Deer Demon Race

Chapter 109: Vent

   Almost a Jiazi, within ten miles of the foot of Lingtao Peak, the soil seems to be red, and thatch and wormwood grow taller and stronger than elsewhere.

   The soil is dark red, and the setting sun is like blood.

In the valley of   qing, a yellow weasel with shiny hair is lying in the pile of dead leaves in the bamboo forest, and his eyes are constantly looking around.

   If it hadn't been for my family's constant experience of stealing to the land of no owner to fight the teeth, it would be really not easy for a few demon generals to sneak down the mountain.

Every year and festival, the mountain lord has not summoned, and it is not good to leave the peak for too long. The secret information of the demon generals stationed by the star picking king’s family is covered up, and only said that it is not the jackal general, then who will come this time? Meet yourself? If two hostile monsters disappear on the peak at the same time, it would be too conspicuous. Could it be that another mountain field was sent there?

   used to go with the jackal who was hiding in the dark. This time I don’t know why I have to meet the demon general. Lang Jun speculates wildly under the dead leaves, feeling that the time is a bit difficult.

If it weren't for the rotation more than 30 years ago, the demon king who was on the same year on the opposite side would quietly pass on the news that he would ask his family to pick up the stars and what five generals would the king's family do, and show the fact that there are a large number of spies in his family in Jingping Mountain. , Tai has really seen the newly promoted Jackal Demon General who has hidden again. He suspects that he will be invincible in this class, and the King of Stars may be unified. Thinking of leaving a way, where will he betray the King of Water Filling?

   When provoking the demon to send the body tempering method to the black cow, I really wanted to know that the king would be the star picker, but who knew that the last one would be the two or three dollars of grievances to send? This is about to happen, anyone must be suspicious of their own family, in order to avoid being in danger, their own has stopped the message transmission, it is hateful or an accident, and it has caused their own to be targeted by Filling B for so many years for no reason!

   The squirrel demon is so immortal, why did it die on what I proposed? Over the past ten years or so since the accident, my Lang Junsheng has survived!

   It is now certain that the secret was leaked by a certain demon who planted a thought curse back then, and the star-catcher king really colluded with the monks!

   If it falls into the hands of a monk and is not called by all means, it must be skinning, bones, cramps, and tails to make magical artifacts. I have a comfortable life, but what is the picture?

Today, there is a genuine body tempering method on Jingping Mountain, and the purchase of purple golden potato and spirit tea has surplus. The demon ancestor showed himself there. The demon king also got a golden melon sledgehammer from Beihai. Seeing that it is not a magic weapon, The first-class magic weapon is affirmative. Looking at the already prosperous appearance, even if the Jiazi War is defeated, there will always be a chance in the future.

   I am not stupid!

   is hateful, how come you get on the thief ship so easily? Now that I don’t walk all the way to the darkness, when I'm really shaken out, can I take it lightly?

   was thinking distraughtly, there was a slight sound around him, which should have been deliberately made, causing his whole body to suddenly tighten, turning his head under the dead leaves, and secretly searching for the source of the sound.

   is a black-and-white raccoon dog with a black and white head. It is jumping off dexterously, and deliberately stepped on a branch when it went down to the ground.

   "Why did he come?"

Although I have only seen it on the battlefield before, the weasel firmly believes that he will not admit his mistakes, wondering if he got out from under the hidden bamboo branches and leaves, his stature expanded into a human form, staring at the flower-faced raccoon and asked: "How dare you, the general? So far?"

   The raccoon raccoon also grew bigger and changed into a human shape: "The four generals are missing, don't worry about me, my lord!"

   The weasel was taken aback, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. If it hadn't become a human form, all its body hair would explode, and he asked urgently: "When did it happen?"

   "It's been a month!"

   It's been a month since the accident! Lang Junjun's face rose rapidly and flushed: "I went back to the mountain during the Yaoyuan Festival, and I didn't hear a few words, could it be..."

This weasel demon is suspicious and timid, and the raccoon demon thought that if the king had heard the news of the stone, the jackal would have been concealing the disappearance of the jackal, but now it is his own monster, but it is necessary to mention a few words: "When he went out, he went west, and had nothing to do with the three opposite parties, or was captured by the cultivator!"

   The Star Picking King’s family was originally in the west, and further to the west, apart from the unowned land that was buffered by one or two hundred miles, there was only the human realm.

   "There is an ancestor who can kill Yuan Ying, which monk dared to die to catch the demon general? He is not stupid enough to run into the human realm?"

   "We are still investigating," the raccoon monster shook his head, and then questioned: "When the Beihai monster comes, the ancestor of the King of Filling Water really has appeared?"

  Langjun stomped anxiously: "I have seen with my own eyes, the demon ancestors and the four demon kings who have beaten Beihai are about to cry! Your family also has the body tempering method, if it is not the ancestor, the Beihai monster would be willing to take it out?"

   "It's my home!"

   The raccoon monster corrected a sentence. Just about to ask about the stone powder that the Demon King cares about, the sky suddenly blasted and the surroundings became dark.

   The two demons raised their heads, their eyes shrank!

   A golden melon hammer transformed into a huge mountain peak whizzed down from mid-air!

   know that the North Sea monsters apologize to Jingping Mountain for a pair of gourds!

   In the blink of an eye, there is already a figure on the handle of the golden melon hammer, and it is the pangolin demon king filling water B!

   is definitely the demon king!

   Filling Water Yi stood on the handle of the Jingu Hammer, fingers the two demon generals on the ground, and yelled: "Set!"

   casts the "holding technique" to fix the two demon generals in place.

While breathing, the raccoon will be the first to react, and a thick raccoon tail flashes behind him, and he slams himself severely to get rid of the control of the fixation technique. I don't know if the weasel demon has designed his own back against the water, and just yelled in a panic: "Separately run to Lingtao Peak!"

   After screaming, he didn't care about the life and death of the weasel demon, and turned back to his original form. After eating the two falling thunders that the Demon King subsequently invited, he hurriedly drilled into the dense vegetation and bamboo branches.

If you want to escape from the demon king who is one realm higher, you can only go to Spirit Peach Peak and join hands with your own demon general, posing as if you are burning with peach trees and jade. save.

  Filling Shui Yi suddenly appeared here, Lang Jun was frightened and confused, he got rid of the fixation technique a little later than the raccoon monster, the demon king did not recruit thunder to blow him up, but the huge golden melon hammer had reached his head.

   At the moment, a strong wind blew up behind the weasel demon, supporting him to float out of the range covered by the gourd hammer.


   Gourd giant hammer smashed many trees and bamboos, and crashed to the ground in the splash of countless sand and broken branches!

   The mud on the edge turned up, and the whole Qinggu shook a lot. The golden gourd hammer became small again, and the water-filler was lifted up before chasing the raccoon general.

   The Demon King didn't even look at his house. The Weasel Demon had no master for a while, where should he escape?

   "General, go!"

Fang had to think about it, and a loud shout came from the side. Lang Jun turned his head eagerly, and the confidant Ding Juixi separated the grass and got out of the bush. There were many skins and flesh spattered, as if crawling out of the blood tank: "Jing Ping Mountain is in Catch me!"

   "How did you come here?"

   only asked a question in a panic, and saw that not far behind the jackal, the general Hei Niu was chasing by the cloud, only fifty or sixty feet away!

   Hei Niu is superior to himself, but he flies unfastly. Lang Jun tenses his nerves and hurriedly called to the jackal: "Leave apart!"

   There was another noise behind him, and Yan Sui glared and yelled: "Beware, General!"

   Lang Jun fluttered forward, turned his head in midair, and what jumped out of the ground was the Deer Demon Hundred Treasures, and he opened his mouth: "Puff!"

  A cyan light is coming!

   I have watched a few gambling fights, this boring deer demon has refined the scales of the demon king to a small size, and should not be underestimated, Lang Jun anxiously rolls to the left again, avoiding the blue light.

   "General, go!"

Jai Xuan yelled and pounced, raising his hand, and spreading his hand, a spread net flew out ten feet, and it was covering the Lang Jun who had just avoided the blue light. It was different from the little demon when he used it, and the knot of the net stretched out. Then, the other end was firmly pinched in the hand of the jackal!

   knew that he wanted to cooperate with Jai Xuan, but he didn't expect to see Caught Monster again!

   No wonder that when the tea plantation succeeded, in order to win over his family, the demon king said that Catch Yaowang had to return to his home after Jiazi after the war. It turned out that he secretly gave it to Jai Xie!

   I didn’t see Yan Xuan using it during a gambling battle. The Demon King had buried a dark child beside Lang Jun and was always on guard!

   covered the weasel, and hurriedly pulled the net rope!

   The level of the demon general was covered in the net and could still move. Lang Jun roared and turned back into a weasel more than three feet long, struggling desperately in the net.

The catching demon net also grew bigger and firmly covered the weasel body, but Jaiju's strength was not as strong as his, and he couldn't hold it when he saw it. The black bull chasing behind him had already lowered, and he pressed his hands to the ground: "Needle grind! "

With the voice of the black bull, two large stalagmites were suddenly pierced on the ground. One directly pierced into the abdomen of the weasel demon, and the other flew into the air and then flipped down. The two stalagmites pointed to each other, piercing the weasel demon in the middle, and then They all rotate, and the direction of rotation is opposite.

   Big Horn and Yuan Cun are good at earth and stone spells, they learned from the generals!

In the past, Gaixi was still a confidant. Today, things are lost in a panic. I didn't think much about it. I didn't expect that he would take action against him. The huge yellow weasel actually howled under the grinding of two stalagmites, and the huge tail flicked in the net, the black demon The air suddenly rose, and four or five tornadoes formed outside the net, with extraordinary power, lifting up the sand, grass and trees in the place they passed, and slashing them to the periphery.

   The giant tail in the net waved again, and the demon spirit became more vigorous, and the seven or eight wind blades instantly formed and shot, and the thick trunk of the bowl was all in two sections.

The meaning of the demon king today is to catch the demon alive without killing it. The weasel has been covered by the demon-catching net, and the wind blade can cut the trunk, but can't catch the demon net's cable. , Hei Niu stopped taking action, and just recruited two stone walls to protect Jairus.

  There are generals to help withstand the wind blade and tornadoes. Javier only needs to drag the net knot and hold on to the rope. The deer demon is busy jumping and avoiding. The big horns and six insects that were originally prevented from blocking the escape route have also appeared.

The second general was never lovable in Jingping Mountain. He didn't deal with the black cow and the wooden ghost. Although the demon king tried to catch him alive, he didn't want to miss the chance to beat him. Big Horn made a stalagmite crit. Six insects were unwilling to show weakness. The weasel grows branches and leaves.

   The big weasel kept howling miserably, but the giant tail flicked faster and faster, and the wind blades that flew out became denser and denser. After another "porphyr" behind him, the "stinky" magical powers were also released.

   The poisonous gas was filled for a while, but I knew he had this magical Hearing the sound of the fart, I was anxious to hold my breath, only inhaled a small amount from the pores, each with a slight dizziness.

   Big Horn and Six Insects are all falling into trouble, why does Lu Bao want to vent his anger? Dodge the wind blade, start with the word "but" on the back, first to get rid of dizziness, and then throw a big antler with his hand.

   The big antlers flew away and hit the weasel with a "boom", unable to break the defense.

Another antler was dropped on the spot, and his mind flashed. The big antler that hit the head of the weasel instantly turned into a hundred treasures of the deer. "Juli" kicked the weasel **** the bridge of the nose, making him on the net. There was another scream in the middle.

   Demon spirit condensed, the weird big hoof just appeared in front of the weasel’s nose again, the giant tail in the net flicked, and a wind blade shot at the deer deer in front of the head.

   The wind blade blew past, leaving only another antler on the spot, and the wind blade cut off a horizontal branch on it.

   The thought communication thing connected with the magical power of "Roof-off" can only be used once in half an hour. There is only one snake skin in five steps, but Lu Bao has two antlers. With the same magical power, the deer demon is even more dominant!

   Weasel demon couldn't even hide his face by himself, and "尥蹶" kicked on the fragile bridge of nose again!


   Even if the bones are fully tempered and even take two heavy blows, the bridge of the weasel’s nose will collapse. If the human form is reshaped, at least it will no longer be so handsome, making the ugly monsters look at them and hold their breath.

   Even if the squirrel demon was not killed by you, I asked you to go up the mountain to scare my old deer, drink my blood, and cause me to be frightened for so many years!

   In the far side of the sky, the Demon King flew back with the crushed raccoon raccoon corpse, followed by Fushan, Judicial, Qingyuan, and Huaqiu who were riding on the back of the little demon. Only the fox demon Huaqiu had blood stains on his body.

   Seeing from a distance, the weasel shook the mountain with a miserable cry: "My lord, please take your life! My old wolf knows what's wrong!"

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