin Potato and Lingcha Garden are related to him. They are clever and can help the staff analyze one or two. I heard that since I became a demon, I have been very soft. I have never skinned a little demon and cramped. I am so soft-hearted and expecting to rely on him to torture?

  Lu Baoxin said that tiger stool chili water pulls nails, do you think I don’t know? Smart interrogation also involves psychology and the like, so I really don't understand, you old roughs and know a lot, all of them are not as good as my old deer!

   Lu Bao didn't shrink back, and said sincerely: "My lord, I won't get a big punishment, I will never kill one."

The deer demon has made a good tea garden. The output this year has reached the past few decades, but the benefits have just been recovered. The filling of the water is still a little guilty. Seeing his persistence, it is rare to be so active. Said: "You stay a little longer!"

  The King of Filling Water agreed with the deer demon to come to the trial, and the two demon who decided to settle the case withdrew first to see his methods.

Take a closer look at the three captured monks. The man with sharp chins and beards is the leading monk. One of the other two gas refiners has a dark square face, and the other is more handsome, with delicate skin and not too old, with the edge of the Taoist robe. Embroidered with some patterns, there is also a sachet hanging on the waist.

   There is a high probability that this handsome young Taoist will break through. The roe-headed rat's Lu Bao made a decision, stretched out his hand to take off the Taoist sachet, and opened it. There were strands of green silk and some spices in it.

   Lu Bao stuffed the things back, hung the sachet back on the waist of the Taoist priest, and shouted, "Master Wind Chaser, I will trouble you to release the ban on this white-faced Taoist priest!"

   The King of Wind Chaser over there gave a soft drink, and as expected, the handsome white-faced Taoist priest unblocked the spell.

  Looking at his eyes gradually regaining his sanity, Lu Bao smiled and said: "Wake up? The little demon is still looking for a steamer down the mountain. You can't come back for a while, don't worry!"

The Taoist turned his head and looked around. They were surrounded by monsters with a beastly spirit, or sneered or hugged their chests, or leaned against a rock, all without a good On the ground next to Shishu Fang and Senior Brother Liao. Still sluggish, only Brother Cao was not seen.

   Seeing his pale face and frightened eyes, Lu Bao felt confident again and said, "Hey..."

   "Wonderful! If you are waiting for you, if you want to kill, you have to scrape at will. In the future, my ancestors will come to avenge!"

His face was drooling with his "monster", Lu Bao wiped it lightly, and then smiled: "My name is Luo Yijie, a fairy who engraves and writes poems on Jingping Mountain. What kind of Xuantian school is he? Yes! What kind of cultivation is your ancestor? Can you write poetry?"

   The handsome and young Taoist priest slowly blushed and gritted his teeth and stopped talking.

   "My lord, steamers don't like skinning the most. He doesn't like the skin to be steamed! You look at the tender meat, but you have to peel it first before you can get into the steamer!"

After speaking, Lu Bao dragged his feet to move around, until he dragged him to the tuo of meat: "Little monsters are lazy. I haven't found the steamer for this time, and the meat is fresh. Where can I get it?" If you provoke the king to get angry, you will peel them off!"

   "Ah...Brother Cao!"

Most biological skins are the hardest to peel, and people are no exception. The fleshy skins are still there, waiting for the young Taoist priest to recognize that this is his senior brother Cao, with a blood-stained and ragged Taoist robe next to him. Then he turned over and retched, and cursed while vomiting: "The evildoer, such as... is so cruel, the way of heaven can't be tolerated!"

   "It's just skinning, we are all familiar with monsters!"

As Lu Bao spoke, he wiped a horn knife from his mouth and lifted the knife. Bibi on the young Taoist's knee, swung the knife along his knee and cut the skin. Open the edge of the skin, and make a gesture of revealing: "Just lift up like this!"

   The king of chasing wind over there yelled: "I can't strip it!"

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