Deer Demon Race

Chapter 134: 4 together

   After this round of fighting was completed, the previous soil pillar "boomed" to the ground, stirring up countless dust and grass clippings, flying in the air.

   The raccoon demon general’s extensive induction, only the demon general flew within three miles. He used to chase the bull demon three or four miles before. How long it takes to chase the bull demon, the demon general can't do without this speed!

  The King of Filling Water has always been cumbersome, and it is impossible to change too much at a fast speed. His own king is speeding up.

  The time Jingpingshan killed the raccoon general and arrested the Langjun, if it were not for a guilty conscience, the King of Water Filling was too frightened to fall from the sky, the weasel demon would have spotted the black bull and the scorpion lying half a mile away! In that case, he can definitely escape!

   The demon king and demon general of the opponent can't be rescued temporarily. There are only four demon lords below. Kill them and the demon general will at most suffer some injuries, so that they will not be trapped. Why don't you dare to go to the ground?

   How much benefit did the opposite demon king promise to let these four silly demon die? The raccoon demon will be grinning!

   A drop of sticky dark monster air fell from his feet and quickly fell to the ground. This is the thick monster air enveloping the magic seeds. After touching the ground, the raccoon monster will shout loudly: "Turn the plow!"

After shouting, it took that drop of demon energy as the core, and the ground was like many earth dragons tumbling together, spreading rapidly in all directions, large chunks of grass were plowed open, covering the vines spawned by spells, next to the stone prison The mound that swelled higher and higher was also destroyed!

   The land was turned over the plow all the way, and the turmoil was great. The four monsters were forced to jump up and avoid, and Abiao and Big Horn spells were all interrupted.

   As soon as the four landed, the raccoon demon will pounce, and he pounced on the most injured big horn!

   had been chased all the way before, and the big horns gritted his teeth and cursed. The two horns flew at the raccoon demon commander, and at the same time they moved their feet, I flashed!

   There, A Biao threw his palms on the ground, and a log rose from the ground that had just been plowed, followed by the second and third, and more and more logs, until there were hundreds of them.

   These logs are separated by more than ten meters from each other, forming a spell "wood formation into a forest"!

   Everyone fell in the formation, and A Biao jumped, his figure disappeared, and the raccoon demon general’s extensive spiritual knowledge could no longer sense him, and at the same time a rolling log emerged out of thin air, smashing the raccoon demon’s head!

   The giant palm is dominated by magical powers, Baibao is even more biased, and he hasn't learned the five-line attack spells at all. Looking at each other, they all fit into the raccoon demon general and rushed to the raccoon monster. It was the two of them in close combat!

After all, the demon kings are rushing, and the four demon kings have not been fighting for too long. At the beginning, the raccoon demon general decided to use the most deadly big spell, avoiding the oncoming horns and the rolling wood on the head. After landing, he sank his legs: "The Four-in-One Technique! Stone Prison!"

   As the evil spirit surged, the spell began to form.

   In four directions ten feet away, a thick stone wall rises in each direction. The four walls are connected end to end, enclosing the five fighting in the center!

   The giant palm and Baibao have already leaped close, and the bear demon's arm became huge, and he slapped it at the raccoon demon general with a slap.

   "Low hiss" hurts the enemy and himself, the demon will be stronger than the demon. At this time, using "low hiss" is only a disservice, so I chose "same sympathy"!

The phantom flew in, and the raccoon demon felt the same as the deer demon in his body, but there was a stone prison rapidly rising under his feet, and the dome closed quickly, closing him inside, and the giant palm hit only afterwards. On the wall of the stone prison, there was a "banging" noise, failing to break the defense.

   The four thick stone walls on the periphery came to a stop after rising eight feet. Then, each top edge extended the stone roof inward, and the ground soil was all hardened into stone.

   The stone roofs extending from all sides converged in the center, completely blocking the blue sky, and the darkness inside instantly fell.

   This is a square sealed stone house with a length of twenty feet. Of course, there are no doors or windows. The raccoon demon generals and the four demon lords are all enclosed.

   The light cannot enter at all, and the surroundings have become pitch black. Fortunately, it has little effect on the eyesight.

   There is a small stone prison on the ground in the center of the sealed stone house, and the raccoon demon will imprison himself.

   Originally, Lu Bao and Dajiao only had to hold the demon general, and there was no need to desperately to be locked up, but if you were in a spell, if you didn't want to die, you still had to break the law as soon as possible!

Wood method is the most effective way to restrain the earth and stone system. For the first time, Abiao has planted a lot of wood species on the thick wall of the nearest southern periphery. Catalyzed by his evil spirit, the trees take root and sprout, and grow rapidly. The rhizome slowly drills through the stone wall and grows along the way.

Big Horn is a little helpless. This raccoon monster also uses earth and stone spells. The realm is not as good. He has no means to deal with other than calling the boulder down above the stone prison. At the beginning, which monster can be lured depends only on luck. At that time, it attracted another fine earth and stone spell.

  The monsters in the mountains, of course, are proficient in the two schools of earth, stone and vegetation!

Abiao broke through the outer wall, and the giant palm and Baibao broke through the central stone prison. The giant palm has launched "continuous shooting" and slapped on the stone prison "slapped". Stomped on the stone ground beside!

   The "four-in-one technique" consumes a lot of money. It is necessary to maintain the large-scale spells outside, and it is necessary to distract the "Heart-Cleaning Curse". The raccoon demon general has no power to pop a stone on the stone prison to sting the enemy!

   The "continuous shooting" of the giant palm, the round stone prison was shot with gravel flying, the deer demon stomped on the ground, and the surrounding rocks shook, causing cracks in the stone prison!

   But the stone prison can still hold on for a while, the "four-in-one technique" has been fully activated!

In an instant, except for the stone prison, in the entire sealed stone house, the entire ground was pierced with densely packed stone spears, so dense that the distance between the stone spears was only two or three inches, and the whole ground was like a nail board magnified many times. The trees and logs that Abiao had recruited before were all pierced into pieces.

  Such dense stone spears stabs, so that the four demon trapped in the formation can't avoid it!

The giant palm's response is the simplest. It senses the large amount of demonic energy fluctuations on the ground, and immediately gives up the unfinished "continuous shooting". "Supernatural power, kicked and smashed the sharp stone spear below, pierced a little bit in his thigh.

   Big horn jumped up, legs crossed knees in mid-air, sand suddenly condensed into a block of sand under the hips, and then quickly solidified into stone, the stone spear stabbed on it, and all broke.

   Abiao stepped on the rolling log summoned by the root and allowed many stone spears to lift him up until his head hit the top of the big stone house.

  All the stone spears pierced to the top of the eight-zhang-high stone to stop!

   Lu Bao also took off for the first time. In mid-air, he saw that there were no stone thorns in the stone prison that only the raccoon demon would keep for self-protection.

When    fell, "Juli" blessed the "stomping" and stepped heavily on the dome of the stone prison.

   The raccoon demon commander just finished reciting the "Clean Heart Curse", and sensed that the stone spear was pierced, and the bear demon outside was slightly injured. With a light snort, the high pierced stone spear melted and slowly dripped.

  The melted stone spear hasn't fallen halfway. Starting from the edge of the big stone house, there are blocks of long square stones like building blocks, all piled together, tightly packed.

   Big stone strips are born continuously, first filling up the corners of the space, and then continuing to fill the inside, the speed is not slow at all.

   In a few blinks, the big stone strips have filled up the trees that Abiao had planted on the southern stone wall, and pushed them towards the center layer by layer.

   The most powerful force of the "Quadruple Art" is to fill the entire space of the big stone house with summoned stone bars, squeezing and killing all the enemies inside!

  The caster must be inside. In the entire big stone house, there is only room under the stone prison like a cage!

   The decoy at the very beginning, these days, Abiao, Giant Palm, and Big Horn took turns to take care of it. The deer demon stayed idle and kept the state in order to intercept and explode at a critical time!

   If you don't want to be put in this big stone house, you must break the stone prison!

   The deer demon had already stepped on, some sparks flashed under his hoof, only a few stone chips flew away, he did not stop, "Boiling" was launched instantly, and "Juli" blessed and stomped again!

   This time, it is "shock trampling" again!

   is completely different from the previous power, the stone prison wall swayed like a wave, the demon leader of the demon class can no longer withstand this huge force, "crack la la" screamed and collapsed.

   The deer demon fell along with the gravel, and leaned against the deer demon at close range!

   The raccoon monster did not choose to fight hard like the porcupine monster at the beginning. He turned sideways for the first impact, and the deer monster "linked" behind him and couldn't send out anymore. After he rushed past, he immediately twisted his back and kicked back without turning his head back!

The raccoon demon carried sand with his hands and crossed his chest to block Juli’s back kick. He just wanted to take advantage of the situation to cover the yellow sand on the deer’s legs. The smoke erupted.


   only sniffed in a little bit, making the raccoon demon general feel nauseous, and there was a wave of evil spirits behind him, and the big hoof that emerged from nowhere kicked him hard in the back!

   This kick is also very Fortunately, the bones are tempered completely and not broken!

   was already in a state of poisoning. Seeing that he was eagerly unable to hold the deer demon, there were flying horns shot, and a rolling log appeared on the top of his head, and the huge palms on the periphery were also eyeing.

   The large stone strips in the "four-in-one technique" are still filling rapidly, and the four directions are getting closer and closer, with only two or three breaths left from the center, and the breathing of the four monsters is fast.

   The stone prison is broken, and I don't want to be squeezed to death in it. It is not cost-effective to bury a few monsters. The raccoon monster stomped his feet bitterly and had to stop the spell, jumped high, and avoided the rolling logs and flying horns.

   All the evil spirits that constituted the "four-in-one technique" collapsed, and the surrounding stone walls, stone roofs, and stone bars were all restored to the original shape of mud and sand.

   The top of the rock on top of his head also turned into silt, dripping down.

   The raccoon monster will jump into the air, waiting for the opportunity to pat the big palms quickly, as if to kill a mosquito that was "buzzing" in the air.

   "Stone needle!"

   With a shout, the raccoon demon condensed a stone needle in the void under his feet. Although it is called a "needle", it still has the thickness of the mouth, but the two ends are indeed sharp like needles.

   stepped on the center of the stone needle in mid-air, and the needle tip pointed at the two giant palms.


   The stone needle was not broken. The two ends of the needle pierced the two giant palms instantly, and the needle tips came out, and they were all stained with demon blood.

  The giant palm is a ruthless character. Even if he saw the double-headed stone needle summoned by the raccoon demon general at the last moment, he still did not hesitate to shoot it. The two palms were finally closed and the demon general was clamped!

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