Deer Demon Race

Chapter 126: Dead sheep

Before the wolf demon Langlang let Qupan and Lao Pan stop the old demon on the left, because the sheep demon's "vitality" has been unblocked, the pig demon has learned the "hard skin" and thick skin, so he can join hands more or less. Resist for a while, let your own side kill the new demon first, and then turn around to help.

It was not bad to think, but the old demon was very quick to deal with it. After a while, he found that the two little monsters had a thick skin and a strong force. Their own ice cones were flying. Only the sheep demon could avoid it, and the pig demon all depended on its body. Hard to hold.

   Both the little demon had supernatural powers, so the old demon changed the spell.

   He stomped his feet on the ground, and there was a mud pit that the pig demon liked most around him, trapping the slow-moving pig demon into it.

   The Sheep Demon jumped and avoided first.

   The mud pit was so soft that after falling into it, the pig demon's legs were all sunken and couldn't be pulled out for a while.

   The old demon stepped on the mud pit without being trapped. He walked in and patted the pig demon's head with a palm.

   When he was photographed on the top of his head, Lao Wen was still wondering how the palm of this demon was so soft that he didn't have any strength at all.

   puzzled, there was a stream of clear spring gurgling from the palm of the hand placed on the head, and it spilled from the top of the pig demon's head, making the pig demon wet.

   "You are too polite, do you want to bathe my old pig?"

   The pig demon made a naughty sentence, and the old demon clenched his hand. The water on his body instantly turned into ice, freezing from head to toe, and even the mud pit below was completely frozen.

   The pig demon kept his mouth open, covered in thin ice.

   The aging demon Ding kept gurgling from his palm, and continued to pour it down to melt into ice, and the ice layer quickly became thicker and thicker.

   Lao Wen was about to turn into an ice sculpture, and the song disc wielded two short spears, and came to rescue him quickly.

  The ground around the demon is already covered with ice, but the song is a goat that turns into a demon. Goats can walk as fast as they can on cliffs and ice. It is a natural ability that will not slip.

   The pig demon has thick skin and flesh, and it takes a long time to kill him. The old demon froze the meat shield of the old plague first, and the intention was actually on the goat demon who came later.

   The melody flew to rescue the pig demon, just to the demon's will!

Goats have magical powers when they demonize monsters. They are the longest alive among the little monsters in Jingping Mountain. However, in previous battles, if they can escape or hide, they can hide. It is only at the critical moment that the sealed spirit of blood is stimulated to save their lives. Never thought that the body of the little demon could stand up to a demon alone.

   The previous few little monsters worked together to kill a new monster. The final fatal blow was his old sheep monster. He killed the monster with his own hands. How could the old goat who had lived for more than two hundred years not get excited?

   It turns out that the demon is nothing more than that!

Since entering the Deer Demon Hundred Treasures, it has been easy to obtain the precious and hard-to-find elixir and demon meat. Even if the blood is always sealed, the demon energy is still consumed. The goat demon is also confident. Before the next Jiazi battle, his family will also It's a demon!

Deer demon unblocking "vitality" can stop the porcupine demon general, the same supernatural powers, the same practice tempering method, the self-sealing is longer, and the demon spirit is more refined. Can it not stand the demon for a while? moment?

   thought that the old demon wanted to kill the old plague, so he tried to give an emergency to the pig demon, the old goat rushed so fast!

   Let the old demon trap the old plague in order to kill him first! As soon as the melody was approaching, the old demon shook his hand, and the accumulated spells flew out: "Water cage!"

   A large group of clear water splashed from his hand, spilled on the goat monster, and instantly gathered to form a giant water ball, wrapping the old goat in the center.

   The old goat still wanted to rush forward. The old demon's palm lightly blocked the soft barrier on the outer surface of the water polo.

  Since the Sheep Demon is powerful, the old demon Ding secretly prepares this spell, so that he has nowhere to use it!

   No matter how strong the old goat is at this time, how to swing a short spear at this time will only disturb the water flow in the water polo at this time.

   The water polo wraps him in the center, taking him as the center, moving around with him without spilling.

There is only a ball of water between    and the old demon, but the song disk can no longer reach each other.

   If the little demon wants to get out of trouble, or only run out of the magical distance of this demon, the old goat gives birth to Mingwu and turns around and wants to run with a water polo.

   The corner of the old demon's mouth curled up, his left hand continued to water the thickened ice sculpture, and the right hand held the water polo, but the goat demon couldn't run either.

  If this spell in the Deer Demon Hundred Treasures, it can cause shocks with the "shock trampling" blessed by "Great Power", which will disperse the monster energy contained in the water polo, and the water polo will destroy itself.

   The deer master can do it, but the old goat can’t do it!

   Seeing the left and right in vain, the old sheep demon threw a short spear.

   The demon stepped aside gently, and shouted: "Draw blood!"

   Inside the water ball, the water that had been basically still agitated suddenly, and was carried by the water. Blood began to overflow in the curved ear, nose, mouth, **** mouth, and all sweat holes, and scattered in the running water.

   The stream of water spins faster and faster, and the blood of the old goat overflows faster and faster, and even a few drops of golden blood are pulled out.

   The original clear water ball quickly turned red, and its color was still getting deeper and deeper, deep enough to be red, and the old goat demon in the center was no longer visible outside!

   On the other side, Baibao and Dajiao finally came together, Dajiao asked urgently, "What's the trick of Luer?"

   "What trick?" Lu Bao shook his head in confusion, and said anxiously, "Help me hold the antlers, don't let me worry he can't hold it!"

   "What did you say?"

   Big Horn still didn't understand what he was saying, the deer deer in front of him "boo" disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a big antler in place, spinning to the ground.

Look at the three powerful monsters who are chasing and killing the deer demon, and then look at the two chasing after their own. The big horns let go aggrieved and shouted: "The white deer of the dog day, you are not letting me live. !"

   Five demons came around, and there were not as many supernatural powers as the deer demons. Where is the way for his big horns to escape?

   gritted his teeth and cursed, Big Horn picked up the antlers on the ground, and then looked at the five powerful demon who came around, stamped his feet on the ground: "Dungeon!"




   screamed several times, and layer after layer of stone prisons bulged up, finally forming a huge stone bag, which surrounded him in the middle, and the underground soil was completely turned into stone, and the big horn was slightly relieved.

   looked at the antlers in his hand, and started gritting his teeth and cursing.

   I really want to break this evil demon's antlers in two, but think about it carefully, if the magical power of that dog day cools down, you can jump back again. Two fights against five are better than one against five!

Surrounded by five monsters, as long as there is something that can make the wood magic, the stone prison will not last long no matter how thick it is. Hearing the sound of breaking the stone prison rumbling outside, the big horn hurriedly opened a hole on the side that did not move. With tears in his eyes, he used all his strength and shouted out loudly: "Babao...Brother Babao, come back soon!"


   Lu Bao appeared next to Five Steps again. What caught his eye was a big red ball. The inside was not visible. There was also an ice sculpture in front of him. By his appearance, he knew it was the old plague.

   Five steps, Goubao, Biyan, Langlang are here, the old plague becomes an ice sculpture, and there is only one old goat!

   The first kind demon I met on the day I went up the mountain that blood cell?

   In front of Lu Bao, Gou Bao's eyes were red and he was breathing heavily in his mouth and nose.

   Before the dog turned into a monster, there were only black and white in the middle of the eyelid. After becoming a monster, he realized that there are still colors in the world, but it is not so red.

   Just about to charge with a belly injury, Lu Bao "slapped" him on the ground with a slap: "Master is back, where's your turn?"

   Very strong!

   Goubao raised his head from the ground, and saw that Master Lu was breathing heavily in his nose. The breath that he exhaled was white mist, like boiling water.

  Master Deer, "Boiling" is also activated?

   Goubao hasn't been determined yet, Lord Lu has already bent his legs slightly, and bounces at the old demon like a swift arrow!


   Gou Bao called magical powers for him in his heart.

  Master Lu jumped over, and the old demon saw him, no longer caring about the blood cells, turned a step to the side, and transferred to the back of the ice sculpture.

   Master Deer fell, and there was an ice sculpture behind him. He seemed a little stupid, and he didn't know how to deal with his little demon.

   There was no movement, the demon on the opposite side turned the ice sculpture to peek, and the deer deer who landed was still dumbfounded.

   Gou Bao muttered: "Remnant shadow!"

   The old demon was still wondering, his back was suddenly hit by a huge unmatched force, causing his back ribs to break two, and his body flew out directly.

   Goubao said again: "Juli, brutal collision!"

   The old demon spit out blood in the air, flew to the top, and then floated down.

   Next to the landing point, the deer demon is already waiting.

The old demon fell to the ground, and some dust flew away. The male deer had lifted his feet and stamped his feet on his After a kick, the old demon bowed like a shrimp, and his mouth Some visceral fragments were coughed up.

   Goubao: "Qingjie! I don't know if I stepped on the back foot!"

   Five steps and rolled his eyes: "It used to be boring gourd, but today it will show off. I know you know a lot of supernatural powers!"

   Lu Bao doesn't have a hobby of corpse abuse, and then chopped the head of the old demon with one foot, then turned to look at the other two demon who just stopped outside.

   The corpse of the old demon under his feet turned into a big fox, and the blood cell lost his spiritual control, splashed onto the ground with a "huh", and fell out of the dead sheep corpse inside.

   Lost the control of the evil spirit, and the outer layer of the ice sculpture is just some ice. The old Wen used his strength to break the ice and get out of his own house.

   Langlang and Biyan didn't hurt themselves, they ran over and looked at the corpse of the sheep and the pig demon whose lips were white from cold.

The Demon King ordered to kill the little demon, but the deer deer who rushed back was hot, not the two of him. One of the two demon outsiders opened his mouth to greet the helper: "The deer deer was here that day, let’s have a few more hands. Hard!"

   In the cry for help, the deer demon has changed back to his original form and slammed his head down.

There is no demon king in the sky today, knowing that spells can’t stop the deer demon, the shouting demon leaps and dodges, but the deer demon pauses and hits and follows like a shadow. He got up with a "tiger jump" and a "stomped on" in mid-air. "Falling on the chest of the demon, stepped on him and fell back to the ground.

"boom"! !

   Amidst the loud noise, a hole was punched in the ground by the demon!

   The deer demon stomped again, then looked back, and the other one had turned and flew away.

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