Deer Demon Race

Chapter 130: Tian Xiang

A Biao's hand gently moved, and there was more grass next to the big horn cushion. He lay down comfortably on the grass, and then said: "You kill the porcupine demon general in your family formation. Stop it, it's really hot, I'm here to ask for advice on behalf of the king!"

   Big Horn also wanted to lie back, remembering that A Biao was the favorite male tiger king. He lay his head side by side and felt a little hairy in his heart. He straightened his body and asked, "Why don't you ask for advice?"

   A Biao was about to talk, listening to their conversation with ears erect, but Lu Bao, whose eyes were still patrolling around, said, "Who is coming?"

   Learned the previous lesson, and didn't want to lose face in front of other monsters like A Biao, this time seeing the strange situation again, the deer monster dared to speak out.

   Big Horn, A Biao Qi got up again and looked up, and looked carefully, it was on the side of the grass that A Biao had pressed before, and indeed there were weeds shaking again, coming all the way.

   Dajiao asked again: "I am A Biao, who is from the grass? Three breaths can't help but come out to kill!"

   This time there was a soft and greasy female voice in the grass: "Is it Brother Big Horn? Don't want to lie to the Nujia, the Nujia is chasing Brother Abiao!"

   Standing up from the grass, the person was wearing a white fur close to the body, and the figure was outlined in a concave and convex shape. There was still some grass clippings in front of him. It was the new love of the tiger king, the fox demon Tianxiang.

   Seeing that it was her, the three male monsters here were all surprised.

   Abiao’s face is the ugliest, probably because he was hung behind him by the fox demon, but he didn’t notice it, and asked before the big horn, "What are you doing?"

"Every day the war is going on, the king doesn't care about the slave family, he is so boring, he is almost suffocated! Hearing the king said that he sent his brother to meet the two more hot brothers of the Wang Shui family, the slave family also wanted to know him two, so he secretly followed. !"

After answering, the fox demon had already approached and made a blessing outside the vines: "Nu Jia Tianxiang, I have seen two brothers, and Nu Jia has been watching in the monster formation. Both brothers are getting hot! "

   seemed to put the accent a little bit before the two "spicy" words, and it didn't seem to be, but I heard it wrong, not to mention the big horns, and seeing her serious face, even Baibao felt that his heart and liver were trembling.

   "The slave family has come in!"

Inside   , the three male creatures were on the verge of an enemy, and no one took care of her, so she laughed to herself, opened the vine leaves, and got in.

   came in and saw that the place was very wide, with two flattened grass mats, then chuckled, turned around, and drew a bunch of weeds in and laid them out.

She stretched her waist and lay down comfortably. The white fur was naturally drooping, and her figure became more and more obvious. She was also the new favorite of the Tiger King. Big Horn and A Biao hurriedly turned their faces away, let alone Big Horn not daring to lie down. Biao is afraid of her!

Lu Bao has seen many celebrity jade photos in his previous life, and he has even critically reviewed some unsightly ones. It stands to reason that they shouldn’t be like those two unseen monsters, but today he only glanced at her secretly, and his heart was also "boom". Jumping around, you can't concentrate on observing the outside world.

   "Is it possible to use the magical power of'Charming'?"

   He was a little suspicious, and Lu Bao glanced again, not as if he was using magical powers! But I've seen it once before the battle, why didn't I feel such a temptation that day?

   Glance again, I'll go, I can't look anymore, I will have a nosebleed!

   No wonder A Biao called her Hu Meizi, it was not bad!

   Mingming's appearance is not semi-enchanting, and his partial life makes the monsters around him bloated and unbearable.

The fox demon seemed to have discovered the gaffe of the three male demon, turned over and sat up, frowning and groaning: "You all call each family the hottest. Have you never seen a beauty? The brothers are not far away from becoming generals. You can't do without the enchantress waiter, why is it so useless?"

   In another battle arena, A Biao is not the Hu Meizi's opponent at all, his face is getting more and more ugly, and he asks coldly: "What are you going to do?"

   Tianxiang waved his hand to drive away the odor of gourd vine: "The slave family said earlier that they want to get acquainted with Brother Dajiao and Brother Baibao. You do your business, do you still have leaves? It smells!"

The natural smell of the gourd vine must be used to hide the smell. Maybe it is the result of the odor. No matter how hard a beauty is to bear, it can't get rid of the smell. Da Horn hurriedly wiped the leaves out of his mouth, bending over and handing it over: "promise!"

   "Thank Dajiao brother!"

   The female fairy thanked her softly, and then gently crushed it into two **** and stuffed them into her nose.

   Two clusters of leaves blocked the nasal cavity, immediately destroying the natural beauty of her face.

   All three male creatures breathed out for a while, feeling much better.

   is at least similar to the magical powers of "charm", and it is deliberately used to block the nose with leaves to condense the magical powers!

   The mood has calmed down, the deer demon is already transparent and white, and she didn't release such supernatural powers on the day that she first saw her, but did she deliberately today?

   Prank my old deer and big horns, or Abiao?

  Lu Bao couldn't figure it out, but the fox demon urged Abiao: "Brother hurry up and talk business, the slave family is still waiting to speak!"

Although the unbearable temptation has disappeared, the relaxed atmosphere before Tianxiang's arrival is no longer there, and A Biao no longer breaks off, and speaks with some frustration: "My great king asked me to come and ask. Booby Demon General?"

   Now, Big Horn and Baibao forgot about the fox demon beauty, and looked at each other, and the deer demon asked, "Which booby?"

   Abiao shook his head: "If we have to booby one or two demon generals on the opposite side, and ruin his roots, after one or two hundred years, all three of us will be relaxed, but who is still undecided!"

"My great king said, the demon general is difficult to kill, because the police feel that it is early, and can always escape to the demon king to help. Your family killed the porcupine demon before, it was that fellow who just wanted to kill Baibao for a while. , I fell into a trap, and I didn't prevent you two from being hot. It was able to stop him from escape, and it was finally exhausted!"

   When I waited for the killing of the porcupine demon general, the trap didn't show up at all in the early stage, and the Tiger King who was in a death fight with the King of the Clouds felt this. It was really hot!

Seeing the big horns and Hundred Treasures did not say anything, the tiger demon stopped for a while, and then said: "Now it seems that if you want to kill the remnant generals, you need to be the same as your home. Don’t make the demon generals suddenly alert. He needs a bait to hook him, and he can’t swallow it for a while, so he can slowly add firewood to the stove. When he finds that the water is boiling and he wants to escape, the lid is closed! The king said, the three demon Ding, the Baibao magical power monster body is always hot, the best bait, so I asked, would you like to contribute?"

  What's the joke, bait is good? Although you are right, the bait is likely to be swallowed in one bite and cooked together in the pot! The deer deer shook his head hurriedly, and explained: "To kill the porcupine demon, the essence and blood that I have been sealed for many years are all polished, and I can't stop it!"

   The female fairy asked A Biao to talk about business first, but she didn't say a word, sitting quietly on the straw mat and listening.

The deer deer refused, and the big horns nodded fiercely. A Biaocai said in embarrassment, "My lord said, Babao, you are really hot. In addition to the magical powers when killing the porcupine demon, most of you still have a'boiling' in your body, but This supernatural power is damaging to life, let alone my outsiders, it’s your prince, I might not force you to use it! Asking me to come is just to ask, if the princes promise a benefit, would you like to give it a try?"

   Lu Bao gaped, knowing that?

   What benefits can the three demon kings give up in exchange for their own lifespan? Is it a panacea?

   I’m afraid I don’t know that the King of Food Tigers, right now, the yellow-level high-grade spirit tea and the low-grade purple golden potato have a steady income every year! Even if one or two of the hottest spirit peaches in the country, taking one or two will not make you immediately promoted to the demon general and increase your lifespan. For your own, the temptation of the spirit medicine is really not big, and now I only worry about too little tempering. There is no shortage of evil spirits!

   It's a pity that Yuejing's demon body tempering is her own business, and the Demon King can't help.

Seeing that the deer deer frowned and didn’t answer, and the big horns didn’t help, the fox demon looked like an irrelevant one. Abiao said again: "This matter hasn’t been mentioned by the king of water filling! I'm afraid that the king of filling water will speak up and hurt. The friendship within your family is the only way for our princes to be the villain first, and after your permission, the three princes will come to discuss together!"

   The deer demon was taken aback, and said it nicely, but it was clearly a threat!

  If the King of Filling Water thinks that Tiger King’s suggestion is really effective, with his temperament, would he really stop asking for "boiling" because of his inner friendship?

   After a few things, is it possible that you still don’t understand the so-called "friendship within the door"? I wonder if this fill water king urinary sex?

   This is a threat!

   nodded in agreement, but there are still some benefits left, disagree, really waiting for the Demon King to speak in person?

   Is this telling oneself not to toast or eat fine wine?

   This tiger demon has a bold temperament, thinking that he is only relying on the identity of the tiger king male pet. From today's perspective, it seems that the eloquence of scheming is not bad?

   But they finally don’t know their true lifespan, so I’m not afraid of the occasional loss!

   Don’t worry too much about the loss of life expectancy. What is really worrying about is, as a Isn’t there a big risk?

Last time I killed the demon general, I really didn’t think of using it as a bait. It’s just that the porcupine demon was crazy, so he wanted to kill him first. It's because his own "black cry" supernatural power like Goubao can break the silver bell sound attack!

   The Tiger King, the deer demon of his own family, is so difficult?

   I really can’t avoid it, what benefits should I ask for? Except for the elixir, what do the three demon kings have?

   The big horn is beside, thinking that Bai Luer is not stupid. You can't control my family from the Tiger Eater King's family. He is favored by the King. How can he agree to take risks? Thinking like this, I listened to the deer demon slowly saying: "I should be able to respond, but I don't know what benefits the kings promised? It's not easy to open my eyes and black out, I just ask for it!"

Um? Bai Luer is so greedy? Love money but not life?

Dajiao suspected that he had heard it wrong, and for a while, he forgot to peek at the beauty, looked up at the deer demon in surprise, and saw that deer demon's face was calm, and it took a long time to think: This servant promised to be used as bait, he won't take my old cow. ?

When the deer deer could agree, the matter went smoothly. Abiao laughed and said: "If you can win the rewards of the three great kings, I and Dajiao must be greedy! What the three great kings can promise, which is my demon knows, and Don't worry, you always have to be together for the three to care about!"

   After A Biao laughed, the fox demon beauty who sat quietly listening in on said: "After the business is finished, the slave family also asks Brother Baibao for something!"

   The deer demon immediately took his body seriously, standing by: "Please speak!"

  Fox demon whispered: "The slave family's real name is Tianxiang, and he likes to learn Chinese characters, but later changed to Tianxiang. I wanted to ask my brother, how to pronounce the most difficult character after clothes?"

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