Deer Demon Race

Chapter 103: Dao Order 200 years ago

The monster spoke and took out the knife. The young Taoist's heart was tense, and he instantly forgot to retching. He stared at the knife in the monster's hand in front of him, and then dumbly watched him cut through the skin on his knees, blood flowing out. I forgot to call it pain.

Then, he watched the monster holding the cut skin on his knees and lifting it up. The leg hurt first, and there seemed to be a ghost flashing past, and then the pain of the cracking heart and skin all over his body made him utter a miserable voice. Howl, the last thought before the collapse of consciousness was: "The evildoer is so... so cruel!"

   The King of Wind Chaser over there saw that the deer deer pretended to be skinning, but actually used magical powers, and then he stopped talking.

   The deer demon connected quickly, and the Taoist howled miserably, all sweat, tears, nose and nose dripped down, and he danced and danced forgottenly, the Taoist heart has completely collapsed.

The monks who were sent to the monster pile to perform secret affairs shouldn't be so unbearable. They couldn't even tell the true and false skinning. Unfortunately, when the order was passed down, it has been separated by several floors, and they all know that this world has a big skill. The demon ancestor of, really can't save after the accident, and the things to be conspired are not so urgent, so they chose some marginal characters to act slowly. Unlike the beginning, the core disciples with good temperaments are no longer willing to send. Come in.

And there are also very few monsters who dared to go out to die. The young Taoist generation who grew up under the protection of the teacher has never experienced such a dangerous battle, and their performance on the scene is far worse than the monsters. Both the pain and the fear accounted for half of the reasons, and they died before they peeled off their skins.

   How many monks who are seeking longevity are really not afraid of death? The longer you live, the more expensive your status, the greater the fear of life and death!

   Lu Bao stood on one side with his chest, watching the various screams and wailing of the young Taoist, until half an hour was over, the word "pain" lost its effect, and he gradually regained consciousness, lying on the ground panting lightly.

Bend down, Lu Bao grinned on his face: "Really peel off the skin, I will throw the human skin into the human village. You should be able to recognize the sisters and sisters who are close to each other, so they can be hidden, so as to be worthy of what she gave you. Qingsi!"

   "Don't peel me, you kill me!"

   "If you don't peel off the skin, I don't think the meat will be too bad when steamed!" The brutal monster shook his head slightly: "I can't persuade you!"

   The handsome young Taoist was dumbfounded for a while, and Lu Bao accompany him for a while before asking, "Taoist, what's your name?"

   "Liu Youyu."

   The Taoist priest answered easily. Lu Bao couldn't help being a little proud, and then asked, "Which school?"

Now the young Taoist was silent and did not answer, Lu Bao hummed: "My demon ancestor is hot, you don't dare to come in until the big monks at home, send a few salted fish to death, are you still hiding it for them? Say it's like your brother Cao, peeled the skin and waited for the steamer, then ask another question!"

The young Taoist priest trembled with a pale face, watching him panic, Lu Bao added some bargaining chips: "If you answer honestly, I will plead with the king for you. I have a bit of face in front of the king, so I begged the king to nod. Just eat your own family and let you go to the world of desperation. Whether you can pull your friend to be a wild mandarin duck, it depends on your own ability!"

   " can you believe them?"

   "If you don't believe me, just peel off the skin and wait for steaming like your brother Cao, just ask if you change another one! I don't believe it, you guys come out of the master!"

   once again touched the wound on his knee and lifted it up forcefully. This time he really tore some of the skin. The young Taoist suddenly called out like a pig: "Don't peel it... Don't peel it!"

   Lu Bao hardened his heart and sneered, "Tell you not to say it?"

   "I...we are from Ziyun Guan!"

   "Does Ziyun Guan Taoist look at our ancestors? What do you do in the realm of monsters?"

   Now that he has been pried open, Lu Bao pursued the question, and the Taoist answered quickly: "The three masters of the Xuantian sent an order to come in...come in and act!"

"Xuantian faction?" I remembered that the Yuan Ying monk who was photographed to die in Jingping Mountain wrote poems. It was from the Xuantian faction. Lu Bao came to his interest. Anyway, at this time, chicken feathers were used as an arrow. Regardless of the monsters who are still waiting, first ask some irrelevant questions: "Why are you waiting for the human world...well, style, style?"

   The words that the monster said, the young Taoist also couldn't understand it, and asked in confusion: "Sophistication?"

   "Yes! Or, what is the pattern? Your Ziyun Temple is also a martial art, why do you want to listen to the three masters of the Xuantian School?"

For fear that the interruption of the process would affect the final result, the demon generals and demon men were patient and silent. There were only three demon kings by the side. Seeing that the deer demon had successfully scared the people, they ignored the key and asked others first. , The Tiger King’s whisper to Fill Shui Yi: “Brother, your deer is so unreasonable. You won’t ask me about these things afterwards? Don’t ask me about serious matters?”

   Fill Shui Yi hummed softly, and the secret word was passed back: "It's my brother who usually lacks discipline. The virtuous brother is not anxious. Let him be alone. Let me listen first!"

The young Taoist has understood the meaning of the deer demon question and replied: "We humans, each sect leads one party and protects the people and the people, but it is not easy for the small sect to protect itself. It takes shelter under the big sect, and usually has to act at orders! There are vassals, and the people are divided and governed. The Xuantian Sect is the Huashen sect. There is a Huashen monk in the gate. It is considered to be a big sect in the world. The west of Luzhou in Beiju is the boundary of his family, and it has jurisdiction over thousands of miles. , There are only two golden pill supporting the portal in Ziyun View in my house, how can it be compared?"

   "Beiju Luzhou? Huashen sect?"

The young Taoist Liu Youyu was not good at expressing his contempt. Although he was still afraid at this time, his heartstrings were no longer tense, and he muttered secretly: "I don't even know the five major continents. The little local monsters have no knowledge, but they are cruel and cruel. , Master Dao fell into his hands, it was really bad luck! I just hoped to let Dao Master go, and then lead the younger sister to rebel and be the wild monk!"

I thought about it, and I was afraid that the common sense of the monsters’ questions was just a test, and he answered honestly: “This is a vast world, and the vast ocean is tens of millions of miles away. There are five continents on the sea, collectively referred to as the five continents. Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniuhezhou in the west, Buzhou in the south and Luzhou in the north!"

In this world, there is a goddess Nvwa. It’s not surprising that the five continents are similar to those in Journey to the West. Lu Bao remembered that the old goat once said that there are two-thirds of the human land. I don’t know how it is distributed, so he asked: " How is the land occupied by human monks in the five continents?"

Liu Youyu from other provinces has only heard about it, trying to recall the records in the classics and the conversations with the elders, and slowly said: "We human beings were born in the central Xumi Mountain Continent. Fang was led by some ruined sects to move out, fighting for land from the four continents. The journey to other continents is far away, and I don’t know what the situation is. As far as we are in Luzhou, the northern capital, the various factions are prosperous, occupying two-thirds of the land, and unified. Not difficult!"

   Speaking of this, I was afraid that the monsters would be guilty, so he added: "These are all talked about by the elders of my teacher and school!"

  Is it possible that two-thirds of human beings referred to by goats only refer to Beiju Luzhou? I think the monster doesn't even know the name of the continent where he is located, or thinks this is the whole world!

   There are not many monsters that are patient. Lu Bao still wants to ask again. The three monster kings over there are already impatient, so Filling Shui Yi made a heavy "hum".

   Deer Demon hurriedly pulled the topic back to the relevant topic: "Our ancestors occupied the land here and killed the Xuantian School Yuan Ying. He has a cultivator of God, why don't you come out in person?"

   Liu Youyu shook his head: "I don't know, but since 600 years, the Xuantian faction has sent orders to vassalize various factions and prohibit cultivators above the golden core from entering here!"

  The cultivator of the Huashen is equivalent to the demon saint. There is no reason to be afraid of a demon ancestor, why can he tolerate the enclave around Lingtao Peak in the hinterland of mankind?

   Lu Bao couldn't figure it out, and asked, "Who is the third master of the Xuantian School?"

   "Under his family Huashen, there are eleven Yuan Ying, Huashen ancestors, etc. It is difficult to see, usually the master is the elder, the latter is sorted by age, our next clan is generally called the master!"

   Even if there is no cultivator of God, the eleven Yuan Ying can't fight a demon ancestor? I'm afraid there is some internal information in it. I don't know if the one who died on Jingping Mountain was counted in the eleven yuan infant.

   Thinking like this, the deer demon asked: "The Three Masters preached the order, what do you want you to do?"

   Liu Youyu shrank his head, his eyes wandered again: "The three masters order, the four factions must work together, and you must... let..."

   "What do you want?"

   At the moment, everything else can be thrown away, only to please the monsters, it is important to escape their lives. The high-ranking monks drive themselves to wait for their I have no mercy, why should I keep it secret!

Anyway, Liu Youyu quickly persuaded himself and gritted his teeth to reveal the secret important news: "Through the battle to seize the spirit peach, the surrounding monsters will fight more fiercely. In the end... Finally, the demon king and the demon general will die. !"

   Hearing this sentence, the three demon kings filling water, chasing the wind, eating the tiger, the three demon generals of cow, pig, and monkey, and all the demon, the heart can not help but suddenly shrink!

   Lu Bao's heart also burst, and he hurriedly asked, "Which four schools? Since the demon king and the demon are to be cleansed, what are the strategies of the three masters of the Xuantian School?"

   Liu Youyu replied: "We are Ziyun Temple in the west, Tingfeng Pavilion in the north, Hongye Gate in the east, and Heming Temple in the south! The three masters only take care of the preaching order, and the rest is nothing to pass on. Only our four factions can act cheaply!"

   In fact, the original words of the three masters are: Those monsters are stupid to death, you wait for the four factions to work together and slowly figure it out, it is more than enough!

   The third master said, Liu Youyu dared not be a stupid monster, and he was curious about such a stupid monster. Why suddenly came luck and caught his party of four?

He has forgotten that a wise man must have a loss with a thousand worries, and a fool with a thousand worries. The three demon kings suspected that the star picker was a ghost in the territory, and they stared at the jackal general. Get the fish.

   Listening to the four directions of this Dao Renbao, the Heming Temple far south of Jingping Mountain is also included. I think the four factions have surrounded the six demon kings.

   In the southeast corner of the Sacred Ape Mountain, the jackal dogs in the cage are fighting for a piece of fleshy bone, but they don't know that the tigers and wolves outside the cage are all staring at it, and the tentacles have already been stretched in.

   Lu Bao felt heavy, and asked again: "When was the order given?"

   Liu Youyu think about it: "I heard the uncle and my master chatting, about two hundred years ago?"

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