Deer Demon Race

Chapter 115: Porcupine Demon General

   On the battlefield, how can a demon be free? But now the three are tied together, and the star picker is fighting **** top of his head, looking at the appearance of his porcupine demon, he wants to go to the other side to find some subsidies, and he is working hard. The Crazy Bull King thinks a little bit, but agrees. With a cry, a famous golden pheasant in his family's demon array will jump over.

   "Brother Laoboo defends the battle line for me and treats the little demon!"

   I have explained the golden pheasant demon, the porcupine demon commander is in the second batch of demon, ready to personally go to fill the water king's formation.

  , the returning Langjun found the wood ghost, and asked him to treat his internal organs, and led the big horned group B into the battle again.

   The pangolin demon king left him with his life, stating that he was going to be trapped and used, and no matter how badly he was injured, it would be difficult to swap positions with the wood ghost today.

   The porcupine demon will have to be more careful. When Lang Jun and others burst into his own formation, Fang rushed into the water-filling king's demon formation, and the demon was temporarily left behind by him.

   Break the opponent's demon formation first. At the beginning of the war, it is more important to kill more little demon!

   The porcupine demon is the most capable of killing the little demon. After entering the battle, he immediately transformed himself, avoiding the willow twigs and lashing and binding, and slammed into the center of the battle, before screaming: "Ah!"

   With his shout, on his back and in his pocket, the porcupine stings that have survived for sixty years are flying around!

   dense and overwhelming!

   The number should be tens of thousands!

   Although most of the porcupine stabs can only be refined in sixty years, it is not very powerful for the demon general, but it is just right to shoot the little demon!

   Within seven or eight feet of the porcupine demon, it was emptied instantly!

It was not once against the porcupine demon general. Knowing that he had a killer move in the first battle, seeing that the demon who came to the battle were one step behind, the porcupine demon rushed to the center of his demon formation, and the wood ghost had understood his intentions and turned into a few huge willow branches crazy. He lashed out and tried to slow the pace of the porcupine demon, while screaming: "Little demon pounces on the ground!"

   Some demon of old age are also screaming, but unfortunately there are still many who have not reacted.

Flying arrows all over the sky shoot back and forth, and they are powerful enough to penetrate the body of the demon. The little demon, the demon girl, and the new demon are crying and howling, like wheat ears that have been cut down. The pieces fell in pieces, and most of them were still wailing and screaming, and those who were silent and silent were already dead.

A newly promoted demon from Jingping Mountain who is closer to the porcupine demon, his body is full of thorns, and he has become like a porcupine. Live, return to the original state after falling to the ground, it is a big leopard.

  In the demon girl's team, the three demon girls were pierced in their heads, and they died suddenly and fell to the ground to change back to their original state one by one.

   In addition to two thorns on his shoulder, Xiao Yao Youcai was shot in the heart with an arrow. There is no need to lift the wood hunting ghost for treatment. He has returned to his whole body as a jackal.

The spurs came like raindrops, and it was inevitable. Lu Bao buried his head behind his back and let the porcupine stab "pupu" pierce his back, "relieve his strength" to take off some damage, and then he was "hard-skinned." And "thick fat" to block it.

I confessed before the song that I lay down when I saw the porcupine monster throwing an arrow. Five steps, the old plague, the jackal, etc. did not care about the ground thorns that might appear at any time, so they lay down and avoided for the first time. Fortunately, they were a little far away from the center of the monster formation. In time, Goubao and Taiwan antelope each hit an arrow in the foot.

   After human beings learn to walk, they are innate ability. If you are told that it is dangerous to stand tall, you are required to bend down and walk slowly to be safe. Will you get up and flee when the danger really strikes? The little monsters transformed by all kinds of birds have wings to fly is their innate ability. Although they have been repeatedly instructed not to take off before the war, seeing the dense arrows coming from them, how can there be space for escape on the ground?

   Lying on the ground depends on luck, life and death are critical, the flying little demon can't help one by one, shaking off his wings and flying into the air to take shelter.

   When the old goat yelled and lay on the ground, Boeing thought: "I fly lower, and I will come down after avoiding this wave!"

   Some have the ability to jump, and jump up to avoid arrows.

   The star picker in the fierce battle snorted coldly, and the faint black mist only swept this way, and dumplings were immediately dropped from the sky, and the little demon who had a chance to fly high and jumped all was shattered and planted.

   Inside, there are Boeing, there are crow monsters, there are stork monsters who have misremembered meticulous things, there are three pigeon monsters in Jingping Mountain, and there are many monster mounts.

   On the first day of the battle, Boeing Boeing was killed.

  Filling the water, the king's demon array has been in chaos, the black cow shrinks with its huge figure, the goat demon will get a breathing opportunity, make up a ground thorn, and take the opportunity to harvest some little demon.

   "Langjun, if you don't work hard, do you think that the king really won't ask sin?"

   The formation was in a mess, but the formation on the opposite side was still intact. The black bull struggled to deal with the demon general sheep, and shouted violently.

   I really didn't spare much effort, I have been slaughtering the little demon!

Listening to the general’s words with anger, in the demon formation of the star-catching king’s family, Lang Jun spreads his stomach full of resentment in the enemy formation, sprinting on the little demon’s head to get rid of the entanglement of the golden pheasant general, his big tail flutters, and the road wind blade is thrown along the way. .

   Where the Lang Jun steps on his head, his head bursts instantly; the little demon cut by the wind blade has his body divided in two!

   Dajiao, Fushan, Wangchuan and other monsters all fought hard in the interception and siege of the opponent, and wanted to disrupt the monster formation.

   On the first day of the war, the porcupine demon will let go of the big tricks accumulated for many years, and after heavy damage to fill the king's demon formation, the demon who followed him in the formation jumped in one after another, to slaughter the undead little demon on the ground!

   Those little monsters won't die from the injuries, but it's difficult to dodge at this time, just in time for slaughter.

   The black bull demon body is getting smaller and smaller, and it is no longer equal to the sheep demon general, so I will ignore it for the time being.

The situation is bad. At this time, he can't treat the injured little demon Ding Xia. After five steps, Lao Qu's life is unaffected. Ben Ding is only missing Boeing, and Lu Bao gritted his teeth, determined to stop the demon who was coming from behind. !

   In the early days of the war, the formation of little monsters that were not taken seriously was the main battle force!

   Waiting for these trapped monsters to disperse, a large number of injured little monsters who are difficult to move everywhere, and only have the life of being slaughtered!

  If the demon formation is too damaged or even completely unsuccessful, the next battle will be difficult. Like the deer demon, there are more than 20 demon rushing to the opposite side and trapping the demon in the first time.

   No one is as fast as the deer!

   One big antler stuck in place, and one flew at the enemy demon!

After    "Boom", another deer antler appeared on the spot, and it fell on the footprints of the deer demon standing before, and it slightly jumped.

   The deer deer is already in the trapped demon group, and opened his mouth first: "Hiss!"

   "Low hiss", group attack supernatural powers, sonic type, regardless of enemy or us.

   The deer demon's magical powers were emitted, and the trapped demon within ten feet of each other hugged their heads and howled miserably, and the wounded and undead on the ground were also howling. One of them even shattered their eardrums and was directly stunned to death by infrasound.

  The King of Star Picker was trapped among the demon, and the patience was the first to recite the "Clean Heart Curse", but the deer deer ignored his injured little demon, and stomped on the ground again, "shocked and trampled"!

Then, in the midst of swaying, the deer deer was the first to chant the "Clean Heart Curse", and Huaben launched a "savage collision" at close range. After knocking him down, a "stomping" blessed by "Juli" stomped on his stomach. Belly.

When you don’t know the details, magical powers are more unexpected and more miraculous than spells. Seeing that this should be the star-picking king’s strong hand, the demon spurts a lot of blood from the mouth. superior.

   Seeing this demon's head burst open, the deer demon turned around. This time he looked for a relatively weak new demon, and ignored those who could barely fight back, only pursuing a one-shot kill.

   The deer demon was slightly blocked, and Yan Xuan, Qing Yuan, etc. had also rushed there. At this time, only among the demon demon of the star picker king did he finish chanting the "Clean Heart Mantra".

   More Jingping Mountain monsters are coming!

The 20,000 to 30,000 porcupine thorns that the porcupine demon shot out were accumulated in his armor. Most of them were only crudely refined. Once used, they would be invalidated. However, he carried hundreds of thorns to refine them. , Can fly back automatically after shooting.

Hardly shook the two spells of Black Bull and Wood Ghost. The old thorns that were to be refined withdrew from the flesh and the soil, and flew back to the body. Looking back, they saw that the trapped demon had been entangled and did not expand the results of the battle. The porcupine demon could only be unwilling. He shouted heartily: "Retreat!"

   failed to disperse and wandered into the battlefield. With the help of the other monster group, the monsters and the monsters were thrown into the rat trap. After a while, it would be more difficult to get away.

   The porcupine demon led the black bull and the wood ghost two generals with spells. The demon were afraid of being affected.

Lu Bao had previously made meritorious achievements, but he was also watched by the opponent's leader demon. Judging from the fact that he turned back occasionally, the leader was a bull demon with extremely heavy thunder method. The double-headed sword in his hand was refined from two horns. When Lu Bao was smashed by heavy thunder, his flesh and blood bloomed, and he was cut off by a double-headed knife.

   "尥蹶" is used, the other party has rich experience, and he dodges the wave of evil spirits.

   It is estimated that he has the same skills as Big Horn. Lu Bao had a hard time dealing with it. Finally, the porcupine demon drew back, and the other party took the initiative to retreat.

   turned back into a human form, and the back of his robe was broken, he was busy looking for a snake to heal him, then went to see the little demon Dingli, and saw Boeing's corpse first.

   There is not much sadness. If you look at Goubao and Tai Ling, they are only slightly injured, and I can get it through my own rejuvenation.

   The porcupine demon will return, and the three demon will attack the weasel demon together, and the returned demon will also participate in the containment. The big horns can no longer do anything when they see it, and call the demon to return.

   His own demon Ding retreated, and the Weasel demon dragged his body back again. Fortunately, he had "downwind" supernatural powers and would not be blocked by those three demon generals.

   In this round of mutual formation, the Wang Family of Filling Water was extremely injured. More than two hundred corpses were confirmed immediately, and there were twice as many injured people waiting for treatment.

The little demons climbed up from the ground, and contributed the demonic energy to the demons while the demon stayed behind. The demonic formation was re-established, and then the demonic energy was discharged into the formation uninjured, while dragging the corpse backwards, the demons and generals He was busy treating the wounded, unable to get into battle for a while.

   Once the demon formation was formed, the black bull demon body became huge again. Although it was not as good as before, it was able to compete with the goat demon on the opposite side.

   In the previous period, the remaining four demon kings also flew to the sky to fight each other, and the battle over there began to be tense. The mad cow king and the demon will guard this round and look back on the original formation. The porcupine monster will not have a large number of porcupine thorns, and the effect will not be too great. If Lang Jun turns his head back, there will be three monsters on the opposite side. At this time, if he is in danger, he will also pause.

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