Deer Demon Race

Chapter 111: Colorful peach blossoms

   After the beginning of spring, Vientiane is renewed.

   Now the mountains are full of greenery, mixed with a lot of colorful flowers, and March is the strongest spring.

   In the quagmire, he popped his head in five steps, threw off a head of mud, and shouted, "It's a mile away, let me quench my body!"

   Goubao, Lao Wen, and Qupan also appeared, stretching their waists together.

   Five steps are called away, and the soothing old Wen is unwilling to say: "You have to quench your body, and I will stay here to understand nature!"

   Five steps have already swimed out of the quagmire, and he turned back and cursed: "Lazy pig, so lazy every day, don't you want my brother to treat your lazy skin?"

   Lao Wen rolled his eyes: "Whether you want to go or not, Lord Deer does not insist on it, but the smelly snake has nothing to do with it! And since I learned the "hard skin" from the Lord Deer, you won't be able to cure me, smelly snake!"

   "Tsk tsk!" Five steps shook his head, and pointed at the bull demon who climbed ashore: "If you talk about supernatural powers, you have a dog treasure to learn more? Does he show it off?"

   "He is dumb, how can I compare it? When this dumb cow will have a bright future, he will still be dumbfounded!"

  As said by Lao Wen, Gou Bao didn't get angry, just smiled silly. The old goat has also climbed ashore, took the grass and wiped the sludge, frowning as the snake demon gang voice: "Old Plague Mopi, get up and quench your body!"

   "Don't go!"

I don’t want the pig demon to be resolute today: “The leaves are growing, and the tea picking errand just breathed a sigh of relief. I've been busy to death, and there are more private jobs than regular errands! It's hard to get this understanding that naturally suits my appetite, and I have more understanding and understanding. When I become a demon, I will first develop pro-law and supernatural powers, and be greedy for stinky snakes!"

Hearing what he said, Lao Qu frowned more tightly, and the wiping action stopped: "Master Deer is busy, but he is very kind to get his life back from this year's war, and he is willing to carry a few of us. Don't you appreciate the idiots?"

Lao Wen snorted: "Old Qu, you used to lower your eyebrows and pleasing your eyes when you messed up in your room. Now it’s getting hotter and you can speak loudly! If I were just a wild boar in the mountains, I would have died of old age. How many years to live? What are you greedy? In that battle, even the demon generals dare not say that they are not dead. We can save our lives with all the hard work? Being a demon, you can't be at ease. It's better to be a wild boar in the forest and make you live twice. How about a hundred years?"

   The old song was overwhelmed by his words, and he didn't want to care about this lazy pig anymore, abandoning the wiping grass, turned his head and went ahead.

  Looking at the goat demon walking away, Lao Wen still looked like he was dead to the end, five steps to sigh: "The demon has aspirations, if you don't want it, the brothers will go!"

   "It is said that the war is about to start, and I should let my old pig have a few more days when I die, you go!"

   Goubao always talks seldom. When he was about to go with the snake demon, he nodded and said: "Then you can be happy!"

   The hardwood big tree pole used for body tempering was placed in the "door" field of the tea garden. Five steps and Gou Bao caught up with the song plate. When he arrived, the Little Demon of Li Shiding had finished tempering his body, and it was time to talk about Babaoding.

The tea gardener “in front of the door” transplanted more than ten wild fruit trees, including peaches, apricots, plums, and pears. The little demons dug them back and planted them along with the tea trees to relieve their greed. Tree species, the flowers on the three trees, peach, apricot and pear, are in full bloom, while plum trees are just buds.

   Of course, without long-term domestication, most of the fruits produced by these wild trees are sour and sour.

Under the guidance of the deer master, the four jackals, Langlang, the wolf demon, Boeing and the calf, the love horse, the five sheep, and the antelope, are blowing on the hills to experience nature. They have already been there at this time, and they are used to experience the blue eyes of nature under the waterfall. Also arrived.

   Except for the pig demon old plague, all the ten little demon of Baibaoding have arrived. Lang Lang has always been the first to grab a position and get into the tree hole to quench his body.

When the wolf demon came out, he changed into the tree hole and waited for all to be tempered. Lord Lu unexpectedly didn’t arrive. He asked Biyan curiously in Five Steps, and the frog demon replied, “The little demon came and called to go up the mountain early in the morning. , I can’t tell, I didn’t want Boeing to carry him, you didn’t know it until you waited!"

   So he started the second round, and when Lang Lang came out again, he smiled and said: "I'm not as good as the master, I can't always faint!"

   After five steps, he laughed: "You wolf demon has a thick skin. How much light do you have to borrow? It's not enough to be able to get your chest out before the war. If you want to compare with Master Deer?"

   Langlang smiled back to him: "I deeply feel the virtues of the master and brothers, but I don’t want to be happy for more than ten years and die in the war. How hard is it to be more diligent?"

  Compared with this wolf demon, the old plague who was in the quagmire made the five-step alveolar itchy.

   The next turn is Laoqu. After the goat demon got into the tree hole, he said to Lang Lang after five steps: "Don't take advantage, you should push him too!"

The four jackals are at the bottom of Bending, and they have always been the masters doing coolies, but the old goats have been tempering their bodies for a long time, and only the four jackals are not deep enough to push them, so they must have a helper. The little demon has to work hard.

   Hearing the words of Five Steps, the wolf demon happily responded: "Okay!"

Lang Lang and Gou Bao helped the four jackals, pushing hard to push the wooden poles outside. The jackals were panting, and couldn't help saying: "This body tempering is all good. It’s hard work, I really want to have the ability to breathe out, and the inside will be overwhelming!"

   It is the second round. The Mavericks, Wuyang, and Tai Ling are also sweating. Hearing what he said, they shouted together: "If you really have that ability, you can play one, so that we don't have to work hard!"

   Ai Ma puffed up his mouth, made a strong blow, and then asked loudly, "Brother Yang can still eat?"

After    said these words, a strong wind blew on the mountainside, causing the surrounding branches to sway. In the wind, various petals of peach, apricot, and pear fell to the ground.

   After knocking twice in the hardwood tree hole, the old goat is indeed too much to eat. Only then did Goubao, Langlang and the four jackals release their hands and remove the big cork.

   I want to boast that I love Ma Fang, the songpan wiped out sweat, looked up and saw the first burst of petals blown off this spring, and sighed: "The peach blossoms have fallen!"

   Five Steps, Gou Bao, and Biyan also looked at the petals flying in the wind, and all woke up: "Yes, the peach blossoms have fallen!"


On the solitary peak of Lingtao Mountain, on the giant peach tree with vigorous twists, colorful peach blossoms fell with the spring breeze. The wood ghost stood under the tree and sighed: "This peach tree is not strange. Many, but in the end there were only about twenty pieces, which made the Demon Kings hate not enough, so they had to fight together!"

He followed Sixi and said, "Mysterious-level spirit creatures, how many good things the heavens and the earth have to produce such a plant, if we are blessed, just want to smell it is an extravagant hope! The general still feels that there are few fruits? "

   "I don't think there are too few fruits, but there are too many monsters who hate to die!"

   Wood ghost sighed again: "If I really have to take root in this fertile soil, with the flesh and blood of the monsters that have been dead for so many years, I may already be able to become the Demon King!"

   Sixi replied: "The wood demon loves the soil and fertilizer under the Lingtao Peak, but unfortunately it is in a dangerous place. If the general takes root here, I am afraid that other demon kings will find opportunities to find bad luck, how can it be better than the family?"

The biggest difference between the wood monster and other monsters is that the original form can be separated from the human form. Of course, the original form is more critical. The human form is broken. As long as the soul body is still there, there is a chance to reshape the body again, but there are advantages and disadvantages. In fact, if he chooses to take root in one place, he can't easily move, and every time he moves, he will hurt his vitality.

Hearing what Sixi said, the wood ghost said in his heart: "It's not just that the demon king is not forgiving, I am a wood demon, if I don't stay in the mountain field, how can the king be relieved, maybe the end will be the same as the weasel! "

   said to the relative: "The peach blossom has fallen again, you send the little demon to return to the king, you can go to war!"


There is no need for the little demon to report the letter. In fact, Filling Water B knows that the peach blossoms will land this year, and he is facing the nearly one hundred stewards of Hei Niu, Langjun and Manshanchang, saying: "Peach blossoms report the letter, Lingtao will end, and Lingtao Peak battle is just around the corner. My three families have already decided on the day of meeting their teachers, and we will leave ten days later. All stewards, enchantresses, and gangs will be treated equally. All monsters, big and small, will participate in the battle. After ten days, no one will be left in the mountain field!"

   Ten days later, the monsters in the mountain field will come out of the empty nest!

In the group of monsters, Lu Bao, dressed in a pure white robe with words, asked Big Horn and Painted Snake beside him: "The peach blossom has just begun to fall. Isn't it too early to start the war?"

   Big Horn sneered and said: "It will take four or five months to fight, UU reading can pick peaches, and the battle of sixty years of accumulating energy, do you think it will be finished in a few days?"

   "It's only the late spring season, and there is one season left. In my tea garden this year, won't the many spiritual teas in the back have been abandoned?"

   Painted a snake and smiled: "It's a wasteful year, what is it worth? Save your life, you will have a drink in the future!"

   Lu Bao sighed and stopped talking.


On the mountain field of the Star Picker King, the Star Picker King yawned and said to the two brothers: "The King of Filling Water killed the general of my family six years ago. In this year's battle, my brother will take revenge for General Tan, and he will part with him. Life and death! It's just that my brother stepped forward with all his strength, and the two virtuous brothers are not behind!"

  The king of star picking is willing to give his best effort, the two demon kings said in unison: "Brother rest assured, we will all work hard!"

   After the promise was completed, the king of the cloud asked: "Why did the big general of my brother's family fall into the king of filling water so carelessly?"

   The King of Star Picking snorted coldly: "It is the weasel demon on the opposite side, pretending to be in my house, but without checking for a while, he scolded my general to go. It is really hateful. This king will definitely kill him!"


  Eating Tiger King Mountain Farm, in the Furong Tent, a female demon coquettishly called: "Great King, then A Biao arranges a slave house with the little demon again!"

The Tiger King’s voice also came from the account: "Don’t worry, my dear, that servant is still useful. After the war, this king will definitely... Talk about it!"

   On the stone wall outside the tent, a faint dark shadow retracted his gaze, and there was a slight sneer in his nose, slowly disappearing.

   When the phantom completely melted away, another woman's illusory face appeared from the opposite stone wall, staring at the place where the phantom disappeared, sneered, and then slowly retracted back.

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