Deer Demon Race

Chapter 108: nettle

  In the vigorous tea forest, Baibao stepped on the mark step by step, retracted his hips slowly in a circle, and waved his arms in a posture.

   He is mobilizing a demon, feeling the nuances of "Splitting Mountain Boxing".

   Although this technique is called martial arts, its footwork is more critical. It involves Daomen's gossip orientation. Lu Bao had never learned it in his previous life, so he could only explore it slowly and progress slowly.

   It's really inconvenient that I didn't bring Baidu with me.

   It is the magical powers that the second general Lang Jun saw in him. There are two skills to learn, and now he has already started.

The first is "charm". Lu Bao wondered why a male monster could originate this magical power. After seeing it, he can learn it, but the human figure that Lang Jun transformed into is handsome and his own roe-headed rat eyes have a wretched look, releasing this magical power. Will it just be disgusting to someone else?

The second is "odor". This magical power belongs to the poisoning category. It can be released only once a day when accumulated. The most unbearable odor is released from the anus. Fortunately, unlike the original "low hissing" that hurts the enemy and self, you just need to hold your breath and not breathe before releasing your magical powers. Nowadays, "regeneration" is getting hotter and hotter. Lu Bao is mimicking scent glands in the **** of the real anus, tearing muscles repeatedly. Not much, not too much trouble.

   did not dare to go fast, he was walking slowly with his hips contracting his hips to practice his fist, groping for the direction of the gossip, and suddenly the voice of the big horn of the bull demon came from a distance: "Babao, Babao, where?"

   The deer demon received his fist and responded, and waited for the big horn to follow the sound, and asked him: "Why do you have to come and play today?"

It is now under wartime control. The demon is not allowed to leave the place for half a day for no reason. How can Dahorn come to find him to play, casually replied: "The king summoned, I first came to the cave entrance, and I knew that you hadn't been to see the hot sun, so I robbed the little demon. It’s an errand, come to your tea garden for a stroll!"

   Lu Bao said with a smile: "It's obvious that it's idle, and I even grabbed an errand with the little demon!"

   Big Horn rolled his eyes and said: "Where is it? I just come to get close to you, this beast, and I may get some benefits again!"

  In the eyes of this bull demon, he is not a deer, but a fat sheep! Lu Bao smiled bitterly and said, "I have seen it before, and there is no benefit today, so let's go!"

   talking in his mouth, the two walked out side by side.

As he walked, Lu Bao suddenly remembered something, and asked Dajiao: "I saw the weasel magical powers on the Monster Festival. There was a "downwind" on the tip of my tail. , Can you know the details?"

Big Horn sighed and smiled bitterly: "Your deer only learns magical powers. I don't know the pain of learning magic skills. Apart from the'decree', I most envy this pro-law magical powers. The demon spirit is natural, and the power of all wind and thunder spells that are affected by the wind must increase by 30%, and the spells are fast! The biggest regret of the old man is that I was not blessed to obtain such magical powers when I was promoted to the demon. This regret has not yet originated. Above the'decree', if either'thick soil' or'firm stone' can be one of them, they will definitely be able to teach Abiao and Juzhang to be demon!"

Having said these few words, Dajiao said again: "The three of us who won the first place in a regular gambling battle, but Abusen had the magical powers of'sense', which is also pro-law, but the vegetation spells are inherently disadvantageous in the fight, and he has not. How conspicuous!"

   You have no magical powers, but you are not inferior to those two, it is very extraordinary! Lu Bao sighed secretly, then stood still, and exclaimed: "In this way, the Jingping Mountain Demon General is not weak. One has the'decree' and the other has the magical powers. They are still behind our generals. Isn't the general more hotter?"

   The big horn nodded vigorously: "The general is naturally hotter, and the three demon generals are all extraordinary. If not, how can we be the first of the three?"

   Taking a few steps forward, Lu Bao asked again, "Isn't it possible to learn the magical powers?"

   Big Horn smiled bitterly back to him: "The magical powers are all based on the little demon's perception of nature. Only the demon grows spontaneously during the Jin Dynasty, and will never be available afterwards!"

   My family has been promoted to a demon, and he has not been able to gain pro-magical powers, but he hasn't learned magic, so he doesn't need to be sad. Lu Bao only asked with interest: "When the little demon understood nature?"

   "You don't learn spells, why ask again? Hurry up, why are you walking slowly today?"

   Lu Bao hehehe smiled: "I understand the truth, it's good to be able to teach the little monsters! What are you worried about?"

   Big Horn hummed twice, walked quickly to his flying little demon mount, and then asked: "Where is your Boeing? Called to ride up the mountain!"

   Lu Bao raised his face bitterly: "Going up the mountain today, my brothers are so good to talk!"

   Dajiao turned his head and looked at him up and down, and asked, "How can you die for no reason? The king is waiting, and seeing the posture you have to go out today, you also ask the king to walk?"

   Going out? Lu Bao screamed badly, and had to shout: "Where is Boeing? Come and carry your master!"

   The big eagle resting in the shade of the tea garden heard the sound of it, and hurriedly flew into the air.

   His legs lightly hissed and climbed onto the carved back, Lu Bao coldly snorted: "Come on, go up the mountain!"

   Don't pinch when he climbs up the carved back, Da Horn curiously asked: "What's wrong with you?"

  The deer demon replied: "Today's big solution, I just pull a leaf to wipe it after pulling it. I don't want to be a nettle behind, but I pulled a nettle leaf by mistake!"

The two flying little demon flapped their wings and were about to take off. They laughed and threw themselves forward when they heard it. They almost caused an air crash. Big horns also laughed on the little demon's back, and it took a long time to curse: "The deer changed its way to coax. I am happy, what do I do?"

The nettle leaves are full of burrs, which are much denser than cactus thorns. The difference is only the hardness. The beast will be itchy for a long time when the nettle stings on the body. If it is used to wipe the back after a big solution, the picture is simply too beautiful to think. .

   But when I pull the nettle, my hand suffers numbness first, and then how slow is it when I wipe the back? Smile back to laugh, you know it's just a joke when you hear it.

   Lu Bao smiled and said: "If you don't ask for anything else, my brother will talk to me about the magical powers!"

   Dajiao rolled his eyes and said: "When will you hear? The king is still waiting, and I will talk to you later, brother!"

   The two little demons each carried their masters, and rushed to drill the cave.

   Just as soon as the day was over, the Demon King and two generals were in front of the cave, and many demon and little demon were gathered.

   I missed the deer demon alone, and the big horn brought Lu Bao to land. Filling up the water, B said, "The King of Wind has invited a banquet again, and I will leave the Wood Ghost to look after the house. I and the Black Bull will take a few more idiots to eat and drink!"

   The three generals led the order, and the Demon King opened his mouth and nodded and accompanied by eight demon kings, Dajiao, Jaisu, Baibao, Fushan, Liuchong, Qingyuan, Huaqiu, and the case.

   gave the wooden ghost a few more words, the demon king looked around for a week, and then led the general and eight demon to take off.

   Along the way, the deer demon hissed constantly, and the other demon asked, and told the nettle joke again, even the demon king couldn't help laughing.

After leaving the boundary, the Demon King told: "The spy little demon reported back. The family demon of the Lingtao Peak Star Picker King will have sent the flying little demon back. It must be a matter of bringing back the stone scattered. Go down the mountain to find the secret meeting, we dive over and wait, and act by chance!"

   It's fake to go to the banquet, it's real to go out to kill the demon general this time.

  睚眦 is not under the second general? How could Fusha Langjun take him? The Demon King should have eyes and ears beside Lang Jun?

   After several interrogations, the demon Ding Lu Bao who was planted with a mind curse in the mountain field knew that there was no jackal demon among them.

   The Demon King told the purpose of the trip, and then said to the sluggish Hua Qiu: "The fox needs to work hard to survive for a few more days!"

  The fox demon nodded hurriedly: "Don't worry, the king, Yuzhan...I will die!"

   Although the noodles have not yet been placed, the other demon little demon who planted the thought curse have been put to death, because the demon king left Hua Qiu alone for his life, and rewarded the next soul tie.

   This fox demon is so hot, the monk's curse and the monster's soul binding are all ready.

   Mind curse and soul binding are similar, both of which affect the souls in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. If you want to get rid of the souls in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, unless the Yuan Ying or the demon ancestor can help, you can only withdraw it by the master, or wait for the master to die. Hua Qiu is indeed not dead, but in this life it is estimated that there is no chance to regain his freedom.

   The demon soul is much weaker than the human soul. In addition to the thought curse, he is bound by a soul cord. Hua Qiu looks sluggish. Recently, he only sees the spirit when he enjoys the stone powder.

"The King of Star Picker will not come ~ Two demon generals, this king captures the King of Star Picker family, you wait for the black bull to catch the weasel, that guy has the magical power of'downwind', flying so fast, I can't help you. See your merits, don’t let him run away!"

  睚眦 also nodded on the little demon's back. After the demon king finished his explanation, he led the flight to Lingtao Peak again.

   Seeing Lingtao Peak from afar, he found a ravine and lurked underneath, and then just waited for the little demon to report a letter. Waiting here for two or three days is normal.

The deaths and injuries of the winning side of the Jiazi war are always smaller. He is thinking about his own life. Taking advantage of nothing, Lu Bao held his legs to the demon king and offered his plan: "My lord, the weasel demon is still available, so even the opposing demon general. I captured them all alive, and gave me two more soul cords. I fooled the King of Star Picker. During the war, we won a lot!"

Filling Water B looked around and snorted: "You have no lack of knowledge. It is the same as this king thought, but the soul needs to be controlled by the mind. With the power of this king, there are only five points. There is only one left! And it is more difficult to capture the demon general than to kill him. If Ziyun Guan's foundation building hadn't spared his life, the King of Wind Chaser flew extremely fast, and he wouldn't be caught by him."

   The deer demon passed by in a secret language: "You can't catch it alive, otherwise, the soul tie will always be enough!"

The Demon King responded vaguely, glanced over the fox demon, and whispered back: "Always wait for him to work hard before speaking, don't worry, first look at the possibility of capturing the demon general. Will feast!"

   "We must always grab the spirit peach first. There are really two more demon generals who are working hard. Those two great kings should be able to cope with it!"

To fight for more bargaining chips for the victory of the war, Lang Jun always ambivalently suggested that only capture and not kill, but the culprit who killed the two or three coins has not died for a while, and a demon is of little use. The deer is not reconciled and can't help it. After urging the Demon King a few words, he returned to Dajiao and asked the Jin Demon Ding about the magical powers of his life.

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