Deer Demon Race

Chapter 129: Calabash

   persisted for another five days, the remaining four demon formations were all broken, most of the little demon had to return home, and the first stage of the fight was over.

The little demon leaves the field. Without the threat of the heavenly calamity, the demon king has been able to take action without fear. The previous prey was the little demon. After the demon formation was completely broken, the bottom of the battlefield became the demon. Now the demon is prey.

   Losing the monster formation, the six monsters fight together, and will no longer antagonize one another.

   On the first day of the battle, the demon kings fled. Afterwards, the three demon kings, the star catcher, the mad cow, and the cloud, took the same measures as the water king, and also collected the blood of the demon to prevent further escape.

   The previous wars had to wait for the demon formation to be destroyed before this anti-escape measure would be adopted. There was a change in this year, and all the six schools were ahead of schedule.

  The Demon Formation of the Tiger King’s House was finally broken. After a night’s rest, the fighting started again.

  At this stage, the orders from the six demon kings are exactly the same. The demon can swim and hide. If you don't leave the ten-mile range of the foot of Lingtao Peak, it will not be considered an escape.

   It is easy to identify within ten miles. Any plant with large leaves, which is far better than normal, is within ten miles, otherwise it is out of bounds.

On the third day of painting the snake back to the mountain, there was a little demon in Jingping Mountain rushing to send spirit tea, picking the spirit tea overnight, sending tea on the road at dawn, twelve hours on the way, the tea arrived at dawn again, specify before delivery In a ravine ten miles away, the demon king who stayed there accompanied the little demon to deliver tea and report the number.

After that, there will be spiritual tea at dawn every day. When you are lucky, there will be one tea in one day. When you are not good, you have to make it for two days. Fill in the water and first reward the black cow and wood ghost. According to the credit, you will give the deer the third Demon Hundred Treasures are far ahead of Big Horn.

Those who get the tea will have to leave at dawn, sneak into the ravine, carry the tea from the tiger-eaters and the chasing the wind, and enjoy the tea. Ten miles away is the default safe area of ​​the six, and the demon king and the demon will not go out easily. , The demon is not allowed to step out, even if he flees, he will be executed.

   The Demon King gave the fake half an hour, after drinking the spiritual tea he admired, he returned to the battle.

   The battle between the six houses took a long time. There were also little monsters from other homes who came back to report matters, do miscellaneous tasks, or leave boiled monster meat.

   came to deliver the tea in a hurry day and night, without a break, harder than picking tea at night, in order to prevent wild monsters from robbery, every time ten little monsters go on the road together. The little demons all regard the delivery of tea as a chore, and the painting snakes have to rotate and assign them. I don't want Baibaodinggoubao to be too painful, and would rather send tea at any time, and arrive on time every three days.

Lu Bao saw Gou Bao the night he was drinking tea at his own house, and he rewarded him with the second tea water that still had the effects of the lingering medicine. From then on, he heard the talk of drinking tea when he went out. Every time Gou Baozhi, first Ask your master about the safety, and then go back happily, so that other demon Ding Xian has such a confidant.

Lu Bao's heart warmed when he heard it. Five steps, Biyan, and Langlang also made an appointment before their turn. It was just that the monster had such a temperament. There was a war in it. Go back, anyway, I can hear information from Goubao, and I will only come when it's his turn.

   After the summer, the rain gradually increased, washing the solidified black blood clots in the grass, into the soil, and then the vegetation became more prosperous.

   It is clear after the rain. Under a vine with small purple flowers, there are some leaves stuffed in the nostrils of the big horns, lying lazily in the sun, with weeds underneath, so as not to get dirt on the body.

After boringly counting the clouds in the sky, he said to the deer deer who was vigilantly looking everywhere: "I told you a long time ago, the demon on the opposite side are worse than ours. We will go together without looking for another bad luck. Yes, who would dare to find me?"

Lu Bao's nostrils were also stuffed with fragrant leaves to block the stench from the vines on his head. Hearing the words, he was still vigilant and replied: "No one is staring, if the Demon King finds it, you still want to Flee? I just said to bring a strong man, with him staring, I have to rest just like you!"

Big Horn sneered and said: "I found this gourd vine with great difficulty. Although it smells bad, the vine leaves have supernatural powers. The Lord conceals the consciousness and also conceals the smell by the way. It is really a good place to hide. To kill the demon, you must first look for those stupid ones. Just sweep away the gods. Where can you be patient and search for it slowly? You have to bring a strong man, but to support him, don't you know that life and death are life and death, why bother too? And As soon as the king gave an order, he wanted to rush out to intercept the demon generals and the hard-handed demon, and the shadows appeared. The demon king might chase after him, and walk with us, I'm afraid he will die faster!"

   Dajiao did make sense. Lu Bao stopped making a sound, but continued to observe the surroundings, not dare to let go of any movement.

After these days of fighting, Lu Bao also found out the status quo at this stage: if he can kill the demon kings, the demon kings are not fighting against each other day after day as before. They are all searching for each other, killing and rescuing each other. Fight for a while. They will also design traps so that their own demon will ambush and intercept each other with the hot demon.

   In this Jiazi battle, the last battle is actually only the Demon King and the Demon Generals. The role of the Demon Ding is to help his side. First try to fight the Demon Generals as much as possible, so that the Demon Generals have to withdraw from the battlefield due to serious injuries.

The demon generals are difficult to kill for a while, and everyone is cautious. On the battlefield, they only hide from the opponent’s demon king. There will be a helping hand will rush, these days, a demon general has not been seriously injured to leave the battlefield.

Hearing from Dajiao, the demon general is not easy to die. With the support of the demon king at any time, he can often escape with mutilated limbs and broken internal organs, and return to the mountain to recover his injuries. In the last war he participated in, only one demon general did not die. .

   The raccoon general who was in ambush before the battle is not counted. The porcupine general was killed in the demon formation. This is the first time that Big Horn has seen him.

   After the little demon fights the demon king, the final advantage will be accumulated in the final battle. It seems that there are still a few demon generals who can help the demon king.

   Now, the biggest role of the demon is to sacrifice his life to intercept when he decides to ambush the demon general.

When the demon formation fights, the three demon kings of the star picker lose more than this side. Until now, the situation of the water fill king is dominant. There are more demon dimes than the opposite side, and one more demon general. Now it is. Eight to seven.

   More importantly, the King of Star Pickers has already taken some injuries, and the wounds brought to him by Filling Water B are not so easy to recover.

   The king of stars is injured, so you can only restrain your temper and keep a low profile for a while.

   The early advantage that was hard to come up with, now that Dajiao and Baibao have more life and harder means, it will be much easier. Generally, the demon will not dare to provoke them, and the demon will be difficult to kill instantly, and there will always be a chance to escape.

   Of course, if luck is found by the Demon King, and if the Demon King is a little further away, then it is really luck.

   Lu Bao watched for a long time, his own prince chased him from the neighborhood once, and the demon general of the Tiger King also chased him from nearby. It was his own demon general who was chasing and killing the enemy demon. The situation was very good.

   What Dajiao said is reasonable, but on the battlefield, Lu Bao doesn't have his nerves, and he dare not relax completely.

   stared at it for a while, and finally found something abnormal in the southeast area. When I looked at it, there was a weed that was slowly overwhelmed, and it was stretching over, facing its own position, it seemed that some creature was slowly approaching it.

  Monsters and monsters have fought for days and days, and the monsters are strong. There are not many wild beasts in the Borderless Land, and they dare not approach the Lingtao Peak. Then there can only be monsters below!

   I didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend, what realm, Lu Bao did not dare to make a sound, lightly picked a few grass seeds, and threw them on Da Horn.

According to the overwhelming traces of the weeds over there, it came to them. There is about fifty feet away between the two sides. The big horn got up and took a look, and then looked up to the sky. There was no trace of the demon king or the demon general, so he zoomed in. The voice asked: "I am a big horn, who crawled over in the grass, which one? Three breaths can't help me, so I will come out to kill!"

   The bull demon is so reckless! Lu Bao gritted his teeth bitterly.

   In fact, Big Horn is cunning, the demon general holds his own identity, and either flies or rushes, where can he come close like this? His big horn is well-known. After ten years of gambling and fighting, none of the three monsters in the alliance do not know. If it is really the enemy, you may have to wonder who the big horn is. With him and Baibao, no matter what the monsters are. A few, if you can't beat them, you can always escape.

   Lu Bao used to rely on "vitality" and "boiling" to support his mighty power. Now that the self-confidence of the strong hasn't been erected and adapted, he seems a little restrained.

   After the big horn uttered, he smiled softly in the grass and replied: "It's Abiao, I want to scare you two!"

   A personal figure climbed up in the grass, but it was not the tiger demon Abiao, the tiger king, Lu Baocai put his heart back in his stomach.

   Abiao got and ran over, and then turned back under the vines, waved and shouted: "It smells so bad!"

In the past few days, he both lurked here and waited for the opportunity. There are a lot of leaves with a fragrance that can block the smell. Big Horn wiped a piece from his mouth and threw it to him, asking: "How did you know that we two are here? this?"

   He only reported his own name before, but A Biao called out two, that was known in advance.

   crushed the leaves and stuffed them into his nostrils, A Biao stretched out his hand, and there was a green vine whisker: "This spy is so good!"

   a little bit of evil spirit was poured in, the vines began to grow, the front end fell to the ground, and several forks came out, crawling outside along the cracks of the weeds on the ground, not slow, and quietly.

   I tried to show them a little bit, and Abiao recovered his evil spirit, and the vines that grew out died to the ground, and the roots fell off his wrists.

   Lu Bao understood that as long as the evil spirit continues, the vines will continue to grow out. A Biao should have the ability to know the ground conditions through the vines, so he called this vine a "spy"!

   When did this kind of vine grow quietly around my family? And the two demon who are called "Japanese Spicy" actually don't know anything?

   A Biao has such an ability, but other monsters do not?

   It must be safe to hide here, without staring around?

   If the enemy Demon Ding's family also has this ability, they will quietly notify the demon general or the demon king to come after the discovery, and according to Dajiao's words, if you are relieved to be lazy and don't need to be guarded, they both want to escape? ?

   Lu Bao took a fierce look at his big horn.

   The bull demon also thought about it. He touched his nose and smirked, turned the subject abruptly, and asked Abiao: "You don't want to hide, what are you doing?"

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