Deer Demon Race

Chapter 135: Heaven falls

The two huge palms of    are almost as tall as a human form. The raccoon demon will struggle to hold it apart. For a while, there is a pain in various parts of his body and his head is a little dizzy, but the "but poison technique" is finally finished!

   The big stone house has completely collapsed, open his palms, and can see the blue sky and emerald green fields again, his head is slightly awake, the five senses and spiritual consciousness are immediately released, and the surrounding situation is confirmed first.

   The deer demon's tail, who has no strength to lose the demon commander, follows after him, but he can't fly, and the threat in the air should not be big.

  The demon general who rushed over turned out to be the weasel demon of the King of Filling Water. With this effort, it has turned back to its original form, swaying the big tail extremely fast, and the distance from this place has been reduced by more than half!

Among the six demon kings, Xu, the closest water filling king, knew that the speed was slow and stopped coming. Instead, he turned to intercept his own king of the cloud. The two have already fought away in the sky; in the direction of the south, the king of tiger eating is rooted. He didn't fly here, but directly rushed towards the star picker, who was not far away, and he had to hand in hand; only the wind chasing king who was the farthest to the northeast flew in the wind, in order to increase the speed. The eagle in its original form was transformed into an eagle, and it is now flying to the top of Lingtao Peak!

   These four monsters are really hot, and the "four-in-one technique" was forced to give up if they failed to kill any of them. What a surprise!

The "four-in-one technique" failed to achieve meritorious work. No matter how powerful other spells are, it seems that the weasel demon flying over there is about to become a threat. Instantly recognize the situation, the raccoon demon will decide to give up and go with these four demon again. Entanglement, evacuate first.

   The demon can't fly after all, as long as their own hearts escape, they can't even entangle them!

   Escape is not a problem!

   Just thinking about that, the deer deer who jumped up from behind suddenly stretched his neck, and his head flew out strangely, hitting the bridge of his nose with a "bang"!

The raccoon demon made his nose sour, his head was slammed back violently, his hands slipped, and he slid over the big stone needle again with his two giant palms open, and closed it "puff".

   was slapped again by the bear demon, his internal organs were all squeezed and painful, the raccoon demon general was furious and shouted, "Shrink!"

   The two ends of the big stone needle that he was stepping on began to shrink inward, gradually shortening, and the middle part became thicker, opening and expanding the wound on the giant palm, and at the same time, the two hands were separated to make some space.

   The deer demon jumped to the top, and his body had begun to fall, but in the gap between the two giant palms, the horns flew up, and there was a log on his head!

   I will wait with you next time, don't let me meet alone in the wild!

   cursed fiercely in his heart, taking advantage of the space supported by the stone needle, the raccoon monster will jump out of two giant palms, and is about to fly away.

   has no ability to fly. The deer deer who should have fallen weightlessly kicked his legs in mid-air and flew in front of him strangely.

   Covered by this net, the raccoon demon greatly slowed the movement of the whole body's demon energy, and seemed to have a tendency to solidify, and could not break free for a while.

   Grasping the net knot with both hands, the deer demon really fell down this time, dragging it so hard that the demon will not be able to fly into the air, and will fall with it!

Catching the demon net will freeze the demon spirit, and the raccoon demon will soon be unable to hold the human form, and his body will slowly turn into a black raccoon, which is three or four feet long. Unfortunately, the net also grows larger and is still tight. It was tightly covered, dragged by the deer demon and fell suddenly.

   The two empty horns circled in mid-air, then flew back, all shot into the net, and "puffed" into the big raccoon's waist and lower ribs.

The **** raccoon was too late to scream and was already close to the ground. A log rose six or seven feet from the ground and held it heavily against its belly. At the same time, another log stood upright in the air and slammed into the big black. On the back of the raccoon!

   made two simultaneous sounds, and the raccoon demon screamed "Wow".

  Countless vines have emerged, tying the four right claws of the **** raccoon bye!

   There was no time to deal with the stone needle that pierced both palms. The giant bear demon's palm has jumped high, and his body is getting bigger and bigger in the sky, ready to sit down and capture the raccoon demon in the net again!

   Lu Bao landed, not far from Dajiao, and shouted anxiously: "Come and grab the net rope!"

   It turned out that his family designed traps, and the real killer was the wind chaser who was the farthest away from here, and...and this big net suddenly cast by the deer demon!

   The raccoon demon flashed Mingwu in his divine mind.

   It turns out that these four monsters have joined forces, and they really have the ability to hold back their home until the wind chasing king arrives!

  The giant bear monster leaping high can't sit on him, but the danger is not far away, and the raccoon monster will smell the breath of death!

   has been injured in the hands of these monsters, and is delayed for a while, how to get rid of the weasel monster? Can't get rid of the weasel demon, and want to escape the unfettered Wind Chaser?

   The King of the Clouds and the King of Star Picker were intercepted deadly, what about his own Crazy Bull King?

   I can't see the possibility of foreign aid. I can only rely on myself. The raccoon monster now just wants to get rid of the **** weird net on his back!

Covered by a net and topped by logs in the air, the limbs were **** by vines. Two claws on his left side pressed against the ground, and two stone pillars emerged from the ground. The claws supported the stone pillars. With force, the **** raccoon dog Howling and trying hard to turn over, he wants to open the net on his back!

   Two big rolling logs formed in the void again, ready to smash the claw of the stone pillar on his left!

Big Horn has changed hands to take over the net rope, and continues to pour the evil spirit into the net rope. The deer deer jumped onto the neck of the **** raccoon dog. In the "boiling" state, "Juli" blessed and "stomped on" the **** raccoon dog. Black raccoon dog elbow joint of right front leg!

  'S predecessor was stepped back again, but the right hind leg of the **** raccoon had broken free from the shackles of the vines and opened the net!

   Deer demon stepped on again, this time it was "shock trampling"!

  At the same time, there is a big hoof quietly forming in the center of the two hind legs of the **** raccoon kicking in mid-air!

   "Shock trampling" is generally only used on the ground. It is the first time that Lu Bao was launched directly on the enemy's back. The effect was very good. After another powerful blow, countless shocks acted on the raccoon dog's body, causing it to cough up blood!

   The senses were confused, unable to detect the sinister big hooves between his legs.

   Almost at the same time, two big logs smashed on his left paw supporting the stone pillar, and the big hoof also hit the key!


   Great black raccoon screamed, and the wind was raging above his head!

   The deer deer hurriedly launched a "leapfrog" and jumped away from the back of the raccoon. Before landing, the huge and incomparable bear demon sat down, and with a loud bang, the surrounding smoke and dust rose!

   Pulling the net rope and unable to let go, the big horns and leather shirt were hung hunting and hunting by the high wind, and countless pieces of fine sand and wood flew on his face.

   The low "boom boom" sound rang under the huge palm buttocks, and the huge bear demon's body hurriedly stood up, shook off the stone needle with his right hand, and pressed to the **** buttocks.

   With a soft "boom" sound, the big horn fell backwards, and the catching monster net was torn out by him.

   is that the raccoon monster was crushed to the ground, and finally with the help of the ground force, the "sand explosion" detonated in the surrounding area, wounded the bear monster's hind buttocks, also exploded the evil spirit of the monster on the Internet, and exploded his own skin and flesh!

   In addition to his own "sand blast" wounds, there was also a heavy crush by the bear demon, and his internal organs were shaken!

   Even if there was that **** net, it was really embarrassing to be forced by these monsters. The **** raccoon dog was panting and staggering up, his eyes seemed to be able to eat his soul!

   Right in front of the **** raccoon dog, Big Horn sat halfway on the ground, hurriedly gathering the demon-catching net.

   "swish swish"!

   Several consecutive wind blasts, Lang Jun’s first spell has arrived, and the three wind blades cut the **** raccoon's hind legs, demon ribs, and forelegs for the first time, all the flesh and bones!

   After three more wind blades, the **** raccoon was short and almost fell!

   The weasel demon has arrived, he no longer cares about the four demon, he hastily turned around to leave.

   Another vine-woven net is on the headgear, it's Abiao!

The tail of the weasel demon rushed far away, and the killer hurricane finally formed on the back of the black raccoon. The wind eye at the bottom of the hurricane rotates the fastest. It cuts flesh and bones quickly, and there is no external force damage, as long as the weasel demon is within a hundred meters. Inside, this hurricane will not stop anymore, just like the drilling rig of Lu Bao's previous life, it will continue to drill down.

The minced flesh and fur was thrown into the air with the hurricane. Only the bones could resist it for a while. The crazy raccoon demon would break free from the vine net, and a tall, hornless big stag came in a "savage crash" on the face, with a "bang" sound. , Knocked the seriously injured **** raccoon dog to the ground.

  The hurricane on his back continued to penetrate, and the **** raccoon was rolling on the ground. The hurricane had been violently rotating and moving with his body. He just got up and fell back to the original place, and there were a few more powerful wind blades on the face!

   The weasel is very fast among the demon generals, and the raccoon demon general can't run even when he thinks he is harmless. The Wind Chaser has crossed the Lingtao Peak, and the cloud king and the star picker can't rush to intercept and come to help. Are you going to die here today?

   In this Lingtao Peak battle, the star-picking king, the mad cow king, and his own king are really going to be defeated...

The King of Wind Chaser flew past Lingtao Peak, and he could feel his speed even more. It was only a few blinks of an eye, and he was less than half a mile away from here. Suddenly, huge eagle claws flew out, grabbing to the left and right. The black raccoon monster going out!

   My old raccoon died here today!


In the distance, a faint scream sounded, and then the sound got closer and louder, so fast that all the monsters were dumbfounded, and then, a huge cow body passed the Wind It smashed the big eagle's claws, and then passed through the hurricane that was constantly wafting flesh and blood, and slammed it to the ground, and it also lifted countless dust and grass.

   In the dust filled with dust, the huge cow body climbed up from the big dirt hole that was smashed out, and the body slowly shrank into a human form, standing behind the **** raccoon dog!

   "Cough! Cough! Cough!"

   Looking at the figure, listening to the cough, it seems to be...Mad Bull King?

   The raccoon demon will be surprised, only to find that the hurricane has stopped on his back.

   " thief, you want to plot against our demon generals?"

   This angry shout, isn't it the deity of Crazy Bull King?

   escaped from the dead, the raccoon demon moistened his eyes and got up with a grunt.

   The mad cow king yelled, rushing towards the wind chasing king, fighting to make the surrounding storm turbulent!

   The demon king was fighting by his side, and the four hot demon all hugged their heads and quickly moved away from here!

  Beside the Demon King, only the Demon General could barely stand. The Racoon Demon General endured the whole body pain and got up and smiled at the Weasel Demon: "Come on, do it again!"

   The weasel demon has no ability to speak now, and only makes two "whoops", flicking its tail and bumping into the raccoon demon. .

After a while, the King of Star Picker, King of Tiger Eater, King of Clouds, King of Filling Water will all fight to move over, plus the demon generals who rushed over, divided into two groups, and the battle will stop until dark Each time.

On the way back, the dying raccoon monster will be busy thanking Crazy Bull King for saving his life, and the King in the Cloud also thanked the King of Clouds. Crazy Bull King touched the back of his head and said, "How can I have such a supernatural power? I don't know who it is, carrying me. The back of the neck threw me over, can you wait and see?"

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