Deer Demon Race

Chapter 125: Slaughter

   The deer demon regrets a bit today.

   Yesterday, he intercepted the porcupine demon general, and killed the most hottest bull demon Ding of the King of Star Pickers. How many pairs of eyes can see how powerful and prestigious he is!

  The reincarnation of the heavenly path, the limelight is too high, there is always a price to pay!

The Star Retriever King led hundreds of monsters into the formation. Spells, magical tools, and magical powers suddenly flew in the formation. The little demon fled, and the monster formation was messed up for a while, and there were three strong hands from the monsters who came together to find them. he.

  The treatment is more exaggerated than the big angle!

   At this time, Lu Bao misses the "vitality" he once possessed!

   Now the energy of essence and blood in the two big waists is empty, the kidney is weak, and the confidence is insufficient.

   Three demon Ding came to besieged and killed, even the big horns could not resist, the deer demon lacks "vitality", what can be done?

   Only cold sauce!

   Only dodge the falling spells and run desperately!

Fortunately, even if "Earth Escape" is afraid of restraint and dare not use it easily, there are still a few such things as "Light and Agile", "Leapfrogging", "Tiger Leap", and "Savage Rush". There are still many magical powers that can be used to escape. , Taking turns to flee, and when it is really impossible to escape, there is the last big antler in Wubu's hand.

   Anyway, it definitely does not fall into the magical category of the three monsters at the same time!

   While running around, the deer demon saw that Jingping Mountain demon Ding Lin Xiao was shot in the eye by the golden pheasant demon steel feather, and then a demon caught up with him. Amidst his wailing, a sharp weapon pierced the heart and the tiger demon fell to the ground and died.

Thirty feet away, the three generals followed the demon Ding Sixi. He escaped the rolling logs hit by a demon who was facing him. A dungeon suddenly appeared under his feet and trapped him. The dungeon quickly moved towards It collapsed inside, and then melted and fell. He just exposed his blood-stained body, and a large rolling log smashed his head head-on, smashing his head to shreds.

   was chased by three powerful monsters, Lu Bao focused on fleeing, except for those who saw him along the way. He didn't pay attention to the teamwork of his six little monsters, and he killed a new monster on the opposite side without paying any price!

  Because Goubao launched "Wu Tie", the King of Star Picker shouted and ordered, Lu Baocai looked over there at the turning point, and then hurriedly searched for the position of the big corner.

The Starcatch King ordered that two more demon descents nearby pulled out and moved towards the front of the demon formation. However, seeing that the two who had been with the gutter overturning demon had turned their heads and rushed towards the six little demon, their steps were not fast. With the demon king's special care, the little bull demon escaped!

   The two demon kings turned to pounce, the Demon King paid attention, and there were two others approaching from the outside. This side became the target of public criticism, and Lang Lang, who was in charge of the command, was also very nervous.

   Do you want to distract and escape? Do you want to call the master back?

With the character of Master Lu, if there is a sound out of danger here, he will most likely activate his magical powers to teleport back to rescue him, but in this way, he has only cultivated two large antlers for the gods in 18 years, and the last one is left. I'm afraid that the support will not be able to keep it.

   And Master Lu is still chasing three hot demon monsters. If he comes back, he might even chase those hot demon monsters. Master Deer can't match it, so it's even more dangerous to wait for him!

   There is no Jingping Mountain demon who can help in the neighborhood, and there are two more on the periphery, scattered and fleeing, and the six of their own can not live much!


   Fight it, it's a little bit of life!

   made up his mind, the wolf demon gritted his teeth and shouted: "The sheep and pig block the left, the bullfrog and the snake fight the right, kill first!"

   After drinking the order, his own "sneak" started, and his figure suddenly dimmed in the black mist of the demon formation. Unless he was staring at him, it would be difficult to detect it by his spiritual sense alone.

   After years of cooperating across the border, he developed a habit. After the commander gave the order, Biyan retracted his long arrow, the old goat drew out his short spear, and turned his head to the two nearby monsters.

For these two monsters, the one on the left is Ming Laojinian, and the one on the right is the new one. This is Lang Lang guessed based on the appearance, because the human figure on the right is complete and the body is correct; the one on the left has some animal signs, especially the face. Rough and uncoordinated, with the same evil spirit as his own master deer, at first glance, it is unfinished.

   Lang Lang's speculation is not wrong.

   Divided into two groups to meet the enemy. Since the old goat has unblocked "Vitality" and intercepted the old demon together with the pig demon, he took some risks. As long as he blocked for a while, the few on the right desperately died of the new demon, and then turned back to fight together!

   In comparison, of course the new demon is easier to kill.

   Learned magical powers and body tempering with Master Lu for so long. The six little demons had previously died in sorrow, and his family was almost unscathed. Now with one enemy and two, Lang Lang still has confidence!

On the other side, Lu Bao has found the big horn figure, and there is also a demon with a strong ally in looking for his bad luck, big horn is proficient in spells anyway, and occasionally can fight back one or two remotely while running, it doesn’t seem like he has no power to fight back. .

   Seeing Dajiao, Lu Bao immediately ran away, changed direction, and rushed towards him.

   Damn big horns, still moving and fleeing, can't you wait for my old deer to come near and confess?

   The other party kept running, and it was rare to meet, Lu Bao hurriedly yelled, "Big Horn!"

  When the bull demon came over during his busy schedule, the deer said again: "We two get closer!"

   The deer demon usually has an idea. Big Horn thinks that the two converge is to think of a good way to break the deadlock. He was immediately happy and moved closer to the deer demon.

   Both sides flew at the same time, and they got closer together quickly.

   Among all Baibaoding little monsters, Niu Yaogou Bao usually does not show up, but in fact, he is the most diligent in body tempering, and he is the one who has learned the most magical powers!

   The situation is not good right now. After Lang Lang ordered the grouping, Gou Bao turned around and waited for a while. After five steps and blue eyes go first, the new demon rushed closer, and he shouted again, and the life-spanning "boiling" started!

These little demons, who are old, have more demonic energy tempered by Yuejing than a certain demon master. "Boiling" is activated, and the blood of the dog treasure burns, and the whole body is hot, red eyes panting heavily, and the strength is already gone. Do not lose much of the newly promoted demon.

After the activation of   's magical powers, Gou Bao transformed into his true form, a black cow, but his body was not enlarged, and he welcomed the new demon "savage collision"!

Without waiting for them to kill, the three little monsters rushed over first. The bull monster actually ran into the first. The new monster summoned an earthen wall from the ground, and then chanted the curse, preparing to stab and kill being forced by the earth wall. Stop the bull demon.

   Unexpectedly, after a loud "bang", the earth wall shattered, and the **** bull hit the demon's chest head-on!

This demon is a pig demon. He has thick skin and "hard-skin" supernatural powers. It may not be stopped by the earth wall and was accidentally hit. Unlike Lu Bao, who often cuts antlers, he has sharp horns on his head. !

   This pair of horns has been tempered for many years. If it weren't for the earth wall to slow down a lot of power, even if the opponent had the "hard-skinned" magical powers, the horns would not only pierce his chest a little.

  Pig demon Ding’s chest broke a little, and he was pushed back several steps. The opposite was just a little demon. Where could there be a face to talk to?

  Pig demon Ding suddenly went mad, stopped chanting, wiped the two swords made of fangs on his mouth, and slashed the head of the dog!

   Goubao took a step back and turned back into a human form. He pulled the horns on his head with both hands and turned into knives. Then he parried the Mo Dao, and then backed up. It might as well project a small ridge behind his feet and trip him down!

The small spell worked, the pig demon Ding’s right hand was changed to a stab, and it went straight into Gou Bao’s belly. The left hand was going to swept towards the bull’s neck, and the consciousness sensed that a small pitch-black short arrow was shooting at the top wound. , The right hand speeds up the drawing of the knife, the left hand knife changes to split the arrow.

   The blade was firmly grasped by the bull demon who fell to the ground, and he couldn't twitch for a while!

   Five steps, blue eyes are here!

   Seeing that Goubao tripped over the ridge, the two later became very anxious, and made the first "Arrow in the Mouth" in five steps!

   Blue eyes then opened his mouth, the same "arrow in the mouth"!

   Five steps followed Lu Bao to learn supernatural powers for a long time, only "low hiss" and "arrow in the mouth" succeeded. He is actually a non-venomous snake into a demon. Although the "arrow in the mouth" is made, the arrow refining from the snake's teeth has a short time and its power is not enough. It is jet black, not green.

   The five-step short arrow is less powerful, so it is the first to attract the pig demon’s attention.

   The pig demon Ding had just split the pitch black short arrow with his left hand Modao, might as well follow the green long arrow, with a "boom" shot into the wound on the top of the horn, which was three inches into the meat.

When the poisonous arrow entered the body, the pig demon Ding wanted to jump away and say "but the poison technique". He pinched the blade in his hands, and the "head mallet" of the dog with **** dropped out, and was hit on the tail of the arrow. When this huge force hit, all the long arrows penetrated in, stabbing the intestines and intestines!

   After this blow, the pig demon Ding let go of the hilt and screamed!

  Five steps to throw away the antlers he had been holding in his hand, walked up quickly, turned into a big green snake, and began to entangle from the feet of the pig demon Ding. UU reading

   The porcupine demon was still with the knife in his left hand, and he came back and chopped. The snake demon couldn't avoid it.

  The second half of his body has no strength, the first half of the big green snake still entangles the pig demon Ding tightly, and bit his left wrist with another bite, and the snake's teeth are tightly embedded, preventing him from swinging the knife again.

   Goubao touched his own horn knife from the ground and threw it to Biyan: "Quick!"

   blue eyes took the knife, frightened to avoid the entangled big green snake, and slashed at the pig demon's neck.

   In order to get rid of the entanglement of the green snake, the pig demon Ding has turned back to his original form, has "crust" supernatural powers, and has a very thick neck.


   Things are urgent, Biyan only hates that his strength is not enough, closed his eyes and screamed and changed the horn knife into a saw, twitching back and forth to cut the pig's neck.

   The blood was flowing, his neck was cut back and forth, and several little monsters pressed him in the mud, and the porcupine monster screamed no more than a human voice, but a pig howling when he was a beast: "Aung!"

   Lang Lang, who "sneaked" over, slobbered, appeared and jumped on the back of the horn knife, and slammed on it. His demon body was not heavy, and the horn knife was lowered for two more points, and he couldn't cut it!

   "Ang Ang Ang!"

   Stay still, blue eyes are almost bursting into tears, but Gou Bao struggles to get up and slams his foot on his own horn knife. Then the thick pig's neck is completely disconnected, and more blood is gushing out!

   Hearing the pig's howling stopped, the pig's body that was entangled was only twitching instinctively before death, and it was only five steps to let go, watching the music plate and the old plague battle with Gou Bao, Biyan, and Lang Lang.

   only one glance, the four little monsters suddenly blushed!

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