Deer Demon Race

Chapter 114: Fight

   The Sheep Demon will restrain the black bull, and the Star Picker King will fight back with the Filling King all the way back, and then fight back and forth on top of the two demon formations.

  Filling the water B then threw the left-handed gourd out, and the star picker dodges eagerly. He didn't want the gourd to come back again. After crossing him, it quickly rose up until it was as big as a hill, and then crashed down.

The goat demon slapped the long bone stick on the fallen golden gourd, and spurred the golden gourd hammer to deflect off the landing point. It banged down and only smashed three or four little demons. But he himself ate the stone thorns drawn by the black cow, two of them. The sole of the foot was pierced.

   Sheep demon screamed. At this time, where he felt pain in his feet, he stomped the ground again, and the opposite demon array stabbed again and again, but the little demon who had already experienced the battle quickly learned to be vigilant, and this time the effect was not great.

   Hei Niu and the sheep demon commander on the other side, while blasting against each other, also guarded against the top of their heads, helping the little demon in the demon formation to withstand the spells and magic weapons dropped by the demon king.

The general raccoon monster died unexpectedly before the battle, and the goat monster spells were a lot worse than the black bull on the opposite side. The porcupine monster general of the star-picking king cried without tears after a while, and there were more than two hundred little monsters with wounded internal organs being carried over. , Where can he get treatment?

   There are only two demon generals left in the King’s family. The porcupine demon must take care of staying behind and being trapped. There will be so many wounded only after the start of the war. No wonder the king chooses to rush to go first, and choose the battlefield on the opposite side!

   The porcupine demon general thought, the goat demon and the black bull had already issued the next round of spells, and now the little demon who had been in battle for the first time saw the huge demon commander stomping on the opposite side, they tried their best to guard against the ground, and the injury rate was reduced.

The two demon formations continued to advance. In addition to casting spells, the demon generals were already able to fight hand in hand. He wiped out a pair of knives in his mouth, and those knives were transformed into huge hands with him. The first priority is to kill or protect the little demon and maintain the demon formation.

   The two hostile demon formations finally stopped only five or six feet apart, and the two big monsters in the front will be fighting each other.

  Filling the water in the Wang’s family formation, Lang Jun screamed: "The demon in the formation, follow me!"

  The first team's Jaixuan, Six Insects, Si Xi, etc., followed him, left the demon array forward, and rushed into the demon array of the star picker's family!

   The porcupine demon general felt that his demon formation could no longer be severely damaged today. He only waved his hand and said, "You waited to get into the battle, I would stay here first!"

  Langjun and others came into the formation from the huge left leg of the black bull, the demon king of the star picker also got out of the left leg from the sheep demon, and all threw into the opponent's demon formation, scattered and slaughtered the little demon.

   The six demon formations have all approached, and they are all in hand-to-hand combat. Each sent out a trapped demon, and was also rushed into its own formation by the opponent.

   The Wind Chasing King Clan has only two demon generals just like the Star Picker King Clan, and they are also in an offensive and defensive dilemma.

However, the lack of demon generals also has the style of lack of demon generals. More than twenty demon soldiers from the star-picking king’s family rushed into the water-filling king’s demon formation. Go, never love to fight somewhere.

  Various spells, magical powers, and demon weapons are blooming everywhere in the formation, and the spear of the Goat Demon General is still attacking from time to time!

   The little demon Huang Niufang avoided the stabbing once, and was pierced into the skull by a sharp flying blade, and fell to the ground to die.

The demon is in battle. Except for the occasional few who have attacking magical powers that can be cold, the little demon has little power to fight back. Their biggest role is to maintain the release of the demon energy, just like performing martial arts for many years, through the formation of the demon energy. Transmit to the general Black Bull to help him power.

   At this time, it became clear that Laoyang Yaoqupan was valuable. Baibaoding followed the black bull's thick right leg, and no one dared to approach easily the demon who got stuck in the battle.

   Lu Bao glanced at the situation in the formation, his figure flickered, and he went to intercept with the remaining demon.

   The demon took the wooden ghost to rescue the little demon, and the demon's body trembled, and countless catkins floated in the air, and they chased the demon who came in separately.

One of the demon in Lu Baoxiang, the other party turned into the real antelope, and only trampled on the little demon heads. It was the supernatural power that Lu Bao had learned to "stomping on". All the little demon stepped on by him had their skulls burst. After the treatment was not alive, the three new monsters before and after intercepted them, and they were all evaded by the wind under his feet.

  The interception speed of other monsters is slow, and it is difficult to catch up with the eager monsters, except for the deer monsters!

   Flicked his hand, Fei shot a big antler, the sound of breaking through the air was heavy, the big antler seemed normal, and the antelope demon gently avoided it.

   did not guard against the antlers that he had just avoided, and instantly turned into a monster in a dirty robes, and then a phantom text flew on him.


   Surrounded by enemy monsters, the antelope monster screamed and screamed, but did not chant the "Clean Heart Curse" for the first time. Instead, he quickly summoned a few tornadoes and surrounded his home before chanting the spell again to calm the painful hallucinations.

Relying on his thick skin and thick flesh, Lu Bao didn't care about the power of his tornado. He resisted the force of a few winds, "Juli" blessed the "continuous shooting", palm after palm, slapped five times on the antelope demon. hit.

"Continuous shooting" magical power, each slap increases in strength on the previous hit. Now the five hits are Lu Bao's limit, the number is not as good as the bear demon giant palm, and his left hand is cramped, and he has no strength. Actually, he only has his right hand. The three slaps were effective, but after eating the three slaps that blessed "Juli", the antelope demon still collapsed softly, and his bones were broken.

   "Drag away!"

   Regardless of whether it is the enemy or your own, every monster's corpse is still useful, and the deer demon motioned to the surrounding little demon to drag it to the back of the formation and pile it up.

Looking around, the catkins of the three generals have caught up with several demon cats, and the two new demon cats who are greedy for slaughtering the demon girls failed to resist the catkins' upper body for the first time, and the catkins sprouted and grew up next to the flesh. The two seven orifices quickly grew tender and greasy willow branches, the thickest growing wicker in their throats, and the gagging of their mouths made them unable to even howl, so they could only scream.

   One of the big horns had already lay down at his feet, and Lu Bao rushed to a demon in the enchanting team!

   "The wind is tight!"

   Without a demon leader, six or seven demon members were removed in a few breaths. The loss was heavy. The leader demon screamed hello, and the demon of the star picker family rushed out!

When    retreated, most of them dragged away a monster corpse, which could be used as a shield, and brought back as a spoil.

In the Starcatcher King’s Family Demon Formation, the situation is different. Lang Jun led the team to enter, and immediately showed the appearance of a huge weasel. The thick tail fluttered, and the strong wind blades that could break the unhardened bones instantly appeared at In the surroundings, several little monsters that couldn't escape were directly cut into two sections.

Jai Xuan is a famous jackal, but he dares to be named after Jai Xuan. Of course, he has some blood of Jai Xuan. Although he has been crushed by a big horn in Jingping Mountain, the rising star Baibao is also about to catch up, but he is not a weak one. His thunder and wind blade power Both are much larger than the average old demon, and the two changes are used, sharp and hot, and slaughter the little demon.

Six insects and Hua Qiu broke through the encirclement, chased and intercepted, and broke into the group of demon girls. The murderers were humanoid demon girls. Most of the demon girls were easy to kill. When they opened the table, they had a demon body. Find them.

   In the formation, they only act like the little demon, and they have more demon spirit than the little demon. There are a few jerky spells in the sky.

Lang Jun, Jai Xuan and other places were slaughtered, the porcupine demon roared, no longer caring for the wound, and turned back to the original form, with more than a hundred arrows on his back shooting the demon who fell into the formation, and then blasted his backstab, directly Crashing into the weasel demon, before Lang Jun dodges, he shouted violently: "Forbidden!"

   is also a "decree" supernatural power, eating him and drinking, Lang Jun suddenly became difficult to move, unable to avoid the impact.

  The Goat Demon General is not as good as the Black Bull in casting spells. His own monster body was beaten to the ground. After listening to the "decree" of the Porcupine General who often cooperated behind him, he no longer cared about his own house. He turned around and sent a huge stone spear to stab the weasel!

   was hit by a porcupine demon covered with demon stings, and the goat demon was hit by the demon array and assisted by the demon spirit. It was comparable to the demon king, and directly broke the Lang Jun's fur and pierced it into the abdomen.

In the past, it was all wood ghosts. Lang Jun rarely got into battle. He was accidentally flanked back and forth. He screamed screamingly, but his tail was not idle, he flicked more urgently, and put more wind blades. It's a pity that the little monsters are all here. So scared to disperse, the porcupine demon will eat a few times before being cut into its flesh.

Two new monsters who were trapped together were stabbed to death by a porcupine, and two were left behind by the opposing demon. The opponent who was trapped has already retreated, and the pressure will be even greater if he doesn't go, and he will kill two little monsters again~www. Busy calling: "The wind is tight, withdraw!"

   Like the Star Picker King’s family, the trapped demon all dragged a corpse and retreated to the original formation.

   When they came, they were divided into two points, and when they were retreating, they were flustered. No matter where they were, they had to write two notes when they met on the way.

The goat demon will turn his head and hit Lang Jun, and the black cow took advantage of the gap to shoot out the sand, and instantly produced a large amount of dirt and sand to submerge his lower body. After a "sand burst", the flesh and blood flew across, and when the dirt fell and turned back to the sand, his legs were bare and bones were exposed. .

  The sheep demon raised his head and howled miserably. Only then did Lang Jun get his chance. The "stinky" magical power was activated, and then a lot of wind blades were thrown out randomly, forcing the porcupine demon general back, and fleeing back to his own formation.

The goat demon general should also have magical powers similar to "regeneration", and his vitality is extremely tenacious. Behind him is a demon who wants to "rejuvenate" to help, and the flesh and blood of his legs regenerate quickly, and soon cover the bare bones and return to their original state, but they are somewhat energetic. It's just malaise.

   The six demon formations on both sides have fought until now, the sky has been fiercely fighting between the Star Picker and the Filling King, fearing the two heavy hammers, the Star Picking King has vomited out of his family demon pill, and bursts of red light masks are sent to the Filling King.

  A careless one, if the demon pill is destroyed, the demon king's life will be hard to protect, and the star picking king is indeed desperate!

   was busy dealing with the weasel before, some little demon who could instinctively heal the injury were delayed, but the wood demon in the opposite demon array kept healing!

   Without the general, the loss is much greater than that of the opponent, and the healing is not as good. Today is only the first day, so you can't lose too much energy. The porcupine demon will look at the fighting demon formations on both sides. There are only two demon generals in the wind chasing king's family, and the mad cow king's family can deal with it easily.

   "Crazy Bull King!"

   The porcupine demon general screamed, and when the mad cow king turned his eyes, he shouted again: "Take the idle demon general, so that my family will guard it!"

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