Deer Demon Race

Chapter 127: boiling

   Stopping the panting, Lu Bao returned to the little demons and asked first, "What's going on with Gou Bao?"

   "You can't die, I learned from the master that you are'reborn'!"

   The old plague is not a serious problem. The five-step trauma can be seen at a glance. Wei Goubao may be injured in the internal organs. Hearing this, he was relieved.

The fingers that Goubao dropped were picked up. They were two ox toes with warm air on them. Lu Bao ordered him to return to his original form and put the ox toes back in place. After the "rejuvenation technique" was cast, they were initially connected. Just connect the bones at home.

   The cooling time of the magical powers of the same item is a stick of incense, which is about five minutes.

   At this time, the cooling time has not yet expired. Lu Bao used Five Steps and Gou Bao each to use a "rejuvenation technique" to treat the trauma. Since Gou Bao's internal organs are not severely injured, if he can rely on "regeneration", it does not matter that the Demon General is not free today.

   After processing the work, staring at the shriveled sheep carcass for a while, Lu Baocai said: "Five steps to get my antlers, you must at least stick to a stick of incense!"

   "You still go?"

   Lu Bao sighed, "Leave one of him first. Master always has to go back to the scene. Otherwise, Dajiao's guy will be cursed if he dies, and he won't be able to sleep at night!"

   At this moment, the star picker chased the weasel demon with his injuries. The pangolin demon king was so angry that he was chasing him in his own formation.

  The golden pheasant demon was borrowed, the body of the demon general, and the family is gold, there is really a mistake, who will borrow the demon general and the demon in the future?

   The golden pheasant monster was fighting with the wood ghost, and now he suddenly joins the demon king. If you join forces with the wood ghost, don't kill him too easily, you can do it within ten or twenty breaths!

   The King of Stars can no longer care about the prince, turn around and stop the King of Filling Water!

   was just to vent his anger, and didn't want to behave in the right direction. He successfully forced the King of Star Picker to turn around. Filling Water B shouted: "Lang Jun, go and kill the demon!"

   The King of Star Picker was worried about the life of the Golden Pheasant Demon, and he was filled with water to see his weakness. The same as the previous King of Star Picker, he must first kill the Golden Pheasant after paying some injuries!

   There is also a wood demon who is a demon general. If he is entangled, it is really possible to be hammered to death by the King of Water Filling. Where can the golden pheasant dare to stop again and hurriedly flee!

   There was a wooden ghost who didn’t care about it. He was taken aback before turning his head back, and went together with Lang Jun to kill the demon!

One root finally grew to the innermost layer, followed by the second and third. More and more roots grew in, and they gradually became thicker. The five layers of stone prisons were eventually crushed and cracked. Turn into mud and drip!

   Five demon Ding Qi surrounded the ruins of the stone prison to prevent the bull monster from rushing out, but after the stone prison completely collapsed, after waiting for a while, no bull monster was seen.


   The five demon are very puzzled. Could the bull demon have escaped?

   They all turned over the mud and sand piled up after the collapse. They couldn't see the bull demon at all. There was only some leftover odor in the middle of the stone prison, and they couldn't smell it.

   It's normal to not smell the smell, and the demon will "catch the breath."

   Could the bull demon disappear?

   looked around at the accumulated mud and sand, a snake demon said fiercely: "Brothers step back, wait for me to blow all these blindfolds away!"

   This snake demon is good at wind law. Hearing what he said, the other four were ready to retreat, to prevent the dust from the wind from blocking their vision and being escaped by the bull demon.

   The four monsters just wanted to move, and the ground suddenly shook. All the five monsters were shaken and they were unable to stand.

   The figure still has a big antler in his hand that can’t be put in a pocket temporarily. The smell is so strong, which one is not the big horn?

   The silt lifted up flew towards the five monsters. When they came out, they were covered with gray big horns. At this time, their heads were bull heads. Taking advantage of the five monsters' swaying to prevent the dust, the two horns on their heads suddenly separated and flew out to hit two of them.

   This is the magical power "Flying Horn" of Big Horn!

The five monsters are all strong players. Before, they each held one side and surrounded the stone prison. The raised mud and sand concealed them. The horns flew against the two. The monkey demon dodged and evaded, and the tail whip flashed behind the other leopard demon. "Shoot the horns down.

The other three are the snake demon, pig demon, and rat demon. All of them are ready to release spells and supernatural powers without being attacked. They don’t want the monkey demon to dodge. The big horns have found a gap, with the antlers in their mouths, turning their true appearance into a "savage collision." Flee desperately outward!

   The big horn was about to rush out from the direction of the monkey demon, and between the flashing lights, the dodging monkey demon also turned back to its original form, and its tail flicked backward, entangled the rear tail of the rushing cow.

   The two tails are entangled, and the monkey demon takes advantage of the strength to turn over the bull's back!

   The rat demon stomped on the ground behind, and a deep hole collapsed in front of the colliding Daniel!

   Big Horn jumped up to avoid the pit, and the "savage collision" state was interrupted!

   The monkey demon took out the seed of the tree on his back, stretched out his hand to stuff it into the **** of the bison, horrified, and suddenly turned back into a human form, took off the antlers from his mouth with his hand, and rolled the monkey demon lying on his back to the ground.

   At this time, even the monkey demon was injured by using the spell, and the four demon behind him rushed forward!

At the feet of the general at the front of the demon formation, the long-awaited voice finally roared: "Big Horn, throw my horn out!"

   The big horns are like a smell of the heavens, and while rolling, they hurriedly threw the antlers at the leopard demon who was coming at the fastest speed.

   The deer deer chased and killed before disappeared, leaving the big antlers in place, and now seeing the antlers shoot, the leopard demon’s five fingers have a cold light, and it has five sharp fingers and grabs the antlers!

  If you become a deer demon, catch the deer demon, if you don’t change, destroy his antlers!


   The finger **** was about to touch the antlers, and after a sound, the big antlers turned into a panting deer demon, the distance was almost face to face!

   Leopard demon’s claw strikes, the deer demon does not dodge, let him stab his left chest, grasping the leopard demon's hand firmly with both hands, and open his mouth: "Puff!"

   At such a close distance, the hand was held tightly by the Deer Demon, and the oncoming blue light could not be avoided. The demon king's scales were breaking the bones of his face and sinking directly into his skull!


   There are three magical powers of "hard skin", "heavy fat", and "relief force". The leopard demon's claws finally failed to really open his chest, but the thunder that followed immediately slashed his teeth.

   Throwing away the leopard's carcass, the big horn behind finally separated from the monkey demon, angrily stood up and asked: "Four, how do you divide it?"

In the "boiling" state, the deer demon was full of unconscious minds, almost mad, regardless of the demon king's scales still in the leopard demon's skull, stomped and jumped over to the three demon first, and the next sentence fell in the air: "Take care of that. The monkey demon will be there!"

   "Dog day, "boiling" is so great?"

Big Horn retorted bitterly. He also learned this magical power from the deer demon, but he also knew that "Boiling" started, burns the blood, minus the life span, and adds the power of the demon body. He is mainly based on spells. , Using this magical power is a waste of life.

   It's a pity that the general's "hot" supernatural powers are difficult to learn. I haven't found the way yet. It's not difficult to learn from the deer deer who kills a thousand swords, right?

The deer demon had already been **** with the three demon monsters, Big Horn sighed, his eyes turned back to the eager monkey demon, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Grandpa Niu's back door, do you want to drill? How about you? If your brain is out, Grandpa Niu is yours!"

   There, the crazy deer deer flew to the three demon!

   Snake demon transformed into its true form, and opened a huge snake mouth to welcome him. It was also a supernatural power. There was a huge suction force in the fishy wind, but it sucked the deer demon faster, but the point was changed to the snake's mouth.

  The rat demon stomped, and the underground road stone thorns began to emerge. These stone thorns lined up in a row, extending from the deer demon's mid-air to the snake demon's giant mouth.

   In the hum of the pig demon, the two fangs turned into short spears, and one of them was strenuously projected at the deer demon! He is the one who makes Thunder Magic. It is not easy to use Thunder Magic to defeat the Deer Demon, and waste the magical powers of the Snake Demon and Rat Demon.

   With the suction of the snake demon, the forward speed is already faster. The deer demon “stomped on” gravity in mid-air and stepped on a stone thorn summoned by the rat demon Ding. The stone thorn crashed and shattered!

  'S right hand suddenly moved forward, pinching the short spear shot by the pig demon, and then "stomped" under her feet, and after smashing another stone thorn, it was almost in front of the snake demon's giant mouth!

   With the help of the second foot stepping on the gravel thorn, the deer demon abruptly turned in mid-air, and his buttocks came back: "Porch!"

   vented with some light green mist, and quickly diffused, the snake demon was opening his mouth and sucking, most of the green mist was inhaled by him!

   Inhaled the green mist, the snake demon suddenly felt stinky, and forced the snake to bounce and retching on the ground!

   Snake monster supernatural power is interrupted!

Some snake demon sucked most of the odor, but the rat demon and pig demon were less affected by the "stink". The rat demon kept stomping under his feet, and continued to stab Lu Bao with stone thorns, and his mouth was anxiously thinking of "but poisoning." , The pig demon turned out to be true, and the deer deer who landed first launched a "savage collision"!

   Lu Bao landed, UU reading first opened his mouth: "Hiss!"

After    "low hiss", the deer demon squeezed his body and turned into a deer body below his chest, which became more than three meters high, with only his hands and head remaining in human form.

   The pig demon had already rushed, the deer demon made a fist with his right hand, gathered all his strength, shook his arms and smashed down fiercely, hitting the head of the colliding pig demon, and plunged the pig demon's head into the mud!

In the collision, he suffered a "low hiss", and was hit with a heavy fist that blessed the "juli" and "boiling". The pig demon was so dizzy that he could not climb up for a while, but his body "cracked" for a while. Vent to the fist above the head!

He eats "low hiss" again, the snake demon is even more painful and unbearable, but listening to the rat demon's "but poisoning art" is intermittent, knowing that he is no match for this crazy deer demon, and he hastily resisted and got up, and the snake's tail flicked. , A few hurricanes blew around, saying "Heart-Cleaning Curse" in his mouth!

He knocked over the pig demon with a punch, and his house was burnt by thunder. Like yesterday, slices of cooked meat fell off, but it was not seriously injured yesterday. The deer demon has turned into a giant deer's appearance, bowed his head and "savagely bumped" and stepped on the ground. The thorn rushed into the hurricane, and the belly was stabbed with two thorns, all relying on "relief force", "hard skin" and "heavy fat" hard support!

When    Rat Demon finished reciting the last epilogue of "But Poison Technique", a scorched giant deer had already rushed in, and he eagerly resorted to the big magic that he had hidden in front of him: "Pressure!"

In front of the rat demon and the snake demon, the whole ground suddenly sank, and the ground thorns were densely covered under it. At the same time, a huge stone slab appeared in the sky, and there were stone thorns underneath, blocking all the light here.

   The giant deer crashed and fell with the ground, and the huge stone slab crashed down!

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