Deer Demon Race

Chapter 110: 1 day

   When the first ray of sunlight hit the hills in the early morning of winter, Aunt Zhang Mei-gu, as usual, had gotten up, grabbed a few chaffs and fed the chickens, then turned back to wash the 簌.

   After more than twenty years of coming here, I have become accustomed to a person's life. This is just a very ordinary day.

In the first few years, there were two second gangsters in the village betting that who would dare to hide outside the mountain temple for one night, listening to the corner of the deer demon, was caught in the wind and smelled the gangster who came up the first night. Dipping it in his mouth and spit it out, scared him crazy for half a year, and then he rolled off the cliff and died.

After Wang Liubo, who used to watch Chaimen in the village, died, no one dared to take the initiative to come to the temple of the mountain. He could not remember how many rounds of chickens were raised in the cage. .

When    was washing, I looked at my face in the bronze mirror. After I was promoted to the Qishi, my skin became more and more delicate, and he was only in his twenties.

   sighed lightly and buckled the bronze mirror on the table. Aunt Mei returned to the bed, meditated for a while and recited the "Bao Jing", then practiced her mind, and stopped after doing two great weeks.

   then went out, looking at the clouds in the sky in a daze.

   Until I felt it was time for lunch, I got up and went back to my house to wash rice and cook. The tiger demon didn’t come up to the mountain today, so I don’t need to prepare meat, just beat two eggs and steam it together.

   In fact, after being promoted to the Qishi, it is not easy to be hungry. It is fine without eating a few meals. It is just a habit that has been developed. Besides, cooking can also kill some time.

   Make rice, use rice, wash the dishes, and then get up for a short lunch break to practice spells. I love the ice water system, which makes it very handy.

   Then make another dinner, after the meal, continue to look at the sky in a daze, let the thoughts drift away.

   "The Great Dao Jing", the monk's mental methods and spells were all sent by him to the carving demon five years ago. They said they came from the view of Ziyun. Don't let others know about it easily for fear of causing trouble.

Monsters can naturally rely on moon essences to temper their demon qi. As a human, they don’t have this ability. Many of the auras cultivated by eating elixir before are soft and useless except for the introduction of spells. Until he practiced the mental method he sent, after working for a long time, I could feel the spiritual energy accumulated before slowly becoming solidified, and the newly learned ice cone was released and omnipotent into the stump.

   Human beings are not as talented as monsters, and cannot directly huff and vomit the moon essence to temper aura, but there are great powers in the ancient world, and these cultivation methods are created, which also have a tempering effect. Monsters get three-day moon spirits only when they are lucky in one month. Humans rely on the cultivation of their minds. Although they can not temper as many auras as moon spirits every day, they are long-lasting. Above the monsters, the mental method also has the effect of slightly absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth.

   No wonder the way of heaven is in human beings. As a member of human beings, I am proud of myself.

He had no such luck. He wrote a letter and said that he had obtained the Ziyun Taoist mentality and tried to figure it out. Unfortunately, although humanoid, it is basically a monster that is two-in-one with the true nature. Human mentality is not suitable for monsters. Class, he can't do gong.

   He couldn't learn, and couldn't find a master for himself, so he had to tell him to explore alone, and prevent leakage if he came from the wrong way. If he is known by Ziyun Guan, he may be in trouble.

   Ziyun Guan had heard of it, but in Pojiao Village, only Heming Guan could preach. He didn't know the rules of human beings. Where could the Ziyun Guan Taoists come at will?

   Except for the time when I went out three years ago, my family lived alone on this mountain sacred hill, and mortals rarely deal with them, let alone monks, it is not easy to leak out!

   After Wang Liubo passed away, his own daily necessities had no source, and occasionally he would go down to the village to buy some items from all kinds of strange eyes. The conversation was just a few words, and the two parties were merely exchanges.

   Several of the same age in the village had already become grandpas and grandpas. The years are not merciful to them, and their eyes are full of envy when they look at them. Unfortunately, no one is willing to talk to them.

  Sometimes I think about it, is it really that scary to involve monsters? The tiger demon is blowing up the wind, the carving demon Boeing, why don't you feel vicious when you get along with it?

The more important thing is that, except for the changed face, which looks too...too evil, the others are very good. The only thing that is not respectful is the eyes. Some places that should not be seen will be peeked. But compared to some men in the village, it was much better.

He was promoted to a Qi refiner three years ago, but he was also funny. He actually hoped that because of the improvement of his own identity, he would be able to ask for innocence and justice. Finally he made up his mind to go to the far gate and rushed to Heming Temple, begging for three days, finally A monk came out, claiming to be a foundation-building monk, and said that the Zodiac was his disciple. He was just a quick mouth and didn't have much bad intentions. In the past few years, he has been doing well-known mountain and field cultivating in his family's land, and he is no longer embarrassed by it. The deer deer who snatched the demon catching net was exposed in two strokes?

Can    really get it? Remembering the appearance of A-Daddy on the bed while coughing up blood, she was a little dazed and a little aggrieved.

   was said by the monk a few words, it seemed that he couldn't find anything to say.

   Having lived alone for many years, the aunt Zhang Mei who dared to speak can never come back!

   The foundation-building monk said good things, do you really believe that he is innocent? Aside from what he said, he was not always asking about him, persuading him for a while, and then asked about the situation in the mountains, especially chasing after him a white deer of the same kind, besides him, where did he recognize other deer monsters?

Not to mention that the foundation-building monk is a master of the Zodiac. It is hard to believe that his family is innocent, and the people in the village have gone down to change items several times. Some people whispered "The deer family is here" behind their backs. Do you think you can hear quiet words?

Those who are pure and turbid, those in the village who marry Zhang San and become the elders of the dirty family are called Zhang Sanjia. If they marry Li Si, they must be called Li Sijia. They are in the mouth of the villagers. But they all became "Deer Demon Family".

   How can you clear yourself up?

  Human beings are like this, the two monsters, Fengfeng and Boeing, which one does not regard himself as his woman? In fact, monsters are even more hateful. The people in the village are still called "the deer deer house". The monsters see themselves as the outer room he keeps outside!

  Outer room!

   My Aunt Zhang Mei is a decent daughter anyway, and the moral etiquette taught by my little dad, is it shameless to be an outside room with someone else?

   What does he think? Is this taught to the little demon?

   When I met before, his eyes seemed to be cannibalistic, was a little scary.

   But, he is a demon, I am a human!

   Dad looked at the spirit of the sky, and it was hard to be indifferent to being called "the deer demon's house" in person! Besides, is it possible to rely on him for the rest of his life, and cultivate smoothly and steadily?

   Deep down in my heart, I don’t want to rely on myself to seek justice for myself?

   It's time to make a decision.

   Just, I must see him again!

   He felt that his father and daughter were implicated by him, and it seemed to be the same in fact, but how could he not feel any resentment?

   He has done so much for himself, what fault can't be made up? Dad is alive, and like his daughter, he has no resentment, right?

   In any case, I have to meet again and make everything clear.

   The two things of being promoted to a Qi refiner three years ago, and traveling far away, did not hide the Eagle Demon, and also warned the Tiger Demon, and the letter did not mention a word.

   He said that he must take care of his family to the gas refiner. In any case, after the last meeting, you should make it clear and say thank you personally. This is the way my Zhang family’s daughter is a person!

   Otherwise, what if he doesn’t come anymore if he knows of promotion?

It’s been thirteen years without seeing each other. Thirteen years is not that difficult. It seems that the blink of an eye is about to pass. It’s just that his thirteen years are almost over, but his hardship has not yet begun. The tiger demon at the foot of the mountain talked about it. During the Lingtao Peak battle, there was panic in his eyes. I hadn't dared to use the spirit medicine again for a few years.

   However, no matter how difficult it is, I firmly believe that he is different from other monsters after all, and should...definitely be able to survive!

On the animal skin letter sent by the Eagle Demon, his writing is better. It's not comparable to Dad's, but it's definitely better than himself, but it doesn't matter. You are a woman, and a young woman is virtue if she has no talent. Let's Not a word!

   There are not many words in each letter, and he only picks up a few small things in a few words and says that all he matters is to deliver medicines every season, and he doesn't understand the slightest flexibility.

  I have been promoted three years and it’s not easy to tell him that most of the time he sent inflow antler and purple potato can’t be used anymore, I have accumulated a lot, and now I don’t even want the tiger demon to get rid of the wind.

Boeing occasionally brings a pair of spiritual tea, which is very useful. The sudden increase in spiritual energy can temper the bones according to the method. The 18 tea leaves are tender and faint. After the tea is brewed, the tea mist evolves very beautifully, but it will not last long. .

  Thinking about it carefully, after getting Lingcha, what I look forward to more is actually watching the appearance of the fog and clouds. Drinking Lingcha to increase aura does not seem to be important anymore.

   There are so few interesting things on this mountain.

The large bundle of animal skins he sent back then did not dare to change all of them into silver coins. The rest was hidden under the bed. I had forgotten it for so many years. I only turned it out half a year ago. I didn’t want to be bitten by bugs. It must be kept tightly, and no one will tell. If he knows it, maybe it will not be in front of him, and he will not be laughed to death behind his back?

   In spring, the sky seems to be bluer. There are wild flowers in the mountains over there. I want to go and take a look many times, but I haven't made a trip. In fact, it's not far away.

   In summer, a few big raspberries around this mountain temple are my favorites. They are really sweet and sour. If he comes in summer, how many will he pick for him to taste?

   In autumn, the wild chestnuts are full of slices, but they are busy enough for my family, and I don’t feel bored.

   It is an unpleasant winter day. Although I am a monk, I am not afraid of the cold and heat, but when the mountain is covered by snow and ice, it is hard to see the footprints everywhere, which is a bit disgusting and hateful.

   thought about it in such a mess, until he watched the sun line slowly climb up from under the hill, and kept going over his head, and couldn't see it anymore.

   went back to the house to do evening homework, then went out to watch the stars, and listened to the last few worms who were still alive this year singing tragic songs.

  Really, it's not lonely at all.

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